SeekHim — Chief Petty Officer Skinar

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Chief Petty Officer Skinar   b 2179-2259 (80 yrs)
Department: Operations
Time on Saratoga: 2250-2259
Birthplace: Tausia
Species: Tausian

Anaser: Maternal Grandfather Deceased)
Vryel: Father( Deceased)
Tor'ia: Mother (Deceased) 
Freyna: Mate(Deceased)
Emmi: Daughter
Normo: Son
Rayn: Son

Skinar is a Operations Personnel onboard the USS Saratoga, which  James T. Kirk commands in my AU  New Start verse. 

Stars: 3
Taus I: Type K (Orange)
Taus II: Type M (Red Dwarf)
Taus III: Type M: (Red Dwarf)

Tausia: Class M (Earthlike)

Name: Tausia
Class: M (Earthlike)
Population: 20 million
Geography: Varies between deserts, canyons, mountains and forests.

“It was from the stars that we were born, it is to the stars that we are ever drawn and it is to the stars that we return at death. 

We are born of the stars, we live among the stars and we die among the stars."

Tausians are noted for two things, their intense love of the stars and their nomadic nature.
The name 'Tausian' means 'One Born of the Stars' and that is what they are in every way. 
Throughout their entire history they loved the stars with a fervent passion and every facet of their culture was dedicated to reaching them.

Tausians developed space flight in the 13th century and within a generation developed warp drive which resulted in the Great Exodus. 
Most of the species left their world and dispersed themselves throughout space, returning to the Birthword only to mate. 

The only ones who remained on the planet full time were:
The Legislators, who protected the Birthworld and represent the interests of their people, 
The Archivists who preserved their history and knowledge 
The Guardians who raised their species' offspring.

For years after developing warp, most of the Tausians wandered through space.
They never established any colonies
The only times they landed on planets was to repair or restock their ships. 
They wandered across huge distances in ships that for centuries didn't go above Warp 1.

As time passed they came in contact with other space faring races, gained new technology and made improvements on the old. 
They developed ships that could go to higher speeds and traveled across ever greater distances.

Tausians became known to dozens of different races and were given various titles: the Wanderers, the Star Followers, and the Nomads. 
At first they traveled in their own tiny ships but as time passed it became common for many of them to serve on the ships of other races. 
Some races had faster ships and others were traveling to places they hadn't yet gone.
Either way it was an opportunity to see ever more distant stars.

As the centuries passed, many was the alien ship that had a Tausian serving or traveling on it. 
Their skills with engines and computers made them highly sought after and their great strength and flexibility were assets as well. 
Added to that was the length of time which they were willing to serve;
Tausians continued to work with all the vigor of youth right up until they died.

When the Federation was founded, the Tausian Legislators knew that it would be beneficial to have someone
to turn to for help in the event that the Birthworld was ever endangered. 
In 2177 Tausia became a Federation Protectorate and an official member in 2200.

Since then, there have been about a dozen or so Tausians in the Fleet. 
All were enlisted personnel and all joined with the one condition that they always be assigned to a ship, 
as opposed to a station or outpost. 

Noted Traits
The most noted trait of all Tausians is their deep love of the stars
They love the stars with such a passion that they are only content when in space.
This love is so strong that it is physically painful for them to remain on a planet for more than a year.
Those on the Birthworld are able to withstand the pain possibly due to a genetic ties to the planet.

Tausians are by nature solitary and do not form deep emotional ties.

Tausians return to the Birthworld only to mate at around the age of thirty and select a partner based on genetic compatibility.
Pregnancy lasts for three months and the female usually gives birth to triplets.
As soon as their offspring are born the parents part ways and return to space.

Tausian couples do not have a deep emotional attachment but there is deep respect between them. 
A woman always refers to her partner as her Noeron (The man with whom she mated and who sired her offspring.)
The male always refers to her as his Noerye, (The woman with whom he mated and who bore his offspring.) 
Although they never come into each other's physical presence again, that bond always remains true and neither of them ever touch another. 

Children are cared for by Guardians until they come of age. 
They spend their first years on Birthworld learning the history and ways of their people.  

Tausians are physically mature at age ten.
As soon as they are of age they depart for space.
Tausinans keep in contact with their kin but feel no need to be their physical presence; simply knowing that they live is enough.

Tausians usually live between the ages of 70-75 and on rare occasions a few years beyond or before.
At some point their bodies rapidly deteriorate and then shut down. 
They call it the Zericor, the Time to Die. 

A Tausian senses their Time approaching a few days before it starts.
They spend the next few days in seclusion with an Attendant whom they select from among people they work closely with.
They then takes a shuttle so as to spend their last hours among the stars and then, just before they die plot a course into a star. 

Skinar was one of the 'Elders' of the Saratoga.
He'd served aboard the ship since it first launchd and was in Starfleet for longer than many of the crew has been alive.

He was born on the Birthworld in 2179, to Engineer Vryel, and Medical technician, Tor'ia.
Shortly after the birth his parents returned to space and he and his two siblings were raised by Guardians.
During this time Skinar formed a close bond with his maternal grandfather, the Archivist Anesar.

Skinar left the left the Birthworld in 2189, at the age of ten. 
His grandfather who had reached his Time, accompanied him and Skinar served as his Attendant until he died.

After this Skinar spent the next ten years traveling and working on different civilian freighters and transports.

In 2199, at the age of twenty, Skinar travelled to Earth and joined the Starfleet Enlisted Program.
After that he spent the next sixty years serving on various ships.

2200-2210  USS Homer (Poseiden class)
2210-2220  USS Grant (Truman class)
2220-2230 USS Apache (Geronimo class)
2230-2240 USS Gates (Kelvin class)
2240-2245 USS Jovia (Jovia class)

In 2209, at the age of thirty, Skinar briefly returned to the Birthworld to select a mate.
He mated with Freyna, who served as navigator aboard an Antaren scout ship.
They had three children: a daughter, Emmi and two sons, Normo and Rayn. 
After their children were born they parted ways and returned to space, leaving their children in the care of Guardians.

Starfleet regulation required that any Tuasian over the age of  seventy be assigned to a ship not engaged in tactical or dangerous missions so in 2245 Skinar was assigned to the newly launched Saratoga. 
He was offered a spot on the Senior staff as head of Operations but declined.

When offered the spot again in 2252 he again deferred in favor of Chief Petty Officer Laurence Tolliver

Skinar served on the Saratoga for ten years until his Time came upon him.
He lived to reach 80, about five years beyond the norm for Tausians.

Skinar was in charge of Operations Management during Gamma Shift.
He was a hardworking perfectionist with an instinctive skill with computers.

He was a meticulous recordkeeper and had an interest in history.
Like all of his species he was physically powerful and extremely flexible.


He was serious and no nonsense and could be stern.
Although he preferred solitude he was remarkably preceptive.
He was not emotionally demonstrative but cared deeply in his own way.

He was roommates and friends with Chief Petty Officer Trolan

He became a father figure to Crewman Darshana Nehru

A New Season: 
A New Season: Ch 1 (A Request)
Captain's Log
Stardate 2259.6.30
The Saratoga has spent the past week studying the Paynaro Cloud. The incident with Nero had one positive effect; Starfleet's been stepping up exploration of space big time. Constitution class ships were originally at the forefront of exploration but now other ships are being sent further afield as well. They're discovering a lot of interesting new things and trusty survey/research vessels are needed to check them out.
The USS Wyoming discovered the cloud during a deep space recon mission. They didn't have time to do much more than run scans as they flew past it, so now we're here to do what a Delphis class does best- take a closer look.
The Paynaro Cloud is a micro-nebula. It's about five light years across and covers two star systems. One of them: the Rychla System has an M class planet. So during the month that we're here our studies will keep both our stellar and planetary scientists busy.
James T. Kirk

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