shadowspirit07 — Storm of the Soul Ch 2 [NSFW]
Published: 2013-05-04 15:38:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 149; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description Kenet shifted uncomfortably in the small cell that confined him, the chains of the bunk he was laying on squeaked forlornly. The storm was not aiding in his sleep, particularly when each heavy wave struck the wall by his bunk and rattled the wood so hard that he wondered if the planks would cave in. The floorboards trembled, as if threatening to bow and snap from the pressure of the sea, making the flame on the stump of candle waver and the shadows dance along the edges of the circle of light. Sounds of fighting reverberated down from above, though there seemed to be more people than the usual crew. Voices shouted over the wind, unintelligible but had a menacing tone, punctuated by the sharp clang of metal on metal. Unless it was a mutiny, which was doubtful with this crew, then they had to be being attacked by another pirate crew.

Captain ‘Bloody’ Jack Smith was not a man to be trifled with; far from it. He ruled his crew and ship with an iron fist and a sharp sword, more than earning his name. The man was as stone hearted as the devil himself, cold and cruel to anyone under his command. Any man that crossed him the wrong way would be severely punished; the entire crew bore permanent marks from his constant abuse, so did Kenet.

The ship shook violently and there was a sickening crashing sound from somewhere deep in the bowels. Those on the deck above stumbled, struggling to keep their balance and not be thrown overboard into the raging see below. The pirates had frozen for a moment, eyes wide, the fights breaking up instantly. A painful screeching of wood could be heard, the boat dropped suddenly and the crews scattered.

“She’s breaking up!” shouted a man.

“Every man for himself!” cried another.

Blood Jack fled to a lifeboat, not even bothering to take a second glance back at his crew struggling to find safety themselves. Panic ensued, the ship had struck the dreaded shoals and was sinking fast. Jack’s terrified men rushed to seek lifeboats, some took refuge on the female captain’s ship, hoping for mercy.

“Jon, Will, come help me with the prisoners,” the woman ordered.

The three headed below deck, planning on keeping any captives from drowning. Water was starting to cover the floor, rising quickly. Splashing across the flooded planks, the first mate used his metal magic to bend the bars of the cell. Will grabbed the man inside and hauled him to the other boat, not giving his surprised victim much time to react.

“That’s all of them,” the first mate said as they checked the last cell. “Let’s get off this wreck before we drown.”

Kenet was startled when three pirates came running down to the hold, he had barely sat up, hastily grabbing the necklace he kept hidden between the bunk and the wall, when he was half dragged from his cell to a second ship. What the hell was going on? A moment later he was ushered into an infirmary where the wounded were being examined, including a few of Jack’s crew that had jumped ship. But there was no way to ask them if they knew what was going on, they were surrounded by the rival pirate crew and kept from interacting from one another. When no one was looking, Kenet slipped the necklace on and tucked it beneath his shirt to hide it.

“Captain, what do you want us to do with the prisoners?” asked Will, leaning against the doorframe as he spoke to someone in the hall.

The man’s northern accent was thick, he drawled his vowels in a mountain twang as he brushed a few strands of the white blonde hair from pale gray eyes. His skin was extremely fair, almost unnaturally pale, with a faint tint from working in the sun. A light sunburn tinged his shoulders from beneath his sleeveless shirt, though it was nothing compared to what it had been during his first days on the ship.

The captain’s reply was muffled by the voices of the other men in the infirmary, Kenet couldn’t understand what was said but the one called Will nodded in reply and said something to the first mate. The second male sighed, shaking his head and muttering under his breath as he left the room. One by one each of Jack’s crew were escorted from the infirmary by Will, none ever returned, and soon Kenet was the only prisoner left.
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