ShiningSnow — The Year Of All Years [NSFW]
Published: 2005-09-15 05:34:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 78; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description It was the year. The year of all years. 50,000. It was a normal year. Or so they thought.

“Johnny, wake up” Johnny’s mom called up to him. He groaned, it was too early for him. He got out of bed reluctantly and opened the curtains. It was a bright sunny morning. The sun shone too brightly as it was only 7am and he was knackered. He went downstairs for breakfast. “Happy New Year, son” his dad said to him. It was the 1st of January 50,000.

New years day was just like any other day for Johnny, he didn’t like his life that much, he just moped round the house waiting for nothing.

At lunch, Johnny, his mom, and his dad all sat down, then his dad had an announcement to make. “Son, I’m going away for a year - it’s work, and I have to do it”
Johnny slouched in his chair “Is this supposed to make my life any easier?” he said scowling then it seemed like he had tears in his eyes and he ran off. A few seconds later they heard his bedroom door slam. “Kids” his mom said, and she took his lunch up to him.

She knocked on his door “Can I come in?” she asked quietly
“Fine” came the response in a tone that made it obvious it wasn’t really fine but he was going to put up with it. “Look” she said as she walked in “Your father must go away, his job depends on it” she sighed and went over to where he was lying with his bed covers over him like a tent. “He doesn’t want this, but if he doesn’t go he’ll be fired, he wants that less, so he has no choice” she put his food down next to him “Please eat, it might make you feel better” she said, and she walked off and closed the door behind her.

He looked at his food, it was lamb, his mom had obviously forgotten that he had turned vegetarian. He ate the chips, they were cold by now, but this wasn’t unusual, his moms’ cooker had broken, so he always had cold food. He pulled a funny face because he was disgusted every time he had to eat cold food. He still ate it though then chucked his lamb in the bin, there was no way he was eating an animal. To cover it up he took the bag out of the bin and went downstairs. He put the bag in the outside bin then went back in. His dad walked in the room “You want to talk son?” he asked, Johnny was having none of it and just rushed upstairs again.

He went in to his room. He was fed up. He also felt sick after having cold chips for the 1,000th time this year. And it was only January the 1st. He rushed to the bathroom and threw up. His mom heard him and came upstairs “Oh my days son, are you ok?” she said. He laughed, “No I am not” he said angrily and ran back into his room. She heard the door slam. She sighed and went back downstairs “Hon” she said to her husband “Johnny is well vexed” her husband laughed “Why are you talking like that?”
“Like what?!” she said
“What do you mean ‘like what’? you sound like a teenager ‘well vexed’ what’s up with that? you sound like a member of Blazin’ Squad!”
His wife frowned “And WHAT is wrong with Blazin’ Squad?”
“Nothing, but they’re a group from over 40,000 years ago - get with the times” he said laughing, and walked out of the room. She actually couldn’t believe she, or he, knew about Blazin’ Squad, since they started way back in 2002, but it didn’t matter. What mattered was that Johnny was ‘well vexed’ and her husband was not helping matters, being immature about how she talked. Did it matter? she was trying to talk to him about their son. Meanwhile back upstairs Johnny had just finished ‘throwing up’. He went back into his room and burst into tears. It had been a very emotional day, his dad telling him he was leaving... throwing up because of the cold food, they were too poor to afford a new oven... and if that wasn’t bad enough he’d just heard his mom shout from downstairs ‘WHAT is wrong with Blazin’ Squad?’ so he knew they weren’t getting along well.

Johnny’s mom frowned at her husband “You’re not helping! Look I’m going to go talk to Johnny” she sighed and went upstairs. It didn’t help that the last thing she heard her husband say before she got to Johnny’s room was “Johnny’s mom has got it going on” - he was being very immature about the whole thing.

“We need to sort this out man, innit” she said at Johnny‘s door. He laughed even though he was still very much fed up. “Fine mom whatever, come in” she smiled and opened the door, only to find Johnny throwing darts at a picture of his dad on the dart board “JOHNNY! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?” his mom screamed. Johnny turned around “Mom, listen, it’s not what you think!”
“Oh really?” she said “what IS it?”
“OK mom” he said sitting down on the bed to talk to her “I’m depressed. Dad is leaving, you give me shit to eat, and this girl at school called me a depressive dickhead. What’s worse is it’s the girl I fancy”
Johnny’s mom looking very worried said “OK Johnny, 1st - don’t take it out on your dad. Now don’t tell him I said this but he’s an idiot, BUT he can’t...” she stopped “That’s not your dad THAT’S ME!” she screamed
“He can’t what?” Johnny said frowning
“Help it, but by God you’ve been throwing darts at a picture of me!” she looked as if she was going to explode.

Meanwhile Johnny’s dad was downstairs polishing his shoes singing
“Should I stay or should I go?” then making up his own words “I gotta leave this hell hole, but if I stay you won’t get mad at meeeeee” and then he went for a piss.

Back up in Johnny’s room his mom was breathing heavily, composing herself, then she finally said “Listen, I know how you feel. You’ve had a hard time at school, now your dad is leaving, and I know I need to fix the oven but we just don’t have the money. I promise I will sort things out though. Dad isn’t leaving till tomorrow. Tonight I’ll talk to him, ask him to reconsider. When you go back to school I’ll go to your headmaster and tell him to sort out this bitch. You deserve better. Take my picture off your dartboard, and the one of your dad underneath it, and I’ll go talk to dad’s boss tonight and try and get them to reconsider him leaving, or at least to give him a raise so we can afford a new oven. How does that sound?” Johnny smiled for the 1st time that year and said “That sounds pretty cool”
“Good” she said kissing him on the forehead “Things will get better. Now go to sleep”
“But it’s only 5pm”
“Oh” she laughed “Then don’t. I couldn’t see the clock I just assumed today was over. It’s been such a long day” then she went downstairs.

“Darling” Johnny’s mom said to her hubby, going over to him and rubbing his chest and stomach “We need to talk, Johnny has finally told me what’s wrong and we need to make him happier”
“I knew I could count on you” Johnny’s dad said “How about you and me get a lil lovin’ goin‘?”
“No!” she said firmly “Well, not till we’ve talked. First, I want you to reconsider leaving. It’s really upsetting Johnny. I’ll go to your boss and talk to him myself if need be, but you can’t do this. If the worse comes to the worse get a new job”
Johnny’s dad sighed “I know how you, and Johnny, feel and believe me I don’t want to leave but” he sighed again “I don’t know. I must. I must” he said.
Johnny’s mom feared he was going crazy. ‘I must, I must’ is not something he would usually say. “Right, I’m going to see your boss” she said, and she left the house.

At Johnny’s dad’s boss’ office Johnny’s mom was stood outside the door. In the rain. She tapped on his front window and he opened it “Oh my days!” Johnny’s dad’s boss (Mr. Tie) said. ‘So that’s where I got the slang from’ she thought to herself. “I’m so sorry to have left you in the rain” he said “Come in” and he went to open the door. She sat down on his sofa. “Now, who are you?” he said
“Oh, I’m Johnny’s dad’s wife” she paused, thinking he wouldn’t know that her husband was ‘Johnny’s dad’ “Um, I mean, Steve’s wife”
“Ah Bianca. I’ve heard many great things about you, you really know how to give head huh?” Johnny’s mom (or Bianca as we now know her) was shocked. She sat there with her mouth open wide (and not an invitation). Mr Tie (or Nigel Tie as his name actually is) laughed “I’m joking! But seriously I have heard great things about you, you’re loving, beautiful, and you aren’t afraid to get stern”
she smiled “He said that?”
Mr Tie smiled back “No, I’m just going on first impression. Well, he told me about the loving and not afraid to get stern bit” then he winked. She couldn’t believe her husbands boss was coming on to her. “Are you calling me beautiful?”
“I certainly am. And your husband never said anything about head, I was just hoping you would prove it to me” Bianca was shocked
“I’m sorry if I’m making you feel uncomfortable” Mr Tie said
“Oh no” Bianca said, just having an idea “You’re making me hot”. She figured if she came onto him, they could get it on and then that might be some incentive for him to give her husband a raise (not in that way, you pervert). Although if her husband found out hell really could break out, but she hadn’t had sex for weeks. Well, a week, so she wanted some. She’d even forgotten what a penis looked like. Plus, the more she looked at Nigel the more turned on she really was. “Really?” Nigel said
“Oh yes” she said, hitching her skirt up “Fuck me!” Nigel was stunned, but pleased and obliged. He unzipped his trousers, got his cock out and she moved closer to him, pulled her panties to the side and climbed on top of him, and they were soon at it like rabbits.

Back at the house Steve was trying to keep Johnny entertained with juggling tricks, but Johnny didn’t care. “Johnny boy, what’s wrong?” Steve said after he’d been juggling for him for 5 minutes and Johnny hadn’t laughed once “You used to laugh at my crap juggling”
Johnny sighed “It’s not the same since you learnt to juggle, you aren’t crap at it anymore” Steve sat next to Johnny on the floor “Listen buddy, if you really don’t want me to go I won’t. Your mom has made me see. Family is more important”
“Really?” Johnny said excited
“No not really, I’m sorry I couldn’t keep that up” Johnny burst into tears and ran outside in the rain. He sat on the grass in tears. Steve was guilty of a joke took too far, he shouted out of the window “Johnny! I was joking! I won’t go, come back in!” Johnny stayed in the rain for a few minutes to regain composure and then went back in.

In the office Nigel had given Bianca an orgasm when they were fucking and Bianca was now giving Nigel head. “Ohh Bianca!” he moaned “You really are good!” then he came in her mouth. She stopped sucking him and licked her lips. ‘Wow that was good’ she thought to herself, and she said it too “Oh Nigel, you are so hot” she said ripping his shirt off and kissing all over his chest. Suddenly there was a knock on Nigel’s window, and to their horror they found out the curtains weren’t drawn so passers by may have been looking in to see them at it. And to even more of their horror when Nigel opened the window he recognised the person who had tapped on the window “Ahh Steve, so pleased to see you” Nigel said loud enough to let Bianca know. “Shit” Bianca said quietly, and she ducked under the table, hoping Steve hadn’t seen her. “Is my wife here?” Steve said
“No, she just left back for home. Why?”
“It’s just she came here to ask you if I could have a raise and to ask if you could reconsider me leaving. What did you say then?”
“Oh I said that’s fine you get your raise! And you don’t have to leave” Nigel said, pretending to know what was going on “Nice seeing you again, bye”
Steve smiled “Thanks so much boss” and he left.
“Phew that was a close one” Bianca said, coming out from under the table “Thank you so much for telling him he could. Sorry I never got round to asking you, I was too busy eyeing you up” she said winking. He smiled “No problem, I’m glad I could help, in more ways than one”
She sighed “I better be off, but first...” she got on top of him and snogged him “Bye” she said, and she left for home again.

When she got back home Steve wasn’t there. “Where’s Steve?” Bianca asked to Johnny, who was playing video games “He went to the pub” Johnny said “The last thing I heard him say was ‘my life is pointless’” Bianca gulped, something was up, the last time Steve had said that was when he tried to sell his old banger of a car and couldn’t. “We still have that car to this day” Bianca said out loud, but not realising she had. “What?” Johnny said, confused
“Oh nothing. Don’t worry about your dad, I’m off to the pub” Bianca said, leaving the house again.

At the pub Bianca found Steve in ‘his spot’ the seat he always sat at when he went to the pub, cause when him and Bianca met they met in that very pub, years ago, and Steve was there when they met so it had special meaning. “What’s wrong darling?” Bianca said, going up to Steve “Don’t call me darling” he said scowling “I saw you at Nigel’s office, I saw you giving him head, I pretended not to know a thing because I couldn’t get angry if I wanted a raise, but I can’t believe what you did” Bianca burst into tears
“I’m so sorry, I just wanted to give him an incentive to help you, and I was so turned on. We haven’t had sex for a week, he is attractive and he came onto me”
“No he came in your mouth” Steve said, still frowning but trying to make a joke out of even the worst of times “You know what I mean” Bianca sighed. “Look we can’t let that one experience ruin everything. Oh everything’s falling apart” she said in despair now, realising that saying that it shouldn’t ruin everything is a long shot. “OK” Steve said “We’ll stay together for the kids”
“Kid” Bianca said, correcting him
“Yeah kid, whatever” Steve said “It’s been a long day”
“I know it has” she said “Look, let’s go back home and I’ll give you passionate love making all night to make up for what I did. Then tomorrow you can go to work, get more money, we can get a new oven, and tomorrow I’ll also go see Johnny’s headmaster - he’s having trouble at school”
“Sounds like a plan” Steve said, and they went home.

That night Bianca did as she had promised and fucked Steve’s brain out all night. Steve, of course, didn’t stay mad at Bianca, and returned the favour. She was now suddenly more attracted to Steve than she had been recently. And she told him that. In the morning they got up, both with grins on their faces and ready to start getting their life back together. Steve went off to work, kissed Johnny goodbye and was so pleased to see him smiling for the first time in weeks, even months. Apart from when he smiled a few times yesterday, but the first time he seemed truly happy in a long time. Johnny went to school and Bianca went with him to talk to his headmaster.

When they got to his school Johnny went to registration and Bianca went to the headmasters office. She got the shock of the day when she saw his headmaster “Mr Tie??!!” she exclaimed “What the fuck?”
“Oh my days! Bianca, we meet again” he winked
“I can’t believe it, aren’t you supposed to be at my husbands work, being his boss?”
“Yes” he said “But Steve fired me. I don’t blame him. He found out what we’d been doing did he tell you? So, I came to work here. Remarkable that we meet again so soon though Mrs Lyson”
“I know, he said. He was really torn up about it. Anyway, yes it is remarkable but I want to tell you that we can’t do anything this time”
He smiled “I understand” and he walked towards her to sit next to her, and when he got up she saw he had a hard-on. She forced herself not to look but it was too hard. “What... why are you...” she squirmed uncomfortably “Why are you horny?” she said
“Oh I saw you and it went straight up” he said “I’m sorry but you are so sexy. I loved feeling your lips on my cock yesterday”
Bianca screamed, trying to fight the tingly feeling inbetween her legs and the lustful feelings she had. “Please excuse me, I’m just so used to being upfront about my feelings, especially when trying to seduce. But never mind, what did you come here for?” Bianca couldn’t fight it anymore “Oh you!” she said, lust in her eyes and she pushed him against the table and snogged him. “I was hoping you would say that” he said as they broke the kiss, and she pushed him ON to the table and got on top of him. Soon they were both naked on the table. “Fuck me” Nigel screamed
“Ohh Nigel” Bianca groaned “Any fucking day” and soon they were fucking like crazy. It didn’t take long for them both to cum and then they were gasping with pleasure. “Ohh Nigel I don’t know how you do it, but Steve can’t know”
“I know” Nigel said, getting his breathe back “But I’m not his boss anymore, and he won’t find me here, so things will be ok” they both smiled, got their breathe back and put their clothes back on. When they had regained composure Nigel said “Now please, what did you really want?”
“Johnny is having trouble. A girl he likes called him names and it’s getting him down”
“OK” he said “Do you know this girls name?”
“No” With that, Nigel went to Johnny’s class and asked him. He came back with a young girl called Amy. “This is Amy” Nigel said to Bianca when they were back in his office “The girl that’s been giving your son hell” Amy cried, she was sensitive really and had a crush on Johnny, but she didn’t know how to deal with the feelings so she was mean to him. Nigel talked to Amy and got her to go tell Johnny how she really felt. She went away and did so.

That night at home Johnny was grinning from ear to ear. When his dad asked him why he said “Amy asked me out, we’re going to the cinema tomorrow night”
“That’s brilliant!” Steve said “Well done son” Bianca was also grinning from ear to ear, thinking about her and Nigel’s wild sex (which meant more to her than people thought, as she had actually fallen in love with him). She was glad cause Nigel had confessed love for her before she left his office, that’s why she was really happy - they were now having a secret affair. She still found Steve attractive, but thought they were better as friends these days. Steve was grinning from ear to ear because of the pay check, and the fact that he’d picked up a new oven on the way home from work.

So now Johnny was happy, the oven was fixed, they had more money and Bianca was getting the love and sex she deserved. Steve had been giving her less sex and love because even though he cared for her he was finding her less attractive, just because, but it hurt that she had cheated.

The next day Bianca went to the headmasters office for, well, you know. A passionate love making, and also a horny fucking. Plus he bought her some chocolates. Steve found out about it (Johnny was walking past the headmasters office and heard “Ohh Bianca”, he waited near the door and saw his mom come out. He tried to hide but Bianca saw him, and he asked her what was going on, she confessed). So Johnny told his dad. Steve would’ve gone mad but in the day he had also found a girl to do it with, for revenge to get over the time he knew about. He was glad he’d got this girl when he found out Bianca was still at it. Johnny’s parents divorced to be with their new partners, they decided it was for the best. Johnny didn’t care, he still got to see his dad a lot (more than if he’d have left for a year) and he lived with his mom and Nigel. Bianca and Nigel got married and just because his step dad was his headmaster didn’t give him special treatment, well, it occasionally did, but not always. Johnny lost his virginity to Amy. The oven never broke again. And, as they always (well, sometimes) say, they all lived happily ever after.
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Comments: 2

ShiningSnow [2005-09-16 21:31:20 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, but even the 'rude' bits are funny though (I think so anyway)!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

angelicfairy [2005-09-15 07:04:11 +0000 UTC]

Very interesting!!! Extremely rude though, but the rest, apart from the rude bits, was very very good!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0