Shelter-Cat — Gabriel Ref Sheet

#dofus #oc #feca #wakfu #referencesheet #refsheet
Published: 2019-03-01 20:20:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 423; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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Description I am so excited about this one, guys!

Meet Gabriel Leucanthe, a Feca, and Viviane's apprentice later in her story!

Gabriel is from a very old-school Feca family. They are sheperds, and by the Wakfu time, I imagine that this occupation is considered very traditional by Fecas. Gabriel is the youngest child of 8, and was expected to follow in his family footsteps and become a sheperd as well like all his siblings did before him. 
Since he's someone that doesn't have much force of will, Gabriel just followed his parents' instructions for most of his life, even when he proved to be really bad at being a sheperd, and never really considered following his own path. (especially since some of his siblings got their own dreams shattered, more by bad luck than because of their parents.) But he was fascinating by alchemy and healing and in his free time, read large books about the matter until he knew them by heart. One day as he was grocery shopping in a nearby town for his family, he meets Viviane and surmounts his shyness to go talk to her since he actually recognizes her as a famous doctor. They meet again a few times after that, and Viviane discovers his interest for alchemy and healing, and, recognizing a lot of her younger self in his young man, offers to take him in as an apprentice. Gabriel accepts (which is the bravest thing he's ever done) and leaves his village, helped by a few supportive family members.

Gabriel is an extremely clever young man, and his theorical knowledge of plants and alchemy is impressive for someone his age. He also learns very fast and is able 
pretty quickly to get to a practical level were he COULD officiate by himself. The real obstacle is his personnality.

Gabriel has exactly two moods : mild embarrassement and EXTREME PANIC. He has a lot of trouble speaking to people without blushing or stuttering, is afraid of everything, and doubts himself constantly. Not exactly the kind of traits you want to see in a doctor, who is supposed to reassure his patients and put them at ease. 
Viviane hopes that she'll be able to boost his confidence, somehow. 

Gabriel belongs to me
Feca belongs to Ankama
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Comments: 26

fiddee [2019-03-03 19:42:22 +0000 UTC]

''Viviane's apprentic''...AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! YES! YES YES YES!! Finally she get's her very own little student! Bless this young man for summoning up the courage to take the leap of becoming Viviane's apprentice! >w<

And his outfit, I love it! But what makes him so adorably perfect is those big glasses of his~ QuQ

''Gabriel has exactly two moods : mild embarrassement and EXTREME PANIC''..I love him already, he is to pure~ TuT
I'm more than confident that Viviane will turn this shy young man in to a doctor that not only believes in his own skills, but also to become the most carring doctor in the world~...After Vivaine of course. (XD)
So nice to met this young man, Miss! Can't wait to see him tackle Ada and Morgan later on! XDDDD

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-03-06 12:53:00 +0000 UTC]

Yep! I always thought Viviane would get an apprentice later in her story, and the need for RP just made him appear quicker! XDD
Fun fact : I dreamt this look. Litteraly. I got it from one of my weirdest, most detailled dreams, where there was a young scientist that looked just like that! I barely changed anything from what I imagined, just the color palette (he had brown hair in my dream.) But the coat, the tie, the glasses, the long nose, it was already here. XDD

People in the RP server seem to love him a lot too, I can't wait to play him, honestly OwO. 
But yeah, there's a LOT of work to make this boy confident. Good luck, Viviane. XDDD

Gotta draw those three interacting with him. It can only be hilarious. XDD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-03-24 18:42:28 +0000 UTC]

Than I'm glad the occasion finally arrived for her to be blessed with one, and such a delightful one at that as well~ ^^
It's however incredible that he came to you within a dream! That's both spooky and rare at the same time, maybe he is trying to contact you from within the world of twelve dimension while trying out his latest idea?! XDDD

I bet they do, man is a charming and very sweet looking one, hard not to love him~ And I'm sure Viviane turnes up his confidence with time, or the social shock of Ada might also work. XDD
Hihi, it's honestly, hand on my heart, really lovely to see and hear you've taken RPing to your heart! It's so wonderful to hear and even more so to hear how energetic and eager you are to throw yourself in to new ones! >w<

Yes, please do!~ XDD

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-03-27 22:13:04 +0000 UTC]

Indeed! I'm very proud of him, and I'm sure she is too. XDD
Well, it wasn't exactly like that, he didn't manifest in my dreams to tell me that he was Viviane's apprentice. I just dreamt a random story with a character that looked like him, and when I woke up I remembered the characters enough to say that they were good ideas. XD

I'm not going to lie, I was hoping he would charm them. I'm glad I nailed that as well! XD And yeah, his personnality clashes a bit with Ada's. Not that they hate each other, not at all, but they are so different that they often get into weird situations. XD
Same thing as CHarlotte, though, he was supposed to make his big debut in my main RP but... Damnit, I'm looking for an excuse to play him, I'm too eager. XD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-03-30 19:50:50 +0000 UTC]

We are all proud of him, but the one who is most proud is Gabriel himself, for asking Viviane in the first place~ ^^
Hihi, maybe he was trying to blend in to the crowed as to not shcok you or alarm you?~ |D (XD)
As said it was very good of you to get down the details of him right away, since such dreams tend to be sort of forgotten or blury rather quick, sadly.

And you've done so masterfully, the gals are made for this shy young man!~ They're gonna eat him alive if your not careful, moahaha~ XD
Though I frankly am a slight bit worried for the man when it comes to Ada, I'm worried she might just be a bit to much for him to handle...Though I'm loving the thought of them getting in to all sor of odd and wierd situations, got any in mind thus far? ^^
I really hope you'll get the chance, or possibly have already gotten such a chance by now, to RP him and Charlotte. They seem so full of energy and tales surrounding them that they'll be a delight to RP with! >w<

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-04-04 15:50:25 +0000 UTC]

She was the one to propose the job to him, but he's already very proud to have had the guts to accept. XDD
Nah, I'm pretty sure his character was the main one in my dream. XD It's probably why his design stuck so much with me. XD
Well, I didn't get the details down right away, but since I remembered and noticed that this design was a good idea, I kept it in mind until I was able to get it down on paper.

Poor, poor Gabriel, he would rather not have so much attention on him. XD
Nah, don't worry, he found her a bit intimidating at first and he might never get used to her, but most of the time Ada is pretty quiet, so he just has to avoid her when she gets angry. XD I do have a few ideas for situations, though. XD
Hahaha... still not, sadly. We are slowly getting closer, though, very slowly. XD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-04-20 21:54:08 +0000 UTC]

Awww, that was very sweet of Viviane to reach out a hand like that for him, maybe it was the push he needed?~ ^^
You mark my word, the boi is trying to communicate with his creator through dreams, I'm telling ya! XDD
As long as you did get the details down at somepoint it's still better than not getting them down at all, no? Sometimes dreams stick with us, while others goes away in an instant. ^^

A shy young man as him I'm sure he'd prefer to rather spend time with his books, than fending for his life from a hoard of madly in love women. ..Better start running there young sir~ |D
Hihi, whenever Ada is mad he just makes the biggest B-line around her to avoid her, like crawling out windows and clibing drain pipes and all. XD And I'd love to see those situations, at least one of those situations! XD
Slow and steady wins the race, right? ^^..So as I imagien Noel would say...Are we there yet?~ *0u0*

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-04-23 19:35:25 +0000 UTC]

Viviane reaching out and offering him the job was indeed the push, or the opportunity he needed. I think she felt that, after all she still likes to help people in need. XD
I wish I could remember all my dreams as vividly. I'm sure I could get some rather interesting stories out of them! 

Indeed, attention from women would just make him more embarrassed. Just leave him to his books and studies! XD
Hahaha, I'll be sure to add doodles with Ada to my huge to do list... When I'll get to it, though, nobody knows! 

Slow and steady isn't quite the word, now... Since my RP partner is away and busy, it's more like a complete stop. So sorry, we're not there yet, we won't be for a while; XD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-05-04 13:17:38 +0000 UTC]

Sometimes that's what is needed, and Gabriel do seem like a man that things first before acting.^^..Thinks quite a lot and for a very long time that is, which can be both good and bed deppending on how you look at it.
Either way, Viviane finally got her very own apprentice to both teach and help her out back at hers, while he is getting the education of a life time that very few can say that they've been given. ^^
As for dreams..I'd say both yes and no to remembering my dreams. Absolutly yes for the eventful and happy going on, like the one I had last night..I dreamt that my friend from Italy and her BF came over for a visit and a lot of odd things happend...I revers in to thier rental car, twice, at the same spot which broke both our car despite just making a small dent. We stayed in at a hotle ontop of a cliff with ocean view as a tzunami appear, only to hear the manager say ''Oh it happens everyday, don't worry we've water proffed the house.'' AS we seconds later were submerged beneath the water and the hotel suddenly turned in to very disney theme place from the mermaid..Fond dream. XDDDD
But I DON'T wish to remember the stuff of nightmare that leaves you with your heart rasing, screaming in fear or crying is not dreams I fancy to remember any time soon.

Hihi, such is the way when you are getting busy IRL. Still, when the day comes it comes, I'll look forward to seeing both him and Ada in goofy doodles regardless when it arrives. ^^b

Terrible shame to hear your RP has come to a complet halt. As said, it's hard to keep up with RP's and hobbies when real life asks all our attantion and time, and it's even worse for those who are students or has jobs that they get to take with them home.

''attention from women would just make him more embarrassed. Just leave him to his books and studies!''..Awwww~ Poor Poor Gabe~ Now we'll never leave him alone~ |D
-And like that Gabriel became the lady magnet of the ages- XDDD
Lady nr1: ''Oh Gabriel, just think of me as a deluxe book, you are in for the story of a life time~ |D
Lady nr2: ''Which seat can I take in the library, Gabriel?..How about your lap, it looks reliable and very comfy to sit on?~ |D
Lady nr3: ''Oh look at his blush, we can tell what you are thinking about, naughty young man~ |D
Lady nr4: ''Think of us as your new homework, so why don't you start working and studying us~ |D
Lady nr5: ''But I'm hungry, and Gabriel is looking so sweet a delicious I could just eat him up right now~ |D
Lady nr6: ''Can I have seconds, there is enough of him for all of us isn't there, Gabriel?~ |D
...AAAAAnnd that's where I get banned...Or shot by Viviane as she saves her precious student from a small group of ''eager'' women. XD

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-05-07 20:11:17 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, as you said, thinking before acting can be both good and bad. XD Gabriel definitely thinks too much and ends up hesitating. 
Viviane could definitely use some help with her work so she can relax and think about other things, and Gabriel is getting a unique education. Win-win! XD
I feel like most of the time my dreams are weird like that, and my nightmares as well. I often have those weird dreams that try very hard to be nightmares, like dreams of ghosts and zombies, war, kidnapping, but for some reason I never get panicked in those dreams, I just roll with it. XD

Aaaaaah everytime I answer your comments I get reminded of all the things I need to do! Stop that! XD

well, at least I feel a bit better knowing that I'm not the only one in this case, since the server as been a little bit quieter those days. I've been assured that this is normal, and that it's not the first time that it gets a bit silent at this time of the year.

Gabriel : ".... So is this the time where I tell you that I'm not into girls?"
-*Viviane dying of laughter in the background*-

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-05-11 19:31:16 +0000 UTC]

Exactly, It's good to have a plan, but also good if you put it to practices as well. XD
It's a win-win through and through, so I'm happy for both of them they got thier wish in the end. ^^...Just a bit concerned and worried about Gabriel running in to Ada at times.
Haven't had any nightmares now in a long time, can't say I'm complaning either. But I do envy your ability to somehow just go along with them all chilled! XDD
-Meanwhile, everyone at the dream Office and the nightmares department-
''Right everyone! What can we try tonight to make her scared, like for real this time!''
''How about we make her whole body fall to dust? Or her whole family, right in front of her eyes?''
''No! Torture! We can even make it 'feel' genuine and real to her while she sleeps!''
''Why don't we just place her in a room, unable to leave, move or even wake up anytime soon...While placing her mom there, nagging and complaining about everything that is wrong and how she's to somehow fix it stright away?
-Get's mean look from the boss....Get's approved for this nights nightmare- (XD)

Just helpful friendly reminder is all~ But sorry can't stop I'm afraid! I'll be here to remind you about all those things on your to-do-list, forever~ |D
Like, as mentioned, seeing Gabriel and Ada goofing about, seeing more of Alba and Tyto's experiment, Ada's days living on the road, more pokemone trainers eddition and also HOW THE FIC COMING ALONG! >8D

It is not, it's quite natural and in order for things to sort of grow a bit quite around these last few weeks as said earlier.
All we can hope is that one by one they'll all have thier things wrapped up and finished as tehy soon pick things up again from where they left of last time. ^^

Lady nr1: ''Oh....I see..So your in to men than?..Don't worry! We gotcha! Bois!'' ^^b

CUE THE MUSIC! www.youtube.com/watch?time_con…

-The lady snaps her finger as the group of ladies suddenly envelopes in to a small cloud of smoke, the 6 ladies now turned in to full sized bodybulding men in thongs. All six are either dancing, humping or grinding around Gabriel area-
-*Fiddee is dying of laughter on the groud*...Gabriel just want to die-´XDDDDD
(Careful what you wish for~ |D )

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-05-16 17:41:03 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I can understand that, but as I said, don't worry! Ada isn't really mean, and she's a loner anyway. She isn't sticking to Viviane's side absolutely, most of the time she's outside guarding, training or hunting, or she's in her room. I know I make it look like she's always here, but it's only because they live in the same house. XD
XDD Luckily for me I have never had a nightmare that felt "too real" like that last one. I know those are the worst and can reaally mess you up. I have some pretty nasty ones, though, the latest was one that I won't describe but it made me feel some light phantom pains in my side for the whole day after. YIKES.

Trust me, those items on my to-do list aren't going anywhere. XD You might see some very soon! (well duh, since they're on the to-do-list.)
If you're talking about the comic, I actually took a break from it. But I really need to get back to it, I took way too much time for otehr projects and ended up neglecting it when I wanted to focus on it.... Woops?

May seems to be hitting everyone with a nailed baseball bat! I hope june will be better...

holy crap, poor Gabriel. You want to kill my boy. XD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-05-19 20:33:04 +0000 UTC]

Nah, she's just mean most of the time she and Viviane are in the same room. |D
But I do see what your's saying, Viviane and Ada are two separat people and not attached to each others hip as we might make it sound about now. These sort of jokes are perhaps once in a while and not ALL THE TIME. XDD

Really bad dreams can mess you up pretty bad, luckly I've been spared from such dreams for a very long time, years now that I think of it.

But my worst memory from bad dreams isn't the dreams themselves, we often forget them thankfully enough. But once I sort of woken up I and had completly forgot how to freaking breath. That terrefied me more than the nightmare, to just lay in bed and just know you ought to breath but you either can't or don't feel like it's air your are breating in. -Insert small anxious panic here-  TnT

I'd hope not, Because I sure bet there are some solid good ideas of intrest on that to do list of yours. ^^b
(Well things can suddenly change sometimes, pushing things off to handle a new diffrent artwork! XD )
I see, hope you get back to working on it eventually though, just like I hope I'll get some freaking time to work on my fic at some freaking point! TuT

A nailed baseball bat sound rough, but in my case it's more like a big freaking red barn door! XDDD

Kill him, nah nah nah, of course not~ I just wanted to give him what he really enjoyes~ |D...-Rips his own clothes of and joins the dancers- >8D

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-05-24 15:06:20 +0000 UTC]

I said that she wasn't mean! XDD
I try to keep in mind that letting Ada stay with Viviane isn't the end of her story. She moved in with her because she had nowhere else to go, but it was always temporary (even if it's been for a few years), but at some point, Ada is going to want to do something more with her life. So I try to not make it look like Ada is completely stuck to Viviane, nor always in good terms with her. XD

There are! \OuO/ I should probably find a way to organize it so I can see what item on this list was added last... Because for now I have it separated in different categories wether it's wakfu, pokemon, traditional, ref sheets, or RP-related. XD
I started working on the comic again, though, so that's good. XD

I'm going to be honest and say that Gabriel probably doesn't enjoy this type of attention much. XD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-05-27 18:51:21 +0000 UTC]

Not mean just strong minded...Battling the house for domiance as to who's the Alpha female of the household. >8D (XD)

Huh, that's actually a bit sad to hear that. But looking at Ada's history as a travler, I guess it's a given she'll one day find her calling for the open roads getting to strong, thus urging her to leave. Not because she ended up disliking Viviane and Morgan, but because she just had the urge to travle again at somepoint...At least tell me she'll come around for visits with ol' Vivi?~ T-T

Keeping stuff categoriesd and organized is a good way of keeping track on things, at least making it easier to write them all down and later look up when the time comes to drawing them. ^^
Nice to hear you are up and working on your fan fic again too! I hope everything is coming along smoothly without any headaches or troubles! >w<

He get's the attantion anyways! You said it yourself that he prefers men, thus I obliged~ >8D

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-06-01 16:17:14 +0000 UTC]

Well good luck to her because she'll have to go through Viviane first and she won't give up her title of head of the family that easily. XD
Oh, nonono, Ada is 100% done with living on the road. At this point, I see two potential futures for her, either she becomes an actual guard in the city Viviane will end up living in, which fits her skill set but not her personnality... Or I make it a joke that she jumps from small job to small job, and that she ends up being knowledgeable in about everything, which fits more her need for freedom. In any case, she's not really leaving Viviane. XD

Even f I have this list, I often tend to work on things I just came up with instead of things that are actually on my to do list. XD
The comic is going pretty alright! I just passed a very annoying part, so I'm glad that's behind me. XD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-06-15 18:44:55 +0000 UTC]

Then let us pray to the might gods in favor as the battle of the Alpha's! BEGINS!! -The whole fandom sits up on a stage munching on sweets and drinks, this while Viviane and Ada brawls it out like the champs they are- XD
Both ideas for Ada sounds promising for her. I want to like the first one, that she'll remain and become a sort of cheifguard for the village, alas I do see her not really liking being so..While the second sounds most fitting to her as an OC, to settle for a time until she picks up and moves anew...B-but that also mean no more Vivi and Moggy-Moggy~ T-T
..Playing around with the second idea for Ada however, I do sort of imagien she's been in to all sort of trades. Like, Learning how to fight from a true Iop, to cast some spell from an old Huppermage and how to sneak around like an assassin from an Sram..Like waste quantaties of  knowledge she's picked up over all her years. XD

Yeah, that's how it is I'm afriad. But when you really are inspierd and really want to do something, things tend to come along a bit easier than if you force to do something you don't like.
Nice! Those annoying parts tend to often be the most trickiest, so a big applaud to you for overcoming that annoying bit in your comic! >w<

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-06-21 16:50:27 +0000 UTC]

Aw come on, Viviane doesn't stand a chance against Ada. XD She would if she used magic, but she isn't going to. XD
I told you several times, didn't I? ^^ It's important to Ada's character developpement that she gets more independant. It doesn't mean that her and Viviane have to stop being friends! ^^
Well, I saw it more like she has a lot of experience in small jobs, like... She might have a small job as a docker, then work in a farm for a few months, then handle some merchandise, protect a caravan, work as a bouncer... Those kinds of things. XD Classes aren't really jobs, after all. Plus Ada doesn't know how to do magic. XDD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-07-02 21:35:34 +0000 UTC]

Aww, really? Not even a little, like a water beam or spray flask? ''Bad, bad Ada!'' -Squirt squirt- XD
You did, even though I sometimes end up having a difficult time keeping track on all we've talked about, sorry. It's just this slight worry that Ada will just one day go ''Well, I'm done'' and just completly dissappear, you know. XD
Ah right now I'm with you, a bit like myself than, I've been in to several diffrent jobs and taken ''some'' experiance with me from each. I admit I was over exaggerating a bit when I was talking about Ada having like the class trades (like magic for example), more a fun thing to just imagien and goof around with in my iop head. XD

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Shelter-Cat In reply to fiddee [2019-07-05 21:23:45 +0000 UTC]

Well, no, that she would use. But in an all-out serious fight, those aren't the type of magic you use! XD 
But yeah I do have in mind a picture or a story involving Ada being dumped water on by Viviane. XD
That's fair, we do evoke a lot of subjects after all. But don't worry, I can't cut Ada out of Viviane's life like that, I love how they work together way too much, and Ada has her own problems to deal with that will probably require AT LEAST Viviane's help. 
Yeh, that's pretty much the idea. But nothing too extreme like a class change, no, I just thought "well a lot of jobs ask for nothing more than a strong pair of arms so really, Ada shouldn't have trouble finding a job at all in the city." XDD

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fiddee In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-07-21 21:29:53 +0000 UTC]

Naturally, those more serious fights does requier more serious spells with all due in mind~ |D
And yes, I can very much imagien Viviane dumping a bucket of water over Ada. Like she's oversleeped or after one of those rare night she comes home a bit tipsy.
Glad to hear you aren't planing on cutting out my favorit ouginak anytime soon~ Now I do look forward to how she and Viviane might end up handling those troubles of hers in due time~ ^^

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Poohnie [2019-03-01 22:35:07 +0000 UTC]

Il est beaucoup trop mignon!

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Shelter-Cat In reply to Poohnie [2019-03-01 22:38:13 +0000 UTC]

Merci! Je suis super contente de son look!

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Poohnie In reply to Shelter-Cat [2019-03-01 22:38:47 +0000 UTC]

Tu peux l'être tu l'as vraiment bbien fait

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GenocideZero [2019-03-01 21:20:24 +0000 UTC]

J'aime vraiment son design , il a le Joris-nose , avec ses grosses lunettes ça le rend super attachant ^^

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Shelter-Cat In reply to GenocideZero [2019-03-01 21:27:56 +0000 UTC]

Bien remarqué, il a le même nez que Joris, en effet. (quoiqu'un peu plus court. XDD)
Et je me disais que de très grosses lunettes lui iraient bien... Je suis contente de voir que je ne me suis pas trompée! ^^

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