Sharper-The-Writer — Chapter 92 of A New Redheaded Cheerleader - Book 1
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Description Chapter 92

(Flynn-Fletcher house)

Phineas and the rest of his friends, the Fireside Girls, and the Carters were on their riding lawnmowers at the very start of the track. A small crowd of 100 people gathered at the track on the top.

"So when are we going to start, Phineas?" Isabella asked.

"We designed lawnmowers for Monique and Stacy, and one for Candace as well." Phineas explained, pointing to the pink riding lawnmower with the bow on top of it.

Monique and Stacy both slid the patio screen door open as both girls saw the giant lawnmower racing course, 140 feet above them.

"O...M...G..." Monique gasped. "Candace was totally right and I was totally wrong about her!"

"Hey, Monique and Stacy!" Phineas waved to them, "Wanna join in on our race?"

"It totally looks awesome!" Stacy yelled for joy, grabbing Monique's hand. "Come on, Monique! Let's try it out!"

"No way, girl!" Monique refused at first, "I don't wanna be at fault if something goes wrong!"

"Don't worry, Monique!" Phineas confided in her. "We've beefed up these mowers with the latest in safety technology! We've even created a jumpsuit for you! Ferb?"

Ferb held up a pink jumpsuit in Monique's size and a pink helmet as well.

Tempted by the shade of pink, her state of refusal immediately broke down.

"Wow! Now how can a girl like me refuse to wear pink! Guys, you've just got yourselves a new racer!"

Phineas and Ferb winked at each other and gave a thumbs up gesture.

The two cars containing the cheerleaders, and an agitated Candace, finally arrived in the driveway.

Tara opened her mouth in awe.

Wow…Candace isn't crazy after all!

Candace flung open the car door so that she could get a look at the race course.

"Oh yes!" she sneered, looking at the race course. "It definitely looks bustable from here!"

Jessica and the other cheerleaders came out the car and were slack-jawed at the giant structure in the backyard.

"Whoa! Look at the size of that thing!" Hope gasped in disbelief.

Bonnie added, "Man...that racing track is huge!"

"Why did they even build it?" Caitlin asked.

Candace seized the opportunity and announced, "This is what my brothers do in the backyard every single day this summer to avoid being bored! They always create gigantic things such as this lawnmower course here, and make it disappear by the end of the day!" She then grabbed her own hair and threaded it through her fingers up and down, messing it up. "And it is driving me crazy!"

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Calm down!" Jessica ordered, "Just get a hold of yourself!"

"How can I get a hold of myself when my brothers are up there doing something dangerous!" Candace screamed at the top of lungs.

"Hi, Candace!" Phineas replied, waving to Candace and her girls below.

"Phineas! When Mom gets home from the Independence Day Fair, she's going to bust you so hard that it'll make your head spin!" Candace warned them.

"What does she mean by that?" Phineas questioned to Ferb. All his step-brother could do was to shrug his shoulders.

Then he added to his sister, "Anyways, are you going to join us for our lawnmower race?"

"Uh…hello, Phineas?! What do the two letters 'n and o' mean anything to you?!" Candace shouted at them, walking towards her lawnmower.

"Are you sure, Candace? We even prepared a lawnmower just for you!" Phineas doubted, pointing to her lawnmower.

"You mean this stupid thing, Phineas?" Candace mumbled, concentrating her eyes on her inventive brother "For the last time, Phineas, I am not going to be involved in one of your….

What she was unaware of was that she leaned her elbow against the control panel of the lawnmower and accidentally pressed on the ignition button.

"Um, Candace…" Tara warned, "You need to watch where you are….."

"What the…" Candace gasped as her lawnmower started up. She grasped at the steering wheel of the mower as it peeled away.


The lawnmower zoomed past the girls, messing up their hair.


Tara spat out some grass from her mouth.


Candace yelled as loud as she could as she held on her hand on the steering wheel. The mower then made its way up the dirt road leading to the track. She was being dragged in the dirt and mud.


The mower finally made a complete stop at the starting line. Candace was completely covered in mud.

"This is totally not fun…"

Down at the base, the Middleton cheerleaders huddled up.

"Girls, should we go and attend Phineas' race?" Tara questioned.

"Well, we don't have anything else to do for the rest of the day." Bonnie said.

"But look at that course!" Caitlin exclaimed, "It's all…muddy and…well…dirty!"

"Yeah…" Jessica agreed, looking down at her boots, "And I've got a date tonight!"

"Look!" Hope exclaimed, pointing.

The other cheerleaders saw it too. It was an elevator leading from the base to the very top of the track.

"Well, that'll work!" Bonnie grinned as they all walked to the elevator, which took them all up to the top of the track.

(10 minutes later)

As they took their seats in the stands, they noticed Monique in the race.

"Whoa…now there's something you don't see every day!" Tara exclaimed, pointing to her in the race, 15 feet away from them.

"What else can I say, girl!" Monique grinned, flipping down the visor on her helmet "I'm ready to rock and roll!"

And so, Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Buford, Baljeet, the Fireside Girls, Monique, Stacy, the Carter family and Candace, now clean of the mud and dirt, all lined up at the starting line.

They were looking at the blinking lights with rows of red lights and two rows of green lights underneath it.


All of the lawnmowers took off as banjo music began to play in the background.

Ridin' in the dirt

Plowin' through the mud

We're having fun

Drivin' our lawnmowers through the crud (Buford's mower speeds up behind Candace. She gets mud in her hair)

It's the sport that has everyone on their heels

By showin' some impossible stunts

Like driving on two wheels! (Phineas activates a button that allows him to drive on his hind wheels, outraces Buford and Baljeet)

It ain't stock car racin'

But it'll make your heart pacin'

You get mud in your hair

You get bugs in your teeth (Candace has bugs within the gums of her teeth)

You need to be there

Every time the racers meet

On our…

(Ferb in a deep vouice: our,our,our,our)

It's our lawnmower racing ride (Ride)

Gear grindin', engine whinin'

Heart thumpin' battle side by side

You can feel the heat

Of where two mowers meet

On our lawnmower racing ride…

Lawnmower racing ride!

(Fort Knox, Kentucky, 3:30pm)

"Wake up…."

Kim groaned as the effects of the sleeping powder wore off.

Senior began to slightly chuckle.

"Wake up, Miss Possible!"

Kim slowly opened her green eyes as she was coming to.

She looked down and saw that she was on a cold hard steel slab. Her hands and ankles were restrained by steel cuffs. Ron opened his eyes as well and was, likewise, trapped.

"Ahh…there you go, Miss Possible!" Senior grinned, tapping thrice on his cane.

"Senior! What are you trying to do with the Fort Knox gold?" Kim demanded.

"It's a traditional plot for villains, such as myself, to try stealing gold from the world's most secure gold depository!" Senior explained his plan. "The henchmen that I bought from HenchCo will load up the gold into the magnet vehicle.

"And how are you going to get into the vault?" Kim sneered, "It's the most complex in the world and you'll never be able to get to it!"

"That is where you are wrong, Miss Possible…" Senior continued, "To get into the vault, I and the HenchCo henchmen devised a device that will unscramble the security code! In about ten minutes, I will leave here with $500 million in bullion. Once I drive off with the gold back to the island, I will put the gold on the black market, raise it to an obscene price per pound and the money will roll in to my coffers like an endless stream!"

"It's always money the bad guys are after, even though you're already a billionaire..." Kim mocked Senior's intentions.

"Indeed, Miss Possible!" Senior laughed, "One of the Seven Deadly Sins is greed. That's always a traditional villainous trait one must have!"

"Why don't you try something else, like….umm….what do bad guys like in motivations?" Ron asked but then got clueless.

"Ron!" Kim growled, "Don't give the villains any ideas!"

"Anyways, Miss Possible!" Senior interrupted the two, pressing a red button.

"I can tell that red buttons are not a good thing…" Ron said, looking worried.

"Duh, Ron, red buttons are always a sign of trouble!" Kim muttered as she saw a laser machine dropping down from the ceiling.

"This laser here can cut through solid steel!" Senior explained. "Allow me to demonstrate…"

He clapped his hands four times as two of the HenchCo henchmen wheeled in a 5-inch thick sheet of solid steel on a wheeled cart.

Senior powered up the laser and, with the aid of a remote control, turned the laser to the sheet of steel. He aimed it into position and pressed the fire button. The red beam emitting from the laser cut through the solid steel with a straight line and made a rectangular cut in the sheet. The cut steel clattered to the floor.

"Now that I have shown the demonstration to you…" Senior evily clucked, turning the laser back towards Kim.

Ron breathed a sigh of relief, "At least he hasn't aimed the laser in my direction…"

Senior pressed another button as the laser expanded into two, the second one aiming at Ron.

"Oh why do I have to bring bad luck to everything!" the blonde yelled, his brown eyes looking at the laser. The lasers on both the slabs they were trapped on were on the bottom.

"And so, Miss Possible, you will certainly meet your doom once the laser makes its way up on your slabs!" Senior chuckled evily, activating the lasers as it started to cut from the bottom of the slab. He grabbed his cane and made his way for the door.

"Aren't you going to watch us get vaporized, Senior?" Kim growled at him.

Senior scoffed, "No, Miss Possible! I am not that type of villain!" His grin returned as he gave a farewell,

"So long, Miss Possible!"

He and the henchmen left Kim and Ron struggling in their restraints as the laser made its way up the middle to their bodies.
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