Scootaloo98686 — The Darkest Knight ( The Princess of Darkness )

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Twilight Sparkle vector by  Jakeneutron

Twilight Sparkle Vector by Jakeneutron on DeviantArt

I am aware of what they will say to me before they say it. The First will ask if it worked. than the second will ask me if I'm here.
The third will want to know if I can hear them.

 Dark Spike: Did it work?

Cyborg spike: Twilight are you there Twilight?

Corrupted spike: Twilight can you hear us?

and I am... here

Dark spike: She's awake

 Cyborg spike: We followed your instruction to the letter, Twilight. The Implantation of your old brain seem to be successful.

Corrupted spike: by Celestia, it's really you isn't  it?

Really me? no. I  am no longer The one who laughs... I am something more.  I just need to figure out... what that is. to know who  I will be,  I must understand who I was. and  above all, for a long time, I was simply Twilight sparkle. A Hero born from Tragedy. From Bullets fired  in a dark Equestria ally. I swore a oath to my parent grave to avenge their deaths by Protecting others from their fate.
I Trained for years to uphold this oath, Traveling the world, Perfecting my body and mind.

I embrace a creature that had haunted my youth and I transformed a Living symbol. a  element of harmony. and I changed equestria with incredible allies at my side, we fought against crime  night after night...whether we were up against street criminals, or villains larger in legend than even us. if I were the Twilight sparkles of the real world of equestria-0, than this is where my story would end. but  I am not Twilight sparkles... for deep in The Dark Multiverse, my story Deviated from the core... The Dark Multiverse has always been home to the most Twisted fears of the true equestria above. and the fear that shaped me was Twilight Darkest Terror of all.
The Fear of what she might become if king sombra push her too far. it was his finale wish, you see. A Toxin in his heart released upon his death. A Toxin That would make whoever Killed him The Next King sombra. I can still hear the snap of the king of shadow neck in my hooves and his gasping last laugh. but I became something far more powerful. Twilight sparkle story had always been one of overcoming adversity, wining against impossible odds. now with Twilight sparkles mind and king sombra pitch black heart, I was an Apex Predator. a Twilight who laughs is a Twilight who always wins. by the time The Dark God Malachor  came to me. I had fully tamed and leashed my world, there was nothing left for me to conquer. But Malachor Taught me The Nature of the dark multiverse. that my world wasbut a dream, a temporary, an aberration that would crumble into nothing once the real Twilight sparkle overcome her fear of me. Still there was A True Multiverse above, where the real Twilight lived. The Twilight sparkle of which  all Twilight sparkle down here  were Twisted Reflections. He planned to drag the multiverse  down into the dark and destroy it. I convinced Him that if he wanted to bring the world to heel... he need more Dark Twilight sparkle. and so I found my first Dark knights. my own mane six of Dark Twilight sparkle. I help Barbatos take over equestria.... But I had my own agenda... my own plan. when The heroes Defeated Malachor, I would not let myself be dragged back to the Dark. I had seen that Malachor was part of a grand cosmic herchy, with power beyond my comprehension. I predicted that his  action would free the great mother of the multiverse, Fausricorn. I engingeered  a plan usurp her chosen right hooved changeling, Queen chrysalis, so  that  as she rose, I would rise with her. but I knew I still lack the power to fight back should she turn against me. and I knew I could only keep the heroes of equestria-0 at heel for so long. that the farm filly would rebel and cut me down.  and so she did. and there ended the story of Moonlight sparkles. but I am not the one who laughs ether. not anymore... I am something else, something made from the dark Twilight sparkles she told nopony about. see, while I was her, Traveling the Dark Multiverse in search of knights. I saw one echo of Twilight sparkle I hid from everypony.
a Twilight sparkles who , after encountering an incredible energy tied to a Button from another universe. decided to replicate that power. I watched her build the intrinsic Field Generator, unaware of its true power or what it might lead to.  I watched as the experiment begin to go awry... and as she went to set it right. I activated the machine. it took month for that Twilight sparkle to pull her full body back together, molecule by molecule. a power strong enough to create and destroy worlds. a Twilightmanhattan. It took second for my energy knife to lobotomize her, before she grew powerful enough to see me coming. and so I had my path to Ascension.
Now. I feel my awareness expanding as my mind takes hold of Its new body and I am ready for my finale form. and so I reach out and feel the Dark Multiverse as if it were  all apart of me. I am aware not only of my entire life, but the life of every twisted twilight sparkle in the dark. I will pull aspects into myself from the most terrifying, the most vicious, and be something new. Yes. I will be culmination of evils. and a cosmic weapon of infinite power. designed to win at any cost. I draw in the many lifetime experience and knowledge. and I explore... Twilight after Twilight,,, in my own way, I become each of them. I learn from their nightmare lives, each of the ways a Twilight sparkle could be  pushed to fail. It is like all of my years of Traveling  The world, Training to become the Princess of Friendship, happening at once. all of these dark Knight are my teachers, and yet  I am greater than any of them.  and I stitch all of their experience and skills into my mind, becoming more and more powerful as I push deeper into the Dark. until suddenly it dawns  on me. A Revelation. clear as Day. a simple truth I never saw before this moment. 

Twilight Sparkles has always been a reactionary idea. She was born in response to those gunshots in the alley. And just as she is a reaction, so too are the twisted  Twilight Sparkle of the dark. Even the most dominant is still a reaction to some fear that has shaped her, built her into a newer, crueller incarnation, perfectly designed to overcome it. Now, understand this, I know that I am not a  Twilight Sparkles of any kind. Not a  Twilight Sparkles   Who Laughs, not a  Princess of Friendship, not even a culmination of all dark  Twilight Sparkles. I am more. And to be more, I must not be a reaction. I must be the thing that creates the reaction. I will be the bullet. The multiverse will be the dark alley. And its worlds will fall like pearls before me.
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