just need blender software and no need any skills for it.
XNA Posing Studio 11.8.9 info…
XNA Posing Studio 11.8.9 (0622) download link, fix old version can not loading new version saved models
xps to blender (XNALaraMesh)…
blender 2.79…
in xps
01. loading model and too many options item and bones you do not need on the model
02. options >> Display accessories >> optional items >> cancel the noneed parts
03. Modify>>save generic_item...>>Circle the "save only visible mesh parts", click ok to save new mesh
in blender
you should add the (XNALaraMesh) add-ons from… on blender first.
just copy folder "XNALaraMesh" to C:\Users\"yourusername"\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.79\scripts\addons\
01. open blender2.79 type ctrl+alt+u open the preferences, Add-ons select Xps and Circle the Import-Export: Xnalars/Xps...
02. loading the xps model, XPS>> Import xps models (before loading xps model, can click "a" twice to select noused mesh(like camera and light) and delete it first)
03. sidebar, click Hide Bones: "Show All"[1] to display full bones,
then click "tab" to edit mode, click "a" once to unselect all bones.
click "tab" to object mode, click sidebar Hide Bones: "Vertex Group"[2],then click "tab" to edit mode, click "a" once to select all bones.
click "tab" to object mode, click sidebar Hide Bones: "Show All"[3],then click "tab" to edit mode, click "ctrl+i" to Invert select bones.then click "Del" to delete the unused bones. then click "tab" to object mode.
04. sidebar, click export:model to save new xps model that no unused bones, done.