SeaRaiderYeee — Madame Meduse, the the sea witch pt. 2 Mermay 23

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Published: 2023-07-03 18:43:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 1595; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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Mme Meduse , the Orcamer- witch

Chapter 1

part 2

...Mme Meduse decided that she wasn't going to let these dismissive mermen get the best of her. She was a sea witch, after all, and she knew just what kind of spell to use for the ultimate revenge on Khan Kurash,  the handsome merman and their friends.

The spell was powerful and dangerous. It would make  mermen fall madly in love with her and become her willing sex slave.
But Mme Meduse wasn't satisfied with just that. She wanted to ensure that they suffered for the way they had treated her.
So she prepared to cast a second spell, even more malevolent than the first. This one would make mermen forget their friends and families and become lost in a sea of confusion.
She sought out the ingredients needed, mixed them together with a drop of her own blood and whispered the incantation that would bring her revenge to life.
She knew that she was taking a risk, that the spells could backfire on her.
She gambled with her death, for if the mermen ever awoke from their malediction, she would undoubtedly be at the mercy of their wrath.
But she didn't care. For once, she felt like she had some control over her own life, and that was worth any price.
With the spells in hand, Mme Meduse swam up to the surface, ready to face the consequences of her actions.
As she prepared her revenge, she smiled wickedly, thinking about the mermen who had humiliated her. She took out her spell book and began to chant, using the ingredients in her bag to carefully craft powerfull love spells, using all her skill and knowledge, and casted them upon the two unsuspecting mermen:

Amore fervido, ex divino fonte,
Fac virum maris, captivum mei ponte, (hm, imprisioned in my bridge?)
Eius cor mihi, sempiternum serviat,
Ut humiliatio sua maxima poenam accipiat.

With fervent love, from divine source above,
Make this merman, captive to my love,
His heart forever bound to me,

To suffer punishment for his cruelty.)

The words echoed through the sea as the spell takes effect, and the 2  mermen suddenly felt an overwhelming desire for Mme Meduse. Their  minds were clouded by thoughts of her, and they could think of nothing else but her beauty and her touch.
Meanwhile, the friends were confused and concerned by the 2 mermens sudden obsession. They watched as both mermen followed Mme Meduse around, completely under her spell, and wondered what could have caused such a drastic change.
But Mme Meduse was overjoyed by her success. She reveled in the mermen's attention, enjoying the power she holds over them.
After a moment, Mme Meduse decided it was time for her second spell. She wanted to make sure that the mermen's friends forgot them entirely, so that the 2 mermen were  truly alone and lost without them. She began to chant again, this time using the ingredients to create a forgetfulness spell:
Oblivio, omnia delet, amicis meminisse,
Hunc mermanum, oblivione caecum esse,
Nullus eius memor, nullus quaerit,
Sola vita, tristis mors tenebris veret.
With oblivion's power, all memories erase,
Of the merman's friends, who loved him with grace,
None recall his name, none seek his face,
Alone he'll wander, in sorrowful space.)
The words filled the sea, and the two mermen's friends suddenly forgot all about them. They swam away, leaving them alone with Mme Meduse.
The handsome merman and Khan Kurash, who had once mocked her so cruelly, were now hopelessly in love with her, unable to resist her every desire. Their friends , who had joined in on the humiliation, were now lost and alone,they  forgot each other and their families , wandering aimlessly through the sea.
Mme Meduse smiled, triumphant. She has gotten her revenge, and the 2 mermen were now her slaves forever, forgotten by everyone else.
She reveled in her power, relishing in the attention and adoration of the handsome  merman and Khan Kurash, while also taking pleasure in the torment of the other  mermen who had dared to mock her. She swam through the sea with a wicked grin on her face, watching as her two enchanted mermen carried out her every command, oblivious to the world around them. With a stupidly amorous look in their eyes, they kept swimming after her.
Meanwhile, the other mermaids in her flock watched with both fear and awe as Mme Meduse wielded her dark magic, wondering if they would be her next target .
But Mme Meduse reassured them. She would never utter such terrible enchantments for fun. But whoever humiliates a Sea Witch so terribly, must live with the consequences.
Now her mind was consumed with her 2 new gained mermen pets and what she would do with them and what she would do to them.

...So this was the story how Mme Meduse gets her two handsome lover boys. and yes, i intended it to be so sad and mean from the beginning.

my own drawing on an ai background

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