Sharper-The-Writer — Chapter 3 of After the Bath [NSFW]
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Description Chapter 3

(6 hours later, at the entrance to Salt Mansion)

The convoy of around twenty limousines entered the ground of the mansion, which was well guarded with a lot of guard dogs, sentry towers, armed laser snipers, and high-voltage electrical fences. They were traversing along the extremely-long driveway

Veruca was inside her lead limousine, whose interior was filled with extremely expensive items, as she listened to her music. Her cold dead blue eyes returned to normal and her mink coat and pink dress replaced the Satanic black dress she had.

She then heard from a fifties-style speaker inside the limo that could only be recognized as Tightlips' voice.

"Most Sacred Princess, we are at the Home Mansion!" Tightlips replied through the speaker.

"Well, we aren't heading to the Home Mansion!" Veruca replied, "We're going to go to the Prison Mansion instead!"

"The Prison Mansion?" the driver of Veruca's limousine gasped, "O Great Veruca, It makes the Gulag prisons in the Soviet Union look like the Ritz Hotel!"

Veruca turned her head sharply to the driver, "Well, someone has to punish my parents for being insubordinate to me and it certainly isn't you! Just keep on going to the damn Prison Mansion, now!"

"At once, O Great Veruca!" the driver obeyed and drove up to the gates of a stately mansion that looked similar to the much-larger main counterpart of the main house.

She got out of her main limousine and, one by one, around 60 servants came around to Veruca's beck and call from the other limos. They finally reached the paddy wagon where her parents were contained and released the doors. Around 20 of the 60 servants present carried Henry and Angina by their cuffed arms and feet. The both of them were still asleep from the tranquilizer as they were carted up the stairs to the Prison Mansion.

"Can you get him ready?" Veruca demanded to one of the servants carrying her father. He was wearing a red 170 on his gray uniform "Mother is only to be punished lightly, but Father will bear the brunt of it, you understand, Servant 170?"

"It won't be a problem, O Greatest Princess of All Time! Who should be punished first, since you are the judge of them?" Servant 170, who was a 250-pound built in muscle, replied.

Veruca snickered, "Father, definitely! Make sure that he is 'comfortable' in these settings!"

"It won't be a problem, Most Sacred Princess! We'll make sure his punishment fits the crime!"
Servant 170 replied with an approving grin to his boss.

"Good!" Veruca replied as she bared her teeth for a slasher smile.

The pure evil of Satan was in her eyes against the very parents that bore her when she breathed her first moments on this earth.

(2 hours later)

With the effects of the tranquilizer wearing off, Henry began to awaken his eyes, though he was a bit groggy. He heard a happy and disturbingly gleeful voice echoing through his ears, but was unable to find the source of it.

"Wake up!"

"Who…who is this…." Mr. Salt demanded, breathing heavily from the effects of the tranquilizer wearing off. He tried to move to but he felt the sound of chains rattling. He turned his around and saw that he was facing the floor and chained to his hands and his feet. He looked around his surroundings. Except for one small naked dangling lightbulb shining on the chained Mr. Salt, everything else was covered in shadow and complete darkness.

"Wake up, Father, you sleepyhead!" the voice giggled and a soft meow followed.

"Show yourself!" he screamed, trying to break free of the chains but could not.

A pair of cold ice-blue eyes appeared from the shadows, as well as 20 other pairs of eyes. Out stepping from the shadows came Veruca, stroking her white cat into the light of the single naked lightbulb from the ceiling. Ten of the 20 pairs of eyes came forward, revealing them to be her prisoner servants, meaning that they tend to the needs of the Prison Mansion.

"Veruca…" Henry gasped speechlessly.

"That's right, Daddy!" she smiled, handing her white cat to one of her servants. She skipped merrily around and around her shackled father.

"La-la-la-lee-la-lee-le-la-la!" Veruca sang, skipping along.

"Uhh…" Henry groaned, "Veruca, release me at once!"

The peanut heiress stopped skipping for a moment and growled in anger, "No, you pile of goat shit! You are getting your punishment unless you recant that statement about me getting a bath!"

"And what are you going to do to me if I don't?" Henry asked with anger in his voice.

Veruca's anger faded away to that of a smirk, "Oh, we have ways of making you recant the statement!"

She then clapped her hands. Servant 55 came to her presence once more, but this time, he had a pair of scissors in his hands.

"Servant 55, get your servants to strip away my father's clothing!" Veruca demanded, pointing to the garbage-stained business suit that Henry was still wearing.

"All of it, Your Majesty?" Servant 55 asked.

Veruca added with a sneer, "All of it! And bring me a gas mask, he still stinks like a piece of shit from that garbage disposal!"

"Right away!" Servant 55 replied without hesitation. He went to two other servant much stronger than he was and brought a gas mask to Veruca. She put it on to protect herself from the horrid smell of garbage on Henry's jacket.

The two 260-pound servants began to rip apart Henry's pants from the rear. The ripping sound irritated his hears He screamed as his vestiges of clothing, garbage covered or not, were being torn as if they were paper. The pants were removed from his body and tossed aside to an empty void.

"Veruca, stop this at once!" he tried to command once more.

All Veruca could do was snicker, and then gave the middle finger to her father. Henry was screaming, "I'll tan your hide!"

Veruca laughed, "You don't scare me at all, you fat fuck!"

Servant 55 then took out industrial strength scissors and proceeded to cut through the back of Henry's business coat and T-shirt without making contact of the skin. Once again, the ripping sound annoyed his ears. 55 also cut along the sleeves of the shirt, making it easy for the servants to rip it apart. The shirt and business coat were unceremoniously removed from his body and tossed aside into the same void space. They also removed his shoes and socks as well.

The only clothing that Mr. Salt had left on him was his underwear.

"Yes…yes….I am enjoying it now!" the nut debutante snickered through the gas mask, "Now, remove his undies so that the torture will begin!"

55 bowed once more and then took the scissors and cut off the side of his underwear. He then removed it and tossed it into the shadowy darkness. Henry was now chained with his buttocks sticking up in the air and his genitals being covered up by the shadow and by the fact that he was still face-down.

"Now…." Veruca sneered, "get the brands out!"

Henry gulped, "You wouldn't….."

"Oh yes, I would, Father!" Veruca said with an evil smirk on her face. She saw one of her servants, a well-built 240-pound man, take out a series of brands saying "I", "AM" "PROPERTY OF", and "VERUCA SALT".

The servant tending to the brands asked, "Miss Salt, where should I place the branding areas?"

"Well, you can put the I and Property Of on his left ass and the AM and VERUCA SALT on his right!" Veruca replied, pointing to where the branding should go.

"Veruca….please…." her father pleaded, seeing the servant lighting up the I on the branding iron with a blowtorch. His eyes were widened in fear as the servant advanced to the naked and cold body of himself. Henry could even hear the sizzling of heat of the metal nearing towards him.

"No…." Veruca laughed, sticking out her tongue for a moment "Cower like the goddamn dog that you are!" At the same time, the heated metal drove into the left buttock of Mr. Salt. His buttock felt the full force of the intense burning and searing of human flesh. He screamed in utter pain and agony, crying for help, but no one came to his aid. The metal was finally removed from his body. Henry began to sweat in fear of the demonic child standing in front of him.

"The AM now…." Veruca commanded as another servant turned on the blowtorch and doused the AM branding iron with the fire. As before, the servant drove the AM into his right buttock. Henry bit his lip and gave a high-pitched squeal for a few seconds before the burning metal was removed from his skin.

"Please…I'll stop giving you baths….please have compassion!" Henry begged.

Veruca's heart then hardened and replied with a simple "No." and laughed while sticking out her tongue to the side of her mouth, before he felt a double searing pain. He screamed as loud as he can before realizing that they put both the PROPERTY OF and VERUCA SALT brands on his buttocks.

"Ahh…that is perfect!" Veruca shouted with joy, giggling up and down. "Now...dress him in a diaper! Prepare him for the next torture!"

The servants immediately put the scarred Henry in an adult-sized baby diaper, awaiting the next orders from the demented debutante.

She then clapped her hands as two more servants came to either side of her: one of them holding a torch seven feet to the left of her.

The other servant, Servant 98, was holding a blue container containing kerosene.

"Burn his clothes and turn on the lights!"

Veruca and her other servants then put on some protective shades as the fluorescent lights were turned on. They were so bright that they began to irritate his eyes.

"Aghh…!" Henry screamed, "The damn lights….the damn lights bother my eyes!"

Veruca scoffed, "Hmph….let's see how you handle your clothes being burned!"

The servant then dumped the kerosene all over his clothes. Servant 98, standing seven feet away from the pile of clothes, tossed the torch onto the pile. The clothes instantly burned and withered from the dousing of the flammable liquid and the flames consumed the rest.
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