July 21, 2023
Timelapse w/ partial draw-overs, notes, and the creation of said timelapse:…
Did 2 minute figure drawings on Friday but no draw-overs, since between re-adjusting my sleeping schedule & helping my mom with groceries, I haven’t been able to draw as frequently. On top of that, I missed my notif & didn’t get to warm up.😅
Almost wanted to do draw overs, but noting my above state, I wouldn't have been ready. Now, (as you’ll soon read under Spacedad’s Critiques), I know that I *must* do draw-overs.
Personal Reflections/ExperienceCW // hand condition mention
Really quick and intense, as many 2min figure drawing sessions are when I haven't done them in a while. That’s why I still *wanted* to participate, despite my right hand’s condition.😳
Nonetheless, I was afraid my right hand’s growth (likely a ganglion cyst; it feels fleshy rather than bony) would act up and paralyze my hand. It hasn't actually happened: it's more paranoia. I haven’t felt any unusual pain since a week from 2-4 weeks ago. I still did 5 sec massages though, to mitigate any worsening.😉
Spacedad’s Critiques (from what I remember)+ started to get into swing of things (especially w/ drawings like 1st pg’s largest drawing)
- proportion issues (like w/ arms of 1st pg’s largest drawing)
- of 1st pg’s largest drawing: weird things going on w/ legs
- scribbly near end of 2nd page. gets too tangled (like on guy w/ sword)
+ liked how some (like bottom right drawing of 2nd page) looked like Japanese cuneiform
* More draw-overs would benefit you.
Behind-the-Scenes: Krita Recorder Docker (aka Timelapse feature)_
Self-Critiques/NotesOn each page from left to right & top to bottom
Pg 1:
Pg 2:
Art SuppliesSoftware: Krita
Brushes: (Dig.) Sketching Brush [my Krita-only custom brush]