shirayama — [Naruto OC] Shirayama Yui: Profile

Published: 2016-01-28 03:40:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 12354; Favourites: 110; Downloads: 36
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Description ❅ Basic Info

Name: Shirayama Yui
Kanji: しら山 ユイ
Meaning: Shirayama " white mountain" and Yui "Tie/Bond".
Alias/Nicknames: ペンギン (Penguin) Only Sai calls her this.
Epithets/titles: The Snowdrop.
Species: Human/Yuki-Onna descendant
Sexual orientation: heterosexual (Saisexual)
November 7th
Age: Part I: 12-13 | Part II: 15-17 | The Last: 19 |  Epilogue: 30-32
Zodiac sign: Scorpio

❅ Characteristics

Blood type: A
Height: Part I: 1.52 cms |  Part II: 1.66 cms | The Last: 1.71 cms | Epilogue: 1.73 cms
Weight: Part I: 32kg |  Part II: 41,2 kgs| The Last: 43,5 kgs| Epilogue: 44kg

- At first glance, Yui's eyes appear to be a dark blue but upon closer inspection, her eyes are actually a soft mix of blue and purple that gets even lighter as it gets closer to the pupil.
- Her eyes are big with dark and long eyelashes.

- Her hair is a light brown that appears even lighter when under sunshine.
- Short-medium hair that are slightly longer than her shoulders with bangs that slightly reach her eyes. Her hair has a slight wave to them which parts slightly on her forehead and are longer on the sides.
- Her preferred hairstyle is to make a tomato-bun at the top of her head, tied together with a white elastic band.

Skin: Pale, from having lived in the Land of Snow all her life, with a naturally pinkish tint to her lips.
Unusual Features: All members of the Shirayama clan have their symbol carved into their backs, that start from the base of the neck and runs down to the middle.

❅ Ninja information

Affiliation: (Part 1 - the Last) Yukigakure, Land of Snow ; After Yui marries Sai during the Blank Period, she moves to Konoha to live with him and their daughter.
Rank: Chuunin in Shippuden
Occupation: (Epilogue) Due to an illness that causes Yui to be more or less confined to the hospital, Yui had to retire from being a ninja.
Status: Reluctantly retired ninja
Team: No team.
Kekkei Genkai: Hyōton. This one belongs to Clan Yuki, which one of them is Yui's grandfather.
Chackra nature:
Water, Wind.
Ninjustsu range:
Long ranged.
Deffensive/Offensive type: Balanced. 50/50.
Weapons: She doesn't carry any weapon because she can use the Ice to create them because of her Yuki-Onna's blood. When she started with her illness, had to use basic weapons for ninjas in case of an emergency.

Missions completed:
D-rank: 30
C-rank: 25
B-rank: 10
A-rank: 12
S-rank: 1
Total: 78


Strength: Cold places or with water makes her skills to look better.
Weakness: Fear of fire and hot places. For the same reason, she hates cooking and cold food.
Taijutsu: Bad
Ninjutsu: Excellent
Genjutsu: Average
Fighting style:
Most of the time she uses her abilities to protect her team; helping them to get closer to the enemy or make them to turn back. She prefers to do it even when her abilities are balanced in attack and deffense.

NIN: 5/5
TAI: 1/5
GEN: 3/5
KEN(intelligence): 4/5
RIKI(power): 4/5
SOKU(speed): 4/5
SEI(chakra): 5/5
IN(finger sign): 5/5
Total: 31/40

❅ Techinques ❅



*  Hyōton: Hissatsu Hyōsō [Certain-Kill Ice Spears](Canon)
The user unleashes giant or small spikes made of ice. Yui can choose the length and bulk of the spikes.

* Hyōton: Hyōrō no Jutsu [Ice prison jutsu] (Canon)
This technique allows the user to infuse their chakra with ice on the ground and bring it to the surface. The user can then trap their opponent within the ice by controlling its movements and completely surrounding them in the ice.

* Hyōton: Tsubame Fubuki [Swallow Snow Storm] (Canon)
This technique creates a cluster of ice needles in the shape of miniature swallows out of preexisting ice, which the user then launches at the opponent.

* Hyōton: Ningyō kōri [Ice Doll]
Technique in which Yui can transform her own body in ice, using her arms like spikes, or not being real affected by enemies' attacks because her body will broke as ice.

* Kōri Bunshin no Jutsu: [Clones of Ice]
She can makes clones, but they are made of ice. Yui can only make 3 clones.

* Hyōton: Aisu kyūden [Ice Palace]
Basic technique who freeze the place, starting by the floor under the user's feet.

* Hyōton: Kakū no hitsugi [Imaginary Coffin]
This is a hard ninjutsu that Yui doesn't like to use because is horrible. The technique consists in a wind of ice who reaches the enemy and then becomes transparent. After some seconds, the blood of the enemy starts to freeze and the blood fluid stops. It's an technique that takes a lot of chakra and the user must be in a close range from the enemy.


Yui is not so good in taijutsu because her techniques are used more as protection and attacks.

* Hyōton: Yuki wa warutsu [Snowflakes waltz]
Snowflakes starts to fall and seems like they are dancing in a slow piece of melody. The enemy it's hypnotized by their beauty and follows them in a trance that makes them to forget where they are or what they were doing.

❅ Personal traits
When you think of a girl from the Land of Snow, you would think she would be a cold and emotionless girl. People's first impression of Yui is usually that she seems to be uninterested in anything and is quiet most of the time. Sadly, because of this generalization of her, most people will assume her to be similar to that of a witch with a cold heart, and because of that she had had a lonely childhood. However, those who were willing to get to know her were able to see just how childish and lovely she could be when they have gained her confidence.

Yui doesn't have too many facial expressions and her rare little smiles are not as big as her extroverted brother. Don't ever mistake it for her being shy though, she's just introverted is all.

To anyone who knows her well, Yui, despite being an introvert, can easily join in on the wild fun that her friends pull her into. She is a follower who enjoys taking care of her friends and is super protective of them.

It's really innocent, and only do small jokes with no double sense. She takes compliments without blushing most of the time, just replying with words on a smile. She likes to receive compliments and words of affection even not knowing how to answer to that warm feeling.

Good traits: Kind, responsable, pacient, loyal.
Bad traits: Insecure, low self-steem, lack of character.
-foods and drinks: Sweets and cold types of food. Vegetables too.
-colors: White and any kind of blue.
-favourite animal: Penguins.
-what she likes to do on her free times: Sing and walk. After to meet Sai she started to try drawing too, but her skills are bad.
-foods and drinks: Hot food. If she's eating ramen have to wait until is cold to eat. Coffee.
-colors: Green.
-less favourite animal: Any kind of insect. She is afraid of spiders and ants mostly.
-what she doenst likes to do in her free time: Cooking, loundry and lately, go to the hospital.
-Collect shells. She doesn't like to stay for so long in the beach because of the sun and hot sand, but Yui likes to spend time collecting shells. She's super selective with them, though.
-Night hikes. Since the nights are more fresh, she likes to walk and see the stars, which 'looks different' when she used to see them living in Yukigakure to how they look after she moved to Konoha.
Dream: Get married and have a family. After she realized her dream, she wants to live more and see her daughter to grow up.

❅ Relationships ❅

Parents: Both dead.
Sibling(s): Old brother called Reiji; She have her same eyes and hair's color.
Relative(s): /Epilogue/ Sai (Husband), Nozomi (Daughter).
-No team- / Team Kakashi
Friends: People from Konoha, Kohei & Kaori, Konsu (Konsu4's OC) and Arale (Canela2000's OC), others.

* Reiji and Yui: Even when their personalities are different, they have the ideal sibling's relationship. There's not fights, mostly because of Yui's way to be. Due to her illness and their past, he is over protective with her, a very jealous big brother who feels that he have to take care of her, like a father could do. They truly love each other, and trust in the other.

* Kaori and Yui: Because Kaori is Reiji's team mate they met and Kaori acts like a big sister; teaching her how girls' world works. Everytime there's a problem, she is the one who have to fix it and is who put the rules in her team. Yui admires her a lot and her personality, but isn't too much into guys and that stuff like her.

* Kohei and Yui: Same as Kaori, but this one is the person who tries to make Yui to enjoy the "bad things" of the life. He likes adrenaline and take risks, so Reiji is always fighting with him (even when they're best friends) because of his treat to the little girl. Kohei says Reiji must allow Yui to try things by herself, while Reiji protests and then is Kaori who scold them because they're trying to take decisions on how Yui should act.

* Sakura and Yui: After they met, the contact with each other was not so often because of their different villages. But when Yui decided to live in Konoha and treat her illness with Tsunade, Sakura becomes her best friend and then, her medic when the illness is worse. We can say that Yui's life is in Sakura's hands while trying to find a medicine/cure.

* Naruto and Yui: Same as Sakura. And as always, Naruto changed Yui's life. He showed her the important that she and her life is, even when she knows her death can be close. Naruto became her best friend and also was the one who makes Shirayama to start to be more confident and active, joining his random games or following in things Sakura or the others could be ashamed.

* Sasuke and Yui: Both become closer because Yui spend lots of times with team 7, and even sometimes she joined them in some missions. Sasuke found someone to trust in, because Sakura and Naruto was too annoying for him, so at least Yui, being quiet and reserved could help him better. After he left the village, Yui also felt sad about a friend joining a bad road.

* Kakashi and Yui: Yui didn't have a sensei who helped her to grow up as ninja, so after she met him her admiration for him was big. Also, when Tsunade made the plans to make Yui to live in Konoha for her illness' treatment, Kakashi was her tutor because she was under age and Reiji too, so he couldn't decide or take any decision for her little sister.

* Yamato and Yui: Yamato is probably one of the only people who doesn't treat Yui like a fragile thing who can break with a soft touch. He treats her as a normal person, and take care of her in the same way like he does with Naruto, Sakura and Sai. Yui likes to tease him, and help him to to control the fights between the others when she joines Team Kakashi for some time.

* Sai and Yui: Sai always was Sai. Yui also received a nicknames as Sakura but because of her soft personality the answer always was different. Maybe that's why Sai also was surprised on the difference reactions people could have even in the same situations. Both think the other have something "strange", but they become to call that feeling "something special" after to spend time together as members of the new team.

Best friend: Haruno Sakura, Uzumaki Naruto.
Crush: Sai

❅ Background & history❅

Let's start talking about Yui's childhood after the explanation of Shiramaya's Clan history.
Long time ago; a human fell in love with a yōkai; a monster of the snow called "Yuki-Onna" and this woman also fell in love with him. From that union, which was forbidden, the Clan Shirayama was created. The people from this clan was always rejected for others so they found a place to leave in peace far from the centre of Snow Land. Others was always scared of the Yuki-Onna, because of the many creepy stories about them, and they started a myth about how she was able to get a human and have a family with him in order to keep the race alive. Sadly, the Yuki-Onnas was almost extinct. Shizuka (Yuki-Onna's name) made a rule in the clan, about makes women more important than men because they can give birth and create a new generation of his race even if it's half-blood.

Every member of the clan have their symbol in the back, close to the neck as a kind of mark. And woman must have more than 1 children as a rule, to keep the clan alive. But as always, problems came. People was still afraid of the clan, especially in women because the Yuki-Onna abilities was in girls' blood. Most of them was killed, and some men died trying to protect their mothers, sisters, wifes and daughters. There was only one who survived, and she scaped marrying then, a member of Clan Yuki.

Shizuka and Aoi (Yui's grandfathers) had a little girl who was called Miyuki (Yui's mom); who eventually married a ninja from Yukigakure: Hiro (Yui's dad). They lived in peace for some years until they was discovered and had to scape. Shirayama Reiji had 2 years old and Yui only some months when his mother died in hands of one of the soldiers of the King. Hiro, who had not blood from Shirayama's Clan was forgiven but sacrificed his life in order to protect her little girl when the soldiers also tried to kill her.

Instead of killing Yui, they put on her a kind of poison by an injection which should stop her powers as
descendant of a yōkai and then kill her by intoxication. Reiji didn't suffer anything because he was male. The poision didn't have the effect they wanted, but they decided to leave the baby alive and see her as an experiment.

Years after, Yui grew up with no sign of her abilities so the people was not so worried but avoided her anyways, and because of the illness the poison made. A strange kind of Leukemia; like if her blood needs to scape from her body so sometimes she have nosebleed by no reason, and dizziness.

Even when she was rejected and not allowed to come to the academy to become a ninja; she always was a kind girl who tried to help people. After she leaves the orphan, she started to train as ninja helped by his brother which was in the academy and Kohei, who was a friend from the orphan too and then Kaori and Moriko-sensei joined to her little but adored family.

Genin days:
Yui was not in the promotion to genin. She was not a member of the Academy so she just be a random ninja without a headband. During the Chuunin exams in Konoha, she was alone in Yukigakure waiting for his brother and friends to come back. Because of her illness and how people is like her, she was always in lonely places, and kept her hair short as a advice of Reiji; because Yuki-Onnas have long hair and that could make the Village to think she have the powers and can be a chaos.

Everytime she have a nosebleed she startes at the blood knowing her life will be only a breath, and in her deepest thoughts, she wanna die. Living like that is just surviving, and she doesn't think she belongs to the world. But she change her mind after to meet a weird but amazing ninja from Konoha: Uzumaki Naruto.

Princess Koyuki is alive, and Team 7 and Kakashi help her to take her place as Queen, defeating his uncle which is planning to take the control of Snow Land. It's in this occation when Yui meets Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura by accident, and surprised by Naruto's way to be and how he treats her, she decided to help them in their mission.

After the coronation, Team 7 decided to stay in Snow Land for some weeks, so Yui had the moment to know better this new people and is during this time Naruto know her story and calls her a coward for giving up so easily in her life. He was really angry, but in his own style, he made Yui realize she was wrong about herself, and gave her a new meaning in her life. It's in this part, when Queen Koyuki gives Yui the headband of Yukigakure as a prize for her help.

After Tsunade became the Hokage, Naruto and Sakura talked with Kakashi and Tsunade to have the posibility to treat Yui in the Village, because of the medic abilities of the lady. Moriko-sensei accepted the idea, same as the rest of Team Fuyu except by Reiji, who is over protective with Yui. But how he is under age, he can't take decisions by her sister, and finally Yui moves to Konoha to attend the hospital in order to have medical attention and Tsunade can investigate about her illness.

Chuunin days:
She became Chuunin with the rest of the guys in the exams who took place in Konoha and the Desert Village; which was terrible and hard for Yui because of the weather and the sand. She can't tolerate hot things because of her Yuki-Onna's blood. There's nothing much to add from her Chuunin days; except that her illness started to become worse: coughing blood and also vomiting blood. Even when she was scaried, as Sakura became a medical ninja and also her best friend, she felt better. And as an addition, Yui stopped dressing as a boy and wearing short hair to let it grow and discover she had curly hair, as his dad.

Time skip/Shippuuden:
Even when she hated Desert Village, she wanted to go and help when Gaara was kidnapped by Akatsuki, but her illness played a bad moment with her and she was super weak and was hospitalizated. More news signs that the illness was getting bigger. Sometimes she lost the vission or the ability to hear by some seconds, which is super scarier.

When she knows Team Kakashi is going to have a travel to rescue Sasuke and also the adding of new members, she scaped from the hospital even when she was still weak. Yui tries to be helpful and most of the time hides she doesn't feel well, but is discovered easily by Sakura. Things starts to change when she meets Sai, who in some way, makes her to reminds herself when she was not so expressive. She likes how direct Sai is saying things, and think he is funny and interesting since the first time she see him, when Yamato introduces the boy to Sakura and Naruto as the member of Team Kakashi.

War Arc:
During the War Arc, Yui was in the hospital. Her illness had a bad moment to attack her, and only joined the war after she escaped from the place using Sai's help.

Tha Last:
Thanks to Tsunade and Sakura's treatment Yui was able to continue being a ninja who can have missions often. She changed her ninja outfit for a new one which can support her with weapons, because her Yuki-Onna's blood is not helping her anymore to create their own ones.

She started dating Sai after the the War ended, even when there was not a real name to their relationship. They hang-out and know the feelings for each other but they are not "boyfriend and girlfriend". This lovers started to discover together a new world, and there's no names. Just "you and me".

Epilogue/Cheapter 700+:
The young lady married Sai after a lot of problems and even when she rejected his proposal more than five times. The future of Yui is uncertain. She suffered a lot during the time he asked her to get married, because she just realized how sad Sai's life will be being in love with someone who is sick and will die for it.

Once again, Naruto was the person who talked with her and made her to choose the right way. Sai has his right of choose what he wants by himself, and he decided to be with her even if its a sad and painful. They get married then, giving Sai the Shirayama last name.

She needed to stop being a ninja after she got pregnant for some years, and when she started again, Sakura discovered in her investigation she won't live for long. Because of this, Yui spends most of the time in her special room in the hospital, seeing her daughter called Nozomi (Sai chose her name) grow up far from her. Sai bought a house close to the hospital, so Nozomi can visits her mom easily and when Yui is allowed to go home, she doesn't have to walk that much.

Boruto, The Movie:

The investigations to find a cure for Yui's illness continues, but luckily they created a type of drug which can allows her to have at least, a normal life as a wife and mom. In this way, she only spends the weekends in the hospital for the treatment.

Even when she is not always helping to her daughter in her daily things, Nozomi adores her mom and see her as the strongest girl on Earth.

❅ Trivia
- Seiyuu: Megumi Hayashibara (since 0:50 min) [link]   / Singing: [link]
- Yui's Theme: Snow Letter by Crepe [link]
- Her favorite animals are penguins, and is the way she calls Sai because of his looks. She have a plushie of a penguin.
- She have a strange illness, similar to leukemia, which started to grow up for worse during her chuunin days.
- Her daughter doesn't have ice powers (the Yuki-Onna ones) or her mom's illness.
- Snowdrop is a nickname the people from Yukigakure gave to her. It's also her flower.

* Summary of Yui's illness:
Shirayama clan was formed for a Yuki-onna and a human. This is why only the girls of the clan have the Yuki-Onna blood and they can use Ice without needed ninja attacks. Because humans sees this mythical creatures as dangerous women for them, they started to kill them but Yui's grandmother and his husband escaped and hid for years having a daughter (Yui and Reiji's mom).

Yui's parents was killed when they was discovered and forgave Reiji because he was a man and didn't have the Ice powers. However, Yui was injected with a poison which could kill her but instead of that, just half-blocked her powers and created the illness.

*About the Illness:
Similar to Leukemia, symptoms may include bleeding and bruising problems, feeling tired, fever, and an increased risk of infections. These symptoms occur due to a lack of normal blood cells.

After the illness becomes worst, the other symptoms are: Blurry vision and blindness for seconds or even minutes, fainting, and not being able of control some body parts. This is why Yui have problems to walk when she is too tired.

Sheet OC: Detailed Naruto OC template by ZombieChocolate
© Naruto and their characters belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.
© Shirayama Yui belongs to shirayama
© Yui's image sheet by canela2000
© Base by zombie-adoptables
© Google (?)


Yay! Hello there ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ ☆
Finally I'm posting Yui's info with a picture haha~ The information was in my first journal and I've been updating it there but I'm not sure yet if is complete. Or if something doesn't makes sense. Writing this in english is really tiring, and I haven't made the symbol for Shirayama's clan so is missing in the profile picture and also how Yui looks with her Kekkei Genkai thing but canela2000 made this picture as a gift and I NEEDED to post it so I came with the stuff now xD I didn't want to wait more~

I'll be fixing this too~ Updating and stuff but here you have Yui's information ~ ;u;
Now 1000 years more before I makes my other OC's profiles Hahaha. Kill me.

Send love to Yui~ ♡ (/ω\)

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Comments: 33

bananamarioslamma234 [2022-10-10 02:32:58 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Starman1999 [2019-02-17 23:02:28 +0000 UTC]

Wow. Super job, keep it up

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kaguranokaze [2018-09-07 20:04:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MaddiKittenXIV [2018-04-01 13:23:47 +0000 UTC]

I love this very much! A well thought out OC is always nice to see~ she's very pretty. Her techniques seem fleshed out as does everything else. I really enjoy her colors. ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MajoYosei [2016-05-28 06:51:30 +0000 UTC]

Wow, realmente muy hermosa y su historia me encantó, sobre todo el hecho de que sea descendiente de una Yuki-Onna, gran trabajo!!   

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shirayama In reply to MajoYosei [2016-06-05 04:28:06 +0000 UTC]

Ohh wow! Vaya~ hehe no pensé que alguien leyera todo, ahaha Muchas gracias >///<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MajoYosei In reply to shirayama [2016-06-07 05:49:58 +0000 UTC]

Al contrario, fue todo un placer leer tan interesante historia, me encantó >u< 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

blakereed92 [2016-02-14 06:37:26 +0000 UTC]

I like the simple elegant design she has.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shirayama In reply to blakereed92 [2016-02-14 07:59:30 +0000 UTC]

Ohh hello! Aww thank you so much! 💗

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Konsu4 [2016-01-28 15:07:34 +0000 UTC]

Pero que cosa mas lindaaaaaaaaaaa~~!!
canela2000 hizo un grandisimo trabajo con la sheet!!
Y la Bio esta muy completa!!

A ver si consigo acabar yo las mias, de una maldita vez...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shirayama In reply to Konsu4 [2016-01-28 22:30:20 +0000 UTC]

Hahahaha gracias Konsu ;u; ~ Deben haber muchas cosas que se me pasaron o no las puse bien seguramente, pero por ahora me conformo con los datos básicos xDDDDDDDDD Hehehe. <333

Ay, que tú tienes muchas cosas ya~ ><

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Konsu4 In reply to shirayama [2016-01-28 23:07:39 +0000 UTC]

Bueno, eso luego se agrega a la ficha 
Y se arregla todo lo que necesite

Que vaaaaaaaaaa
Aun me queda muchisimo

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to Konsu4 [2016-01-28 23:31:17 +0000 UTC]

Jejejeje gracias Konsu!

*Abraza hasta la muerta a la culiada y a la maldita*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Konsu4 In reply to canela2000 [2016-01-28 23:34:58 +0000 UTC]



*la maldita le devuelve el abrazo*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to Konsu4 [2016-01-28 23:46:43 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ValiantMurder [2016-01-28 05:18:59 +0000 UTC]

She has honestly just got such a lovely design *-*
You've done an excellent job on this!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shirayama In reply to ValiantMurder [2016-01-28 05:37:39 +0000 UTC]

Hehehe ;u; thanks!! It means a lot~ Hope I can fix the mistakes then ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

canela2000 [2016-01-28 05:04:00 +0000 UTC]

El perfil de la Chui

Muejejeje *se pone a leer*

Sabia que iba a quedar mejor si vos le ponías las letritas
Es que el Paint es bien feo

De nada!
Me alegra que te haya gustado!!!


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shirayama In reply to canela2000 [2016-01-28 05:17:40 +0000 UTC]

Jajajaja hasta a mi me da flojera leer xDDDDDDDD
Pero sí *--------------------* al fin está el perfil hahaha.

No se ve mal en el paint :c
Pero es que soy exagerada con las fuentes en photoshop ajajaja.


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to shirayama [2016-01-28 05:22:10 +0000 UTC]


A mi me gustan las fuentes del photoshop
JAJAJAJAJA, es lo único que me gusta del photoshop


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shirayama In reply to canela2000 [2016-01-28 05:38:24 +0000 UTC]

HAHAHAHHAA XDD Es cierto~ pero creo algunas funcionan en Paint también ><

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

canela2000 In reply to shirayama [2016-01-28 16:13:15 +0000 UTC]

Espero que tengas razón

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SpiritOfStars [2016-01-28 03:44:14 +0000 UTC]

she's so cute!!!!~ owo

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shirayama In reply to SpiritOfStars [2016-01-28 03:54:44 +0000 UTC]

Yesss~ ;u; I really love my OC ahahaha.
Thanks a lottt ^^ c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpiritOfStars In reply to shirayama [2016-01-28 03:58:32 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome ^^
I need to re-edit some stats XD I love your oc too she's cute

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shirayama In reply to SpiritOfStars [2016-01-28 04:05:26 +0000 UTC]

I edited mine a lot too ;o; And probably there will be a lot of mistakes ahaha.
Thanks honey *-------*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpiritOfStars In reply to shirayama [2016-01-28 04:16:44 +0000 UTC]

I think Yui is good just the way she is. On Sapphire though I have to add some jutsus and tools XD
Your welcome ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shirayama In reply to SpiritOfStars [2016-01-28 04:28:55 +0000 UTC]

Haha aww ;u; I'm touched~
The jutsus are haaaaarddddd  ;u; I used the google translator to japanese to write them but ahahahhaa probably they are wrong xDD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpiritOfStars In reply to shirayama [2016-01-28 04:30:28 +0000 UTC]

XD it always helps!
Coming up with a clan kekkei-genkai was harder!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shirayama In reply to SpiritOfStars [2016-01-28 04:41:48 +0000 UTC]

Hahahaha its true ;u; damn it~ xDD But is funny ahahaha

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpiritOfStars In reply to shirayama [2016-01-28 04:44:50 +0000 UTC]

XD it is! I thought of a really good one ( I think ) for the Kyougoku clan

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shirayama In reply to SpiritOfStars [2016-01-28 05:15:54 +0000 UTC]

That's goooood~ xDDD Hope you can write it easily >u<

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SpiritOfStars In reply to shirayama [2016-01-28 05:53:24 +0000 UTC]

XD I hope so too

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