I was on Sunday in Czech and got a new haircut... (not on purpose I just couldn't
explain to the haircutter how I want my bangs) It was really cheap just 11 € for me and
my mother. (it was without washing because my hair was half wet on that time) The
colouring changed with nice thanks to my mother who helped me with deciding which
colour to use (I had two colour Schemas for the eyes and three for the hair Colour)
At the same day we drove to Nurnberg because of the famous Christkindlesmarkt
(it was awesome) we ate at "Hans im Glück" (it's like McDonalds but more Restaurant like
and it's a quite new Restaurant brand; the Name Comes from the German fairy tale "Hans
im Glück" by the Grimm brothers)
I got a awesome ginger bread box of Lebkuchen Schmidt. I usually eat no-name ginger
bread or Wicklein. (It was too late for a Wicklein box... Next year I get one of Wicklein) here
is the box: