shrekswife β€” dying by his side

Published: 2012-08-16 22:41:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 6212; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 18
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puppina [2019-02-15 06:10:45 +0000 UTC]

Happy's Pizza lost they mind
Five great deals for $9.99
Get the jumbo shrimp, hand-battered dip
Or the happy wings, great with anything
Get some rib dips, or a slab of ribs
Or some pizza
What's this gonna cost me, kid?
$9.99, $9.99
At Happy's Pizza for a limited time

(Get to Happy's Pizza for 5 Summer Sizzlers, each just $9.99!
2 jumbo shrimp dinners, 2 happy wings dinners
2 pizzas, a whole slab of ribs or 2 rib dip dinners
Your choice, just $9.99)

Happy's Pizza lost they mind

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puppina [2018-11-16 00:37:07 +0000 UTC]

what happens next?????!!!!!

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Mega-hax [2018-07-28 11:58:57 +0000 UTC]

Β Β  Β 

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Empolaris [2018-01-18 22:08:14 +0000 UTC]

sob... so sad...!!

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 0

Kanpekinageijutsunya [2017-03-05 19:05:36 +0000 UTC]

Can you imagine a world where we're all represented by a font? Huh, I wonder which one I would be? sees Arial Too straight. No! Not in that way! Just, straight, as in unexciting. sees Badaboom Too.. uh... Deadpool.... BROADWAY! Now that's the one! Now THAT'S the one! Hello Internet, welcome to GAME THEORY, where instead of putting a joke here I want to ask you a question. If your personality were represented by a font, what font would you be? Take a moment and put your font in the comments. I'm really curious to see what everyone has to say. Maybe find a couple new cool fonts to use. I'm getting bored with ol' Calibri 11. And with that out of the way, it's time to talk UNDERTALE. Now I don't think I've ever gotten this many requests to cover a game. Well, except for FNAF. And I suppose FNAF 2. OH and there was FNAF 3. Wait a minute, should I be worried about something here? Anyway, across the board on YouTube, Reddit, and Twitter, you all have wanted Undertale. And honestly, I'm glad you brought it to my attention. True loyal theorists will know that Earthbound is my favorite game of all time. So a self aware RPG in a similar style, WHOA MAN, it's like a gift from the indie gaming heavens. Undertale is a game where every character, from goat mom to grind fodder has a sympathetic design and a unique personality, motivations, goals, fears. Whether you're saving or slaughtering them, the game makes you feel something every time you enter an encounter. But to me, one character stood out amongst all the rest. SANS. A skeleton named after the font, Comic Sans, hence all the font references at the beginning of the episode. If you haven't played Undertale I'm sure that was a really weird opening. ANYWAYS, Sans is, well, there's a lot of mystery around this guy. And before we get into it, let me put up a very special spoiler warning: UNDERTALE is a game best experienced blind. So if you haven't played it, pause the video and come back after you've finished. I PROMISE YOU, I PROMISE you won't regret it. Alright, so everyone out of the pool and ready for the adult swim? Good. Because I'm feeling pretty determined to get to the bottom of Sans' mystery. So just to recap for those of you who haven't played the game and ignored the SPOILER WARNING, or just need a refresher, Sans is one of the two skeletal brothers who appears in the game. His partner is Papyrus, a loud, goofy trap lover also named after a font. But in the world of Undertale their origins are a big question mark. All you really know is what's given to us by a shopkeeper in Snowdin, who explains that Sans and Papyrus, quote, β€œjust showed up one day and asserted themselves.” Weird, right? What's more is that, well, Papyrus is just kinda the goofy sidekick. Sans is much more complex. He likes fart jokes, but he's also incredibly powerful and deadly serious. Not only is his boss battle the hardest in the game, he's one of the only characters who has knowledge and power over space and time. He can take shortcuts around the world through ridiculous routes. Even is walking through walls. He also acknowledges that he's only one of infinite versions of himself, making self-aware commentary of the various timelines that you've played through in the game. He can even count the number of times he's killed you. He acts like an arbiter of this world, passing out judgements on the player's actions in the game, even explaining the secrets of EXP and LOVE, or EXECUTION POINTS and LEVELS OF VIOLENCE, just to clarify. In short, he just doesn't quite fit in with the rest of the world of monsters. But then, what, or who, is he? Well, the idea that he doesn't belong in underworld seems to be correct. The evidence seems to point the fact that he WAS, in fact, formerly a surface dweller. In the true pacifist ending of the game, as the group looks out onto the horizon, Papyrus asks Sans about the giant ball in the sky. Sans says, quote, β€œwe call that the sun.” This is important because A, the usage of the word WE, and knowledge of the sun shows that Sans has a kinship or knowledge with other humans, and B, that despite he and Papyrus both being skeletons, or, supposedly, brothers, and apparently appeared in underworld at the same time, they clearly-- uuuGGHH take two CLEARLY have two very different histories. Why would Papyrus not know the name of the sun but Sans would? We get further clues to Sans' origins as we hear him say multiple times he wants to "go home" or "go back." He says as much during his dinner date scene at the Mettaton hotel. He notices that the player wants to go home and says, quote, "i know the feeling." He then continues, "maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you." As though he ended up in the underworld by accident. AND in a genocide run during his boss fight he says, quote, "look, i gave up trying to go back a long time ago." End quote. And before you say he means going back to the surface world, that's clearly not the full story. His very next line of dialogue is, "and getting to the surface doesn't really appeal anymore either." Key word here, is EITHER. Yes, he seems to hail from the surface and wants to go back, but based on his dialogue he no longer considers it his home. It's as though the surface world he once knew is gone, as though he's from a different time. It's pretty intriguing. So we're left with a being that appeared out of nowhere, presumably from being from the human surface, but from a different time period, who seemingly has the power to teleport. That's a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. But here's where things get REALLY interesting. Sans has a hidden workshop that takes a fair amount of searching to find. You could say it takes a lot of DETERMINATION to unlock. Anyways, obligatory determination references aside, as you start to look for this easter egg Sans gives you a key to his room and says "it's time you learn the truth." After some searching you find the workshop which contains items that leave even more questions. A photo album featuring Sans and a bunch of smiling people you don't recognize, a badge, blueprints with illegible handwriting, and a broken machine hidden behind a curtain. In the latest update, one more detail was added. A handdrawn picture of 3 smiling faces with the words β€œdon't forget.” so what does it all mean? Well a lot of Undertale theorists have been linking these details to a feature to a character named W.D Gaster. A ghostly character who never truly appears in the game. Honestly, covering him is a theory all unto itself, and probably one best saved for another day. Even still, none of the Gaster theories I've seen have been able to explain all the details. In particular, the photo album, and the badge. And that's what kept nagging me as I researched Undertale. A badge? That one in particular really stuck out to me. Why would such an oddly specific item to be hidden in the huge easter egg of a room? Something that supposedly reveals the truth about Sans? Badges just aren't important in Undertale. Then it hit me. What if this badge isn't from Undertale? What if this badge is from a completely different game? And was, in fact, the most important badge in the history of gaming? The Franklin badge. Now, for those of you wondering what I'm talking about, the Franklin badge is a pivotal item from the Mother series. You know, the one with Earthbound. Or, maybe you don't know that one either. Uh, you know, the one with Ness from Super Smash Bros? Yeah well, Ness is from Earthbound, and Earthbound is the second part in this larger Mother trilogy. Alright? Good. Anyway, the Franklin badge is a really important part of that series. It gets its start in the very first game and carries through the whole trilogy, saving your life multiple times in the process. It's SO important that nintendo has made it a staple item in the Smash Brothers series. So I asked myself; what if the badge in Sans' drawer was THAT EXACT badge? Well first off, it made Undertale connected to my favorite game, thereby making it even COOLER, but that's still a pretty big logical leap. I needed more. Let me tell you, as I started looking, more and more pieces started to fit into place. At the end of Earthbound you're given a photo album, covering your adventures throughout the game. To me it's one of the best, most satisfying endings in gaming to look back on your journey in picture form. And what does Sans happen to have in his other drawer? A photo album with pictures of Sans with people you don't recognize. Of course you don't know them, they're not characters present in Undertale. And note the word that's used here, PEOPLE you don't recognize. Not underworld monsters. So that's 2 items oddly linked to the Mother series. But then, how do the blueprints and broken machine fit in? Well, in the final stretch of Earthbound, Ness and his 3 friends must travel to the past in order to have their final battle against the evil alien Giygas. To do that, Dr. Andonuts (remember him, by the way, he's going to be important later) with the help of the science geniuses Apple Kid and Mr. Saturn, create what's known as the Phase Distorter, a machine that allows people to travel through time and space. Except, it comes with a cost. It can't transport organic material. As a result, the young heroes must put their souls into robotic bodies to use the machine, and thus, save the world. I played this game back in 1997 and I'm not ashamed to admit that when I first saw this scene, I cried. It's DEVASTATING. Doctor Andonuts says goodbye to his son, these characters you've grown to love and care about are suddenly promising to sacrifice their lives. For all they know, there is no possibility of them being able to come back home. It's this incredibly dark departure in the final moments of what was otherwise a fun, quirky, and colorful RPG. So what does all of this have to do with Undertale? A LOT, actually. But the first thing you need to know is that Mr. Saturns are known for their, let's say, unique linguistic style. That would explain the illegible handwriting on the blueprints. And the machine? I think a broken Phase Distorter is behind that curtain. Now that may seem like a stretch, but it actually explains a lot. If Sans wound up in Undertale via Phase Distorter, it could provide a reason for why he's a skeleton. He used the machine as organic matter and suffered the consequences. Not killing him, but turning at least a part of him into a pile of bones. That could also explain why Sans has given up hope for going home. Remember the Phase Distorter is a time machine. By being in underworld, he's not only in a different place, but based on how he talks, he's also in a different time, with no hope of travelling back to the time he came from. But the crossovers between Earthbound and Undertale continue. When you speak to Apple Kid at the end of Earthbound, he's blown away by the astronomical odds of Ness overcoming Giygas, saying that he's going to continue studying the trait called courage, in order to harness its power. Seems awfully similar to the same experiments happening in Undertale around the trait of determination, no? Especially since so much has shown that Sans was a key player in those experiments. But I'm sure you also want physical evidence right? Well don't worry, because I have plenty. During one of the endings of Undertale, we see Undyne and Alphys hanging out on the beach on the surface world. A beach that bears a lot of similarities to the tropical resort location named Summers that you play through in Earthbound. In fact, the geographic layout of the surface bears some striking similarities to the world of Mother. When Undertale's crew of monsters are finally able to reach the surface and look out over the earth, they're met with a beautiful sunset falling across the landscape of a tall mountain, a large city, and a sandy area adjacent to water. Notice the sun's reflection to indicate water, and a lack of trees in this middle section here, hence the sand. Well, in Earthbound you have the big city of Fourside, complete with skyscrapers, which you reach via a desert that just so happens to be adjacent to some water, and to the east, the mountain in Onett where a meteorite lands on Earth. I always called it Aw-nett. But if that's not clear enough for you, Mother 1, Earthbound Zero, Earthbound Beginnings, whatever you want to call it, it's had a lot of names, had a map laying out the same geographic landscape. A tall mountain to the east of a large city, separated by a desert, with all of it up against a coast. I don't know about you, but to me it seems like there's a definite connection between the world of Eagleland (Eagleland? Again, unclear how its pronounced.) between the world of Eagleland and the surface world of Undertale. But the strongest physical connection, one that definitely unites these two franchises, comes from none other than Papyrus himself. He wears a custom-made costume known as his β€œbattle body”. But if you look really closely at the design on the armor, you'll notice some markings on the chest. Is it just a throwaway detail? Ohoh NO, that right there is an exact match to the ones that appear on the chests of Starmen, the most iconic enemy of Earthbound. And look at the way he stands! I always thought it was awkward until i saw the two characters side by side. Papyrus’ curved arm and hand is a DIRECT match to the curved arms of the Starmen in the Mother series! In short, we have some incredibly strong proof that the Earthbound universe is somehow connected to the Undertale world, which brings us back to our initial question, WHO IS SANS? Well, what if we took it one final step and said that Sans happened to be Ness from Earthbound? Sent through the Phase Distorter during a test of courage, carrying the Franklin badge and his photo album and his trusty backpack. Not only do all the items in the workshop suddenly fit, but so does Sans’ behavior. Remember, Sans can seemingly teleport. And Ness just happens to have the PSI ability to teleport. Now look the way Sans always stands, hands in his pockets, directly facing the camera. It's a very similar stance to how Ness is depicted standing in most marketing for the game. It even explains why Sans bleeds when you finally hit him. He is, or at least, WAS, a human. Oh and finally, Sans is only one letter removed from being an anagram of Ness. That's just a fun one. I thought it was worth mentioning. But if there was any doubt, we have to look no further than the creator's previous work. Toby Fox, the man behind Undertale, had previously worked on a Halloween hack for Earthbound. But this just wasn't a simple reskin. The Halloween hack tells the tale of Dr. Andonuts after the events of Earthbound. Remember, I pointed him out? He's the one who made the Phase Distorter. In Toby Fox’s version of the story, we see that after Giygas' defeat, the souls of the kids never return home. Instead, by going to the past to defeat Giygas, they create a new timeline that they're stuck in. As a result, Jeff never reunites with his father Dr. Andonuts. And Dr. Andonuts goes crazy with guilt, because HE’S the one responsible for creating the time machine, and extracting the souls of his son and his son's friends to send them back to what he assumes was their death. In his mind, he's killed 4 kids. And in Toby Fox's game, he's lost his mind trying to deal with that guilt. I'm telling you, this hack is DARK. that said, you see a lot of Undertale in this game. The appearance of Amalgamates, the first use of the awesome song Megalovania, the prototypes for Flowey? And the theme of having the choice to be nonviolent in an RPG, SPARING your enemies. But then why's all this matter to the theory? Well, remember, in Toby Fox's version of the story, the kids don't come back. They're stuck in the past, with no hopes of getting home. Just like Sans. And, in the hack, one character is oddly missing, with no explanation as to why. NESS. Presumably in this timeline his soul is in a different place than his 3 friends. Which brings us back to Undertale. 3 faces, with β€œdon't forget” written on it? It's Ness, trying to remember his 3 friends. In short, Undertale is a continuation of Toby’s version of Earthbound, with Ness never being able to get home, adopting the name Sans, and accompanied by Papyrus, a former Starman, an alien force able to speak English and still equipped with his armor, and signature posture, but without any knowledge of earthly things... like the Sun. The pieces all just seem to fit. Now all we need is an appearance from Pokey/Porky and we’ve got ourselves a true sequel. But hey, that's just a theory. A GAME THEORY! THANKS FOR WATCHING!

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mageofswag [2016-11-21 20:36:00 +0000 UTC]


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IvonnaTaco110 [2016-07-29 23:39:16 +0000 UTC]

im sure that he has a wife already.

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CATSANDFNAF [2016-07-15 01:05:16 +0000 UTC]

rest in rip

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NeonClovers [2016-07-01 01:16:32 +0000 UTC]

Rest is spaghetti to forget the regretti

πŸ‘: 1 ⏩: 1

IvonnaTaco110 In reply to NeonClovers [2016-08-11 03:48:12 +0000 UTC]

i forgot to regret it
it isnt sad
its bad
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β -Paint Tool SiaΒ  Β 

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NeonClovers In reply to IvonnaTaco110 [2016-08-11 04:29:43 +0000 UTC]

audible choking

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IvonnaTaco110 In reply to NeonClovers [2016-08-14 16:02:09 +0000 UTC]

Audible freaking idiot noises

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NeonClovers In reply to IvonnaTaco110 [2016-08-14 16:10:34 +0000 UTC]


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Mieathederp [2016-01-24 08:11:19 +0000 UTC]

I think I got cut by the edge here

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I-Am-Baka In reply to Mieathederp [2016-08-04 09:03:49 +0000 UTC]

Same, lmao.Β 
Join me to a nice lil' tea party!
Remember, it's bring your own bleach~!

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Mewtres [2015-10-22 23:18:53 +0000 UTC]

i cri evri tim

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Klebabe In reply to Mewtres [2018-03-04 11:35:52 +0000 UTC]

haha saemΒ 

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FemaleSinner45 In reply to Mewtres [2016-03-07 02:35:13 +0000 UTC]

mi 2

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pixemetta [2015-10-17 18:50:19 +0000 UTC]


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Quantum-Mortal [2015-08-20 20:20:02 +0000 UTC]

nice meme haha

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Uncle-Anon [2015-08-17 02:41:25 +0000 UTC]

I was only nine years old

I loved Shrek so much, I owned all the movies and merchandise

I pray to Shrek every night, thanking him for the life I have been given

"Shrek is love", I say, "Shrek is life"

My dad hears me and calls me a faggot

He is obviously jealous of my devotion to Shrek

I called him a cunt

He slaps me and sends me to my room

I am crying now, because my face hurts

I go into my bed and it is very cold
I feel a warmth moving towards me

I fell something touch me

It's Shrek

I am so happy

he whispers into my ear, "This is my swamp"

He grabs me with his powerful ogre hands and puts me on my hands and knees

I'm ready
I spread my ass cheeks for Shrek

He penetrates my butthole

It hurts so much, but I do it for Shrek

I can feel my anus tearing as my eyes start to water

I push against his force

I want to please Shrek

He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love

My dad walks in

Shrek looks him deep in the eyes and says, "It's all ogre now"

Shrek leaves through my window

Shrek is love, Shrek is life

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IvonnaTaco110 In reply to Uncle-Anon [2016-08-14 15:59:57 +0000 UTC]

What a beautiful fan fiction.

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iSuperShooter [2015-07-24 22:33:36 +0000 UTC]


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imatrollface [2015-02-16 01:32:50 +0000 UTC]

This makes so sad,

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CaramelSuprise [2014-07-15 03:18:46 +0000 UTC]


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xXTicci-TobyXx In reply to CaramelSuprise [2014-08-01 17:59:39 +0000 UTC]


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CaramelSuprise In reply to xXTicci-TobyXx [2014-08-04 10:49:37 +0000 UTC]

yAY! Wanna celebrate?

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xXTicci-TobyXx In reply to CaramelSuprise [2014-08-04 21:23:09 +0000 UTC]


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CaramelSuprise In reply to xXTicci-TobyXx [2014-08-05 10:31:26 +0000 UTC]

Cake or Ice Cream?

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xXTicci-TobyXx In reply to CaramelSuprise [2014-08-05 19:37:29 +0000 UTC]

ice cream!

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CaramelSuprise In reply to xXTicci-TobyXx [2014-08-05 22:41:52 +0000 UTC]

*hands huge bowl of Ice Cream*

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xXTicci-TobyXx In reply to CaramelSuprise [2014-08-06 03:23:18 +0000 UTC]


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CaramelSuprise In reply to xXTicci-TobyXx [2014-08-06 04:00:15 +0000 UTC]

Ice cream tastes amazing~! ^^

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xXTicci-TobyXx In reply to CaramelSuprise [2014-08-06 18:30:14 +0000 UTC]


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CaramelSuprise In reply to xXTicci-TobyXx [2014-08-07 00:19:44 +0000 UTC]

Very much so.

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xXTicci-TobyXx In reply to CaramelSuprise [2014-08-07 01:00:20 +0000 UTC]


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Iover-boy [2014-01-18 03:50:51 +0000 UTC]


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shrekswife In reply to Iover-boy [2014-04-04 01:34:54 +0000 UTC]

are you into bloodplay or something like that, an d thank you ^_^

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paulina374 [2013-12-30 21:00:11 +0000 UTC]

Girl stops makin out wit da boy
N asks him to git poptrats
So he dus
Then gril takes deep breath
Then da girl tells him
"bf,im pregnant,stay my bf plz?"
Then da boy sais"no plz"
Girl cries and runs from da boy
Without eating poptrat
She has low blood sugar
So she fall
Boy runs to girl
She wus ded
Den boi sais
"*sniff* I HAVE A WIFE"
Boy trows poptrat at her
A butiful pic of dunkey
Was inside tha poptrat

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xXTicci-TobyXx In reply to paulina374 [2014-08-08 02:17:03 +0000 UTC]


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shrekswife In reply to paulina374 [2014-04-04 01:35:35 +0000 UTC]

): death is so sad

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xXTicci-TobyXx In reply to shrekswife [2014-08-08 02:16:47 +0000 UTC]

it was a joke.

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damageindicator In reply to paulina374 [2014-01-23 03:16:51 +0000 UTC]

i love you

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ll-auukari-ll [2013-02-01 15:05:48 +0000 UTC]

Okay so suddenly Shrek is now skinny and fell in "love" with a 8 years old girl and left fionna.

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Victoria-Summerheart In reply to ll-auukari-ll [2013-06-09 21:10:22 +0000 UTC]

omgzz so legitt!!11! memes

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paulina374 In reply to Victoria-Summerheart [2013-12-30 20:43:19 +0000 UTC]

O my geezzz suuu desu desu maks so much sense rite????

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Victoria-Summerheart In reply to paulina374 [2013-12-30 20:54:04 +0000 UTC]

hehe!!!!! ikr! !!!!!!!! LOL!=1 !!!

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DarkLotus94 [2013-01-26 00:39:54 +0000 UTC]

Honey, Shrek would eat you if you were dying. Remember ur a human, not an ogre like Fiona

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BibyEvil [2012-08-16 22:50:55 +0000 UTC]


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shrekswife In reply to BibyEvil [2012-08-16 23:01:26 +0000 UTC]


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