Sharkiey — NotM: Wanderlust

Published: 2017-08-27 12:31:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 612; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 1
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This one's a little special
if you scroll down, you'll get what I mean

"What does 'yarrr' mean? Where does the word 'yarrr' come from, anyway?"

"Loyal nia royaltui!"

Isla Aredhel

Age: 127 (Physically and mentally 20)

Birthday: 27th August

Height: 4'11"

Species: Beastkin
A hybrid race of humans and magical beasts. Their sizes can vary and usually live longer than normal humans.

Powers: Super hearing, Super sense of smell, Night vision 
Even though she's a magical being, she uses close combat instead.

Previous position: Bodyguard

Current position: Lookout


Active | Playful | Joyful | Loyal | Naive | Impatient | Stubborn

Isla was born to guard the king of Earendil due to her heritage, but wanders off to some new places instead led by her child-like curiosity, eventually losing her way back home. Since she had come this far, might as well explore the gigantic world or so she thought despite the fact that beastkin are being hunted in faraway lands for their magical essence or to be enslaved. Trained by assassins, Isla never hesitated to kill but only kills when she had to or ordered to. After adventuring for awhile, she learned to speak the universal language, different behaviours, and policy.

Naturally sociable, Isla likes to make friends. You can bribe her a good meat, and she'll listen to you probably for a few seconds. Though when one earned her true trust, Isla will promise them her intense and unbreakable loyalty. Isla loves and appreciates a good roughhousing. It makes her feel more confident and keep her stress-free. She also tends to be flirtatious but merely for her own personal entertainment; discovering different kinds of reactions and all. Isla is incredibly dense and oblivious when it comes to romance as she never once felt or thought about such thing nor being talked to about it. Ocassionally, she would rebel against other people (except Maggie), ignoring their warnings or orders.  At times, her foolishness may drag her in the most ridiculous situation ever.

Quirks and Habits:

  • mildly punny
  • often hums/sings when alone
  • believes in conspiracy rumours
  • can't really stay still without doing anything
  • believes everyone she met is her best friend
  • grooms her hair with her fingers.... and saliva
  • easily falls asleep, even in a very weird position


  • agile
  • art of stealth
  • strong stamina
  • grappling combat


  • petit
  • pollen
  • vegetables
  • dog whistles
  • low physical strength


  • travel the whole world
  • learn other skills the world has to offer
  • prove the world that beastkin aren't wild and savage
  • find a way home, not to go home but visit from time to time


  • eels 
  • starvation
  • being useless
  • breaking loyalty 
  • being unable to fight
  • not keeping her promises


  • eat
  • fighting
  • grooming
  • adventure
  • ear scratch
  • climbing on stuff
  • biting something
  • take an easy way out


  • cages
  • pollen
  • belly rub
  • boredom
  • not eating
  • vegetables
  • loud noises
  • lazying around


 Crushes on |  Loves romantically |  Loves as family |   Likes |  Friends with |  Respects |  Dislikes |  Avoids |  Unsure

Captain Maggie :  



Experience: 0

Gold: 0

Reputation: 0


The Aredhel family was given the honour to protect the King of Earendil as they pledged their lives to the king in return for spoils and special hospitality. But Isla had another idea for her future; to venture the whole world and unveil its secrets. Her parents didn't like her childish dreams and forced her to follow their footsteps. As she matured, she escaped Earendil via a trader's ship to follow her dreams. After traveling for awhile, she ended up in Crow Island and about to experience something she had never felt before. She went into an inn to stay for a few days. Suddenly, a bar fight broke out, the clueless Isla was dragged into the fight before a drunken woman saved her before disappearing in the night. The next day, Isla tracked down her scent, gather information, and snuck into her ship, the Trickster's Pride, only to be mistaken for a thief. Isla explained everything to the crew and pledged her loyalty to the woman who saved her; Maggie .


The legends told of an elven demi-god that pulled islands out from the sea, planting them with mystical and magical still life. In the middle of a large island he had recently pulled, he grew an enormous tree taller than mountains, filled with overwhelming magic. Numerous sprites were attracted by the radiating magical energy and floated around its gigantic roots like fireflies in swamps, the sprites would "sing" to and for the tree. Their melodious songs could reach as far as the island goes. The tree's sap was said that it could cure every known disease drooled down the bark. Though the sap will only flow once a year, the day of its birth. Later the dwellers of the island turned that one specific day as a cultural ceremony and a ritual, as a message of appreciation gratitude towards the tree itself. 

The skies were decorated with smaller islands floating not too high from the mainland, some had waterfalls flowing and raining down certain parts of the mainland. Mountains were moved by the demi-god surrounding the island as well as a magical barrier to protect the island. He then gathered as much as mystical creatures whose homes lost in the aftermath of the God Wars, offering them a place to stay he had created. Thankful, the creatures pledged their lives to him, protecting and preserving the beauty of their new home as they build their homes and facilities all over the island, hence the birth of the great city Earendil. After the elven demi-god assisted the dwellers in choosing a worthy leader among themselves to become the king, he disappeared without a trace.

As time passed, Earendil now bore many unique races, cultures and traditions; hybrids, beastkin, and many other fairytale creatures. The beastkin proved to be the strongest race in Earendil and later tasked to protect the king. The Aredhel family, excel in the art of stealth, was kept away from being known to anyone than the royal families. They were a deadly force, able to outmatch magic by using only combat skills. They were the last line of defence to the throne. The Aredhel's loyalty was like no other, yet they didn't let loyalty make a fool of them. They know their limits, aware of most things happening around them, inside or outside the castle. Doubts starting to creep in the royal families, but the king trusted them and would never dare to turn his back on them. Not even once.

From the earliest age, Isla was taught to fight and to hunt. But where her brothers and sisters chose to follow family tradition to protect the king, Isla harbored dreams of venturing beyond Earendil's borders to explore the wider world. Her parents frowned upon such notions, and as their only child, they expected her to take up the role of custodian and royal defender. While this was an important duty, it was not what the joyful and headstrong Isla envisioned for her future.

Despite the endless frustration of tutors who sought to prepare her for a life of dutiful service to the throne, they never get to change Isla's desire for adventure. She would question their every teaching to pursue interesting new ideas, debate differing perspectives, and generally frustrate her tutors. Yet it was impossible to be angry at Isla, her zest for life like an inner radiance soothing even the most ruffled of feathers. For once, Isla tried to ditch her training to go see the gigantic tree for herself, but was caught and locked away in a cage to be disciplined. While locked in a cage, an elderly maid would bring Isla food and drinks, chat with her, tell her stories about worlds outside Earendil every night. The stories inspired Isla, planning to escape into a ship at the docks of Earendil to finally feed her wanderlust. And she did when she grow old enough.

After travelling for some time, Isla learned how the outside world worked, how to speak the universal language, a few combat tactics. And she never forgot to taste various food from various races of the faraway lands. Curiosity led her to paths one would think twice to make, for each paths lie great or even greater danger and risks. But what is adventure without danger? Isla took them head on with bravery and immense curiosity; from being an adventurer to a quest seeker, suddenly to a craftsman apprentice. For the wanderlust, all these new experience were to die for. But she had yet to experience something a little different.

One fine day, somehow Isla ended up in Crow Island - a land filled with pirates and most wanted criminals. The foul stench of rum and rotten tomatoes filled the air, unlucky for Isla, her inhuman sense of smell took it to a whole new level. Possibly the worst she has had experience ever. It was way worse than sniffing into a traditional herbal incense. Then again, she wouldn't complain. Later, she stopped by an inn to stay for a few day. The inn was almost deserted during the day, little did the petit beastkin know, the inn was the liveliest place at night. Questions haunted the mind of Isla when the place she thought was peaceful suddenly filled with more pirates and more.... rum. Just when she wanted to get something to eat, a bar fight broke out, suddenly flying chairs and glass shards stained the peaceful air. Isla dodged all the attacks coming from every direction, but not towards her, and at some point, they started to hit anyone they could find.

Sneaking herself out the crowd and tripping over bodies, a figure way bigger than Isla, grabbed her whole left arm as she felt his hand crushing her hand against the metal gauntlet she wore for protection. Isla couldn't find herself to do anything than letting her arm crushed by the brute, should she cut her hand off, it would be a little more difficult for her to handle things. Out of the blue, another figure approached the two from behind with a bottle in their hand, swinging it against the back of the brute's head before the brute immediately released her left arm to hold his head. Isla held onto her painful left arm as looked up to a blurry, dark and very drunk figure  wearing a black pirate hat with a turquoise feather hanging down on the side. The figure stood there for awhile until a few more mysterious figures dragged them out.

Isla couldn't really sleep well last night, not only from the pain of her left arm almost being snapped like a twig, but the mysterious figure who had saved her. She never expected anyone in this land, stink of rum and rotten tomatoes, would help out someone who probably had more training than the other. It was rather embarrassing, she thought. When her arm got a little better, Isla head out to find the stranger that saved her, tracking down their scent, gather every information she could get, showing other people a poorly drawn pirate hat, and sneaking on pirate ships. As darkness fell, Isla continued her search for this one person. Have they left the island already? If they did, that would be upsetting. Isla didn't even get to give the person a proper thanks.

When she thought about giving up, Isla gave it a last shot and snuck on another ship, only to be captured by the crew. It was as if the crew already sensed her presence just before she lay her hands on the ship. When being held down, the same tall, dark figure approached the smaller figure, but this time with more light to actually have a clear view of their face. It was a woman; a black-haired beauty, left eye scarred by past trials. Isla's eyes brighten, smiling with her jaw dropped. She stood up from her knees, forcing the crew members holding her down to push her down harder. Isla properly introduced herself and explained what happened before pledging her loyalty, as well as her life to the captain.

"My blade is yours to command."


  • a terrible liar
  • easily entertained
  • can be really annoying
  • loves to hang upside down
  • hides a dagger somewhere
  • enjoys chasing seagulls away
  • the ship is her agility training course
  • her pupils dilate when she sees something she likes
  • her kind of roughhousing is almost as same as a fist fight

Character usage: Strictly no killing, torturing, dismembering or god-moding, others are pretty fine 

Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time +8 hours

Online: Almost everyday but may be away for a day or two or forever

Chatroom Availability: Same as above

RP: Discord, notes, comments? 

Preferred method of RP: Script or literature, your call~


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Comments: 19

Diluculi [2017-08-27 21:49:10 +0000 UTC]

Maggie: I heard some serious petting is needed? *what is dignity even*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sharkiey In reply to Diluculi [2017-08-27 23:40:22 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Diluculi In reply to Sharkiey [2017-08-28 18:43:19 +0000 UTC]

Maggie: Awww, you're too kind *cuddles*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Leelu [2017-08-27 18:00:04 +0000 UTC]

Awwwwww, she's adorable!! I love her ears~

*throws Leelu at her*
Leelu: What the-?!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sharkiey In reply to Leelu [2017-08-27 18:25:25 +0000 UTC]

Isla: HI! YES, HELLO! I love your socks, ma'am. Though they're rather.... asymmetrical.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Leelu In reply to Sharkiey [2017-08-27 18:32:34 +0000 UTC]

Leelu: *blinks in confusion a few times at the new face* Hi? *remembers what she said* Thanks! I enjoy mismatching my socks, lets me express myself in a way that's fun and simple. ^^


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sharkiey In reply to Leelu [2017-08-27 19:10:12 +0000 UTC]

Isla: Express.... yourself? Hmm. *tries to understand* I think I get it.
I think. Do you think I'm expressing myself? *looks at herself, twisting
and turning her body*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Leelu In reply to Sharkiey [2017-08-27 19:12:16 +0000 UTC]

Leelu: *looks the new girl up and down* Well...are you happy as you are? Do you ever feel like "Man, I want to do this/wear that, but I just feel so afraid of peer pressure"? If your answer's no, then congrats, you don't care about the Judgy McJudgeButts in the world, you're your own peep! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sharkiey In reply to Leelu [2017-08-27 19:58:03 +0000 UTC]

Isla: Well.... to be honest, I like to be more free. You know, if I
can just be naked everywhere! But mom and dad said it would
be inappropriate.... *ears flop down, flops back up later* Why....
should I care about what other people say? Is it.... good to care
what they say?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Leelu In reply to Sharkiey [2017-08-28 12:01:22 +0000 UTC]

Leelu: Hmm...to some extent public nudity is frowned upon in most societies, so as far as not going to jail goes, what other people think does matter. Apart from that, it can be good to know what they say, but whether or not it bothers you is up to your discretion. *smiles a little* I know people give me grief for mismatching my socks, but I really don''t care because it makes me happy. If you don't care, then good for you and your self-confidence! *smiling*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sharkiey In reply to Leelu [2017-08-28 14:49:55 +0000 UTC]

Isla: I see! So that's how it works out here. I will remember that! *giggles* I think your socks are great! Very artistic! *smiles from ear to ear and embraces her tightly* I like you! You are a good person! What is your name, good lady?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Leelu In reply to Sharkiey [2017-08-28 23:20:55 +0000 UTC]

Leelu: Thank y-OOF!! *giggles, pats the beast kin's head despite the slight breathing trouble* My name is Leelu, I'm the ship's seamstress! If you ever need any sewing (or another hood and cape, the ear bits are adorable) call on me!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sharkiey In reply to Leelu [2017-09-01 12:46:04 +0000 UTC]

Isla: Nice to meet you, Lily! I may need a new cloak some time in the
future. I will remember that! I will repay you in a way for your kindness!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Leelu In reply to Sharkiey [2017-09-01 12:51:05 +0000 UTC]

Leelu: *Lily?* Cloaks are easy enough to make, even with the adorable ear flaps! And you don't need to repay me for anything, I give kindness freely. *smiling*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FabiLuv [2017-08-27 16:00:28 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhhhh I love her! She's gorgeous like all your other children really nnnnghh  
Throws Jackie at her too

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sharkiey In reply to FabiLuv [2017-08-27 16:45:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MichiYaslana [2017-08-27 12:48:26 +0000 UTC]



👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sharkiey In reply to MichiYaslana [2017-08-27 13:15:04 +0000 UTC]

Isla: *chases Pepito*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MichiYaslana In reply to Sharkiey [2017-08-27 13:21:52 +0000 UTC]

Diego: ...hey >_____>
Llo: *giggles* Let the girl play, Hummingbird.
Diego: But I can't see shit when he flutters like that!
Gavin: ...enjoy conscious drunkenness, den?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0