Sharper-The-Writer — Chapter 97 of A New Redheaded Cheerleader - Book 1
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Description Chapter 97

Candace sulked into her chair, frustrated that victory had slipped away from her once again. Stacy, meanwhile, inserted her shoulders on the table and put her hands on her cheeks. She always has done this when her best friend fails to bust her brothers.

"Stacy...I had the boys...right there...in my grasp!" the poor redhead muttered in frustration. "And then their lawnmower racing course disappered right before my very eyes!"

"What lawnmower racing course are you talking about?" Stacy asked. Her short-term memory was affected by the Amnesia-inator blast shortly before both Candace and Linda came to the backyard.

Candace sneered, "The one that you, and Phineas' friends, were involved in! I even participated as well, although unwillingly! But the main point is that I saw you, with my own two eyes, in that race!"

"What does that even mean?" Stacy wondered.

"Never mind, Stacy..." Candace moaned, putting her head down on the table.

"Well, look on the bright side, Candy!" Stacy pointed out, "At least you did have the time to learn a few cheering moves from Kim, unlike, well, yesterday!"

"Yeah..." Candace admitted, "...you have to give her..." She gasped in fright, reminded that she had a very important event going on.

"Wait...time..time...time! What time is it, Stacy?!" she shrieked.

Stacy looked at the kitchen clock and it read the following time: 5:25pm

"Oh no!" she screamed, "Jeremy's going to be here in 35 minutes and I haven't picked my outfit yet! I gotta go to my room, Stace!" She ran out of the kitchen, quick as a flash, and rushed upstairs, althewhile chanting, "Gotta find an outfit! Gotta find an outift!"

She rushed to her walk-in closet, going through the outfits that she, Kim and Monique chose.

"Come on, there's gotta be an outfit, and it's 90s night at the Paradise theater too! I have to find something fast before Jeremy gets here!"

Her mind flashed back to the Bueno Nacho in Danville, and what Kim was wearing.

"Yes! Perfect outfit here I come!"


Kim and Ron both finally came to the Flynn-Fletcher house. Their hands were full with their regular clothes and still in their mission clothes.

"I'm just glad that the Senors are in jail where they belong, Ron."

"And I'm glad to be enjoying a little snackage before Mr. R and Felix arrive to pick me up!"

She opened the door.

"Hey, Kim!" Linda smiled, "How was the saving-the-world thing coming along!"

"Totally no big, Mrs. Flynn-Fletcher! We stopped a career criminal from taking millions of dollars worth of gold at Fort Knox!" Kim proudly boasted.

"With the role of yours truly as the distraction!" Ron added.

"That's wonderful!" Linda replied, "I bet that your mom and dad were totally proud of you, Kim!"

"Indeed they are and as our motto goes: Anything's possible for a Possible!" Kim smiled.

"Anyways, there's one other ish that I need to get to..."

Monique and Tara then approached her.

"Kim, we need to talk!" Monique said.

"Talk about what, Moni?" Kim asked.

"Candace!" both Monique and Tara chanted.

"What about Candace?" Kim questioned, not getting the point of the conversation.

"I woud like to listen too!" Ron butted in.

"Sorry, Ron, but it's between me, Kim and Tara..." Monique replied.

"Aww...man, I can't enjoy even a little gossip?" Ron whined a little.

"We need to meet somewhere private to discuss about this, to avoid all this other commotion!" Monique suggested.

"And where would that be?" Kim questioned.

"The basement!" Monique muttered.

"Sorry, Ron, gotta have a brief girl chat!" Kim said to Ron, "But...be back out in a jif!"

She put her civilian street clothes on the living room coffee table and followed her two companions.

Monique slowly opened the door, which led to a lot of wooden stairs in the basement. Tara and Kim followed right behind her. Tara brought along a flashlight, which was the only source of light, and turned it on.

"Man...it's dark and cold here!" Tara shivered, traversing down the wooden steps, grasping the flashlight in her hand .

"At least we can hang out here when the temps hit a hundred degrees, girl!" Monique said.

"Is there even a light source?" Kim questioned.

Tara shone her light around and saw a single naked light bulb.

"Well...that'll have to do... I guess..." Kim said.

Tara turned on the single light bulb dangling from the ceiling of the basement, which provided at least some light. She turned off her flashlight.

"Okay...now to business..." Tara sighed.

"So, what is it about Candace that we need to discuss, Monique?" Kim interrogated.

"Well, Kim, Candace is...um...how do I put this mildly..." Monique replied, but thought about what she was going to say. "...not right in the mind!"

Kim sensed what was going on and countered "Look, Moni, didn't we have this discussion before last night? We have come to the conclusion that Candace is a perfectly normal teenage girl! End of discussion!"

Tara nudged her elbow to Monique and said out loud, "The video...now would be the perfect time to show her the video!"

Kim was about to head up the stairs when she overheard the conversation, "Wait...show me what video...?" she asked with interest.

"Sister, take a look at this! This'll show you what we're talking about!" Monique said, taking out her Watermelon phone. She accessed the video file named "CanadceGoingBonkers"

Kim pressed the play function as the one-minute video began.

It showed Candace ranting at the top of her voice.

C: And the lawnmower course was huge! So huge! It, like, stretched the entire backyard!
L: Okay, dear, come inside and take a nap on the couch...

C: No, Mom! There...was...a lawnmower course and still you couldn't see it! It was as tall as a 15-story building!

Lkay, now you're letting your imagination get the best of you! Now, come inside, Candace...

C: (whining, pulling on her hair) But-but-but-but-but...THIS IS NO FAIR!

Kim was completely taken by surprise, "Wow...I'm...I'm speechless!"

"Now you know what we are dealing with, Kim?" Tara asked, now that her friend has seen the video.

"So...in other words...you girls were trying to tell the truth all along...!" Kim concluded.

Tara explained it a bit more clearly, "Yes! She tries to 'bust' her brothers for some unseen invention in the backyard and then she acts crazy and all that!"

"What do you want me to do?" Kim asked.

"I was thinking that we, as in the cheeleaders who back you, Kim, should move the practices from here to the gym!" Tara said, making a suggestion. "That way, she'll be away from the source of her...behavior..."

"That's not a bad idea, Tara." Kim smiled.

"One other suggestion," Tara added, "Do not use the words 'bust' around Candace! It would trigger her craziness!"

"Got it, Tara! No mention of the worst 'bust' around Candace..." Kim understood.

"It's just kinda sad that the poor girl's acting like this..." Monique groaned.

"I know, but remember, Veruca's done a lot worse before..." Tara sighed, remembering that bad time that Veruca cost them the state cheer title.

"Yeah, but, at least for 90 days, she won't be my problem!" Kim muttered.

She continued on, "I do admit that it was crazy what Candace did in that video, Monique..but still, though, crazy or no crazy, we're still going to help Candace get onto the squad! And nothing is going to stop us!"


The three girls went upstairs from the basement as Monique closed the door behind them. Linda was chopping up onions and bell peppers in preparation for dinner for the evening.

"Hey Mrs. Flynn-Fletcher, have you seen Ron?" Kim asked, sitting at the dining room table.

Linda stopped chopping the vegetables and looked out, "He's in the living room, watching old reruns of The Fearless Ferret!" Just as she mentioned, Ron was in his regular civilian clothes and lying on the couch, watching the 'Fearless Ferret' episode where he had to deal with a notorious villain known as Three-Face.

"So very Ron!" Kim snickered, before getting to the other person of importance.

"And where's Candace?"

Stacy gave that answer, "She's upstairs, getting ready for her date with Jeremy." Looking up at the clock, it was now 5:50.

"Okay, I'm ready to come on out now!" Candace exclaimed from the bathroom.

"Alright, let's see the date girl!" Monique cheered.

Candace emerged from the bathroom, fully clothed in her outfit.

She was wearing a sleeveless pink midriff-showing croptop with a Tiny Cowboy print on it to go along with a gold necklace and two silver charm bracelets. Candace rolled up the pantslegs on her denim overalls, with the bib down and straps attached and held up by one of her mom's belts from her Lindana days. To complete the nineties outfit, she wore a cap backwards, and had black high-top tennis shoes.

"So, how do I look, girls?"

Monique, Kim, and Tara gave a thumbs up.

"Totally fits the 90s!" Monique commented.

"Tara approved!"

"Rockin' the style, Candace!" Kim quipped.

"Oh yeah, and I plan to leave these babies on like this all night long! Baggy is how I like my overalls!" Candace said proudly on her choice of clothing.

Kim reminded her, "If you get into a clothing sitch, please pull up the straps of your overalls!"

"Like I would, Kim! Nothing's going to happen at all to my overalls! Nothing's going to take away this 90s look!" Candace replied with a bit of confidence

Kim rolled her eyes and replied with a slight sigh, "Fine..."

"Like I said, girl..." Monique added "...you needed a bit of spice and wow in the wardrobe! And you totally look glam for your date!"

"And speaking of my date, he should be here right about..." Candace swooned as she heard the doorbell ring twice. "Now! Ohmigosh! That's him!"

Candace opened the front door for her beau.


At the same time, in Jeremy's house, Suzy was waiting on the recliner, clad in her special ninja uniform with her pajamas underneath.

"Let's see, ninja uniform, check! And Rebecca should be here..."

She heard the doorbell ring three times.

"...now!" Suzy looked out the window and, indeed, the familiar green sedan was there. Rebecca was there at the door, using the Tina Combs disguise like she did yesterday.

"Ugh...the door...it seems to be locked!" Rebecca exclaimed, jiggling on the knob.

Suzy tapped on the window twice and shouted, "Use your hairpin, Rebecca!"

Rebecca took out the hairpin from her black-dyed hair and tapped it through the keyhole until the lock clicked.

Suzy came out of the house to Rebecca's side. Using one of her custom-made keys, she locked the front door.

"Amazing, Suzy!" Rebecca grinned, "You mastered the art of deception quite well!"

"Indeed!" Suzy chuckled with malicious intent, "Now, let's get to the Flynn-Fletchers!"

"There's an alleyway in the back of my house, fit enough for that car!" Suzy said, pointing to both the alley in the rear of the Johnson house and the sedan. "We can reach Candace's house from there, undetected!"

"Fine by me!" Rebecca smiled. Then, she ordered her chauffeur, "Jones, we need to get this car into the alley!"

"It will be my pleasure, Miss Starlet!" Jones obeyed.

Suzy and Rebecca got into the sedan.

Jones drove the sedan around into the alley, which was fit enough for one vehicle, until they stopped at the Flynn-Fletcher house.

"So, will I be doing any snooping here?" Suzy asked.

"Sorry, we can't spy here!" Rebecca said, pointing out the still-on lights, "Too many lights mean that there's a lot of people here!"

"But how are we going to get the scoop on what Candace is wearing without being detected?" Suzy asked, worried about her role in this part of the plan.

Rebecca smiled, taking out a mechanized fly from her purse "This is where one of Veruca's Spy Flies comes into play! We can spy on her little friends from the safety of our car!" The fly Rebecca held in her hand was also used to spy on Suzy's parents minutes before the Chez Couteaux incident 24 hours ago.

"Jones, lower the passenger rear window a little bit!" she barked.

Jones lowered the passenger rear window as both Rebecca and Suzy put on earpieces.

Rebecca set the coordinates for the Spy Fly. The fly hummed to life as it buzzed out of the car into the evening sky.


Jeremy came through the door as Candace swooned over him. He was wearing a number 42 purple and red basketball jersey with a gold chain around his neck. He was also wearing his designer baggy jeans with buttons on the back pockets. The jeans covered only half of his swimming trunks and was tightened up with a belt around his thighs.

"Oh...he's soo cute!" Candace exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him.

"Hey, Candace!" Jeremy grinned, "I like your outfit! Especially the overalls!"

"Thanks, Jeremy! I like yours too! You totally did the badical 90s look!" Candace complimented.

"Hey, badical's my word!" Ron complained from the living room.

"Badical was used even in the 90s, Ron!" Kim countered.

Linda came into the living room, "So, what are you and Candace going to do for dinner?"

"We're going to head on over to the Slushy Dawg after the movie for an ice cream sundae..." Candace replied before blushing, "...for two!"

"You mentioned something about the...um...Lake Danville Fireworks Display thing or whatever!" Tara said, bringing up the annual event.

"Oh yes, Tara! After the Slushy Dawg, me and Jeremy will be swimming in Lake Danville in our swimwear, as we have talked about in Bueno Nacho earlier this afternoon, and kiss each other once the fireworks ring in the 4th of July! I'm currently wearing my lucky blue bikini underneath my outfit!

"And only kissing, right Candace?" Linda said with a bit of warning.

"It'll be just kissing and nothing more!" Candace promised.

"Then it's settled." Linda said with a smile. "When you get back from your date with Jeremy, can you knock on the master bedroom door, telling me that you're home? Me and Lawrence will be asleep by then!"

"And one more thing, Candace!" she added "Make sure that my Lindana belt arrives back here in one piece! If you come back and that belt is broken, you'll have to watch the fireworks show from your room!" Linda really did treasure the belt that Candace was wearing during her Lindana years.

"No problemo, Mom! I'll give you a call when the movie'sover and when the fireworks show'll be over!" Candace said, notifying her mom the two times when she is to call her.

"Anyways, Candace!" Kim said, waving to Candace and Jeremy, "Enjoy your time together!"

"Have a good time!" Monique added, also waving to them.

Jeremy and Candace walked with each other, hand in hand, to his car, ready to spend a wonderful evening together.

What all of them failed to notice, however, was that the Spy Fly absorbed every word they said on a nearby window.

Once they overheard everything, Suzy gave an evil smile and said, "Excellent! Candace is falling right into our trap and she is blind to it! It will be the worst date of her life!"
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