shiro-ritto — CC | Isaac McJosipher

#cleffordconservatory #clefford_conservatory
Published: 2017-03-24 20:35:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 1520; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 1
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 █ basic . data

  "I'm nothing really special."

█               name. |  Isaac McJosipher
█             gender. | Male he / him ]
█                  age. | 19
█      date of birth. | February 5th
█        nationality. | American 
█             height. | 6'1" ft 185 cm 
█            weight. | 165 lbs 74 kg
█  handedness. | right handed

█ school . data

  "I play the bassoon, ah, do you recognize me?"

█        degree.  | Undergraduate, Woodwind major (Bassoon)
█              year. | 2nd year 
█        elective. | Symphonic Orchestra
█       favorite pieces. | 

Isaac seems to excel best at low smooth notes from the bassoon and usually prefers playing dramatic or songs with more power. He enjoys playing songs with slower tempo as he finds holding long notes rather soothing and nice. He's most likely to be better at long smooth notes than harsher ones. It allows him to think thoroughly and also relax. He tends to become more nervous when he plays a bigger part, even becoming the harmony (since some pieces allow the bass to lead instead), but he doesn't mind playing the part (just kinda prefers not to but we all have to place pieces that we don't enjoy don't we). He's most likely to prefer songs in lower tunes than higher notes. Isaac does prefer symphonic pieces over jazzy ones. Most of the time it's just that he enjoys being part of the band and helping out but not necessarily standing out in it.

Isaac also has a blurry but still there childish style in which he also likes songs with a lot of staccatos. Like from the Old Grumbly Bear, he overall just likes pieces that show emotion of all types, from goofy to more dramatic.

 █ personality . data

  "It's not that I'm shy-"

( ✔ ) 》[ comedical - diplomatic - collected - firm - imaginative - laid-back ]
( = ) 》[ quiet - confidential - lenient ]
( ✘ ) 》[  awkward - uncommitted - easily distracted - fanciful - furtive - muddle-headed ]One could assume at first glance that Isaac is shy; even up to acquaintances could hold this image of him for a while too. Reality is, the male is just usually quiet and collected, but he holds no timid nor shy qualities. He's just more of an observant than someone who likes to express himself, and usually he prefers not to be the middle of attention. Knowing the male better, one could see that he's one to really think more with his imagination and moral choices than fact. This makes him fanciful and usually holds unrealistic imaginations and solutions, in which is why his train of thought is all over the place. This is why he usually is easily distracted too, usually spacing out in conversations or long waiting times. He's... not the sharpest tool in the shed and usually is struggling when it comes to school subjects and overall common knowledge. He tends to be diplomatic and has an idea of how to not offend others, which is really the only area he's more talented on. He tends to understand human emotions better than anything else. 

Isaac is uncommitted and usually hard to motivate. He doesn't seem to hold any passion except for music, in which even that he tends to be unmotivated and picky with what he plays. Usually he dislikes playing solos, which is why he chose a bass instrument that had less chances of playing by itself (and usually plays in the background). He doesn't show any signs of changing either; though he will do solos if he has to, he becomes stubborn about doing them for a while until a conductor gives him no choice. He usually refuses invitations to social events too. His excuses for doing so always differ, but if one were to hear his excuses enough you can realize he just doesn't wish to be near a crowd. 

Overall though, he's laidback and lenient, being able to tolerate most people and doesn't easily get annoyed. Meanwhile, he does have his sense of humor, which alike with his brain, is all over the place. Becoming closer with Isaac could make one realize that he has a good and open sense of humor that he doesn't share much. He keeps himself entertained by thinking of jokes on his own mind while pretending to pay attention to others.

█       quotes. | ➤ "Isn't Hawaii a country by it's own? ... Wait, it's not? Who's the president then?"
➤ "So Obama is still the president right-"
➤ "The world is 2017 years old- oh no wait, its... how old is it... it's old. Maybe older than my grandma."
➤ "Wolves are related to dogs but they aren't to cats?"
➤ "Obviously, humans are the way they are because of... science. Science existed." 
➤ "If Santa isn't real how do you explain the presents."
➤ "I don't understand why elementary school teaches math if we can just count up with our fingers."
➤ "Mhm... I'd rather not."
➤ "Oboes are like... tiny bassoons. I don't know, I find it kind of cute."

█ biography . data

 "I'd rather not speak about myself, I'm not that interesting you see-"

tldr; always thought he was the dumb one > leads to nobody trusting him on anything > father had a music shop, Isaac always spent time there afterschool > always listened to the chill music > Isaac finds an old CD with his father's concert on it, him playing the Old Grumbly Bear solo > joins band > attended practice twice a day daily, led to trust from teacher > yee trust!!! > he liked that sense of trust and decided music is the way to go yolo > after finishing the Music IB program he applied to Clefford with the help of his parents

For the majority, no, even the completion of his life, Isaac was considered the dumb one of the bunch. Always not being the sharpest tool in the shed, Isaac had an instant persona of the 'stupid kid'. Not that he had any heavy healthy issues nor did he have a hindrance on development, Isaac was just the dense type who would take forever to realize. He was a very slow learner when it came to academics and his usual dumb questions in class caused the whole group of students to howler in laughter. Isaac just simply smiled in confusion, feeling that they laughed more at his question than his own being. Soon enough though, upon realization, the male began to be conscious of the real source of laughter.  Isaac was born and raised in Washington, USA. His mother was a teacher and his father owned a music shop. Everyday after school, his mother would drive him to the music shop before heading on to her after school tutoring. Isaac had to remain in the music shop, observing the customers as his father attended to them. It wasn't the biggest of music shops, but it offered enough goods to gain interest. Isaac stayed around listening to the music albums available. He did so while doing his homework, though he realized that every single time that he had his homework accompanied by music he ended up thinking more clearly. "Perhaps music is what can make me smart!" the young boy would think to himself, wishing an answer to his constant lack of knowledge from music. Of course, it wasn't the answer, he took notice soon after. But by that time, he has become absorbed with listening to music. It was strange to him in a way, he just enjoyed the sound of instruments. It's people playing them, they are portraying a message 'toots' as he would label them as a kid. They were words yet not, and Isaac somewhat wished to do the same. Kinda give personality to the instruments... While exploring the shop one day, he found a collection of CDs in the storage. At first he was confused as they were labelled as 'concert 1', 'spring concert' and titles in variations with that. Putting the disk in due to curiosity, Isaac found himself watching a fairly old tape of what seemed like a symphonic band. He searched around the rows, seeing if he could recognize any individual. His father soon came into sight, placed on a chair in front of the rest. He held a tuba on the front, his nervousness clearly visible from his foot tapping. Even so, once the conductor got on the stage, his father collected himself and became calm. The music started, though the quality wasn't the best in terms of audio from having such an old and scratched CD. The song would have the tuba play silly solo tunes along with the rest of the band responding in another form. This song was called "Old Grumbly Bear" (the one in Isaac's favorite list). It's catchy tune soon became addicting, Isaac began to play the same recording after school everyday without his father realizing. It's not until one day his father caught him in the storage room listening to the tune, his father explained of how that was his one solo piece that he practiced extremely hard for. Isaac liked the idea of playing together in a band too, as he thought 'people wouldn't judge your knowledge' (despite they would for music theory but yknow kids //ming)He joined the band as soon as he reached Middle School, first playing with the clarinet. He struggled at the beginning with Music Theory but... at the same time it's one of the only subjects that Isaac felt he could learn and comprehend quickly. He was impressed that for once he understood what was going on in class... perhaps this was his calling? He began to enjoy his time with his peers, but soon it came into mind that he disliked being in the front of the stage. It felt... uneasy. It was around then that the band teacher offered for a clarinet player to move into bassoon as they had none in the band and the need to balance out the bass was necessary. Isaac took the offer and gladly switched to the bassoon soon after. It took a while to get used to the instrument, but he grew a liking to it fairly quick.Isaac didn't have much to do before or after school as he didn't particularly join any clubs of the sort. His music teacher opened morning and after school practices everyday, in which Isaac would attend to all of them. He liked playing to the bassoon and certainly most of his friends were inside the band class by this point. The constant practice caused Isaac to actually become quite talented on the instrument, in which he would be passed various bass solos as he gained trust from his conductor. Isaac was skeptical at first but accepted solos soon after, after all, it was the first time someone ever gave him so much trust on something. He couldn't help but feel... chosen, accepted and more importantly, useful. The male continued his musical hobbies, starting to even take extra classes on music theory as to not fall behind on the subject. In High School, Isaac took a Music IB program (since Isaac has been attending an International School). After his parents saw his great talent and passion for music, they first offered him to continue taking care of the shop. Isaac would have agreed at first, but he preferred to actually play music instead of sell it. They understood and helped his way to apply to Clefford Conservatory. As he left for his way to London, Isaac promised his father that one day he would play the Old Grumbly Bear solo, and that he would love for him to be there to watch it.

█ misc. data

 "Well for starters... do you think ducks and dogs sound similar because they are related?"

> If you are wondering why he chose the bassoon (despite not liking attention on him), this is what he would answer:
"I usually don't like attention on myself, though... I don't mind performing with the bassoon. After all, the attention is on the bassoon, not me. I'm hidden behind it or people would just stare amazed of how big the instrument can be, not necessarily who plays it. I also barely get solos and play more as a bass in the background, which I rather do than being on the front with the harmony. I like to think it as... its the bassoon that's part of the show, not... me. That probably makes no sense, but oh well..."
> He's actually fairly talented on board and video games coughs whichever ones don't include having a brain 
> Doesn't really like his hair 
> Whenever he feels stressed he tends to go on high open areas (like balconies or rooftops) and blows bubbles
> Has a deaf sister, in which is why he has learned American Sign Language (ASL) 
> Doesn't seem to easily open; he tends to shut out quickly and change the topic whenever the topic gets personal
> He enjoys walking through forests a lot, sometimes he even states "I kinda want to see a bear in person" (dont let him)
> He's not physically fit but he does have an impressive stamina when it comes to playing the bassoon
> He states he doesn't like formal clothes since they make him stand out in a crowd
> Also wishes he was shorter since same reason as above, he's more easily noticed when hes trying to sneak away

█          likes. | 
✔                                 silence 
"It's nice when people respect it..."

✔                          dandelions 
"It's fun to blow them"

✔                            nintendo 
"Super Smash is my favorite!"

✔                                soups 

✔                           bubbles 

█      dislikes. | 
✘                          attention
"I'd rather stay in the shadows."

✘                   chipped reeds
"The squeak- oh no."

✘       unnecessarily loud people
"Not that I mind but... you don't have to be so loud..."

✘                 formal clothing

✘                             hot dogs

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Comments: 10

Club-Dreamiverse [2018-07-02 16:22:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

8Derone [2017-03-28 21:43:20 +0000 UTC]

He's so adorable >w<
And he has the same birthday as Saoirse.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shiro-ritto In reply to 8Derone [2017-03-29 07:39:02 +0000 UTC]

lwejfkl thank you !!
and yeah omg same bday eyy

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PAOJIE [2017-03-25 20:16:39 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shiro-ritto In reply to PAOJIE [2017-03-25 20:22:57 +0000 UTC]



👍: 0 ⏩: 0

piesuki [2017-03-25 02:46:36 +0000 UTC]

I LOV EHIM Adopts him..

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shiro-ritto In reply to piesuki [2017-03-25 10:26:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PandamoniYUM [2017-03-24 22:29:53 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shiro-ritto In reply to PandamoniYUM [2017-03-24 23:54:15 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PandamoniYUM In reply to shiro-ritto [2017-03-25 18:46:22 +0000 UTC]

low woodwinds best section 💪💪💪

👍: 0 ⏩: 0