Shiisghetti — Sitting in a pool of lies
Published: 2020-04-25 16:32:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 69; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Mothpace 1074 words
Ridgepaw 926 words

Mothpace padded back into camp after a quick morning patrol. He greeted cats as he passed by them but was in a hurry and had a mission. He wanted to poke his head in to check on Ridgepaw. It would seem that the rowdy young tom was getting into quite a few very intense spars lately. This was the second time he had ended up in the medicine den after sparring with one of his peers, and he had also shown back up at camp wounded a little while ago too. That was something to talk about as well.

The fluffy deputy slipped into the medicine cat den, nodding to the medicine cats who were there currently before walking to Ridgepaw's nest. His amber eyes squinted slightly as they adjusted to the dim light within the den, but he could still tell that the apprentice was awake. "Good morning, Ridgepaw." He greeted happily. "How are you feeling today?" 

Ridgepaw was so mad that he had been knocked out in a spar AGAIN!! Dumb Cloverpaw and now mean Plumpaw. He wish he could have jumped right back up and given her a good kick to the face! He hated her like Pinestinky! His head hurt pretty bad after that spar though and it had been since he had regained consciousness. Ugh! He bitterly thought about just walking out to punch PlumMEAN right in the face.

Ridgepaw looked up to see Mothpace squinting to see in the dim light of the Medicine den. He didn't like the deputy very much! He had been scolded for getting mad at PLUMMEAN during a patrol. He rolled his sky blue eyes at his good morning. " I'm just mad! " He spat to Mothpace ,who had just been trying to be kind.

Mothpace blinked in surprise, taken back by the aggression for sure. He remained calm though and furrowed his brow slightly. "Why?" he asked. "Surely not at Plumpaw. You do know that you should have stopped before you passed out, right?" Worry reflected in his amber eyes. "You can't keep pushing yourself to the breaking point during spars." He sat, his tail curling around his paws.

Ridgepaw had gotten so testy. Mothpace first noticed this in the patrol when he seemed to insist on picking fights with his siblings and Plumpaw. Now any interaction he heard about involving the younger cat seemed to be someone complaining that he was short tempered. "Your warrior assessment is coming up very soon, I would hate for you to miss it because you're spending time in here to recover." 

Ridgepaw's tail twitched slightly he was mad at a lot of things. He was really mad at Plumpaw, Cloverpaw, Breezepaw, and Pinestinky! " Plumpaw was being mean! She said I didn't beat Sleekstar in a fight." The silver tabby huffed to Mothpace. He was most angry at Plumpaw because she had mocked and teased him! Pinestupid had cheated in that fight but he had also told her he beat Sleekstar. He could've easily beaten Sleekstar!

Ridgepaw was not going to miss his assessment over being knocked out in some dumb spar! He was too cool and awesome for him not to pass anyways.  His twitched slightly with irritation. " I'll pass anyways! I'm super good at fighting an hunting! " He pridefully bragged to the deputy Mothpace.

The blue and white tom sat for a moment, trying to process what had just been said to him. Sleekstar? There was no way! Was that why he'd been beat up when he came back to camp the other day? "You..." He shook his head. "Ridgepaw you fought with Sleekstar? Is that the truth? if it is then this is even more serious than it was before." The deputy's expression had gone from puzzled to worried. "You weren't just embellishing the truth were you?" His concerns over Ridgepaw's warrior assessment had been all but forgotten for the moment. He knew that Shadowclan was not an ally anymore, but were they really such a great enemy that their leader would be willing to fight an apprentice!? Sleekstar had never been a cat he considered trustworthy, but this was a whole new low! She could have seriously hurt or killed Ridgepaw if she really was the cat that attacked him. 

Ridgepaw didn't see what the big deal was if he had actually won and beat Sleekstar anyways! Ugh! Mothpace looked so dumbfounded just hearing that. Besides Pinkstinky wouldn't have been that cool to have beaten but Sleekstar ,Sleekstar was a Shadowclan leader! He bet mean Plumpaw couldn't beat her even if she tried. " Yeah! I beat her real good ,you should've seen her after I was done! " He arrogantly puffed out his scrawny chest with pride.  " Nope! " He was too stubborn to tell the truth anyways when he had already told some of the other DUMB and stinky apprentices he had beaten Sleekstar. Nothing bad could happen anyways. Duh! 

Mothpace's fur bristled slightly. She really had gone off the deep end if she thought that attacking apprentices was okay! While he might doubt the outcome of the fight given that Sleekstar was a leader and very much more skilled than Ridgepaw, he couldn't think of a reason why the young cat would lie about something so serious. "What exactly happened, Ridgepaw?" He pressed on, his tone serious. "Did she attack you on our side of the border? Did she say anything? Walk me through it in as much detail as possible." The older tom leaned a little closer, determined to gather as much information as he could about this before he went to talk to Leafstar about what to do next. He would also need to try to catch any patrols heading that way and warn them that they needed to remember to be alert near the Shadowclan border for the time being. 

Ridgepaw had to tell a story of how?? Ugh. Couldn't Mothpace just know what happened ,he fought Pinestin- Sleekstar! And he sounded serious. He had to make this sound super cool because he bet someone would believe him more if it sounded super cool. " Well I was at fourtrees standing on the big rock practicing for when I would be leader! " He arrogantly proclaimed to Mothpace ,pausing for a second. " I thought I smelt something really nasty and when I walked back over to our border I was jumped. Then I punched and kicked her really good and she only got me a little bit! Hah take that Sleekstar! " He announced confidently to the blue and black deputy who had leaned in closer. It was the most believable thing ever! Who wouldn't believe it? Mean Plumpaw didn't but she was just dumb and mean.

Mothpace narrowed his eyes slightly. That was... certainly an interesting story. One that seemed to lack enough detail to be believable. "Ridgepaw you came back to camp pretty beat up if I recall correctly." he replied, tilting his head to one side. There was little chance Sleekstar would have been worse off if this fight happened. "You're absolutely sure that this is what happened?" Why would he lie? It shouldn't be something you lied about but Mothpace was starting to doubt the validity of his claims. It would still have to be a conversation he had with Leafstar, but he would be sure to express his feeling that this was inaccurate. Maybe Sleekstar had simply been there while Ridgepaw fought with an apprentice?

"I'm not try to say you're lying, but this sounds a little bit crazy. I just want to make sure that you're remembering right before I go talk with Leafstar. So again, you're absolutely, 100% sure that Sleekstar herself jumped you and that you, an apprentice, won a fight against her, the Shadowclan leader?" He repeated back to him, hoping and praying that hearing it from someone else would help Ridgepaw see how odd this sounded. Please just tell the truth... please just tell something more believable! he didn't want to have to go to Leafstar and say that he felt Ridgepaw was a liar.

W-wait..Ridgepaw stiffened slightly realizing he had made a mistake but he didn't want to say he got beat up because that wasn't cool! He had to be cool! " Yeah I guess I did get beat up pretty good but you should've seen her! " He replied to Mothpace trying to act as cool as possible. Though he was always cool and awesome so he didn't real have to act THAT MUCH.  That's just how it was when you're super cool and awesome. " Yep! " He stated to Mothpace confidently. The deputy looked skeptical though which wasn't fair! He should've been believed!

Ridgepaw opened his mouth to speak for a second before closing it. " Yeah I'm sure! I was there so I know it. Duh! Sleekstar is just some dumb Shadowclanner anyways. " He assured Mothpace, nodding to look EXTRA convincing but thinking about Leafstar made him want squirm but he didn't. Leafstar was cool so he would believe him! Mean Plumpaw said she was going to check the borders but who cared ,she was just dumb and mean and no one should ever like her EVER!!

A soft sigh left the deputy as he got to his paws, feeling tired now. "Right," he conceded reluctantly but this conversation wasn't going to go anywhere else. Ridgepaw seemed pretty set in the story he was telling, so Mothpace would have to relay it to Leafstar as if it could be true.

"I'll talk to Leafstar about this. If you remember anything else about your encounter I would urge you to come find either of us to let us know." He mewed while turning away, casting one more glance over his shoulder, his eyes seeming to burn back into Ridgepaw's with a warning. "In the meantime get your rest and please stop making so many visits to this den! You'll be a warrior soon and I doubt you'll want to be spending all your time cooped up in the medicine den when you could be out doing all sorts of exciting things." he briefly flashed a smile in an attempt to end thigs on a better note before he was leaving the den, anxiety weighing in his stomach. There were already other things going on right now that didn't concern Shadowclan but not they were potentially a problem too. He glanced towards the leader's den for a moment but turned away from it in favor of leaving camp. A walk would do him some good to think about how he would phrase this all to Leafstar without sounding unfair to Ridgepaw
Ridgepaw was GLAD that Mothpace had seemed to come to a conclusion. Obviously Leafstar was going to believe his story though. He was cool and awesome and slightly less cool cats would believe another cool one! Mean Plumpaw was never ever going to be believed because she wasn't cool or awesome in the slightest and she NEVER had been in the first place!! Plus his story was really cool too.

Ridgepaw's ear twitched ,there was nothing else to tell! He had fought 'Sleekstar' ,beat her and got away! That wasn't exactly true but it sounded cool. Unless stormy weather mattered but it didn't. " I won't because there's nothing else to tell! " He told Mothpace quickly. The silver tabby didn't want to be getting knocked out but he had to spar til the end because unless it was a real fight it wasn't cool to quit! " Fine. I don't want to be in here anyways! " He grumbled, curling up in the stubbornly. He wanted to be out seeing stuff like Mothpace said but the dumb medicine cats didn't want him to go yet! He didn't hate Nightsky or Snowbear but it was boring in here, still he managed to somehow drift off to take a nap.

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