SilasAgnostos — AGS - Chapter 69: Much to Think About

#anthro #digital #furry #male #mammal #rodent #squirrel #story #writing #murid #murine #wood_mouse #eastern_grey_squirrel #grey_squirrel
Published: 2021-06-12 01:00:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 11055; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 4
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Description I woke the next morning still tangled up in Daniel's big arms.  As much as I wanted to just stay in bed like this, I prodded my nose against his to wake him and join me for the morning.  He was as reluctant as I was, both of us opting to simply lie there for a minute or two in comfortable silence and enjoying each other's warmth.  We slowly came to terms with the morning, blinking the sleep film out of our eyes and releasing a large yawn each.

I was really not looking forward to this.

We both carried on our usual morning ritual of changing clothes and bathroom trips.  The claw marks in my face looked pretty bad a day later, tender to the touch but fortunately scabbed over nicely.  The punctures in my wrist fared about as well and I was silently thankful that they'd at least been dug into my weaker hand.  Maybe being left-handed had some benefits after all.  I did what I could to cover up the marks on my face, but no matter what one could still make out the thin raked lines from the top of my head to my bottom jaw.  Overall I was still pretty sore from the altercation, but not enough to warrant medical intervention so I tried my best to just ignore it.  With all of these cards at play I still did what I could to look presentable, Daniel giving me a warm nudge of the snout against my hair before he left the bathroom to wake the children.  I turned from there to grab my work from the previous day, what all I'd finished, along with the official excuse from the police.

Our party of four went its separate ways upon reaching the lower hallway, their turning left toward the kitchens and my turning right toward my desk.  If I couldn't do much work I at least wanted to be punctual, taking my seat in my little wooden box.  With my hands folded beneath my chin I waited patiently, the other three walking out to the lobby with plates of food not long after.  Though I probably should have expected as much Daniel presented me with my own plate of breakfast-- fried eggs, seasoned toast, three slices of bacon, and half an apple all accompanied by a glass of milk.  I set everything on the side shelf of the cubicle, taking bites here and there as I waited for my employer.

A few minutes later and the door would open, Morissey stepping into the sunlit lobby.  He seemed to sense my apprehension, his head tilting and ears cocking askew upon seeing me.  He'd take another few steps in my direction, eyes squinting, before briskly walking toward my desk.  Behind him Daniel's eyes followed his every movement, shoulders forward and ready to intervene should anything unsavory occur.

"Reverend?" Morissey quietly called.  "Wh-What happened to you?"

"...I was attacked yesterday morning by that one staffmember," I replied.

"Attacked?" he repeated.

"H-He had me against the wall upstairs, and...assaulted me," I softly said through grit teeth.  "Had I not been able to fight back when I did it would have been much worse, and he'd expressed interest in extending the same toward my children."

He looked to me in disbelief, one of the few times I've ever seen him appear surprised.  Upon his turning around to face my family behind him they returned his shock with their own nods and stern expressions before he turned back to face me.

"R-Reverend, I am so sorry, I--"

"I will...give you the benefit of the doubt about this occurrence as it doesn't seem like you, especially lately," I cut him off, the tables having turned.  "I do have an official, notarized excuse of absence from the police should you require it, as after that I was simply not in the mental state for a full day of work.  I did do some of it to pass the time, but there is still some remaining."

He said nothing as I handed him the form the officers provided me.  Strangely he only glanced at it, quickly folding it up and stuffing it in one of his coat pockets.

"While I appreciate your preparation and foresight, I'm much more concerned about your condition," he said, his hands firmly gripping the rim of my cubicle.  "If officers were involved I assume he's already been taken away?"

"...Yes, though I am unsure of his current state," I choked out, thinking back.  "I'd...stabbed him with a small knife a number of times and he'd subsequently taken a tumble down the stairs.  Given what he'd become I'm not sure if...if he was even capable of realizing the extent of damage his body had accrued."

"Wh...What he'd become?"

"...He was corrupted, Morissey, and severely so.  I've s...seen it before, what that condition does to people."

His ears dipped back and his eyes turned away from me.  Though I hadn't intended to he thought I was referring to him, but maybe it was for the best he not know of more of my history than he had already.  He did seem to grow a little more relaxed when he understood I wasn't accusing him of anything, his gaze slowly wandering back to meet mine.

Before he said anything further his hand dug back into his coat pocket, retrieving his wallet.  Opening the wallet he fished for a handful of bills for our weekly payment, seemingly not bothering with counting what sum he accumulated.  With it in hand he looked at me, motioning with his snout to give him my hand.  Perplexed, I did as he silently requested, his firmly placing the sum in my hand and closing my fingers around the bills before I could protest.  Upon receiving the offer I counted out Daniel's usual sum, then through the remains.  There was about double the amount of two days' work in the sum.

"Morissey?" I asked quietly.  "I don't understand.  I couldn't get everything--"

"Please...just don't worry about that," he answered.  "There are far more important things than daily stacks of paperwork.  I'm just...glad you're safe.  All of you."

I wasn't sure what to say, but knew it was futile to contest and put my sum in my own wallet.  I'd never liked getting special treatment when these things happened, having been so prone to things like this in my earlier years, but I admit it was nice to feel cared about as more than just an employee.

"I ask you take today off from you usual work, too," he continued.  "If someone comes here to pick up or drop off, then be my guest, but no more."


"No buts.  I will not be bringing you any weekend work, either, so don't even try to request it.  While I typically admire your hard work, please take some actual time off."

I wasn't sure how to feel, my looking down and off to my side.  This was a rather generous offer and, though Morissey had really changed once he opened up at all, I still found it strange and hard to swallow.  My face must have betrayed me as he bent down lower to better face me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I know we haven't always been on the best of terms and things have been...tumultuous to say the least, but...I really do mean it when I say you are valued here," he said, just barely above a whisper.  "I just hope that you and I can still be on good terms from here.  I promise you I had no idea about any of this."

That seemed likely.  If he'd worn concealers while working here, it'd be safe to assume he did elsewhere, too, especially in front of his employer.  I felt stupid having not brought it up before, that strange grey line I saw in his eyes that day, but I guess it didn't matter anymore.  For all I knew bringing it up would have only encouraged the inevitable.

"...We're fine, Morissey," I assured, his expression relaxing upon my words.  "Thank you for your concern."

"Please don't worry about it," he replied through a nervous smile.  "I'll be terminating their employment immediately and establishing a restraining order once I head out.  Might I ask if you've been experiencing any troubles with other staff while I'm here?"

I thought about it.  Aside from the usual judging glances nothing really stood out to me, and by now I'd just opted to ignore them.  Despite being given the opportunity to air my woes I thought it might be best to keep the more petty gripes to myself.  Given the point of the organization and the people in it, getting over those biases would not be a simple matter.  It certainly wasn't for me.

"...Not that I can recall," I said with a tilt of my head.

"Good to hear," he sighed in relief, turning his step away from my desk before looking back to me one more time.  "Did you...still feel up to a walk tonight at all?  I would more than understand if you'd rather not, but I thought I'd ask."

"I would be fine with it if you wouldn't mind slowing your pace a bit during," I chuckled.  "I'm still a bit sore."

"That is not a problem," he responded, almost chipper.  "I will come by at the usual time, but until then please just treat today like a weekend.  Have a nice day with your family; the weather is pleasant today and it should be for the remainder."

He looked back to me with a nervous smile before completing his turn and stepping lightly back toward the front door.  Daniel and the two children watched curiously as the enigma sauntered by, Morissey turning to them and giving a smile and wave all the same as he passed.  Once he grabbed the door's handle he looked to us, nodded once, and left the premises.

Once he left I stood up from my desk, stretching my sore back before grabbing my plate.

"Well, orders are to treat today like a weekend, so that's what I plan to do," I said with a shrug, eating the last few bites of breakfast remaining on my plate.  "I'm going to spend some time upstairs until lunch."

Everyone stood up from the small table, carrying their own plates and glasses.  Daniel came closer against my side, pulling me in.

"D'you really feel alright to go on your walk?" he asked.

"I think so, plus I know it's something he looks forward to," I said.  "I don't think he...has anyone else to do things with and I can't help but feel a little bad for him."

He looked concerned, but just sighed and hugged on me.

"Just don't want ya doin' anything you don't want, 'specially if you're still sore or not up to it," he murmured against my hair.  "Don't mean to be annoyin' about it, I'm just worried."

I leaned my face against him.

"You're not annoying at all, and it's nice to know you care," I said in reply, closing my eyes.  "If anything seems strange or uncomfortable I'll stop going out, but so far the outings have actually been pleasant.  Morissey is...someone who hides a lot under that exterior, and I think that this helps him keep those issues in check.  If I can help someone, I'd like to."

Given his gaze I think he understood my concern, having similar for myself and others in his life.  Comes with the career, I suppose.  He leaned the side of his face against my head and held me close in a warm hug, saying much with no words.

"I know I'm lookin' forward to a more laid-back day," he laughed under his whisper.  "Sure the kids'll enjoy some time outside in back come afternoon when it's a bit warmer.  I know I will."

We all took our dishes down the hall and to the kitchen, cleaning our morning mess before heading upstairs to pass the morning in each other's company and enjoy the early weekend.


The clock struck six.  I was already sitting out in the lobby, having taken a chair at the small table.  Daniel and the children were upstairs for the evening, passing time together while I waited for my employer to arrive.  With my elbows on the table and my hands under my chin I drifted away, lost in thought

So much had happened in only a day it was a little jarring.  I'd gone from coparenting two children with a roommate to...nearly finding myself assaulted a second time, told a confession about someone's feelings, and ending up in a relationship I would have never expected.  It wasn't bad or anything, and it took a lot to come to terms with my own thoughts and feelings, but it was still...strange to think about, especially following a twelve-year relationship with my fiancée.

I think, though, that this was still a step in the right direction.  Esmé had always wanted the best for me, and having finally come to this point I felt an almost soothing warmth in my heart as though she was trying to reassure me.  I put my hand up to my chest, smiling a little to myself.  It was difficult to move on, my feeling as though I'd be replacing her, and it took a lot to understand that wasn't what I was doing.  I think she understood that much sooner than I, trying to encourage me to accept a chance at happiness.  Though she had passed away, I always felt like at least a part of her had stayed with me.

A knock at the door brought me back to the present, perking my ears.  I turned around and stood up from the chair, carefully walking to the door to answer.  A twist of the handle and I pulled the door open, Morissey standing on the porch with his hands behind his back as per his usual.  He looked at me with an oddly soft expression, his ears reclined and with a little smile.  He could be quite charming when his guard was let down, but given his position it's not likely he felt comfortable enough to do that often, especially around others.

"Good evening, Reverend," he said in a hushed voice.  "Would you still like to go on a walk tonight?  If you had second thoughts I would understand."

"I would still like to go," I said, giving him a little smile of my own before stepping onto the porch and closing the door behind me.


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