ShadowMassacre134 — Avis Fuchs's Info

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Description Name: Avis Fuchs
Meaning: Refuge in war
Nickname(s): Avi (Av-ee)
Alias (if any): Wild Boar (By Auruo), and Savaged Sow (By Nile)
Age: 27 to 31 (In the manga timeline)
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Birthday: June 25
Birthplace: Wall Maria
Current Residence: Wall Rose
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Language(s) spoken: English and German
Life-Long Dream: To become a school teacher
Goal(s): Clear hers and Eilert's names as accused criminals.
Like(s): Nature walk, peace and quiet, and reading.
Dislike(s): Rainstorms, cold weathers, the military police, false propaganda, stupidity, people who are irresponsible, and immaturity.
Bad Habit(s): Letting anger get the best of her, being too harsh, losing her calm composure, and biting her thumbnails when being nervous or stumped. 
Hobbies: Hiking, knitting, and fishing.
Fear(s): Has Psychophobia (Fear of the cold)
Personality: Avis is described as being a calm, collected, and somewhat quiet individual while having a strict serious look on her face. She's not very talkative, only if she is in a meeting and strategy planning with her comrades and superiors. Avis has the tendency to be foul mouthed in almost each sentence if being angered, sarcastic, or being annoyed in general, and does get harsh towards other people, mostly verbally, depending who she is speaking to or who's pulling the wrong plug from her.

At times Avis can be quite emotionless and empathetic who doesn't care about other people's well being or anything that's happening around her, including being looked down by others due to her. She even comes off as being a complete loner who prefers to look after herself than cooperating with others and mainly focuses on her goal to clear her name as an accused criminal. Avis would mostly  ignore others who had done her wrong, but not without talking back to them in a sarcastic and bitter manner before giving them a clear warning to make them get off her back. She's not the type to be hissy or have a snotty persona, but does have a sour attitude, depending who she is dealing with, as well as having the tendency to bad mouth others (Depending who) behind their back and prone to speak angrily when slapping reality into other people's face if it's either stubborness or continuous denial that hits her nerve. It is evident that Avis does have bit of a sadistic and twisted side to her, as shown in the story Warrior's Of Humanity. 

She does have trust issues because she had been manipulated many times by her father, as well as other people within Shiganshina, so Avis feels quite a bit weary when meeting new people. That being said, Avis tends to be very selfish when it comes to completing a mission, but eventually moved that side of her as soon as she became a young adult in her early twenties. She is also the type that keeps her personal feelings to herself rather than letting it out. She doesn't want others being all nosy and is visably irritated when others try to get an answer or pry concerning her past. Avis never wanted pity from other people that will make her feel like she is some long lost kid that needed love and attention, because she knew that they just wanted a reward after either trying to help her or change her. She eventually came to trust those who are close to her, and willing to give them a chance at her own pace. Avis even let her comrades aid her when she's in trouble or in near death situations. 

Avis gets annoyed, sometimes by her peers, and other soldiers who were too incredibly immature for her liking, but she would mostly ignore their stupidly, or just laugh it off. Though she was able to tolerate Hanji's overly enthusiastic and hyperactive behaviour and Levi's clean freak nature, Avis still couldn't handle being around with someone with no sense of privacy or personal space for that matter, especially when she occasionally wants to be alone for some peace and quiet to clear her mind without interruptions. She is prone to light teasing or having a dry sense of humor when the moment suits her and so forth. 

Avis can get aggressive and hostile if being threatened by her enemies, has the mild tendency to use vile threats against them through violence, and has the guts to willingly disobey her superior's orders if only necessary. Avis can occasionally be compassionate, soft hearted (Despite not admitting to it), and shows deep respect and trust towards her close comrades and her superiors within the Survey Corps, as well as willing to mourn those who died on the battlefield even though she had never shed a single tear for them. The only reason she kept herself from crying is her motivation to stay focused in battle and not let her emotions get the best of her.

Not long after going through such horrific trauma of watching Elica and other soldiers being devoured right in front of her eyes, Avis eventually had come to accept that hers along with Erwin's fallen comrades were the ones who made the choice of becoming soldiers and willing to sacrifice their lives for the sake of humanity. Avis herself, not knowing when she will die, will continue to focus in battle to stay alive, even though the chance of her survival outside of the walls are slim.

Since Mathilda is the only parent that Avis truly loved and cared about, she was able to learn a couple of good traits from her that was able to keep her from choosing the wrong path, which is kindness, compassion, as well as determination of maintaining a strong mind and the obligation to keep moving forward and not let any obstacles get in her way, even though reality is cruel and heartless. From her father, Avis learned violence and aggression from him as a child.

Though not completely wise like Hanji or Erwin, Avis does ease her comrades and other soldiers fear and anxiety just through small words of strong encouragement that would help them to focus on the battlefield, even though she is not the comforting type of person. Avis however, does not refuse a soldier's dying wish.  

At first glance, Avis looks like a strong individual on the outside, but she possesses survivor's guilt, shame and self hatred that she is feeling on the inside ever since she was a newbie at the academy. Nile purposely always reminded her that she and her family are still criminals like her father, in which it caused her to hate herself even more. It is evident that Avis suffers from deep depression during her late teen years as a new recruit in Levi's special operating squad, yet she is far too busy fulfilling her duties as a soldier to think about suicide. Though even as an adult in her late twenties, Avis still suffers from depression. She didn't want to show this type of vulnerability to her comrades, afraid that they would worry over her too much, as well as burdening them with the issue. Instead she keeps it all to herself and focus more on fulfilling her duties as a soldier. 

However, despite having survivor's guilt for nearly eight years after graduating from the boot camp, Avis was able to keep herself strong and indestructible, vowing that she will not follow in her father's footsteps and not let her past get in the way. She also has a strong determination to clear her's and Eilert's name as accused criminals and give humanity a second chance. 

Favorites(not necessary)-
Food(s): Soup, bread and steamed potatoes.
Color(s): Violet and light blue
Season(s): Summer
Activities: Cleaning headquarters most of the time (Ordered by Levi), training, horse stable duties, and strategy planning.
Time of Day: Day

Height: 5'2
Weight: 140
Hair style: Short chin length hair with long bangs framing her face that is slightly reaching down past her chin.
Hair Color: Dark burnt charcoal brown
Eye Color: Dark brown
Skin Tone: Light peachy skin tone with light tan.
Body Shape/Build: Quite muscular and skinny in size.
Birth Marks: One on her left ankle
Scar(s): One on her left palm, one on the side of her right neck, and three on her right arm.
Other: Avis looks identical to her father, but has her mother's dark brown eyes though. In the four year time skip of the manga, Avis's hair grew long to shoulder length and had it tied up in a simple ponytail.

Memory (any issues with this?): Tends to forget a few minor things, like forgetting to adjust her harnesses, and has no memory of what duties she should take care of due to stress.
Sight (do you need glasses?): She doesn't need glasses
Mental (Any problems? Example: depression): Anger issues, depression, and PTSD.  
Physical (Do you take care of your body or harm it? Also include injuries): She gets injured a few times in the battlefield, like receiving a broken arm, broken leg, and receives a few or more scars during her confrontation with her enemies in a violent heated battle.
Sleep patterns (how you sleep and how much rest do you get?): Tosses and turns in the middle of the night every ten minutes, and gets 8 hours of sleep.
Allergies/Other: None

Abilities/Statistics (1- lowly skilled, 10- highly skilled and tell why)-
3D Maneuvering Gear: 8/10
Intelligence: 8/10
Martial Arts: 10/10
Battle Skill: 6/10
Agility: 7/10
Strategy: 8/10
Teamwork: 7/10
Passion: 10/10

Affiliation: Survey Corps
Former Affiliation: 102nd Trainee's squad
Grad. Rank: A
Status (Alive, Missing, etc.): Deceased 
(Optional) If anything but alive tell what happened: Avis was shot down by one of the Marley soldiers during a battle in Shiganshina against them and the titans.  

Parent(s): Mathilda Fuchs (Biological Mother), and Carl Fuchs (Biological father, currently in prison)
Sibling(s): Eilert Fuchs (19 year old brother, currently a Survey Corps soldier)
Other Relative(s): Grandparents (Died of an unknown disease), Sam Fuchs (Uncle, went missing after abandoning Carl's side)
Love Interest: None, coldly rejected Hugo (A Garrison guard), after he confessed his true feelings to her.
Best Friend(s): Petra Ral (Deceased) Nifa (Deceased), Elica (Deceased), Hugo, and Nanaba (Deceased)
Friend(s): Gunther Schultz (Deceased), Eld Jin (Deceased), Levi Ackerman, Moblit Berner and Hanji Zoe
Enemy(ies): Kenny Ackerman, Titans, Annie Leonhart, Bertholt Hoover, Reiner Braun, Carl Fuchs, King Fritz, and Zeke (Aka the beast titan)
Hero(es): Erwin Smith  
Rival(s): None

Quote(s): "Never surrender to your inner demons, otherwise you're as good as gone and dead, stupid kid"


Avis was born and raised in Shiganshina along with her little brother, Eilert, living somewhere close beside Wall Rose away from the entrance of Wall Maria. Apparently as a young teenager, Avis is a cold-hearted delinquent due to her father, Carl's daily physical abuse she has to endure with Eilert and her mother, Mathilda, that led her to become an angry maniac, learning violence and being aggressive from him to other people who she considered them to be a threat towards her.

It is said that Carl was originally a criminal from the underground city and a former persecutor of hunting the Ackerman family and the Asian clan, having to buy his own way to live up at the surface after killing dozens of innocent people for eight years. He also hid his true identity from the world, Mathilda, Avis and Eilert in order to protect himself from being caught by the military police, even went so far to change his first name to Erik and his last name to Fischer. His younger brother, Sam Fuchs, left Carl's side, not wanted to be involved in his criminal life any longer, and left on a run in a hurry away from the military police without even meeting or saying goodbye to his niece, nephew and sister-in-law.

Ever since her mother is struggling to support her family, because of Carl wasting so much money on alcoholic drinks, new weapons and gambling, Avis took matters into her own hands at the age of thirteen by engaging herself in street brawls to earn money to pay for food, clothes, and the house instead of looking for a real job that pays only a little cash since she's still too young to find a place to work. She had learned the basics of fighting and self defense by a retired soldier from the Scout Regimen she befriended since she was only five years old, and having to use her newfound skills to earn as much money as possible. No matter how many times Mathilda begged Avis to quit fighting on the streets for her's and Eilert's sake, Avis stubbornly refused to back down, even though it caused her to suffer more injuries at the end of each week. She refused to sell herself for money upon Carl's suggestion.

At the age of fifteen, after the events that happened five months ago with Levi during his attempt to kill Erwin that is unsuccessful, Avis overheard Carl's and Mathilda's heated argument in the middle of the night. Carl is planning on selling Eilert to slavery and Avis to the underground brothel in order to gain loads of money to pay off for the landlord and food, but Mathilda angrily refuses that idea. Carl snapped furiously out of frustration, beating Mathilda half to death. Avis stepped in to protect her mother, nearly getting herself killed because Carl was armed. Avis was able to win the fight, stabbing her father multiple times. However, four military police, having to be passing by during lookout duty and hearing all the racket, stopped her before she can deliver the final blow.

Avis, along with her mother and brother were taken into court, while the military police threw Carl behind bars. Avis and her family were suspects of aiding Carl in his criminal related activities for many years, in which the court is threatening to execute them all. However, Erwin (Came to court to have a meeting with Nile) had stepped in and made a proposal to let Avis join the Survey Corps, and that she'll be put under his and Levi's supervision, as well as letting Eilert join when he reaches a proper age to be in the military since he is still seven years old, much to Nile's disapproval. The court will also have no choice but to execute Avis, Eilert and Mathilda, if she betrays the Survey Corps. 

Not only that, Avis and her little brother will have to pay the price for their father's murderous crimes by having to sacrifice their life for humanity as a soldier, and Nile knows that their chance of survival outside of the walls are very slim, since hundreds of Erwin's men died on every expedition. 

At the age of eighteen, Avis graduated from the academy and was placed in Levi's squad since she is still under surveillance. After Avis turned twenty two years of age, returning to Shiganshina District from her mission with her comrades, the Colossal Titan appeared and destroyed the wall, sending in titans to devour the townsfolk. Avis was able to get her mother to safety behind Wall Rose before any of them can be killed.

(Spoiler alert if you haven't read the manga yet)

Five years later, Avis is currently aiding her brother, Levi, and his new squad to reclaim Wall Maria, finding out the truth behind the titans that is hidden within the basement of Eren and Mikasa's home. Avis also later became a squad leader in Hanji's place. 
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