shadowgirl2000 — Pokemon: Siblings for Life

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Description Ash Ketchum and his friends Brock , May and her brother Max were  in the town of Fallahabor Town which is where May was hoping to enter her next contest.  May  was hoping to get her next ribbon to get closer to becoming a Pokemon Chordater.  As the four friends walked towards the town  they noticed a lonely girl with short green hair and green eyes sitting on a swing with a sad look in her eyes.  On her hair was a daisy burette and around her neck was a red ribbon that was from the Pokemon contests.  

“She must be a trainer.”  Ash said pointing to the little girl.

“She seems a little young.” May said. “She looks like she’s only 6 years old”

“Well let’s ask her.” Max recommend.

Ash approached the girl who looked at her feet.  “Hi My name’s Ash and these are my friends Brock, May and her little brother Max.  Would you like to battle?”

“No.” the little girl answered.

“Why not?”  Ash asked rather sad.

“Because I don’t.. have any Pokemon.” The girl answered still not looking up.

“But then how’d you win that ribbon?” May asked just as surprised as the others.

“This isn’t my ribbon. It’s my brother’s.” the girl answered looking at May’s eyes.

“Your brother?”  Brock asked.  

“Yep.” The girl replied.

“Daisy!” a voice called out.

“That’s him.” The girl got to her feet.

   “I know that voice.” May  sweatdropped.

The voice came from a familiar Pokemon Chordater with green hair and green eyes known as Drew: May’s opponent and crush.

“Hey Daisy.” Drew said.

“Hey Drew.” The little girl greeted him with a smile.

“Drew has a little sister?!” May said shocked.
Chapter 1,
Max’s crush

“You have a little sister!” May asked Drew.

“Oh hello May.” Drew greeted her. “I see you’ve all met my sister Daisy.”

“Is that a Pikachu?” Daisy asked Ash.

  “Yes it is. This is my best friend Pikachu.”  Ash said.

“Pikachu.” Pikachu greeted.

“Can I hold it?” Daisy asked.

“Sure. But be careful Pikachu can be a little  nervous around new people.”  Ash said.

“Pikachu!” Pikachu cried jumping into Daisy’s arms.

“It’s so cute!” Daisy laughed as Pikachu snuggled her neck.

“You must have a way with Pokemon.” Brock said  

“I hope to find a Pokemon of my very own someday.” Daisy said.

“ Well Daisy, we better get going . I have to register for the contest and then I can help  you catch your Pokemon!” Drew said.

“My brother is the best Pokemon Coordinator ever!”  Daisy boasted.

“Daisy I think you’re giving me way too much credit.” Drew hesitated.

“And I’m going to be the best just like he is!”  Daisy bragged.

“Alright come on sis let’s go!” Drew said dragging Daisy away.

“That Drew is so annoying!” May steamed with a little angry sign on her forehead.

“Come on May. He’s not that bad!” Ash said.

“Not that bad! He’s horrible and his little sister is so- “  

“She’s so cute.” Max blushed as he cut May off.

“Max, what’s up with you?” Ash asked.

“I think Max has a crush on Daisy.” Brock laughed.

“A crush on that girl?” May stammered in frustration.

“What’s wrong with  her?” Max asked.

“She’s the biggest brat ever!” May stated.

”Shut up!” Max screamed.

“Ok you two break it up!” Brock commanded.

Chapter 3,
Daisy, Drew and Harley
Contest Center

Ash and his friends walked into the Contest Hall to have May sign up for the contest when they ran into Daisy and Drew again. Daisy looked around at the other trainer’s Pokemon while hiding behind her brother’s leg.   

“Alright Daisy, you just wait for a moment and I’ll be done!” Drew told her.

She nodded “Okay.”

When Drew was signing up for the contest Daisy’s eyes continued to wander around the room. She waved at May and Max. May waved with discuss while Max blushed.  When someone else came up to the counter. He had purple hair and a green hat and green clothes.  

“Well if it isn’t Drew!” the boy greeted him.

“Harley.” Drew simply said.

“Do you know him?” Daisy asked in a quiet voice.

“Oh and who is this little cutie?” Harley asked getting down to Daisy’s eye level.

Daisy said nothing but hid behind Drew’s leg and tugged on his pants.

“Daisy, stop it.” Drew hissed. “This is Daisy and she’s my little sister…she’s a little shy.”

“Isn’t she a cutie?” Harley said.. “Are you entering the contest?”
“No. But Drew is. I don’t have any Pokemon of my own yet.” Daisy said.

“No Pokemon? Well there’s  a problem.’ Harley snickered.

“When I do get a Pokemon I’m going to enter the contest and be like my big brother!” Daisy said.

“And there’s the boasting again.” May hissed in Max’s ear.

“So you’re going to be a Pokemon Coordinator. That’s great just great!” Harley snickered under his breath.

“Drew, can we go now? I want to get out of here.” Daisy said.

“Alright. I guess we should go get you a Pokemon.” Drew said. “Later Harley… May.”

“Drew , Harley scares me.” Daisy said.

“Don’t worry about it!” Drew said walking out of  the center with Daisy.  

Daisy looked back at the Center and then followed Drew with an afraid look on her face. If Drew didn’t find Harley scary then he must be okay but Daisy wasn’t sure.

“Hey Dais, you okay?” Drew asked.

“I think so.” Daisy said. “So what kind of Pokemon should I get?”

“That’s for you to decide. I have a Rosella because its beautiful.” Drew said.

“And you have a crush on May.” Daisy said.

“I do not have a crush on May. “ Drew blushed.

“Then why are you blushing?”  Daisy asked him.

“Daisy.” Drew hissed.

“Drew, can I  get a Pokemon later I want to go into town.” Daisy asked.

“Sure Daisy.”  Drew said leaving Daisy alone.

Chapter 4
Daisy the dancer
*Fallahabor town*

Ash and his friends walked around Fallahabor Town looking around at the shops. May was impressed by all the Pokemon trainers and their Pokemon.  Ash was just looking for someone one to battle.

“It says here that Fallahabor Town has many shops and places to make yourself  and your Pokemon relax!” Brock said looking at a book.

“Wow there’s so many stores and shops here.” May said beaming.

“Hey look at all the trainers!” Ash said.

“And look at all the pretty girls!” Brock snickered grinning.

“You have a low track mind don’t you?”  May sighed.

Ash and the others looked  around at all the trainers running around and buying stuff.  A musical beat began to play out of a stereo and the other trainers turned around to the park where the music was coming and ran towards the music.

“I wonder what’s going on!” May said.

“Only one way to find out!” Ash suggested following the crowd.

Ash and the others followed the crowd to find them back at the park. There  was a circle of people around the sandlot. The people seemed to be cheering and dancing. Ash pushed through  the crowd to see the familiar shy 6 year old Daisy dancing in the middle.  May and the others pushed through the crowd to see the same sight and they were as shocked as he.

“Daisy is a street performer !?” May said shocked again.

“Of course she is young May.” Harley said appearing right next to her.

“What do you mean Harley?” May asked.

“You didn’t think that Drew was the only famous one in his family did you? Daisy here is the greatest street performer ever!” Harley said.

“She is good.” Ash agreed.

“Why does she do it? She said that she wanted to enter the contests!” Max asked.

“It’s true that she did want to enter the contests but she still hasn’t gotten a Pokemon yet! She does it to make people happy and sometimes  she does it to make the trainers’ Pokemon happy too!” Harley laughed.

Pikachu hopped off of Ash’s shoulder and ran into the middle of circle with Daisy  who picked up Pikachu and twirled him in a circle. The music stopped and the people cheered while Daisy bowed.

“Thank you everybody. My name is Daisy and I hope you enjoyed the show I’m here  every day.” Daisy said picking up Pikachu. “And thank you Pikachu.’

“Pikachu!” Pikachu cheered hugging her.

“You were great.” May said.

“Oh hey you guys and thanks!” Daisy said.

“We sure enjoyed the show right Pikachu?” Ash asked his Pikachu.

“Pikachu!” Pikachu said.

“Thanks.” Daisy said.

“Good show Daisy.” Harley snickered.

“Thank you.” Daisy murmured.

“Daisy! Where are you?” Drew’s voice rang out.

“That’s my bro nice to see you guys again.”  Daisy called as she  ran off.

Daisy ran off to find Drew and the others decided to follow her. May looked over behind the others to see Harley smirked  and turned the opposite direction.

“Hey sis, hey guys.” Drew greeted them.

“Drew, you didn’t tell us your little sister was a street performer.” May told him.

“About that…Daisy when did you tell them that?” Drew hissed.

“I didn’t tell them they saw me dancing!” Daisy hissed back. “Now why didn’t you tell your girlfriend that I was a dancer!”

“Girlfriend? May is not my girlfriend!” Drew blushed.

“Sure she’s not!” Daisy snickered.

“Anyways, my sister is a street performer but not for money while I ‘m doing training I let her do whatever!” Drew said.
“That’s cool.” Ash said.

“Would you guys like to join us for dinner!” Daisy blurted out.

“Daisy!” Drew blushed.

“What? that way you two lovebirds can be together!” Daisy teased.   
“Pikachu!” Pikachu laughed.

May shot a glare at Pikachu “I guess that would alright.”

“That way I can see all your Pokemon!” Daisy beamed with glee as she ran off with smile on her face.

Chapter 5,
Daisy and her dream Pokemon

That night Daisy and the others sat at a table at the Pokemon Center.

“Come on out Everyone!” Ash called letting all of the Pokemon out of his poke-balls.

“Their so cute!” Daisy said as the Pokemon stared at her.  She stared at the Beatifly
“May is that your Beatifly?’

“Sure is.” May nodded.

“And a Skitty!” Daisy said.

“Skitty!” Skitty said pouncing on Daisy.

“Skitty!” May scolded.

“It’s alright May I don’t mind!” Daisy said giggling.

May stared at Drew to see him smiling at Daisy. She could tell that he was happy to see Daisy in a good mood. May stared at her as the other Pokemon began to chase Daisy around the Pokemon center. They laughed  and then Daisy stopped.

“Daisy, are you okay?”  Drew asked coming up to her.

“Drew what is that?” Daisy asked pointing to a Pokemon.

Drew looked down to a small Pokemon like Pikachu only smaller. Drew noticed that Daisy had sparkles in her eyes.

“I think it’s a Pichu.” Drew told her.

“It’s adorable.” Daisy cheered “Can I have one?”

“If we find one in this area.” Drew told her.

“That was the cutest Pokemon ever!” Daisy cheered.

“Pichu evolves into a Pikachu sooner or later!” Ash told her “If you train it right.”   

“Drew, I want a Pichu of my very own.” Daisy said.

“Maybe someday  you will.” Drew sighed.

“Pikachu!” Pikachu said.

“I say go for it Daisy.” Ash said.

“You’d make a great Pokemon trainer Dais.” Max said.

“Thanks guys that means a lot.” Daisy blushed.

“Come on Daisy, time for bed.” Drew said to Daisy.

“Come on Drew just five more minutes.” Daisy begged.

“No! If you want to ever get a Pokemon you go to bed now.” Drew said.

“Okay fine.” Daisy sighed.

Drew and Daisy walked out of the dinner room and Drew tucked Daisy into bed. He said goodnight and walked off. Daisy got up and opened the window.

“I will get the Pokemon I want!” Daisy yawned and went back to the bed.

Chapter 6

Ash and the others walked down to see Daisy on the swing again with a sad look on her face.  She looked exhausted and like she had been crying. In her lap was a Pichu plushy.  Ash turned to the others who  shrugged.

“Daisy, are you okay?” Ash asked.

“Yeah. Fine.” Daisy sniffed.

“What happened?” May asked.

“Drew’s too busy to do anything today. So we can’t go catch any Pokemon!” Daisy said.

“Why what’s he doing?” Brock asked.

“He’s off training and he’d promised he would take me to catch my first Pokemon.” Daisy said.

“I’m sure he will just give him time.” May said.

“I think it must be hard on him to take care of me since I’m the only family he’s got.” Daisy said.

“Why’s that?”  Max asked.

“….I guess we haven’t seen our parent’s in so long I guess it’s hard for us.” Daisy said.

Ash could see that Daisy didn’t want to talk about it anymore. They were about to take off when they saw  Daisy get off and walk towards town. May wanted to know more about what Daisy meant but she knew it would be rude of her to ask Drew about his personal life.  They followed Daisy to town to see that Daisy had already began her next performace.  Ash was beginning to understand  that Daisy was probably very alone unless her brother was there.

“We’ll be taking your Pokemon now!” A female voice rang out.

“Oh no!” Ash said.

“Perpare for trouble!” Jesse said.

“And make it double.” James said.

“To protect the world from devastation.” Jesse continued     
“To unite all people within our nation.” James continued.

“Here we go again.” Ash sighed.

“To announce the evils of truth and love.”  Jesse said.
“To accent our reach to the stars above James said


“Team Rocket blast off at the speed off.”

“Surrender now or prepare to fight.”

“Meowth That’s  right!”  the cat said.     

“Wobafet.” The blob said.

“Uhhh…okay.” Daisy said rather confused.

“Team Rocket!” Ash said,

“Pikachu!”  Pikachu growled.

“Team who?” Daisy asked.

“They’re a group of bad guys who steal people’s Pokemon!” May told her.

“And now we’ll be taking that ribbon!” Jesse said.

“No! You can’t have this ribbon! It’s not yours!” Daisy said placing her hand on the ribbon.

“That’s the point of stealing!”  James said.

A giant hand came from the Balloon and took a hold of Daisy’s ribbon. The hand lifted Daisy into the air. Ash was about to tell Pikachu to attack but soon realized that he might hurt Daisy.  Drew came rushing out to the sense and told Rosella to use her Petal Dance causing the hand to break and Daisy fell into Drew’s hands unconious.

“We better get her to the hospital!” Brock said.

May saw Drew node and followed Brock with Daisy in his arms. She noticed that he looked rather sad and stared at Daisy.

“Daisy…hang in there please.”  May heard Drew whisper.

Chapter 7
Drew’s only family

The cold air made May’s hair flow as she looked for Drew. Daisy was asleep. The nurse said that she was okay but fainted because of shock or something. But after that Drew disappeared. May was hoping to find him and talk to him.  Finally after awhile she found him sitting on a log outside the Pokemon Center. His Rosella looked up at him with a sad and confused look. May was wearing a small blue jacket and  walked  over to Drew.

”Here. You look cold!” May said wrapping the jacket around  Drew.

“Thanks.”  Drew said.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Fine.” Drew lied.

“Drew, I don’t like being lied to!” May said.

“I’m fine really!” Drew lied again. “I’m just worried about Daisy.”

“You heard the nurse. She said that she would be fine!”  May told him.

“ I still feel bad. She’s the only family I got.” Drew said.

“Daisy told me.” May said turning to Drew . “Do you feel like your responsible?”

“When we were little our parents used to fight a lot….it scared us. When I left for school Daisy would wait for me in the park  on the swing. Finally we couldn’t  take it  anymore. We left our family and lived our lives on the road since.” Drew told her.

May looked at him shocked. In her whole life she never knew that Drew had such a hard life.  So this is one of the  reasons Daisy and Drew never talked about her life before. Drew wiped his eyes and looked at his Rosella.

“Drew?” May asked.

“I guess Daisy’s been in my life for so long we’ve been through everything together.” Drew said.

“Things will be alright.”  May said kissing Drew’s cheek. “You’ll see.”

May left Drew blushing on the log in front of the Pokemon Center. Drew looked up at the sky as the rain fell. He smiled and remembered how much fun Daisy and he had as a little boy.

“Daisy , I promise I’ll never let you down again.” He whispered.

Chapter 8
Daisy’s rival
Daisy was up on her feet the next day and walked into town. Everyone seemed in a good mood and Daisy was happy. Her eyes were full of happiness and fun.  Drew had gone off training and Daisy was left in town for a while. With the ribbon around her neck she noticed a dance studio. She looked around and walked into the studio and looked around.    There were tons of people dancing such as ballet and hip hop dance.  Daisy smiled and began to dance a classical hip hop damce when she bumped into someone. A girl around her age glared at her. Dark blue hair and black beady eyes.  She looked like a spoiled little brat and Daisy knew that she didn’t like her from the start.

“Sorry.” Daisy said.

“You better be! I don’t like being bumped into!”  The girl said.

“Gosh, aren’t you a little-“  Daisy catch off  “My name’s Daisy.”

“Natshi.” The girl said smirking noticing the ribbon around Daisy’s neck! “Nice ribbon…you entering the contests?”

“I’m not sure but this is my brother Drew’s.” Daisy said,

“You’d probably be too scared to enter anyway.” Natshi said.

“I would not!” Daisy argued.

“ Then I guess I’ll see you at the contest!” Natshi said walking off.

”Spoiled little brat!” Daisy said.

Daisy would have to enter the contests but first she had to get some Pokemon and the only way to do that was to go out into the wild and catch one or two. But how could she do that without Drew noticing?
Chapter 9
The abandoned Pichu
*That night*

Daisy shivered as the breeze rustled her hair. It was around midnight and she was tired but it was the only way Drew wouldn’t find things unusual.  She had to wait until Drew and everyone else was asleep before getting away from Pokemon Center through the window.  Looking around she walked into the forest. She was hoping to find a Pokemon and soon.  After a while Daisy nodded off and woke up underneath a tree. She stretched and was about to walk to the Pokemon Center when she heard a small cry,

“Pichu.” It cried weakly.

Daisy ran to the center of the forest to see a Pichu lying on the ground scratched up and looked rather weak. Daisy picked it up as sparks came from its cheeks. Daisy had read enough about Pokemon to know that it was sick. She ran to the Pokemon Center running into Harley along the way.

“Daisy, what are you doing up?” Harley asked her.

“I just went for a walk because I couldn’t sleep.” Daisy lied. “When I found this Pichu in the forest.”

Daisy knew that the Pichu part of her story was not a lie but she was worried  about the Pokemon.  She showed Harley the Pichu and then waited for Harley’s  response.

“The poor little thing…do you want me to wake Drew?” he asked.

“No! Please don’t do that! I’ll take care of it!” Daisy said.

“You sure?” he asked again.

“Yes.”  Daisy said.

Harley nodded and helped Daisy give the Pichu to Nurse Joy. She nodded and told Daisy to wait .  She sat waiting staring at her feet. Hartley stared at her for a long time and then left her alone. Daisy felt a tear run down her cheek . That tear reminded her of when her parents used to fight all the time when Drew and her were little.

“Daisy?” Nurse Joy asked.

“Yes Mame.” Daisy said.

“That Pichu you found is going to be just fine.” Nurse Joy said.

“Really? That’s great!” Daisy said getting a smile on her face.

“Yes. If you hadn’t found her , she would have died!”  Nurse Joy said.

“It’s a girl?” Daisy asked. “Can I see her?”

“Of course.” Nurse Joy said putting  the Pichu on the desk.

“Pichu?” The Pichu said confused.

“Hey there little guy…do you want a treat?”  Daisy asked as the Pichu cocked its head.

“Pichu!” The Pichu said happily.

“Here you go!”  Daisy said giving the Pichu a pink poke block.

Daisy smiled at the Pichu as it gulped the pink poke block down and then jumped into Daisy’s arms.  Daisy laughed as the Pichu nuzzled her neck.  

“Looks like you’ve got yourself a new friend.” Nurse Joy said.

“How about it girl? Would you like to come along with me?” Daisy asked.

“Chu.” Pichu said happily.

“ I got my own Pichu.” Daisy smiled. “I’ll call you…Princess!”

“Pichu.” Princess said.

“I wonder what it was doing way out in the forest by itself.”  Nurse Joy said.

“I don’t know.” Daisy said as Princess jumped on shoulder. “How am I going to explain this to Drew.”

“Try putting it in a pokeball.”  Nurse Joy said.

Daisy nodded and showed Princess a pokeball. It opened and Princess jumped into it. Daisy smiled and looked at the Pokeball. Soon she would be ready to enter the contest.

Chapter 10
Daisy’s help from Team Rocket

Weeks went by and Daisy and Princess had already mastered moves and new moves that Daisy had made up. Plus she already catch four more pokeballs. A Cleffa, Bella (A Bellossom), Teddiursa and  Doom *A Hound doom *   As she walked into town she noticed Natshi looking at a stand full of ribbons for Pokemon’s ears and necks and stuff .  The store owners Daisy recognized right away as Team Rocket.

“These things are meant for old people’s Pokemon…did you make them?” Natshi asked Jesse.

“I’m not old!”  Jesse said angrily

“Later losers.” She said shoving Daisy.

Daisy sighed and walked over to  the stand. “What do you recommend?” she asked.

“Why hello little girl!” James said. “What would you like?”

“I would like a ribbon made for my Pichu Princess!” Daisy said showing the Pichu.
“I would recommend the green and blue one.” Jesse said.

“Thank you.” Daisy said.  She smiled and lowered her voice to a whisper. “I know you guys are Team Rocket.”

“Shhh!” Jesse and James said. “We won’t steal your Pokemon.”

“Look, I need to enter the contest without my brother Drew noticing.” Daisy said.

“What’s in it for us?” Meowth asked.

“If you help me, I will defeat Natshi!” Daisy smirked.

“You mean that little brat with the blue hair.” Jesse asked.

“That’s her.”  Daisy said.

“You got a deal!” Jesse said. “Meet us here at 4:00 we’ll help you out!”

“Thank you.” She said.

*4:00 pm*

Daisy stood with a box in her hand.  As Jesse and James gave her an extreme makeover.  She was smiling and holding the box tightly.   As James did her hair she thought about her family and her Pokemon.. What would Drew say if he saw her in the contest?

“All done!” Jesse said.

“Ahhh, you’re gorgeous!” James cheered.

“You think I look good?” Daisy asked looking at the change in her hair and clothes.

“Now all we need is something to cover up those gorgeous green eyes of yours!” Jesse said.

“I think I have just the thing.” Daisy said.

She opened the box and held a beautiful mask like the kind you wear at a Masquerade. It was a beautiful pink mask with blue jewels on the sides.  She put the mask on and then turned to Jesse and James.

“Well, how do I look?” she asked.

“Beautiful.” Jesse said.

“Simply Gorgeous!” James said.

“Thanks…I think.”  Daisy said sweat drooping.

“Now we have to give you a mysterious name. I’m thinking you’re  the kind to have The Dazzler for a name.” James said.

“Thanks, for everything.” Daisy said.

“Your welcome now we don’t do this everyday you know.”  Meowth said.

“I’ll be sure to put that brat Natshi in her place!”  Daisy said.

Chapter 11
The first round
*Contest Hall*

Daisy put on her mask and walked into the hall. She saw all of the Pokemon and their trainers. She saw Drew looking for her and then looking at the note that she left him saying that she would be watching the round.  Sitting down she looked at her Pokeballs and decided on Princess for the contest!

“Come on out Princess!” She said throwing the pokeball.

“Pichu!” Princess cheered.

“Are you ready for this?” Daisy asked and the Pichu nodded. “Good because we’re going to have to give it our all!”

“Pichu!”  The Pichu said with the green and blue bow on her ear and jumping back into the Pokeball.

“Alright. This is it!” Daisy said breathing.

Daisy walked ready to enter but she watched Drew entered the contest. Getting a ton of comments and a high score. Her brother had used his Rosella’s petal dance which looked beautiful on stage.  May went next using Beautify’s sliver wind.

“Alright I’m ready!”  Daisy said breathing slowly and walked into the area.

The crowd was cheering as Daisy walked out into the area.

“Our next conpetor is a mystery one known as “The Dazzler!”  The contest announcer said. “Let’s see what Pokemon she will use!”

“Princess, show them your stuff!” Daisy replied throwing the Pokeball in the air.

“Pichu!” Princess replied as it did a spin in the air and landed on his feet.

“Isn’t that cute folks? The Dazzler has chosen a Pichu a rather cute Pokemon to start out with!” The announcer said. “What moves will she dazzle us with?”

“Princess use Thunderwave and then use Charm!” Daisy said.

The Pichu made a circle of thunder in the air and then put its small hands to its mouth and blew a kiss releasing hearts onto the wave.  The hearts went around the circles. Drew watched the screen noticed the Pichu.

“Daisy would love This trainer!” Drew said to himself.

“Unbelievable folks. This young trainer has filled the arena with hearts let’s see what the judges have to say.” The announcer said.

“Lovely.” Nurse Joy said.

“Simply adorable.” The official person said.

“I think it was a wonderful combation!”  Mr. Suki said.

“Now let’s see what the score is!”  The announcer said.

“Come on…let me enter  the next round!”  Daisy prayed.

The score continued to add up and then it showed a 97.

“Wow a 97!” The announcer said. “We’ll be seeing The Dazzler in the next round.”

“Alright! Wait to go Princess!” Daisy said giving her mouse a high five.

Daisy walked down the hall bumping into Natshi as she walked down the hall.

“Nice job…and your rat did a good job to!” she said evilly.

“I guess we’ll see who wins!” Daisy said.

”Pichu!” Pichu growled angrily.

“I guess so.” Natshi said.

“I better be ready for her!  She looks tough!” Daisy thought.

And with  that Natshi walked out to the stage releasing a Sviper. Daisy walked down to the Pokemon Center and walked to her room. She took her mask off and placed it in the box. She sighed and opened the window sighing.

“you  can put the Dazzler in the Daisy but you can’t make the Daisy  The Dazzler!” she sighed.

As she said this tears came from her eyes and she jumped out the window. She looked for Drew and ran to the forest hoping to see Drew there but she couldn’t find him. She saw her Pokemon were looking tired. So she returned to  the Pokemon Center to see Drew sitting at a table.

“Hey Drew.” She greeted him

“Hey, I didn’t see you today.” Drew said.

“Oh well I had some errands to do.”  She said.

“Oh.”  Drew said.

“I’m sorry I missed it but I heard you did really well!”  Daisy said.

“Thanks. Oh by the way there’s a trainer called The Dazzler that had a Pichu that you would love.” Drew said.

“Oh wow, she sounds great!”  Daisy said nervously.

“Maybe you’ll see her in the next round tomorrow!” Drew said.

“Oh yeah, about that…I won’t be able to make it tomorrow.” Daisy said.

“Why?”  Drew asked.

“I have an early street performance.” Daisy lied.

“Oh, I’m sorry but I’ll tell you all about the next round.”  Drew said,

“The battle round.” Daisy whispered.

“The rounds have been posted and now we’ll see who will our trainers will be battling.” The announcer said.

Daisy and Drew looked up to see the contest.  Daisy saw that Drew would be competing against May and that Daisy would be competing against Natshi.  She smiled and noticed that her rival was smiling too.
“You better be ready Natshi because I’m not going down without a fight.”  Daisy whispered.

“Hey Drew, you better be ready.”  May said.

“Same to you.”  Drew said.

“Good luck to both of you.”   Daisy said suddenly regretting the last thing she said.

Chapter  12
The Dazzler’s identity is revealed
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Comments: 13

majormana [2012-07-04 11:57:08 +0000 UTC]

Its a good story but name Daisy bad idea in pokeverse. There is Daisy Misty's eldest sister. Daisy Hary's older soster. Sakura(it translates to Daisy in english) and those are one's I remember their maybe others but point is is Daisy is had idea for name for oc. Other tyen that good story

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shadowgirl2000 In reply to majormana [2012-07-04 17:31:50 +0000 UTC]

i realized that shortly after i wrote the story. but i can't think of a better name for her

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majormana In reply to shadowgirl2000 [2012-07-04 18:34:35 +0000 UTC]

Isn't that how it always works? Tip for finding names think what wuld you name your child in this case a girl. So when you have daughter whay would yoi name her and that's ussaly best name. Its really more pf a me thing all these Daisy's make my head spin but part of that I'm a fan of Miaty's sister Daisy. Yes we exost but their are only few of us. It is still good story

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shadowgirl2000 In reply to majormana [2012-07-04 19:24:42 +0000 UTC]


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majormana In reply to shadowgirl2000 [2012-07-04 21:25:36 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome

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shadowgirl2000 In reply to majormana [2012-07-04 22:21:16 +0000 UTC]

what were the names of misty's sisters

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majormana In reply to shadowgirl2000 [2012-07-05 05:59:32 +0000 UTC]

Daisy(she's the eldest and has like Misty been given own personality), Lily and Violet( I call them lollipop heads cause they have funky hair that looks like lollipop color and have lollipops for brains)

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shadowgirl2000 In reply to majormana [2012-07-05 06:16:58 +0000 UTC]

what do you think of the name Rose for her

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majormana In reply to shadowgirl2000 [2012-07-05 06:24:22 +0000 UTC]

Good. Its not an over used name and jf are changing it in story it makes 100% semse woth Drew's rose thing. Pokemon liles to use flower names and they haven't done Rose.

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shadowgirl2000 In reply to majormana [2012-07-05 07:15:27 +0000 UTC]


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chikisingergrl [2006-09-11 08:05:23 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh can't wait to see what happens next

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shadowgirl2000 In reply to chikisingergrl [2006-09-11 22:54:22 +0000 UTC]


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WhiteMageTifa [2006-09-10 23:14:49 +0000 UTC]

that super good

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