ShadowMassacre134 — Hector's Frying Pan: Castlevania One-shot
#castlevaniacurseofdarkness #castlevaniaoc #castlevania #oneshotgame
Published: 2018-05-04 06:19:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 1658; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description Note: OC Lia Armand belongs to me, and spoiler alert if you haven't played Castlevania Curse Of Darkness, please don't read this one-shot. 

Hector found himself sitting in front of the fire pit he managed to make by hand feeling absolutely exhausted from traveling on foot for nearly two days back to the abandoned castle where he and Lia first arrived after entering the curse filled land of Wallachia. He and Lia had nothing to use for transportation that will get the both to travel faster. Hector cursed himself for losing his and Lia's horses during the middle of the journey to Wallachia itself, and now both of them were forced to travel on foot. What a glorious way to travel, especially when there's no other village to be found. Even if there was one, Hector didn't have a single penny on him to buy two horses. And he didn't have a small poach of gold coins to begin with! 

The only reason why Hector traveled back to the abandoned castle, is because that's where he and Lia will meet Trevor Belmont there. Oh yes, Trevor Belmont. The last son of the Belmont family and the only vampire hunter who defeated Lord Dracula three years ago. Hector did encounter the said vampire hunter and had a fierce battle with him, only to be defeated quite brutally. Though he managed to escape with a few minor scratches and bruises, Hector still felt royally ticked. The damn Belmont made him look like a complete fool. Trevor had to whip the him around with that Vampire Killer whip of his like he were to tame a wild cat. Hector can never forget how painful it is to be whipped around to death. Hell, even Lia had to go through that as well due to the fact that Trevor accused her of being a witch. She's not only a Devil Forgemaster like himself, but also a fire sorceress. That would've explained why Trevor called her a witch in the first place until Hector himself proved him wrong. 

Hector can only hope that he would find a way to give Trevor a taste of his own medicine. Course he is also ticked that Trevor had to act like an arrogant bastard just because he's a Belmont. After he and Lia lost the battle, Trevor had to remind him that he is weak. Weak as in, not possessing enough power and strength to overpower him and defeat his sworn enemy, Isaac. Isaac is the man responsible for accusing Hector's wife, Rosaly, of being a witch that caused her to be burned alive at the stake. And Hector wanted to seek revenge by hunting Isaac down and kill him for taking away his wife. 

Lia had returned from the small wooded area carrying an armful of thick dried twigs and dead fallen branches towards the fire pit. Hector in the meantime, is busying himself cooking up some fish he caught from a nearby lake with a frying pan. There is a simple white handkerchief sitting close beside him with small piles of wild berries and chestnuts from the forest that his fifteen year old companion gathered. 

Why on earth did he had a frying pan in the first place? Oh that's right! Because Hector happened to pick one up from one of the abandoned houses from the Town Of Cordova. It was still a little bit rusty, but it's still useful. Of course he washed it properly before using it! To him it's more useful than cooking meat on a damn stick. Using sticks from the forest is completely useless, especially the fact that there aren't any fresh strong branches to use. Most of the trees were nearly dead due to the unhealthy environment of Wallachia, as well as Dracula's curse that was also the cause. And if you use a dried up skinny branch to cook, then it'll just burn away easily. 

Once the two rainbow trouts were fully cooked, Hector had set the frying pan aside, placing on top of a very flat rock he found at the nearby lake. He just let the pan sit on the the rock to let the cool his and Lia's dinner a little before handling them. Lia sat herself down beside her older male companion and took a few wild berried from the handkerchief, popping them into her mouth before tossing a few tried twigs into the fire. 

"We got at least six more hours to arrive at the castle. For now let's just camp here for the night" Hector said, popping one or two berries in his mouth as well.

Lia had let out a soft sigh, not taking her hazel colored eyes off of the dancing flames displayed in front of her and Hector "That's a relief. My feet are beginning to fall off from my legs if we continue on" 

Hector chuckled lightly, ruffling the young fifteen year old girl's hair "I'm not so cruel to letting a young girl like you traveling so endlessly on foot" 

"Are you calling me weak?" She challenged the twenty four year old white-haired male. 

"No. Just being a real gentleman" Hector lightly teased, giving Lia a cheeky wink. 

Hector had started eating his fish once it was cool enough to handle. He then gave the second cooked trout to Lia, which she gladly accept and nearly wolfing it down. Traveling a lot on foot can easily make you hungry, as anyone would say from a long hiking trip. Hector then tossed all of the chestnuts into the frying pan and placed it back onto the fire to cook.

Lia had finished her meal and tossed the head and the fish bones right into the fire, watching a few of the chestnuts lightly bouncing on one spot to another, making a small popping noise to accompany the cracking sounds of twigs burning within the red hot flames heating the frying pan. 

After eating all the roasted chestnuts and wild berries, Hector leaned his back against a large tree to rest his eyes. Lia had tossed in more of the gathered tried branches and twigs into the pit in order to keep the fire going. Once that was out of the way, she took a seat on the ground close beside Hector before letting her long dark brown hair loose that was held by a simple thick silky blue ribbon. Hector and Lia did end up falling asleep right away. Lia had her head leaning on Hector's shoulder, while Hector had rest his head on top of hers. All there is nothing but silence.

However, the next night at the abandoned castle...


"It cannot be helped" Trevor said "You and the girl must show me just how much power you both gained" 

Hector was beyond shocked, as well as Lia. Fight him again!? The white-haired male did not see the young vampire hunter as an enemy! "Wait! We have no reason to fight you!" The white-haired male reasoned. 

"Trevor please!" Lia begged "You can't do this!" 

"Silence!" Trevor shouted "This is your reason! DEFEND YOURSELF!" Without warning, Trevor charged full speed towards the two Devil Forgemasters. 

Hector scoffed as he dodged one of Trevor's deadly strikes from the Vampire Killer whip. Lia had jumped to the side to prevent herself from losing an eye from the tip of the whip that swung backwards, nearing just about an inch close to the side of her head.

The battle continued on for what seemed like an eternity, but it has only been ten minutes. Hector landed far off about ten feet away from Trevor, struggling to catch his breath as he watched Lia trying to get a few strikes on the fierce vampire hunter. Hector felt defeated. He doesn't have any options or any other plan to think of to stop Trevor. He couldn't possibly sacrifice all of his Innocent Devils without them being killed off one by one. He doesn't even have a single weapon on him since Hector is more used to using hand-to-hand combat than sword fighting. Only Lia is the one carrying a weapon with her, which is a simple piercing long sword that is meant for merely fencing.

Taking in his last breath, Hector had swiped his hand to his back "Looks like this is my last option" he hissed under his breath. Hector did not hesitate to charge himself towards Trevor, letting his legs speed up as he got closer "Take this, Belmont!" The older man shouted.

And BAM! Trevor shouted out in pain as he flew backwards from the brutal impact he received from his head. The brown-haired vampire hunter landed right on his back with a loud bone crushing thud, completely knocked out cold on the spot. Lia was beyond surprised at Trevor's quick defeat. She is also very confused as to how that happened. Turning to face her older guardian with a questionable look on her face, Lia raised a single brow at him.

And there what lies what Hector is holding in his hand. The same frying pan he used to cook his and Lia's food back at their little camping spot. Why in the actual hell did he bring that along for? And did he used that to knock the hell out of Trevor like that? 

"Um, Hector?" Lia asked, still confused.


"Why did you bring that... frying pan with you?" 

Hector chuckled nervously as if he got caught stealing some sweets from an innocent child, rubbing the back of his head as he answered "I thought it would be a waste if we just discard it. So I decided to bring it along in case we need to cook our food again"

"To me it looks like you're using it as a weapon more than a tool for cooking though..." Lia replied, not looking too convinced. 

Come to think of it, Hector had no idea why he brought that old stinking frying pan in the first place. Perhaps he spaced out so much during the six hour walk back to the abandoned castle that he totally forgot that he was still gripping onto the frying pan like a damn sword. Maybe he did think about using it on Trevor, but that sounds silly. To him at least, or maybe Lia, who knows.

But from what just happened, Hector is willing to admit that his trusty frying pan did a fantastic job in defeating the vampire hunter head on. After all, Trevor is the one who whipped him and Lia around like a madman. Hector himself doesn't even know he would call Trevor a sadist or not, but he certainly looked like one! To Hector at least. What the hell right? In the end, Hector did give Trevor a taste of his own medicine for calling him weak. And what the hell did Hector even do to Trevor in the first place? He and Lia only met the powerful vampire hunter the first time back at the Garibaldi temple, and then out of nowhere started attacking them. What the hell...

Lia had sat down on her knees beside Trevor who is still laying unconsciously on the old thin carpeted floor. She then proceeded to poke the vampire hunter's cheek. Not once, but twice in one spot. Obviously she didn't get a reaction out of him. 

"Trevor?" Lia called out to him as Hector came over to her side "Trevor! Wake up!" The young teenage girl gave Trevor's forehead a hard flick, and still didn't receive any reaction from him at all. Lia had never though that Trevor Belmont would be defeated that easily by a simple household item. And it is indeed a brutal blow to the head, but not to the point where his skull would shatter into a million pieces, thank god.

"He really is out cold..." Hector murmured.

"And I think you went a little too far" Lia replied lightly, not taking her eyes off of the unconscious man before her and Hector "At least you didn't try to crush his head though" 

Hector can only sigh in response, looking quite irritated that he was being lectured. Lia did summon her fairy type Innocent Devil, a honey bee fairy, to heal Trevor just to be safe.

"Wonder what he will do once he regains consciousness?" Lia wondered.

"Might as well wait and see. We can't possibly leave him here laying unconscious like that while there are still monsters roaming about in this wretched place"

"But you're the one who hit him though, remember?" 

"Yes yes I get it" Hector sighed in annoyance "I will take responsibility for it when he wakes up" 

Trevor miraculously survived with just a painful bump on his head. Hector in the end got lectured by him like an angry mother would who suddenly found out about her son's shameful secret. And the lecture itself? Lasts for nearly four whole hours until Trevor finally lost the ability to speak, leaving his throat sore. 

Now Hector knew better to not use household items like a frying pan on Trevor Belmont. Otherwise you'll either be whipped or just get yelled at. Neither them sounded too great anyway. 
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TiaKay [2018-08-02 18:36:57 +0000 UTC]


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