ICNG clothing: Naomi Anderson, age 27, height 5,5and a half, weight 140(muscle)
1. Police officer- Naomi’s normal outfit when in the job. Partnered up with Daniel Nadez, the two share a close relationship.
2. Casual- naomi isn’t much for fashion, and she loves exposing her arms. Gun shows in town!
3. Gym out fit- standard gym outing, minus the shoes(will fix)
4. Sleeping- Naomi, contrary to popular belief, doesn’t sleep in the nude. Sorry Gang.
5. Training- standard issue training clothes to all LAPD. She makes it look good though
6. Beach- Naomi normally hits muscle beach, though she will tag along with Daniel and Michelle when they go.
7. ICNG play boy bunny
art by and owned by me and him