Sheepy-Drackzahn — My new Life - Alexandra [NSFW]
#balloon #children #daughter #elf #elfgirl #floating #ftf #goblin #kids #kisekae #mama #mother #newlife #reborn #sheepgirl #tf #trap #trapped #balloonfox #slimea #transformation
Published: 2018-07-17 09:02:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 6029; Favourites: 45; Downloads: 0
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Description My new Life - Alexandra

(Contains TF, Reborn, Balloon, Absorption)

Flow: "Hmmmm...."

It was a rather nice afternoon in slimea as the balloon fox sat in the air with a pout on her face, the sun was setting over the horizon beautifully and soon it would be night... the time to hunt for races like her own and yet, that usual vigor to do so just wasn't there for mature balloon fox. Something Flow sat pondering over in a huff, stuck wondering why that usual spark of naughtiness seemed to be gone at the moment yet something else in its place tugged at the back of her thoughts. Like an incessant whisper nattering away never giving any detail to figure out the problem, laying back with a sigh as she figured at the very least her pet would be home soon. Her little Sheepy having gone out as she frequently did to go pick them up, though in this case... Flow also kind of wished she had been the one to go just to have something to do!

Sheepy: "Baaaaaah, not the gobl....ah....sorry~"

A familiar voice caused Flow’s ears to perk as the sounds of playful giggles followed her pets voice, looking eagerly to the door to get away from her more annoying thoughts for the moment!

Her pet looked...tired, but also satisfied with her day near its end. Closing the door behind her Flow could see her daughters as they ballooned several goblins that were attempting to flee.

Sheepy: "Home again mistress~ Your daughters really take after you, baaaaaah~"

The Sheepgirl placing down her bag to the side before removing her jacket.

Flow smiled warmly at the scene, watching the goblin maid that had just been caught floating off in a new balloon as she felt a bit of a spark come back to her evening from the adorable scene. Floating down giving a small laugh as she scooped up the three girls snuggling them close and giving each a kiss on the head in pride

Flow: "Ohoho yes they do Sheepy, my three little naughty future hunters hehe~ Mommy is so proud of you three!~"

The three giggling happily hugging back , each snuggling to their mother.

Some of the goblins seeing their opportunity used this chance to get away and quickly run down the hallways much to Sheepy’s amusement.

Sheepy: "Baaaah, hehe, looks like some got away~"

Sheepy joked letting herself fall back on the couch.

Flow: "Hmmmm seems so hehe, but the prey would be no fun if they just gave up! I’ll have to reward those girls later~"

With a knowing little smile at her girls who of course smiled back... the three hopped out and floated their way right out the door to go into pursuit to continue having their fun as their mother watched them go with pride. Tempted to join them but… her pet had also earned some attention of her own!

Turning around she skipped her way over to the couch, helping herself to a nice seat and wrapping an arm around her pet with an appreciative smile on her face.

Flow: "You really do handle the girls well Sheepy, thank you for that... I'm pretty sure me and Jasmine would always be tied up trying to keep them in check if not for your help~"

Sheepy leaned against her mistress.

Sheepy: "Thank you mistress~ The girls are cute, but have a lot of energy for sure, baaaaah~ Sometimes it is really hard to hold them back, you have to be very careful! One wrong word and you go from ‘She is our friend and observer’ to ‘She looks like fun prey!’. When that happens, baaaaah, it's over and I can only call you on the phone for help, haha~"

Flow: "Oh yes don't I know hehe, you've had to call me quite a bit as I recall~"

Giggling in amusement as she squeezed her pet, feeling that small pang from earlier once again, still... it was nice having someone like her pet to help care for the girls~ If it wasn't for the the powers her children had inherited her pet might even be able to keep them fully in check! Musing over that thought with a smirk, even with her pet’s usually submissive nature she knew perfectly well just how bold and brave the sheepgirl really was, always the first to jump into any dangerous situation to help... even if at times that was also because she was looking to get caught up in it~

Flow: "You know Sheepy... could you answer your Mistress a question? Have you ever imagined yourself being anything but my adorable little pet since I first took you in? It's really been quite some time since we first met..."

Sheepy: "Baaaah, hmm..."

Sheepy said before thinking on the question.

Sheepy: "There were of course times where I thought about that mistress. I love you as my mistress and would never want to leave your side, baaaaah, but I thought about the fantasy to become...something else of course as well. I think everyone in Slimea does that probably from times to times? Why do you ask mistress?"

Sheepy asked, looking at her mistress with big eyes.

Flow looked at those bright eyes, again something welling up that just made her want to squeeze that loyal little cutie up so nice and tight! Which actually... is exactly what she did, pulling her pet up between her chest squishing them between her breasts with a playful laugh.

Flow: "I guess I'm not fully sure myself, I was just... thinking I suppose?"

With her pet perfectly happy in her spot Flow couldn’t help taking a moment to consider things, why was she even thinking about all this stuff now? Really, why was she feeling so particularly thoughtful tonight in general... she wasn't fully sure but something about spending this bit of extra time with her pet was slowly helping her piece it together.

Sheepy herself just enjoying the time snuggling with her mistress. Cuddling herself tightly against her, squishing her mistress a bit as a result.

Sheepy: "Baaaaaah, mistress is so smooth and warm as always, hehe~ Just so..wonderful~"

She closed her eyes, enjoying the moment to its fullest.

Her pet’s satisfaction didn't surprise her, and she enjoyed that~ Brushing a hand through her pets hair letting out a sigh as she figured she would just have to let whatever this feeling was go... but as if the timing itself were just waiting for the perfect moment she happened to notice one of the still trapped goblin girls floating by, the little green girl huffing as she pushed against the walls of her prison in an amusing display before something clicked in the fox’s mind. Then after more pieces started to slip ever so slightly into place as she considered things more and more. Then as it all clicked into place an absolutely wonderful idea occurred to the balloon girl!

Looking down at her resting pet again, her loyal and ever there friend and trusted companion... What if she could be... something more?~

Flow: "Hmmmmmmmm~..."

That hum being the only warning Sheepy was given before she found herself being squeezed even tighter against the smiling balloon fox... The rubber of her body starting to stretch and pull over the sheepgirl’s body as Flow giggled to herself hugging her tighter and tighter...

Sheepy: "Baaaaah, mistress is in predator mode. Baaaaaah!"

Sheepy responded playfully. She wiggled a bit, not really trying to escape her mistress, why should she? She loves all the naughty tricks her mistress tended to do and would never really want to try and stop her when she gets an idea. Sinking further and further into that shiny rubbery skin without the slightest resistance.

Flow finally pulled her pet inside of her tight and warm body as rubber brushed and rubbed the sheepgirl from all sides. Despite what her pet may have been thinking she was not to be the prey... not this night~

Flow: "Ohhh you've always been the most wonderful and loyal companion anyone could ask for, and you've never once let me down my dearest pet~ Yet because of that, I can't help but think how much of a waste that is as well... you could be so much more my dearest pet~"

Rubbing her swollen tummy with a smile as she slowly started to focus, but slowly… taking her time to enjoy this, the idea of what she would be doing already clear and she would make sure it was special~

Sheepy was enjoying being rubbed and squished from all sides. Yet hearing her mistress voice she stopped for a moment.

Sheepy: "But I am your dearest pet my mistress, baaaaah~ What could I asked more for as to be always with you?"

She asked totally honestly and with much warmth in her voice. Over the years that she lived now with her mistress, in her house, in her balloon void, anywhere near her, she learned to love her. Not as a lover, but as her family, as one of those closest to her.

Flow: "Mhmhmm, and that's why I need to do this my dear little cutie~ You're someone so very important to all of us... just let Mistress show you that for at least a bit~"

Flow from the outside continued to rub her tummy gently, sending small sparks of pleasant tingling through her pets body. Something that that made it hard to notice the rubber particles starting to fill the air around her even as Flow took a deep breath... Closing her eyes as her while she slowly concentration intensified, more and more focused on something that not even her Mama had done in quite a long while. Feeling that essence inside of her, the being that was her beloved pet, her friend and part of her family... pulling gently at that being inside even as the warmth only grew and grew…

Sheepy: "Mi...mistress?"

Her pet asked a bit shocked as she felt herself...so warm. It felt different than normal pleasure waves she got as rewards. This was....different, and much more intense.

Sheepy: "What is happening...what...ah...do~ Do what you want to do mistress, I am sure in the end I will love it like always, baaaaaah~"

Snuggling to an fetal position she enjoyed the warmth.

Flow: “Shhhhh dear... Just enjoy this~"

A soft giggle echoing through the rubber body from Flow as she continued to rub away... her intransparent body hiding what was happening inside as ever so slowly the girl inside of her started to fade? Her body... shifting and breaking down into the same rubber particles dancing all around and joining that sparkling collection as the being inside felt warm pleasure build and build, the sheepgirls grasp of the world around her fading with that pleasure as everything started to turn dark...

The sheepgirl found herself somewhere dark and yet welcoming and familiar, a place that seemed to echo through her on a profound level... it only took a moment before it clicked where she was and as she did a new far stronger connection blossomed, something that every other being connected to the void immediately noticed. A new being that had just become one with the void and connected to them all as Flow back in the normal world shuddered and giggled, knowing full well that she would be getting some questions from Auntie and Mama very soon! Though that would be after she was finished, starting to concentrate now as those rubber particles inside of her began to slowly reform, connecting together into a smooth mesh that soon enough shifted to strong rubber! Forming up into a new shape that would soon be needed. Becoming a curvy, cute form hidden away from sight as the consciousness, still floating inside the void felt herself being drawn back to a new warm, and cozy form... feeling so very different...

Sheepy for her part during all of this was stunned awe and surprise, washed away with the alien experience and sensations. She followed the stream that her mistress had given her, and when that new connection clicked in her mind and her being she realized what was now so obvious and yet so very unbelievable. The void she had come to know so well now not feeling like a place… no it… it felt like it was part of her, or like she was part of it! Only given enough time to consider this before she felt herself pulled back...

The feeling that came after, of her body quite literally forming up inside that deep blue interior was... breathtaking to say the least, at the same time noticing new thoughts and ideas pressing their way in the place of old ones. Those submissive tendencies, not quite fully fading away but taking a back seat to new ones that entered. Naughty and dominant urges that made the forming figure inside feel a rush of giddiness... inside her Mistress? The term having never been wrong before but... something about it just no longer felt right, the term not quite close enough for the new feelings of attachment and love that poured over all those feelings she already had as a new word took the place. Her... mother giggling from the outside as she felt her new special little one finally finishing up, and with it she knew it was time to see her new child!~

Flow: "Hehe, time you come out my dear... come out and show yourself to mommy!~"

Giving her child the chance to press her own way out as the girl inside simply... felt the ability to do so, the rubber that had for so long been like a wall that the balloons themselves would choose to either let through or hold now more like... like a door she herself could open and go through!

Alexandra pressed and floated through the rubber of her mother and outside into the room. She looked confused at first as she took in her body. Her mind racing with the immense amount of new information, new impressions and these new feelings.

Yet soon enough with a big smile and a little blush she turned around and finally looked at Flow. Her mistress...no....her mother.

Alexandra: "Ma...Mama Flow?..I...Am I really your...your..daughter?"

She said it shyly, but with so much happiness in her voice that it would be impossible to miss how much love and affection she was feeling for Flow right now!

Flows eyes were like wide sparkling stars as she looked over her pet... no her daughter! Those adorable little ears, like her own but so short and cute... that curvy body made of the same blue rubber as her own and that look in her eyes, that loving look of adoration and love... and that new spark of naughtiness she could see even if it was held back for the moment as the new balloon fox tried to fully collect herself.

Flow couldn't resist pouncing forward to scoop her new little fox up in her arms as she gently swung her around in a tight hug! Kissing her head repeatedly with a happy giggle and squeezing the two of them tightly together!

Flow: "Ohhhhh!~ You are so much cuter than I could have ever imagined my dear! My adorable little fox hehehe... my sweet little Alexandra~"

Grinning down at her with a loving, motherly look as the name she would rarely call her former pet by left her lips so easily. The blushing balloon hugging her mother back happily, cuddling against her and enjoying the affection.

Alexandra: "Mo...Mother~ Mama...mama...mama~"

For Alexandra it seemed so strange to call her former mistress that, but at the same time it just felt so right!

Alexandra: "You...you made me a balloon fox! You made me your daughter! I...I couldn't be happier!"

Alexandra screamed out, almost certainly waking up everyone in at least half the tower. A heavy blush on her blue face, her ears up to the sky and her balloony tail wagging back and forth like that of an overjoyed dog. She just couldn’t help or control herself in the slightest right at this moment!

Flow herself was blushing as she kept squeezing her new daughter, just waiting to hear Jasmine's footsteps thumping up in excitement as her little one hadn't exactly been too subtle with that call out~ Giggling when sure enough the door to the apartment slid open as the panting redhead stood there, looking around wildly before noticing the two of them as Flow gave Alexandra's head another kiss

Flow: "Indeed you are sweetie hehe, you are my wonderful little fox now and I know just from looking at you..."

Smiling as she looked into those bright blue eyes so full of love, wonder and excitement all at once.

Flow: "This is something I should have done a long time ago hehe~"

To be Continued...

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Comments: 37

DragosaurGaming [2023-10-21 22:55:21 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to DragosaurGaming [2023-10-25 19:14:38 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

VickyTheVixen [2018-07-18 00:40:48 +0000 UTC]

Apsolutly adorable! If anyone deserves to be Flows daughter it's sheepy hehe so determined and loyal, only the best option really haha.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to VickyTheVixen [2018-07-18 07:21:48 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~
And indeed, several years of loyalty and love guided to this fate finally~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TGDJ [2018-07-17 21:54:18 +0000 UTC]

Quick Question, Why do you have two sets of ears?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to TGDJ [2018-07-17 22:26:18 +0000 UTC]

Why have spiders so many eyes or legs? Because they have it

Its simply their design as hunters. Balloon foxes are predators that catches their preys in balloons. To hear them easily, they often have 4 ears~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ALAMOS123 [2018-07-17 15:35:43 +0000 UTC]

is this a permanent change?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to ALAMOS123 [2018-07-17 15:42:11 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, we will see with this story~
But let me say....I would not make this such a big story if there is no permament effect here^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ALAMOS123 In reply to Sheepy-Drackzahn [2018-07-17 15:54:30 +0000 UTC]

nice, we all need more balloon girls on here

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to ALAMOS123 [2018-07-17 16:51:14 +0000 UTC]

We do indeed and some nice things are in planning for that~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ALAMOS123 In reply to Sheepy-Drackzahn [2018-07-17 17:58:38 +0000 UTC]

well i look forward to seeing it

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

crosawood [2018-07-17 15:09:27 +0000 UTC]

Hmm well that is an adorable new form

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to crosawood [2018-07-17 15:14:47 +0000 UTC]

Tehe, thank you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

crosawood In reply to Sheepy-Drackzahn [2018-07-17 16:12:35 +0000 UTC]

Are hugs still allowed?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to crosawood [2018-07-17 16:50:45 +0000 UTC]

Of course hugs are still allowed, haha~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

crosawood In reply to Sheepy-Drackzahn [2018-07-18 04:38:52 +0000 UTC]

*Christi Hug attack*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LucyDuskbreak [2018-07-17 14:26:40 +0000 UTC]

So is this now your normal form
or is this just a temporary thing and you'll be back to sheepy in about a week or two 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to LucyDuskbreak [2018-07-17 14:49:56 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, you will see in the coming stories

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LucyDuskbreak In reply to Sheepy-Drackzahn [2018-07-17 15:04:47 +0000 UTC]

So cliffhanger
All right I can wait

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to LucyDuskbreak [2018-07-17 15:14:40 +0000 UTC]

Indeed, but I will soon deliever the next parts^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GoldLinaric [2018-07-17 10:25:13 +0000 UTC]

thatsso cute~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to GoldLinaric [2018-07-17 10:37:29 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, hihi

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GoldLinaric In reply to Sheepy-Drackzahn [2018-07-17 10:38:41 +0000 UTC]

hehe dos that mean whee can't call you sheepy in this form?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to GoldLinaric [2018-07-17 10:41:04 +0000 UTC]

In this form, nope~ There I am Alexandra~. But worry not, hehe. I will show my wooly form from time to time still~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GoldLinaric In reply to Sheepy-Drackzahn [2018-07-17 10:47:15 +0000 UTC]

okay though do forgive slip ups. unless the punisments balloon time then well punish away heheh

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to GoldLinaric [2018-07-17 14:53:30 +0000 UTC]

Tehe, indeed~ Calling me wrong results often enough in kinky balloon time~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GoldLinaric In reply to Sheepy-Drackzahn [2018-07-17 16:07:55 +0000 UTC]

well can't say no to some kinky balloon time~  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to GoldLinaric [2018-07-17 16:51:01 +0000 UTC]

Tehe~ Indeed and easy to understand^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

GoldLinaric In reply to Sheepy-Drackzahn [2018-07-17 17:42:08 +0000 UTC]

well excited to see what your first adventure as a balloon fox would be. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to GoldLinaric [2018-07-18 10:11:36 +0000 UTC]

Tehe, thanks and it is online now and P3 in working~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

The-TF-Trickster [2018-07-17 09:37:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh my, while I did expect Sheepy to turn into Alexandra the balloon fox I didn't expect her to become Flows daughter. Such an interesting turn of events that happened indeed, but this could bring a lot of fun things to Slimea with a new balloon fox to hunt hehe.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to The-TF-Trickster [2018-07-17 09:41:33 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, thank you!

Yeah, it was something that was floating in the air for longer as idea and now we thought it would be a good timing for it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-TF-Trickster In reply to Sheepy-Drackzahn [2018-07-17 09:56:11 +0000 UTC]

No problem.

Damn it that sentence can be interpreted in a literal sense considering what it's about, haha. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

prsaynt [2018-07-17 09:07:51 +0000 UTC]

So no more Sheepy?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to prsaynt [2018-07-17 09:08:49 +0000 UTC]

We will see in the coming parts
I will not let my Sheepform go away fully~

But more of this later in this story^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

prsaynt In reply to Sheepy-Drackzahn [2018-07-17 09:20:42 +0000 UTC]

Trust and believe I'll be watching.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sheepy-Drackzahn In reply to prsaynt [2018-07-17 09:45:17 +0000 UTC]

hehe, good to know~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0