ShadowFrost1 — Gaming King V

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Published: 2015-12-26 16:42:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 1210; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description Into the Fray


Level 23
Monstrous Worm Baby
One of many that slinks underneath
Wolf Class

Level 15
Monstrous Worm Baby
One of many that slinks underneath
Wolf Class

Two worm baby monsters right in front of me. Both looked pissed as hell and seemingly want to fight something. One is nearly four times my level while the other is nearly six times. Both have huge health bars, have decent physical strength and immense Vitality. The only thing I have higher than them is the intelligence and wisdom by a good amount of points. They even have my beat in Dexterity by only a few points.

Their slimy body looks... wet, but that's because they're worms and it's raining. That's probably why they got off the ground anyway. It seems soft by inspection but the vitality is still damn high. The only thing human about them would be their baby-esque faces. Maybe I can thank the intelligence factor for being higher than that. But that basically throws away all diplomacy options off the table. They were also focused on me having just noticed that I was near them. Both looked very hesitant yet ready for a fight. So where does all those factors leave me? Ah right. I'll be massacred. The moment they land an attack on me I'll be massacred. The only reason they haven't is because I'm scary. So that leaves me with the options of running away right now like the smart and cowardly thing people would do, or confront them both in an attempt to intimidate them.

The first choice is so appealing... But what would happen if someone saw me run away? Bad things. Bad things would happen basically. It won't be good in the long run. I already went here for the goal of beating them with intimidation. I have to fight these two monsters that are only Wolf Class. But damn, I should've at least levelled up some other skill instead of charging in like this. I'm still a dumbass aren't I?

"No choice," I muttered as I drew out the weapon I had earlier. The knife. It was going to do jack shit against these two monsters but I can at least look more intimidating that way. If the King Engine would just activate they're surely going to leave running with their tails behind them. "I don't suppose you two could hear me, but I'm going to have to kill you both if you att-"

They were backing off.... Huh. That was surprisingly easy. I was expecting myself to actually have to put an effort. But if they were backing off just like this then I think I can make them run. And that would finish the quest right? Another step forward and they backed off. If they keep moving away I could just lead them away. Then again they may have reinforcements that would attack me. A cornered rat would bite back. Is that how the metaphor goes? Then again that never happened to those that I cornered.

"Well you guys are smarter than you look." I rubbed my nose as I pointed the weapon at them. I had to stifle a sneeze when I heard it. Hissing. They were hissing at me. So they're more bark than bite huh. Then again they were babies. "Maybe if you both run away now I'll spa-"


They suddenly started screeching. Screeching so loud that I almost stumbled back from the loudness. But I wasn't given much time to think about it. By the time one finished roaring it lowered itself and headed straight for me. It wasn't afraid any more. They were tossing themselves at me. Even if it was the lower level of the two I would die if I get hit. I would definitely die and receive a Game Over Screen before I even mastered this ability.

But I didn't panic. Instead of becoming so afraid that I would just freeze or start running I was able to at least think calmly. I was afraid of course. Any sane man would be afraid of something so much more stronger than them. Yet I could think rationally. My mind should've shut down or something like that at the realization that I can't even touch WOLF Level opponents. Yet instead I chose to simply toss myself away to dodge its attack. Despite it being fast I was actually able to avoid the attack. Of course I ended up on the cold soaked ground but I was at least able to recover. By the time I was on my feet I spotted that Level 15 Worm stopping at the other side of the road. The other monster was just being cautious. A smarter one?


The other one screamed again. I would cover my ears but that I was too busy throwing myself away again. It was attacking yet just like before it missed again. I rolled on the ground trying to get close to an escape route. An alley. A manhole. Something! Somewhere I could escape and lead these things away. Somewhere I can't be seen by the masses. But there weren't any. This place is too damn open. And cold. Wet and cold. It's hard to get a grip. The cars were too far too. If I head for them I'm going to be hit.

"And all I got to face giant monsters is this single knife," The monster was already recovering. In a second it was going to attack me like before. Should I aim for its eye and blind it? Would I get a critical strike if I aim for that baby face? Can I even aim right now that the rain is getting into my face? "Freaking cold."

Man I messed up. Even my hair's soaked. I wanted to put my hood up again but I can't waste any time. It's staring at me right now and preparing to attack. It's going to... huh... Why are you just standing there like an idiot? You were actually being brave earlier... Even the other one?

The monsters have hesitated for a brief moment.

A notification screen levitated in front of me. Gears shifted as I understood what happened.

They saw my face. They were intimidated now that they're seeing my face. Earlier they were only surprised but now they're not attacking. I didn't have my hood down earlier but with my face revealed their instincts should be screaming at them to run or fight. Right now they seem to be contemplating which one's the best option.

Of course that's still an issue. My intimidation was only effective when I'm not surrounded. Not to mention this is Level 1 and the window itself says it's a brief moment. It's a 2v1 and I don't have any fans or anyone else to boast about my strength. Not to mention these things look like babies so they'll trust their instincts more. On the off chance that they decide to fight I'm going to be killed. If King Engine was roaring it was going to be a guaranteed win. But it won't roar at all. Was it the fault of Gamer's Mind? I'm unable to be scary at all?

This is a problem. Even if I'm in a better position from before I can't keep this stalemate forever. They're not backing off to the point of retreating. I need to think of something in case they do attack. Once they attack again and realize I'm just all bark and bite, it's all over. I'm going to be killed in one shot. Maybe two if I dodge... I need something. I need someone to save me, or a miracle. I need to find a way to get out of this mess in the best way possible. I need.... wisdom.

No I need more than that. I need the strength to damage these things, the speed to dodge and the durability to take hits from this thing! Maybe even luck and everything I could possibly get. But even if I increase those stats I won't be able to close the gap. The only ones I could use would be speed and intelligence. If I become smart I'll be able to figure out the best stat too improve on the long-run and find some way to beat these things.

Its voice was gurgling. The little one was going to attack again while the other one only watched. In order not to spook them I subtly gestured when the Allocation Screen came up in front of me.

3 points on Wisdom

I have 5 points total and I used more than half of those on wisdom. That's how much I'm gambling right now. It was a risky and stupid move. I should've considered giving myself the points earlier. Then again I was earning a few points earlier too so it could've been a waste back then.

Putting them on myself now, I don't feel smarter at all. If anything I feel even more stupid. Stupid because I didn't realize there were tools around me. I was so focused on the monsters and the situation between me and these things. I wasn't as fucked as I was before.

There are police cars and a gas station nearby. Even if there are no guns there those things could be useful against the monster. If they ram into a car they can either knock it away or trigger an explosion if the gas is leaking. It's going to be difficult but I can make it work. If necessary I can use the gas station itself. Maybe they'll have weapons there just like in the video games. Then again with the way my luck works... Aside from wisdom that's one of the few things I could level up. That's a choice I could make. I could risk it in luck or put it at some other trait I need.

All that thinking made me think as if minutes have passed by. But I realized that was all just done in seconds. Or am I just crappy with timing myself and I'm overthinking again?


Suddenly the little one was screaming. Despite my focus on it it just suddenly decided to charge in. Its shout was short and loud as it tried to close in. It sounded like a short battle cry. But knowing that it looks like a baby and how it's low leveled, I chose to glare at it. Focusing entirely on making a fact that's as intimidating as possible. The old me would've either made this work or choose to run soon after. But I know I can make this work. It has to. Even for a short moment.

Upon seeing your face, the monster has become petrified for a short amount of time (7 seconds)

A skill has been created through a special action. Due to showcasing a petrifying face repeatedly the ability 'Intimidation' has been created - Does this look like the face of mercy?

It froze. Intimidation. So constant use of abilities really do create the categories in my skill list. But it's only Level 1... Shouldn't it be higher? I've been intimidating people for the longest time. Well I'm not going to count my blessings and whine over it. Instead I turned to the other monster, who was trying to get close silently. Upon seeing my face the elder monster also froze. Its face almost seemed ready to burst and roar back. It didn't want to fight me because of the expression I'm making. I'm a threat to them now. Or was it only successful to them because they looked like baby monsters?

I need to frighten them off now. And using intimidation probably won't be full proof. I need to be more of a threat to them. Something that they can't touch no matter what they do... A trait that would really help me hit those faces.

2 Points on Dexterity

Very subtle movements. The moment I finished I looked back at them and observed. They were starting to overcome their fear. The elder one was beginning to look angry and closing in. I have to speak up and make them stop. Then again I don't think they can hear me. If only King Engine was working. If only my cowardly heart was actually saving me instead of this. Gamer's Mind does have its drawbacks. Observe shows that I have only seconds before they close in. If my intimidation level was higher they probably would've retreated. But I have a rough idea of where to go right now.


The younger one started screaming. With nothing else it charged forward aiming to knock me away with its body. But this time it looked slower. In fact I could actually see myself dodging without having to toss my entire body. Even then matching speed won't be enough to win against that. I really needed wisdom to do this. Gripping the knife strongly with both my hands I jumped to the side swinging the knife as hard as I can towards its face. It was a hard thing to do but somehow I did it without getting hit, only stumbling back.


It struck flesh. The knife slashed through part of the Monster's Body. Its pained screams was all I need as assurance that it hit at the right spot. The face, or the eye if you want to be specific. No matter how strong a monster or a person is their eyes are still vulnerable. I don't think I've seen a monster with an eye that can shake off steel. Against a monster that has no arms this was the best thing I could do. From how the knife moved I know I only struck one eye and I barely even scratched the face.

Instead of standing like an idiot after an attack I moved away too. I almost got hit by a swing of its tail. Thanks Wisdom. The worm continued to squirm around while its furious roar began to wane. A quick glance to the side confirmed that its companion was still not doing anything. No idea why not but I'm not letting my guard down. Looking at the weaker monster's health bar I could see the huge chunk taken out. A critical strike to the face and one blind eye. I could actually win if I keep using this attack. That's if the other one doesn't react.

The moment it turned to face me I was already right in front of it. Being so close to it though made it seem like time was slowing down. The slow change of its expression from fury to surprised. I wasn't sure if it was a quick-time event or just adrenaline or simply the boost from dexterity. Either way I aimed for where its eye was and thrust the knife with a much force as possible. Eye #2 is hit.

It was actually pretty disgusting seeing its eye cave inwards like that. Must've been the force of my attack I can't call it blood exactly but it's certainly a liquid. Whatever it was it didn't let me pull out the knife so easily. I had to kick its body and try to push myself away from that. Much higher crit damage dealt this time compared to before. At least that's what I saw with a glance as I fell down.

Landing on my back on the cold wet ground is not fun. But I didn't let that slow me down. One wrong move and I could be dead. Even sneezing in battle was something I'm trying to avoid. That's why I rolled on the ground away from the monster despite the feeling of the cold cold cold wetness. If I get sick I can sleep it off. I don't think I can walk off dying. Strangely despite what I just did I wasn't hit. Once I got up I could only see the baby monster writhing about. Its health was nearly half and it was already screaming and trashing about.

Yet it won't attack... Its shielding its face by hiding its face underground. Maybe its because I blinded it? Well now that it's doing that I can't go for its face. I'll get hit before I can even swing my knife. Too dangerous. I need to focus on the other one- Where the hell is it? It was just there a moment ago. Something so huge can't possible disappear so fast. Where else would it have gone!?


Aside from underground.

I started running. Focusing all my efforts on running I started to run. I could hear the ground shaking but I didn't look back. I had to keep going and dodge its upcoming attack while keeping my balance under this rain. If I go too fast I'll slip and die. If I go too slow I'll be hit and I'll be dead.. I have no safe zones nearby that could be used as a shield and I could only hope that once it leaps off the ground it won't hit me. I just have to keep moving to avoid wherever it's about to rise.


I could see it. Or rather I felt it. The cracks were forming on the ground and I could sense that it was on my side. My momentum was too fast to properly change directions without slipping. I could only try to slide on the ground as the monster burst out of the side in the hopes that it could help me dodge whatever attack it was going to send at me.

I couldn't hope to dodge it. But I was aiming for something to block it anyway. I hear the sound of concrete cracking as I slid away, the water below actually helping me slide farther. There was no safe zones for me at all. A police car wouldn't be effective against a body slam from a monster. Instead I was focused on the gas station beside us the moment I started running. I'm more than sure that there's gas inside there. Flammable gas that's perfect for explosive triggers.

If something were to ram through that with enough force I'm sure it'll light up and explode. That something is going to be that monster that's about to reach me. I'm going to kill it by leading it to this explosive trap. If it was just a baby it would've attacked me earlier. Instead it was observing me. The monster was intelligent but if it was just a baby it's easy to lead it to a trap. Maybe it's shielding its face now but that won't mean I'm utterly dead now. If I led it to that gas station in front of me I would've won.

Key word is if.

The moment I reached it I recognized that the monster's shadow didn't get any bigger. It should've been chasing me since it had no reason not to. Yet... All I needed to confirm it was one glance. One glance to show that the baby monster has leapt and landed on the area I was earlier. Once again it was just watching me now, its tail moving dangerously close to....


I almost slipped when I tried running faster. I heard the sound of metal being hit as I moved. No time left. It already struck the police car beside it and smacked it towards the gas station. Once it hit it's going to be one big explosion that roasts everything. I was supposed to use that to roast it but instead I'm going to be killed by it.

In the movies this would've been the scene where the hero slides into the convenience store beside the station. Then they'll be safe from the explosion that happens.

This isn't a movie.

I felt the heat of the blast but the shockwave itself is what knocked me away. I already half-opened the door when the explosion happened. For a brief moment, I saw that same panicked expression as before. Then that face slammed into the glass and I felt myself tumbling through it. I had to cry out when I hit my head banged on something hard. A freaking metal shelf that soon collapsed on me.

Painful impact. I wanted to keep groaning but I couldn't just stay like that. Slamming through a glass door and having cans fall on someone should've been enough to knock them out. But the pain for me was already disappearing. Guess I got lucky due to dexterity there. Even my vision is returning, and I could already see my health bad and two windows.

A skill has been created through a special action. Due to repeatedly taking blunt damage the ability 'Blunt Force Resist' has been created - A key ability of heroes is tenacity
A skill has been created through a special action. Due to subjecting oneself to constant sharp objects and taking damage the ability 'Sharp Force Resist' has been created - It's not a phase mom.

Aren't you two late for the party. I didn't want to focus on those two new abilities. Right now I'm focusing on my health. 37 out of 100. I already took damage earlier and being tossed aside like that hurt as hell. I mean the pain is gone due to Gamer's Body but that just hammers the fact that I can't even take on a Wolf Class. Or is this a Tiger Class?

"Godamnit," I groaned out as I slowly got up. It was strange. Despite my entire body going through that glass door I should've started bleeding. From the way I look I probably crashed through this without even taking any damage. "I don't think it even matters if anyone saw me like this."

More importantly, there's no point going outside. The moment the second monster started moving I almost got freaking oneshotted by an indirect attack. By a smart attack. Hah this is brilliant. A worm outsmarting me. I'm a former Pro Gamer and I nearly died to some half-assed plan I decided to go for. There goes King's Legacy. My identity and the rest of my life are going to be dead or dying just because of a simple mistake...

Wait, did anyone even see me? Did anyone even see me head towards the place? That's right. I was disguised with my hood. I can still run away. I can run away and get better, that's right! What doesn't kill me will certainly make me stronger. But... I have to run away first. How am I going to run away from those things? Even with my current speed I was still hit by that thing. Hell it's probably preparing to dig a tunnel and pop out here. Would the flames shield me?

"You okay? That was a pretty bad landing," ... Someone else was still here? Guess I can't just run then. Unless I let him die. An enticing option compared to all the other choices. "Ah? Nevermind. You're not even bleeding."

Gamer's Body is preventing me from bleeding huh. What an incredibly useful ability. For a useless guy like me. "You should run, before they attack us." From over here I could see the big one watching the place. The little one is calming down too, but it probably won't be as big of a threat as the other one. The flames are being put out but for the moment that they lasted they made the worms look demonic.

"Ah, the monsters are here?" What are you a moron? Didn't you hear what I just said. Did you even see the gas station explode. "Guess I caught up playing the arcade game huh."

... Is that an excuse for not being inattentive to the environment the entire time? He didn't get stuck in the washroom or something and is using that excuse I'm sure.

"We shouldn't stay here," I started off trying to look like the guy who looks out for others. A valiant hero who protects civilians. "It's not safe. The monsters are just going to attack."

Of course a hero who just got his ass kicked trying to sound brilliant typically fails. This guy doesn't look like he believes it either.

"The monster? Ah, no problem then. I was planning to go after them once I beat the game," ... Eh? "So where are they? Two only? Are those baby monsters?"

"They are," This guy. Is he actually a hero? I caught a glimpse of him and he looked like a normal person. Or I don't recognize him at all. "What hero rank are you?"

"Rank?" He doesn't even know about that? Is this just a civilian pretending to be a hero then? "What are you talking about?"

Nevermind that. If this guy really is a hero then the idea of King being an ultra powerful hero is gone. It'll be easy to spread rumors and I don't want to be blackmailed either. That's the only other reason why a person like him wouldn't be afraid. Someone who dealt with monsters before. But since he doesn't seem to recognize me at all it means he might be something else entirely. I just need to make sure who he really is and plan an excuse. To ensure the safety of my identity. Just one quick observe on him and I'll-!!

Throbbing! Head throbbing! Body- shit!

"Huh? You okay? You don't look so good?" What's up with that screeching noise! It freaking hurts! I can't see anything but those bright flashes. I'm gonna... "Damn dude. Nevermind. If you're spitting out blood you're not okay."

Blood? Shit. Everything felt like it damn hurts. My entire body. Why was everything hurting like this? What the hell was happening to me? Did my power break or something? "Dude, you need to get to a hospital. I mean you're a hero but damn you're-"

It was roaring. I could hear it roar despite everything. I felt my body hit the cold floor and it only intensified the pain. I was going to black out. Something breaking. The last thing I saw was the civilian stepping back, and the blue screens that followed.

The blue screens and the question marks... the screens... the pain...

"-hain punch.."
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