ShadowFrost1 — Fashionably brutal, Muteba Gizenga

#badass #battle #bio #black #blind #bloody #daredevil #death #fight #fighting #hearing #judo #julius #match #monster #predator #smelling #takeshi #kengan #watatsuki #genocider #shadowfrost1 #deathabttle #kenganashura #kenganasura #kengenashua
Published: 2018-12-18 19:41:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 12802; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 0
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“What an amateur... Fashion is not something you do for your own sake. People who stop caring about how others see them become self-satisfied and besides, manners are very important. You wear different clothes for wedding and funerals, don't you? And particularly in formal setting...”

Mugeta Gizenga

Franchise - Kengan Ashura/Ashua/Asura

Nickname - The Genocider

Height - 199 cm

Weight - 122 kg

Species - Human

Occupation - Mercenary, Former Bodyguard, Kengan Match Practitioner, Iwami Heavy Industries Associate

  • Single Handedly stopped an entire Army Rebellion by himself in Sierra Leone, without firing a single shot

  • Slaughtered a band of pirates in under two minutes after swimming into battle despite being unarmed

  • A Kurei Clan Member, Kure Horio, known for their great effectivity in combat and assassination, fears Mugeta and never wants to face him ever again

  • He has freaking “Genocider” as a nickname

  • Has survived numerous battlefields and war

  • Defeated the monstrous serial killer Meguro Masaki

    • In 3 minutes and 55 seconds

  • Defeated the Marvelous Seki in the Second Round

  • Helped quell the mutiny against the Kengan Association

    • Able to take out numerous White Suit Guards, whom are First Round Contenders at the bare minimum

  • Able to last against one of the strongest fighters, Watatsuki Takeshi

  • Can easily knock down a normal human to the floor

  • Can easily snap the neck of a soldier and/or rebel with a light smack of his hand, fully rotating their head

  • Could knock around the monstrous Meguro Masaki with his attacks

    • Take note that Meguro is monstrous enough to be considered a superhuman beast

    • The same Meguro who constantly rose up despite being hit by an above Top Class Martial Artist Ballerina

      • The same Ballerina that a Legendary Martial Artist believes to be his most difficult opponent

      • This is despite taking down bulls unarmed and taken down many martial artists throughout the world

      • Note - Meguro also killed a World Champion Judo practitioner and constantly cracks concrete, at 13 years old (20 years from present time)

      • TLDR - Bull handling unarmed/First Class Martial Artist/World Class Judo <<< Ballerina <<< Meguro <<< Muteba

  • Despite being caught in a grapple attack, was able to reverse and kick with enough force to nearly detach someone’s head

    • Take note it was a speedy and rushed attack

  • Can snap the neck of someone by lightly smacking them, fully rotating their heads

  • Fought the Pro Wrestler Hell’s Angel Sekibayashi Jun, who fought Kiozan Takeru, a Sumo Wrestler with a new style

    • … Technically he fought a different pro wrestler,

    • Both: Can strike with enough force to crack concrete with casual attacks easily

    • Level of casual attacks should make pro wrestlers faint

    • Jun: Someone who can casually knock over someone weighing 315 kg, and pick them up to their feet

    • He also performed Saitama’s training regimen but worse (5m x 400 reps rope climbing, 20000 Hindu Squats, 1 hour bridge (How do you do this twice as much?), 2000 push ups x3 sets as pre-sparring warm-ups)

    • Was taking all of Kiozan’s attacks and hits, yet was still going strong

    • Kiozan: Someone who can move faster than top rate sprinters and can move faster than the eye could see

    • Yet he could damage Jun

  • Can also puncture through Takeshi’s durable skin

  • Note that his skin is 52 times as dense as a normal person

  • Even he wasn’t able to prevent that from slipping in

    • Meaning this is a one-shot to anyone else

  • Regularly deals with guns and rebel armies

    • Likely with both aim dodging and actually being faster than shooters

    • Note, some of the people on the ship were using explosives

    • Likely RPG

    • Note, one of the pirates was using a minigun

  • Should be at bare minimum comparable to Inaba

    • Inaba can deflect bullets with his hair

  • Can overwhelm Meguro in speed despite not being in the best of state

    • Both can move faster than the eye could see

  • Can match Marvelous Seki and Takeshi in each respective matches

    • Frequently outpaces them in fact

  • Durability
  • Survived being slammed down by Meguro by the neck

    • Note, Meguro when he was 13 years old could flip a full adult man with a judo throw and keep up with many more

    • To the point that Meguro could snap necks and detach heads with sheer raw power

    • Much more monstrous and stronger now

  • Can actually disperse the damage he takes by angling his body

    • Frequently does so

  • Durable enough to fall from the height of a helicopter into the ocean without any damage

    • Not to mention jumps out of the waters right after

  • Able to take hits from Marvelous Seki

    • Sekibayashi Jun can go toe to toe with Sumo Wrestler Kiozan, both easily dishing out wall breaking attacks

    • Though his balance is thrown off, he’s still able to block

    • Can also take hits from Watatsuki Takeshi

      • Arguably one of the strongest fighters there are out there

      • Known for clashing with Julius Reyhold

      • Julius and Takeshi clashing shook the entire stadium in their initial clash plus a nearby forest and it only got stronger from that point on

      • Though Muteba had to disperse some of the damage and he couldn’t tank Blast Core

  • Stamina
    • Very high

    • Literally left a trail of women he just had sex with, fought a monstrous Judo practitioner with inhuman strength, and was just fine after

    • After slamming into the ocean, he was just fine with leaping out (c69, c153.5)

    • Regularly has sex and is still up and running

    • Even prior to matches there will be a trail of women behind him

  • Regeneration
    • Like many Kengan Asura contenders, they can recover really fast!

    • His eardrums are on a level that they can still heal despite the damage taken

Personality, Intelligence, and SkillsPersonality
  • Ruthless and typically kills unless the enemy surrenders

    • Though is merciful enough to offer mercy route

  • Likes pro wrestling and can be quite friendly to chat with

  • Always focuses on survival

  • Aim for the enemy weaknesses and be as efficient as possible

  • Can be arrogant or proud, but not the type to boast


    • Fashion takes precedence over killings

  • Believes that what matters is money or power

    • Also fashion

    • Thinking about it, he probably uses his money for fashion

    • Since he’s blind, it shows that he just cares how people perceive him

  • His lust is never sated

  • Always cautious and keeps a cool composure

  • Has a sense of honor and aimed to avoid killing Marvelous Seki

  • Logical in the terms that after suffering a heavy injury, he chose to forfeit

    • Survival first, risk later

  • Very intelligent in the arts of combat

  • Able to immediately identify how much damage he took

  • Knowledgeable on the body and can invoke the most painful sensations with attacks

  • Very pragmatic and strategic, planning ahead at times

    • His fight with Takeshi is in 2 days yet already thinking of methods

    • Also not above to aiming for someone’s previous injuries

  • Has extensive knowledge about surviving the battlefield

  • Honed his senses and mind to allow for his senses to complement his fighting style

  • Can quickly figure out the best method to handling an enemy

    • Example, breaking the hands of a judo practitioner and aiming for the vitals of a pro wrestler

  • Despite having lost his hearing, can immediately adapt

  • Always keeps in mind positional data and conditions of his opponent and himself

  • Listed below

Pain Tolerance

  • Having his eyes gouged out barely fazed him

  • Could spend a long time choking being strangling, and can still attack

    • Take note, the strangulation is from a monstrous Meguro who becomes more aggressive the more damage he takes

    • Even when foaming and half the battle was spent on the ground he was able to survive

    • Take note that was almost 2 minutes spent being choked via Math

  • Can have the skin on his arm be peeled off by a bite

    • Can continuously fight with no issue despite the loss

  • Can have his eardrums burst

    • Yet he would still keep fighting

    • Easily rolled away after crying out in fact

    • Note - Panels don’t always come after the other


  • Amazing at sex

  • Fast and long lasting??

  • Great for Orgies

  • Sorry no pictures


  • Can swim incredibly well

  • Was able to swim towards a ship, around it, and sneak up on a group of pirates before they notice his ship was nearby

  • Can in fact seemingly jump out of water and land on a ship


  • Very capable in the arts of being as subtle and quiet as possible

  • He was a hired mercenary before

  • Applies even when he’s underwater

  • Can crash into water and not make a single sound


  • Can detect spies and assassins

  • He was a bodyguard after all

  • Managed to detect a Kurei Clan member, notorious for their effectivity as assassins

  • Logically his senses would actually cancel out any sort of stealth

Deceit and Tricks

  • Not afraid on relying on underhanded methods in a fight with no rules

  • After all it’s kill or be killed no?

  • Knows many techniques based on them

  • Tricked Marvelous Seki this way when he pretended to have lost is sense of hearing, and thus got a good hit in

  • Deceived the first and second round fighters into thinking he focuses only on certain sets of attacks

  • Tricked Takeshi and landed his Throat Jab with this

  • Lands many of his other attacks in this method, often misdirecting

Sharp Weapon Mastery

  • Has shown to have used a knife or something akin to a machete in the past

Enhanced Senses

  • His collective senses allows him to see better than the average man

  • To the point that he’s basically Daredevil


  • He’s Blind

  • Yet he could listen to the motion of his enemy combatants through a video screen

  • Might as well be Daredevil


  • Can hear incredibly well

  • Can use echoes to detect the terrain

  • Can hear if you’re afraid or not

  • Can also detect motion and predict the enemy this way

  • Can hear the heartbeat of another person

  • Can also listen to the motion of someone in a video screen

  • Can even detect the pulse of someone rising

  • Can also detect the slightest bit of a ruffle of clothing in an entire stadium or their ornaments


  • Can detect the number of people in an area

  • Can also detect the type of equipment they have and their condition of health

  • In a gigantic stadium, can identify various types of perfume and cologne

  • Even with just his nose and sensation of touch he can still keep track of enemies

  • Can identify how many people there are in an area with his sense of smell

    • Blood can throw him off though


  • Can get a better sense of the geography and topography of the area

  • Complements his hearing and enhances it

  • Sort of like an extra echo to a radar

    • Akin to bats

    • Akin to Daredevil

Brutal Series:

  • Eye Gouge

    • Literally pokes you on the eye

    • Is one of his go-to abilities

    • Not always certified to work

    • However he is very skilled with this move and even skilled martial artists have a hard time using this

  • Semicircular canal Breaker

    • Attacks and crushes the Eardrums

    • Very very painful

  • Windpipe Crusher

    • Crushes the windpipe

    • Obvious enough on what it does (Pain and lethal damage)

  • Smash Ball

    • Take a guess on what it does

    • SQUISH

    • No Mercy, will make you bleed

    • Enough to get Meguro to back off

Hand to Hand Combat

  • Very skilled in close combat

  • Proficient at dodging and counterattacks

  • Also skilled at parrying strikes

  • Focuses on adapting to enemy attack patterns and striking at vitals

  • Has years of experience if not more fighting in battlefields

  • Can actually parry arm swings with ease

  • Excellent at dodging

  • Notable Techniques include

    • Leg Sweep

    • Arm Dislocation

    • Hand/Finger breakers

    • Knee to the Face

    • Neck Kicker

    • Neck Twister

    • Knee Kicker

Damage Dispersion

  • Frequently performs in order to minimize damage received

  • Is not an absolutely effective defensive move but it helps

  • Can still be very useful

  • Methods include:

    • Using your elbow or shoulder to disperse the damage of a fall

    • Backstepping to lower damage taken from hard hitters


  • Frequently cited by fighters to be adapting to an alarming rate

  • Dangerously skilled and fast at learning and adapting on the fly

  • Developed footwork and a style akin to boxing speedily

  • Adapts to enemy attacks very quickly

    • Already has known tactics so it complements this tactic well


  • Knows the human body

  • Can pierce the semicircular canal of someone with great accuracy

  • Knows specifically where the windpipe of someone is

  • Likely learnt through torture

  • Complements his knowledge about attacking the vitals of an enemy

  • Unlocks new moves this way

  • Includes acupuncture style pressure points

    • Showcases knowledge of Chinese Medicine

  • Ultimate Eye Gouge

    • Upon hitting Meguro, he started seeing visions before dying

    • Aimed straight for the brain

    • Pretty much blew a spiral hole through their eye

    • Incredibly painful too

  • Heart Jab

    • Ignores conventional durability and bypasses even the tanky Marvelous Seki

    • Same for Takeshi, who is known for his very dense muscle tissue

    • Would’ve killed him in fact

    • Needs only a light touch to harm the heart

  • Throat Stab

    • Variant of Heart Jab

    • But aims for the throat instead

    • Can slip through the durable muscles of Takeshi’s body

  • Knives and blades

  • Predator Eye - A method of seeing without needing eyes

    • In truth, this is a literally shout-out to Predator

  • Allows the blind Muteba to not be blind anymore

  • 2 of Five modes are Vibration Sensing and Infrared Sensing


  • He’s not the strongest in terms of striking power and relies on tricks

  • His senses can be disabled

  • Likely cannot use guns or avoid using so

  • Will focus on survival first in the end

"Muteba's priorities are the exact opposite of us fighters. All the fighters myself included put "winning" first so we take risks in order to win. But a Mercenary's top priority is "Survival". He avoid risks and uses whatever method that has the highest chance of survival."

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Comments: 23

MajorM117 [2019-10-26 03:46:05 +0000 UTC]

When Muteba showed up to help fight Jun I expected Jun to say, "Muteba, You son of a bitch!"

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

ShadowFrost1 In reply to MajorM117 [2019-11-04 16:02:48 +0000 UTC]

Lol like that one meme

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Mister-Nathaniel [2019-06-12 03:00:37 +0000 UTC]

Puri Puri Prisoner seems like the perfect fit for this guy.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowFrost1 In reply to Mister-Nathaniel [2019-06-12 03:22:41 +0000 UTC]

That can be taken in two different ways lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Mister-Nathaniel In reply to ShadowFrost1 [2019-06-12 03:32:40 +0000 UTC]

Yee, hopefully one of them is an actual fight....

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Caesar9999 [2019-03-19 12:41:40 +0000 UTC]

I think its safe to say this guy's Not-Exactly-A-Martial-Artist, he just so happens to know how to use his arms and legs real well but hasn't formally trained under a specific martial art

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowFrost1 In reply to Caesar9999 [2019-04-03 19:03:57 +0000 UTC]

Yuuup, sorry for the delayed response.
He did try to learn a martial art recently though, ior at least mid battle

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Fatefulbrawl [2019-02-24 16:28:11 +0000 UTC]

Well this guy seems interesting

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

ShadowFrost1 In reply to Fatefulbrawl [2019-02-26 02:15:43 +0000 UTC]

Very so! And his series even moreso!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fatefulbrawl In reply to ShadowFrost1 [2019-02-26 05:09:21 +0000 UTC]

Really, what's it called?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowFrost1 In reply to Fatefulbrawl [2019-02-26 05:42:21 +0000 UTC]

Kengan Ashura/Asura, a definite recommendation from me 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fatefulbrawl In reply to ShadowFrost1 [2019-02-27 23:38:27 +0000 UTC]

Got ya

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

gamma102 [2019-02-10 03:28:42 +0000 UTC]

You using this character?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowFrost1 In reply to gamma102 [2019-02-16 18:32:30 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sprawler6 [2019-01-09 17:05:12 +0000 UTC]

It just so happens I share a birthday with this fine gentleman.  Well-mannered, well-dressed, and well-versed in killing the shit out of anyone he fights.  He truly is a Renaissance Man among fighters, and that's just a side job for him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowFrost1 In reply to Sprawler6 [2019-01-15 09:05:47 +0000 UTC]

Damn! nice ! That's actually pretty rad. And tbf he really is classy af. Dandy even

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ToxicMouse77 [2018-12-18 21:24:20 +0000 UTC]

Vs Yujiro?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowFrost1 In reply to ToxicMouse77 [2018-12-18 23:22:57 +0000 UTC]

From Baki? Or someone else?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ToxicMouse77 In reply to ShadowFrost1 [2018-12-19 03:20:05 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheNerd-Bot [2018-12-18 20:38:40 +0000 UTC]

I said this when I first saw the bio on this guy, but it bears repeating. I like this guy. He's awesome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowFrost1 In reply to TheNerd-Bot [2018-12-18 23:23:18 +0000 UTC]

Fashionably awesome*

But he really deserves more respect for his honor imo. And dishonor lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheNerd-Bot In reply to ShadowFrost1 [2018-12-18 23:26:40 +0000 UTC]

Hey, he fights dirty, but he looks badass while doing it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShadowFrost1 In reply to TheNerd-Bot [2019-01-02 22:43:28 +0000 UTC]

Definitely. And fashionably cool

👍: 0 ⏩: 0