A Halloween-themed Fan-gon adoptable made by me! This is a regular Fan-Gon, a species by KhleoX0 that I can make adoptables for! This is my first one as my other adoptable is from my Twin-Tailed subspecies. Since it’s October, I figured I’d make a regular one themed around the season!
Once purchased, you are free to do stuff with it but please follow my rules which go as follows:
1. Can not be resold for more than purchased unless additional art is added.
2. Design can not be majorly changed.
3. Minor adjustments are permitted.
4. If redesigning out of species, please let me or KhleoX0 know.
5. Credit if reposting/don’t claim art as your own.
Price is $15 or 1,500 points. PayPal is given only in notes.
Check out Fan-gons !
MYO’s and Customs are currently available, check out the group for more info.