ShadowFrost1 — DBX - Savior Sabres - Ike (FE) vs Lancelot (Fate)

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Published: 2019-06-11 19:32:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 3340; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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The will of a knight...
Summoning Swordsmans
One man armies

Ike of Fire Emblem
Saber Lancelot of Fate Grand Order

Fire Emblem Fates - Dusk Falls

For the sake of the King Artoria, the Royal Knights must act according to her will.

No matter how ruthless or brutal those demands are. It was for the sake of preserving the people and ensuring the good will survive. Even if they were to act ruthless deeds on the long run it would be all worth it. These blessings granted by them are proof and a need to do all of those.

That was what Lancelot, Saber Class, once thought. Now doubts are cast aside everywhere.

This only reminded him further of why this happened. Numerous Enforcer Knights on a patrol were eradicated. Their entire group wiped out in an ambush. Initially it was thought of as the Assassins and Tristain was sent, but he was unable to track anything. Though now he was the one sent after another patrol, a bigger one, was wiped out.


He says sent after but he was acting on his own will.

It was why he was lucky enough to actually find the culprit before he could run away. Lancelot’s steed had slowed down as he observed the one. The blue haired figure that sat over a hill, surrounded by numerous corpses of Enforcer Knights. Though they’re less corpses and more machines. Still. This is the one who tore through the forces sent here… The force that would equate armies and should give even the usual Servants a fight for their life. The self-proclaimed mercenary or so stood there.

“Are you the ones who have been ravaging the villages here?” Lancelot steadied his stead, slowly getting off. The man was talking to him with a fierce look. A definite fighter. Or at least hates him with a passion. Likely both. “You don’t look like these guy’s commander otherwise you’d be with them.”

Lancelot would ready his blade but this man didn’t seem to intend to attack just yet. Though the animosity of his voice was clear. A fight was definitely fated to happen. So he kept his grip on Arondight.

“And you’re the one who’s been attacking relentlessly?” Lancelot continued. It seems that statement seemed to make him stir. The man grabbed a nearby two handed blade… Looks heavy just from the appearance alone but he was spinning it around with one hand. “The one whom worked with the assassins to fight against Enforcement Knights?”

“Knights… You call yourself that despite everything you do?”

“It’s not something I would ever support but what has to be done must be done for preserving peace and everyone,” It was mostly a lie. But Lancelot really didn’t wish to support Artoria. “That is my honor. To fulfill what has to be done for the King of Knights. For the Lion King,”

“That’s your excuse?” The man was aggravated now, but kept a stoic expression. This might just be some pent up rage though. He knew soldiers have to follow orders but this isn’t a just cause. Especially for a royal knight. What purpose could it possibly have? They’re being nothing more than murderers. “You have your own will don’t you?”

“My will is to follow her orders. No matter what, no one else can stand up to her. The best I can do is at least minimize the damage… Ike.”

A look of surprise. This man managed to identify who he is? Wasn’t this place a different realm from where he came from? He never really gave away his identity to anyone unless… Well… This man wouldn’t be changing his mind anytime soon. Just like many others Ike faced, he was stubborn. This opponent of his has to fall.

“I see. Well I guess I won’t be convincing you to leave her anytime soon.” Ike swung Ragnell up, the massive greatsword almost seemed to burn blue. He knew that this was the only way to make his enemy listen. “Prepare yourself.”

“Very well. I, Lancelot,” Lancelot only raised Arondight in response, its own blue shine gleaming. “Accept your challenge.”


Knight of the Round Table OST

And so Lancelot charged. Dust and sand kicked out as if a bomb went off.

Instantly he closed the distance between them and he thrust his blade forward. This would be the end for most enemies but Ike blocked, timing his attack well and letting Lancelot stumble towards a tree. The moment the knight turned around he was decked by a punch to the face, and lastly kick to the chest.

Naturally heavy armor made it hard for him to be harmed but even Lancelot was rattled at the power of such strikes. So the moment he saw Ike lift Ragnell, he quickly swiped forward. Forced on the defensive Ike quickly lowered his greatsword to block. The force clearly shook him but he stood his ground. Which is a surprise considering that slash’s air pressure was enough to cleave numerous trees nearby.

That was from a quick cut. Both weren’t going to admit it but they were impressed.

‘Not an ordinary bandit. That was a quick attack too… He’s good.’ ‘He’s strong and fast… the toughest enemies.’

“You’re not really a human are you?” Ike stepped back in a defensive stance. “Maybe you’re-”

Lancelot’s words was cut off as Ragnell cleaved to the side. The impact nearly lifting him off his feet, but he safely blocked. Then dodged. Swing after swing, each one practically blowing up chunks of the forest and cutting down trees. Any bodies of the Enforcer Knights end up destroyed in a blast upon being hit. At such speed it almost look like they moved faster than said explosions too. With Lancelot really being forced on the defensive, leaping back and doing his best to minimize any contact with hits. Letting trees slow down the enemy.

But a greatsword is a greatsword.

It cleaved almost anything. Even while blocking those hits rattled Lancelot through his armor and if he tried to counter attack Ike would evade. Swinging around that giant heavy blade like it was nothing made it dangerous to go too deep. Any of his attacks that reached were barely scratches, and he just powered through some of them. Even a kick!

“You don’t seem as bad as most of them,” Ike retreated, hopping backwards-before lunging again. The retreat feint nearly getting Lancelot if not for his reflexes. The two returning to clashes in the same position again. Their clashes sending tremors. “Why do you fight for a tyrant?”

“Artoria is no tyrant,” Both of their blades pressed against each other. A fierce look on each. “And I can prove that.”

“I don’t believe you.

“Well sometimes I don’t believe myself eith-”


-Lancelot was startled by the next attack. Arondight nearly knocked upwards when Ike literally tossed the blade upwards. That failed disarming attack however didn’t last as Ike quickly leapt up, and Lancelot was forced to roll to the side to avoid Ike’s drop attack. Cracks formed throughout the area, dust and bark scattering as Lancelot got to his feet. That attack felt like it broke something too despite mostly missing.

Wait no.

It really did break something.

Bits of his armor cracking. This was supposed to be resistant to magic… Was it a natural ability or something high grade? What about his blessing? No. No time to think about that now. Lancelot readied himself, watching Ike’s figure run towards him.

“A defense breaking skill…. I really can’t dodge-”

Ike tossed Ragnell towards him. Unconventional attacks, as expected of some sort of bandit! Instead of blocking Lancelot sidestepped and lunged preparing to stab the now seemingly defenseless swordsman. Only to be hit by a blow with the arm, a clothesline, and ending up spinning from impact. Just as he recovered, Ike had grabbed his blade, and swung it back. Lancelot was able to block but ended up losing Arondight, his blade ending up stabbed into an oak tree.

Not good!

Too far to grab!

Ike was too close!

But further making it worse is how he misstepped and had fallen on the ground because of a corpse. The Enforcer Knights from earlier! Not good at all!! Ike was on him!

“It’s over!” There was no way Ike would miss. With his opponent left defenseless and on the ground this was the proper method to attack. Bringing up Ragnell and swinging downwards as hard as possible- “!!”

-Was the aim. Instead Ike buckled from a kick to the knee, momentarily dazed from the sensation of hard steel aimed at your joints. Though his attack continued not even a second after, but was forced to slow his attack and twist his body. Ike was wincing at his own strained motion, but he succeeded. He avoided a spear from a sudden attack.

A spear that was intended for his chest. A spear that Lancelot had picked up from the body and jabbed forward. However in doing so allowed himself to be hit in the face by Lancelot’s punch, and a kick that he mostly shrugged off. What’s more worrying were the other swings of the spear, forcing Ike back. The moment Lancelot slowed to a halt, Ike clutched his wound, but shook it off. He’ll power through. Now Lancelot was back up.

“A spear… Aren’t Knights supposed to just use swords?”

Lancelot was readying the spear and also picking up a crossbow. A surprise to Ike, but nothing he wasn’t ready for. Reclassing on the go? Ike steeled himself as Lancelot spoke.

“Jousting is very important for a knight. A knight always has to be ready.”


ETERNAL ARMS MASTERY A+ - Mastery of all weapons handled

“Well, I can’t say this is the first time I saw someone using multiple weapons,” At Ike’s comment, Lancelot fired his crossbow. The released arrow shining blue and looking different than the regular arrows. Ike raised Ragnell to block, but was forced back by the explosion. It wasn’t large, but it packed a punch. Several more arrows followed suit, but each one of them he dodged as he charged. “But you’re not even that good honestly.”

Or maybe it’s because Ike was too able at defending against ranged enemies.

Either way the arrows deflected tore through nearby trees, but the aim didn’t seem to be mostly at him. They were easy to repel and if needed Ike can get behind trees. Lancelot was aiming to get his weapon back. Bastard. Once more Ike readied Ragnell, and encased it in flames, simply burning through the projectiles and powering through the explosions. Upon seeing that the arrows were simply being detonated early, Ike’s opponent opted for his spear and readied it. Ike was welcome for the challenge.

He simply ran faster and the moment he was close… Lancelot thrust out his spear!

In return Ike slowed his momentum with a step and swung quickly! Bisecting the spear into two!

Or.. so he thought?

Lancelot had pulled away at the last second when it was about to hit the spear, leaving Ike to only hit air… And allowing for the spear to hit him full on at the shoulder. With Ike wincing as he felt it grind to the bone.

“Actually, jousting is a favorite of mine,” Lancelot was taunting him! There was a tight grip on the spear lodged on the bone as the knight took aim with the crossbow at his chest. Acting quickly, Ike swung his free arm, swatting it aside and forcing Lancelot to miss. But at that moment Ike grabbed the spear lodged in- “Wha!?”

-and pulled! It forced Lancelot to trip forward and stumble, but this was perfect. Ike stepped back, and swung Ragnell. Aiming to behead him! With such speed for a greatsword that would be a very fatal injury.

But Lancelot at his disbalanced stance spun, hitting Ike at the face with his elbow. HIs steel plated armor being more than enough to stun him. Ah. Whiteness. It was only for a second. But that was a vulnerability. By the time he recovered he recognized, a crossbow was aimed at his face.

It shot.

Just barely.

Just barely did Ike managed to dodge the blast, raising Ragnell at the same time… And swinging downwards. Lancelot’s surprise from his reflex was clear but even he managed to react to that. The knight brought up his right shoulderguard, taking in the attack there instead of the head.

Lancelot’s shoulderguard shattered.

‘This guy is strong.’

As a reaction Lancelot elbowed Ike’s jaw- and received an uppercut for such an attack.

‘Scarily strong.’

Followed by a kick, and a sword swing that Lancelot managed to just barely dodge.

At this point, he was still tapping that shoulderguard of his. His armor was practically smashed there… Super smashed… Lancelot glanced back at Ike. The warrior was breathing hard, but was already settled. Not even hits to the face with metal was slowing him down.

‘It’s the strength of Gawain, and the swiftness of Tristain…’


Regular brawling wasn’t his forte and so Lancelot was clearly not as up to spec in there. So when Ike lunged, he hopped back again and prepared to fire his crossbow. This time Ike lunged, his sword encased in flames again. Crossbow bolt after bolt, but each time Ike would deflect them before they explode. He can even react to such an enhanced weapon!?

No time to continue, as Ike had closed in faster than he could get away… and stabbed his sword downwards!


The moment Ike had tried to stab him down with Ragnell, a massive fiery blast burnt the area. The Eruption starting to light up the nearby trees… But Lancelot was singed, even with his Magic Resistance in check. Still, what’s more important is that he finally managed to pick up Arondight.

Sword and spear ready, while his enemy had lifted Ragnell off the scorched ground. Also picking up a weapon from a fallen Enforcer Knight. This one an axe. Both dual wielding weapons.

“This is no Urvan, but it’ll do,” Ike said, watching his opponent as they circled the other. “You’re an unconventional knight aren’t you? What kind of knight masters multiple weapons?”

“I want to say I’m unique to most but that’s likely wrong. But what of you?” Lancelot started, lowering his weapon slightly. “I only know your name but nothing else. What is your history? And how did you get here?”

“Can’t say, but that’s not going to stop me from protecting anyone here. But I’ll definitely stop you.”

“You're valor is commendable, but misplaced. The Lord of this lands is much too powerful for you,”

“I’ll have to judge that when I face her myself.”

“For you to fight her would be impossible with me stopping you.”

“Then you have no sympathy from me.”

Super Smash Bros Brawl Attack


Another lunge. This one almost left behind sonic booms.

In response Lancelot swung downwards just in time, Arondight knocking Ragnell down to the ground and cancelling the dash. The intended slash forming fissures throughout the area. But Ike was already mid swing with his axe. This one Lancelot steering away with the spear, before swiping upwards at Ike.

A successful hit!

That Ike powered through as he tackled the knight.

Even for Lancelot who wore heavy armor had to step back, and allowed for Ike to twist himself, grab Randell, and swing with a fiery blast. The flames certainly hit, but the main strike missed as Lancelot had jumped and delivered a dropkick to his face. Ike was downed to the ground, but managed to reposition to dodge a stab. And a swing. And another. Ike was rolling and swinging his sword at his horrible angle, but despite his disadvantage he was parrying strikes from Lancelot. Until he managed to bring up his axe and hit the Saber’s shoulder!

Luna!!! Ignores enemy defense, halves enemy defense, triple damage!!

More of Lancelot’s armor cracked. Magic Resistance was lowering. But the knight swung again and again, each time Ike parried despite the ground shattering beneath them. No time to roll away. This was bad. Ike winced each time as he felt his fingers aching from doing this in such a stance. There was almost no room to counter!


Aether!!! Halves enemy defense and applies 50% lifesteal!!

But as before Lancelot was taken in surprise as Ike swung his sword upwards. This time the knight backtracked and was prepared for an assault from the sky…

He was not ready for Ike throwing the axe at his face, which he barely blocked with his spear. The cost was it being destroyed, but its defense was meaningless as Ike leapt and grabbed it in midair and was now hacking and spinning at him. Slash after slash- hit after hit! Flame after flame! They weren’t as powerful as Ragnell but with Lancelot’s fractured armor the damage was building up. Not to mention those flames were dealing more and more and almost prevented him from properly attacking. Even partially melting his armor.

And Ragnell finally fell close, which Ike grabbed and slammed into him. Barely a block but Lancelot coughed out in pain.

This was.. Like fighting Gawain again. The one sided beatdown only spelling inevitability if this kept up.

Protection of the Fairies!!!

Critical Miss!!

But it wasn’t fated to continue.

As if luck itself twisted reality, an attempt to hit his shoulder failed as Ike’s axe shattered. The metal section spinning in the air and the weapon malfunction surprising Ike.

‘That had about 20 more good swings on it!’

Further shock added as a punch to the wrist loosened Ike’s grasp on Ragnell.

That was enough time for Lancelot to capitalize by grabbing the axehead to deny his opponent’s attack. Ike had grabbed Lancelot’s other arm in preparation to block Arondight’s swing. He was not ready for Lancelot ramming the axehead into his shoulder. Blood scattered as once more it grinded against Ike. It was enough for him to make him loosen his grip on Lancelot.

It was the Knight of the Lake’s turn.

A punch to the solar plexus. Damaging.

The Knight parried a wild swing from Ragnell. Made him nearly let go.

A kick to the knee. Steel made it necessary for Ike to kneel.

But even through that, Ike found the strength to roll away.

When he saw the shadow of his enemy close, he reached up and grabbed Lancelot’s arm mid-swing with Arondight. Clenching his arm enough and attempt to pull him to the ground and deliver a punch with his right, as painful as the axe head was. It was somehow loosening it. His punch had dazed Lancelot, and he followed with another-

Ike was shoved away, before being tackled and sent rolling. A moment. It was only a moment but he saw his enemy’s blade glowing. Shining brightly. The same aura as someone with a Smash Ba-!!!

Ike quickly dashed to the side as painful as his injury is. In turn, this allowed him to dodge the field of light that covered the area…

Arondight Overload!!!

And promptly exploded.

It was a bit too much. Trees were sent flying from the center. .

But Ike was safe. He had managed to get to cover close to the edge under the safety of the trees that survived. The attack was mostly aimed at the center and the shockwave wasn’t enough to bring too much harm. But still… Ike was sweating. Even if he could take that hit earlier, it would’ve messed him up. That was an ability?

It was Final smash like... Something like that was at least predictable, but was dangerous if he used it up close. Did he attempt to scare him off with that then? With how obvious it was? No, maybe there’s just limitations to it.

“If all Knights are like these this is going to be a hard journey...”

Ike winced as he gripped the axe head on his shoulder, and pulled it off. Not as deep as expected but still hurts like hell. This was the same place that was pierced with the spear earlier. The knight was purposely aiming there. Did he assume he was right handed? He was clearly ambidextrous with the way he used Ragnell. Ragnell. Being on the offensive helped and he damaged his enemy, but if anything it’s clear that Lancelot stood strong. Even with his armor partially shattered.

Was this a Servant ability? To resist damage? No… It was something else… The feeling of facing a mage. Or rather, something akin to his own.

“Why don’t you give up now?” Lancelot didn’t move. Ike had sprinted towards Ragnell and lifted it, but he didn’t act. An arrogant knight? Or was he being merciful? “If it isn’t obvious enough, I am blessed. You clearly are too with those hellish flames… But Ferocity is a blessing granted by the Lion King herself.”

Blessing of the Lion King - Ferocity

Resists all damage from any Class

Treats self as Debuff Immune

Eternal Arms Mastery

Raises experience with any weapon handled

Protection of the Fairies

The capacity to increase one’s luck in battle at times

Increases evasion/hit rate

Magic Resistance

Lowers all magic damage

A feeling of awareness. As if Ike could now realize what ability he had. Damn… All those abilities. No wonder he was so difficult to face.

“Can you see it? The difference between us? As you are now you can not best me,” Lancelot continued. “And she is a whole new league compared to me.”

A final boss like setting already with no one to help him.

Well… Ike did choose the role of stalling the enemy as long as possible so that the villagers can escape. He wished he could save most of this for their boss but it seems this is necessary to win against him. Ike focused, and once more the blue aura surrounded him.

“Only been using it bit by bit, but maybe a full showcase should point out you’re wrong,” The goddess bestowed him such a power to defeat a demon lord. Using it this way is only fine with how demonic some enemies are. Blue flames now shrouded Ike. “No holding back alright?”


Flat increase in damage dealt

Guaranteed counter

Allowance for long range attacks

Blessing of a goddess

Deals true fire damage in all attacks

Ignores defenses


Negates the skills of enemies to a certain degree

Lancelot’s face only showed a somber expression.

He fucked up.

Lancelot was hoping that was enough to intimidate Ike enough to give up but it didn’t work out.

With how things are, it seems that his enemy is using that power of whatever blessing he got. The same one that managed to harm him more and more and get through his own blessing. Not to mention the fact that he had charged up a lot of energy and hoped that his own Noble Phantasm used like that would be enough to take him out or scare him.

But he was still being so tenacious.

Killing is necessary if he were to continue.

“Very well then,” Knight of the Lake - Increase Strength + “In respect to your fighting spirit, Ike!… I, Knight of the Lake, Saber Lancelot, shall show no restraint. Prepare yourself!”


That response was a bit disheartening for Lancelot.

Fate Grand Order Lostbelt Tree Utopian OST (Lancelot rooting)

Fire Emblem ID Purpose OST (Ike rooting)

Ike crouched… and dove to the side, grabbing an Enforcer Knight axe and tossing it straight at Lancelot. With a swift swipe it was destroyed, just as Ike closed in. A side swing with force and flames, the blue energy burning the very grounds and casting aflame everywhere. This essence was more effective against evil but the impact still hurt. That Lancelot felt even when he blocked.

In fact, Lancelot was currently sailing through the air- and a tree. There goes that tree. This poor forest.

Grunting, Lancelot spun in midair and landed on a tree. His own impact sending it falling but he was at the cliffside of the mountain now. Not much else can be said as he swung downwards-

Quick Draw!!

Critical Hit!!

-and intercepted Ike’s lunge. As before the ground threatened to break as trees fell all around. The flames that scattered scorching the ground. Both backed off from each other, and swung their swords. Clashing and clashing. Each strike shattering more and more of the landscape. Even as their footing was loosened from the impact and the cliff was crumbling, both are swinging swords at each other. The melee only ending as both were forced away from each other by their own impact.

Both of them were now airborne and falling.

Trees around them were falling, useful for landing and cover.

“I’d really regret killing you,” Ike shouted, as he hopped in midair, and swung his sword down. Lancelot’s block negated the damage, but still sent him to the remnants of the crumbling cliff.  “But this is the only way!”

“Not entirely!” Lancelot shouted as he raised a glowing Arondight. Aiming for another use of his Noble Phantasm. “You can work for me!”

“Not a chance!!”

At that proclamation Ike had stabbed one of the falling trees, and spun!! Sending that giant thing straight for him!! Lancelot growled as he swung down, releasing a blast of light from Arondight Overload. The tree was disintegrated, but Ike was not at the path of destruction. He had used that dash attack to land on the other edge of the cliff nearby.

“You’re the one who should consider a job change!” Ike shouted, before lunging again.

Flames were practically shrouding him. But Lancelot had managed to land on the edge of the cliff and swung Arondight with force! Their clash ended up wiping out a chunk of the cliff, and Lancelot tumbling sideways on the wall. Those blue flames tore through armor but with enough wind pressure from strikes he could fend them off. Though tot even a moment to react was given as Ike got close and used a kick to send him flying off the cliff. His armor was really battered now and he could see Ragnell spinning upwards-

“Great-” Shit! Lancelot lowered Arondight and prepared to swing up. “Aether!”

Sol!!! Heals for equal the damage dealt!!!

Luna!!! Ignores defense, halves defense, triples own strike power!!!

A swift meteoric attack. Ike was descending, and hit Lancelot!-

-‘s sword! Lancelot used Ike’s own force to send himself sailing to the side while Ike plummeted with a crash below. No damage to him. But the moment he looked up he could see Lancelot-.... Mimicking his technique? An overhead blow!

“Is this how!?”

Ike prepared Arondight, charging an Eruption…. And swung down!! The explosion matching Lancelot’s own strike, and knocking him upwards. This was it! With him sent flying up, Ike gave chase. Ragnell igniting in flames as a different aura surrounded him. Lancelot was recovering but it was too late.

Final Smash!!!



A full on clash!

Was what Lancelot expected.

Midway through his ascent, Ike has tossed his fiery sword to blot out his form. Lancelot was forced to parry with a half charged Noble Phantasm, but left him vulnerable to an uppercut to the jaw. Enough to daze him. The flames were already searing and it was even moreso as he felt strong arms grapple his neck.


What was this attack-


Lancelot wouldn’t know this.

But it was a Neck suplex.

Rather, an alteration of it. Ike had chosen to grab him, prevent him from swinging, and slam him to the ground. The weight of his own armor, even if broken, was heavy and dazed Lancelot more than it should have. A moment of being vulnerable was already dangerous in the battlefield.

Anything more is decisive for a match.

In this case, it was enough time for Ike to quickly grab his sword, leap up, and slam his sword repeatedly on Lancelot’s prone form!  Each time seeing bits of metal scattering. Each time a grunt from the knight below! Even as he tried his best to defend with his blade his position was unfair! It was his win!


Blue flames encased the crash site for Lancelot. The following eruptions and explosions increasing in magnitude each time. The strikes repeatedly making contact.

Flames met light and-


But a sword was thrown upwards.

Ike looking on with a determined look as he sailed away… As his remaining healthy arm looked mangled, Ragnell and Arondight flying upwards. Lancelot had swung upwards, completely battered in appearance. His armor all gone, shattered, blessing negated. The burn wounds on him were clear but the knight was here to make his stand.

“Your efforts are commendable…”

And Lancelot stomped, grabbed both Ragnell and Arondight in midair.

His descent was aimed at Ike, who had no other method to escape… His eyes closed.

“I’m sorry everyone… This is as far as I get.”

And he roared as he swung his arm for one last punch, flames encasing him and….

The flames were dispersed.

The crash site of Lancelot clearing any remaining foilage around. Mostly burning them.

And the only remaining figure standing there was Lancelot. Who had a solemn look as he straightened himself. Looking down at Ike’s unmovnig form.

“... Once more another hero falls…”



Hours later....

“Wakey wakey~!"


A bucket of water. A bucket of cold freezing water straight at him. Ike got up immediately, dazed and utterly confused.

Scrambling and trying to get up- only to wince as his right hand ached. Wait… Right arm? Wasn’t it busted up pretty badly... His right arm’s okay? Shoulder too? No injuries? Wait what?

“Oh good he’s awake! Finally!” That voice again, a woman? A woman with a strange outfit… Isn’t that a bit too lewd? Black hair and a hat? Who… Wait… is that… The knight from earlier.

“Hey…” Lancelot waved at him. “Sorry about earlier, but I had to make sure your ’death’ was authentic.”

“My death?” Ike blinked, trying to stand up but unable to. Still too worn… Was their fight only earlier? “Hold on.. This is…”

The location they were in wasn’t the wasteland-... well forest turned wasteland anymore. It was a camp of some sorts. People and other knights. Actual knights, not those fake knights. Villagers- from the village he was evacuating?

“This is a refugee camp!” The woman loudly shouted. “And the villagers here are thankful for your help!”

“You welcome? Wait… You weren’t with them?”

“That’s co-”

“Correct!!! Oh and name’s Xuanzang by the way! We’re here to start a revolution against King Artoria!!!”

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Comments: 4

Buildinfinite [2019-06-16 07:18:20 +0000 UTC]

Man I enjoyed this fight a lot. Especially with the final clash between Ike and Lancelot. I enjoyed the little tidbits like the Fire Emblem skills of Luna and Sol. Same with how you handled Lancelot's skills as well. Though the fact Ike knows the Smash Ball and final smashes implies you're using an composite version of the character.

That said, I enjoyed the back and forth talk between Lancelot and Ike. I wonder how the rest of Ike's journey will go from here on out in this version of the Divine Realm of the Round Table. Since I'm interested where the Hassans are in this situation and where Bedivere is at. 

Sorry, I enjoyed the story you set up with Ike in the events of FGO's Camelot Singularity. I just want to know where the story heads next; and what crazy adventures and battles await Ike against the forces of the Lion King. This battle was great, the story is amazing and I can't wait for the next installment.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowFrost1 In reply to Buildinfinite [2019-06-16 15:41:33 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for this delightful comment! And did some minor research for Ike to really know all his abilities lol. Him being an axe wielder was news to me.

Glad you liked how thr story is going and I can assure you there's more to come!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

hakuxtemari [2019-06-12 03:36:38 +0000 UTC]

Always good to see a new fight from you~. Now post THAT fight already XD. I kid

But yeah, I enjoyed it, the backdrop fits with the Camelot Arc, the surprise of using Dadalolt is always welcome too, and using whats likely one of my favorite songs from Smash Bros. Brawl helped!

My only real complaint? Ike lost. I kid, but still, good work!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowFrost1 In reply to hakuxtemari [2019-06-16 00:43:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Only takes a decade per match! 
Which fight thooo

Thanks again! Was setting up something big, and hey Dadalot is best dad!
That would be Attack? Personal fave too

Don't worry, he gets to be a Demi Servant next time

👍: 0 ⏩: 0