Silencix — All hail Mary-Sue

Published: 2011-04-05 13:58:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 8845; Favourites: 122; Downloads: 0
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Description Please read and FLAME! The Marysue-est Mary-Sue ever!

[Irony mode on] This is so far, my best OC! And she has a totally awesome story! *insert girly laugh here*
You must know of it so let me tell you~!

Mary-Sue the Ultra Cosmythical Millenium Hedge-bbit-vixen-bat Goddess (or 'Hybrid' for short).

Creator of the universe, her imperial crown is the symbol of her all-mighty sovereignty upon all the dimensions.

She is made from different species because she is the unique, all-mighty, ultimate life form. (Shadow the Hedgehog

was sued for diffamation and Copyringht Infriegment by the way)

She is so good and pure that her body irradiates of warmth and sweet perfume. So much actually, that she can make

anyone (even Chuck Norris) and anything (like furnitures) fall in love for her; she can also melt the heart of the

most horrible men, and to be trusted by the most unsociable nerds.

The Ring she wears around her waist symbolizes the 'Eternal Wisdom': whoever touches it gains all the knowedge of

the world, and will be able to figure out any mystery the universe holds. (appraised 1 Zillion dollars on eBay)

Her golden necklace wrought with every imaginable precious stones give to its owner all the power of Nature, in

order to protect the world from evil. One single sneeze would turn into a terrible storm, a simple stomp on the

ground would make it cracks and create big earthquakes, a single tear would bring 1000 years of rain pouring on

the world, flooding everything, and a single drop of sweat would cause an endless scorching heat.

The second necklace is actually the shard that the Master Emerald came from. Thanks to it, she is able to control

the Master Emerald from afar and watch over Sonic and his friends. They're so lucky to have her helping them all

the time without them knowing! ^^

The "Bracelets of Peace", painted with true rainbows, are able to cure any illness and guarantee eternal youth and

immortality to its owner. (After all, all that Graal crap and such are sooo yesterday)

Her beautiful shining white eyes are so sharp that even the Hyuuga family from the manga 'Naruto' look like total

amateurs compared to her. For instance, she can see an ant in the 25th world of the 7th dimension situated next to

the red light, right after the black hole besides Saturn. Oh, and her eyes also allow her to read minds, and even

people's memories, and their previous lives. (I almost forgot this tiny detail).

Of course, she doesn't need to eat or to walk (Keep that for the pathetic mortals). She just levitates a few

inches above the ground (and flies at the speed of light if she feels like it), and only feeds on sunlight (or on

a light bulb when it gets dark).

The colorful bandages which cover her legs and her gym socks are made from the finest silk and unknown cloth so

filmy that she can barely feels them on her. They hold the power to make her turn invisible and to... to... to

look good, there. ^^

About her story:

One day that she was heroically walking down the street while not caring at all about the blazing building next to

her, a dark and powerful force born from the evil living in every people, suddenly attacked her.
A long, epic battle began and lasted -as they say, 1000 years that mades countless poor victims. And finally, the

Evil won thanks to a terrible, overly-powerful magic spell : "Hey, look over there!"

The Evil left Mary-Sue for dead, walking away to celebrate its victory in a pub. But little did it knew that

actually, it didn't really kill her because her immortal soul took shelter just in time in a secret astral plane,

now trapped in there. Exactly as she planned when she wrote her prophecy! What a genius! ^^

Then, a long long time later, with decades of work and research, a mysterious organisation made of great

scientists who wanted to accomplish the prophecy (that told she would come back to life), succeeded into recreate

her body from a fossile of one of her tiny nosehair!

So that's how Mary-Sue fully resurrected. But the scientists wanted to control her in oder to rule over the whole

universe; and obviously she refused. Because doing evil is no goooood.
Because she couldn't be convinced, the scientists decided to destroy her with the help of a failed clone.
A new, tough fight was held. And it only became worse when the Evil came back and took possession of the clone's

body. Mary-Sue fought and fought with all she got, and finally, thanks to the power of nature, beauty and little

pink hearts, she triumphed over her ennemies with one last blow. (A blow like Songoku's genkidama in Super Sayan 4


The world was finally in peace. And Mary-Sue had learn from all of this something absolutely important, something

that could change a life... like making up her mind about what color of nail polish she should choose next time.

The End... ?

Version française:

Un gros coup de gueule pour ces fancharas qui empoisonnent la créativité.

Mary-Sue the Ultra Cosmythical Millenium Hedge-bbit-vixen-bat Goddess (ou "Hybride" pour faire plus court).

Créatrice de l'univers, sa couronne impériale est le symbole de son règne sans partage sur toutes les dimensions.

Et si elle est faite de plusieurs créatures différentes, c'est seulement parce qu'elle est l'unique et suprême forme de vie ultime. (Shadow the Hedgehog est d'ailleurs en procès pour Diffamation et Infraction du Copyright).

Son coeur est si pur et si bon que son corps dégage une agréable chaleur et un doux parfum qui irradit autour d'elle, tellement, qu'elle est capable de rendre amoureux n'importe qui (y compris Chuck Norris) et même les objets inanimés; d'émouvoir le coeur du plus horrible des hommes; et de mettre en confiance le plus asocial des nerds.

L'anneau qu'elle porte autour de sa taille symbolise la Sagesse Eternelle: quiconque le touche obtient toute la connaissance du monde et saura percer tous les mystères sans exception. (Estimé à 1 Gilliard de dollars sur Ebay)

Son collier doré forgé avec toutes les pierres précieuses imaginables donne à son détenteur toute la force de la nature, afin de protéger le monde contre les forces démoniaques. Un seul éternuement, et un ouragan incroyable se lève. Un coup de talon au sol, et la terre craque, se fissure et cause des tremblements de terre. Une seule larme, et 1000 ans de pluie s'abattent sur le monde, noyant tout sur son passage. Une seule goutte de sueur, et c'est la canicule.

Le second collier est le fragment originel de la Master Emerald. Grâce à lui, elle est capable de la contrôler à distance et surveiller les aventures de Sonic et ses amis. Heureusement qu'elle à toujours été là pour eux! ^^

Les "Bracelets de la Paix", peints avec de véritables arc-en-ciels, sont capable de guérir toutes les maladies et garantissent la jeunesse éternelle et l'immortalité. (Oui parce que le Graal et la Fontaine de Jouvence et tout ça, c'est démodé).

Ses beaux yeux blancs lumineux sont si perçants que la famille Hyuuga dans le manga "Naruto" ont l'air d'amateurs total à côté. Elle peut par exemple voir une fourmi dans le 25è monde de la 7è dimmension au feu à droite après le trou noir à côté de Saturne. Rien ne lui échappe. Ah, et ces yeux permettent aussi de lire dans les esprits jusqu'à leurs propres souvenirs et même leurs vies antérieurs. J'avais oublié ce détail.

Bien sûr, elle n'a jamais besoin de manger ni de marcher. C'est juste bon pour les mortels, ça. Non, elle lévite quelques centimètres au dessus du sol (et vole quand elle en a envie - à la vitesse de la lumière) et se nourrit de la lumière du soleil (ou de celle d'une ampoule électrique s'il fait sombre).

Les bandelettes qui couvrent ses jambes et ses chaussettes de gym sont faites de la soie la plus fine et de tissus inconnus de notre monde, si légers qu'on ne les sent presque pas. Ils ont le pouvoir de la rendre invisible et de...de... de faire joli, voilà. ^^

Quant à son histoire:

Un jour qu'elle se promenait héroïquement dans la rue sans se soucier le moins du monde de l'immeuble en flammes juste à côté d'elle, une force noire et puissante née du mal qui habite les esprits des gens l'agressa soudain.
S'ensuit une longue et épique bataille qui dura dit-on, 1000 ans et dont les dégâts furent coûteux en pertes

humaines. Et finalement, c'est le mal qui triompha grâce à un sort de magie noire très puissant et cruel: "Oh, regarde la bas!"

Le Mal laissa alors Mary-Sue pour morte, partant savourer sa victoire au bistrot sans se douter qu'en réalité, il ne l'avait pas vraiment tuée car son âme immortelle s'était réfugié à temps dans un autre plan astral secret, prisonnière. Exactement comme elle l'avait prévu dans sa prophétie! ^^

C'est alors que bien longtemps plus tard, à force de recherches et de travail, une mystérieuse et douteuse organisation composée de scientifiques érudits bien décidés à ramener à la vie la créature ultime dont parlait la prophétie qui les as tous réunis pour y arriver, réussirent à recréer le corps de Mary-Sue à partir d'un fossile d'un de ses minuscules poils de nez!

Et c'est donc ainsi que Mary-Sue revint complètement à la vie. Cependant, les scientifiques voulaient se servir d'elle pour régner sur le monde et évidemment, elle avait refusé parce que faire le mal c'est pas biiieeeen.
Comme ceux ci n'arrivaient pas à la convaincre, ils décidèrent de la détruire en utilisant un clone raté d'elle.
Un nouveau combat difficile commença. Et il devint encore plus difficile lorsque le Mal refit son apparition en

prenant possession du clone.
Mary-Sue lutta et lutta encore, et finalement, grâce à l'aide de la nature, de la beauté et des petits cœurs roses, c'est elle qui asséna le coup de grâce à ses ennemis.

Le monde était enfin en paix. Et Mary-Sue avait apprit combien il était nécessaire de s'occuper des choses réellement importantes et capitales, de celles qui peuvent changer une vie comme... décider d'une nouvelle couleur de vernis pour ses ongles.

Fin... ?
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Comments: 60

cathen711 [2017-05-14 21:47:26 +0000 UTC]

needs more rainbows

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NelleyDragon [2016-09-18 00:52:52 +0000 UTC]

Here is a secret if this is no joke....Please burn in a fire with this mary sue....

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evil-vivianne [2015-08-09 04:33:06 +0000 UTC]

I wouldn't exactly say that's a Mary Sue, since the color pallets is pretty decent and not full neon with colors that don't match, also I would have to say the species is a Rabbat kitsune.
not saying this to be negative I'm just pointing it out.

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DudelSaur [2015-07-01 10:30:27 +0000 UTC]


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FlameBlame [2015-05-21 04:00:49 +0000 UTC]

when you mean mary sue you are not kidding  

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Crimsonpikachumanga [2015-04-19 00:13:54 +0000 UTC]

Crimson: .......get back in the hole you climbed out of

Mary Sue: hell no

Crimson: *pushes her into the hole* Like a boss   

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Cirnobaka9ROBLOX [2014-11-16 12:39:23 +0000 UTC]

Whoa, she's even MORE of a Mary Sue than my Mary Sue.

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theshsx71 [2014-09-05 12:03:17 +0000 UTC]

unless she takes too much spotlight

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theshsx71 [2014-09-05 12:03:03 +0000 UTC]

at least she isn't all-powerful/omnipotent.
if she is omnipotent then being calling her Mary sue is useless.

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ShadowhawkArt [2014-08-16 20:39:00 +0000 UTC]

Wow. Just reading the description made me cringe. I'm so glad this isn't real. 

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kate10188 [2014-06-17 16:36:51 +0000 UTC]

can i keep Mary-Sue the Ultra Cosmythical Millenium Hedge-bbit-vixen-bat Goddess or 'Hybrid' for short

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NebulaWords [2014-02-13 17:44:09 +0000 UTC]

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Keeryo [2013-11-15 08:48:10 +0000 UTC]

J'adore ta Mary-Sue^^^Longue vie à elle!! Même si elle arrache un peu les yeux... 

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DarkSaphireWarior [2013-10-04 22:02:38 +0000 UTC]

when I first saw the title mary-sue the first thing that came to my mind was OP but then I after reading the description I realized its just the character's name, or am I just mistaken?

plus she must be related to the eternity dragon character of mine, good thing their both females

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Dylan-the-dude [2013-09-13 00:39:13 +0000 UTC]

*sue dies of a paper cut

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emriay [2013-09-11 16:27:19 +0000 UTC]

thinking this was made by a five year old kid

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EliTigre [2013-08-22 20:09:38 +0000 UTC]

Mais brûlez-la ! Brûlez-la !

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SmilingHatSalesmare [2013-07-30 01:19:20 +0000 UTC]

0MG DI$ I$ DA B3$T CH4R4CT3R 3V4! I W4NN4 S33 H3R IN TH3 4CTU4L G4ME 'C4U$3 $H3 I$ $0 4W3$OME!!! (This is the best grammar in the world no one can top it :3)

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Dylan-the-dude [2013-07-04 17:33:22 +0000 UTC]

Julie! Its time to go to bed!
Ugh, fine mom... I just like playing dress up...
My little 5 year old Julie needs her sleep...
Good night mom
( in case you didn't get it it was a 5 year ikd girl pretneding to rule over her sonic action figures in different plastic castles called dimensions. She was in a princess dress up dress with a plastic tiara and some scarves tied on for tails and fairy wings)

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RimbaudDash [2013-03-23 21:42:59 +0000 UTC]

hé hé, génial ^^

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MagnoV824 [2013-01-16 04:04:06 +0000 UTC]


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Crimson-Kaizer [2012-12-27 03:10:27 +0000 UTC]


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kijierqwert [2012-12-22 20:37:40 +0000 UTC]

Shadow was sued for copyrights...

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SkittlesTheNerd [2012-08-11 17:22:33 +0000 UTC]

Me and my friend are coming up with a mary-sue character XD
This is just epicly horible XD

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AquosBoost [2012-07-22 10:34:17 +0000 UTC]


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xXAuraKnightXx [2012-02-07 12:17:04 +0000 UTC]


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roxastheredhedgehog [2011-12-06 02:22:03 +0000 UTC]

a mary sue XD? wow this is a really a mary sue XD

roxas: i hate the mary sues like her -w-

me too -W-

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AikoTheArtist2 [2011-09-11 21:02:14 +0000 UTC]

*twitch* Must kill....

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SonnyStarofGod [2011-09-08 23:41:32 +0000 UTC]


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SonicMayhem950 [2011-09-07 19:17:48 +0000 UTC]

I can't believe people actually make characters like this
But it's good for a laugh
Great job! on making Me laugh (I have a friend who loves making fun of Mary-sues to )

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CassidyPeterson [2011-05-17 02:05:01 +0000 UTC]

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen and I love you

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Moona-Luna [2011-04-17 21:24:03 +0000 UTC]

XDDD Encore ça comme mary-sue, je parle de l'apparence, c'est original, tellement c'est parodié et ajouté xDDD enfin, la perso elle même, en look elle est marrante. Originale quoi. Mais juste en forme finale, et encore. Enfin, voilà, c'est joli quand même comme dessin, et j'ai bien rit xD fav' u_u

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Silencix In reply to Moona-Luna [2011-04-18 17:40:41 +0000 UTC]

Je suis contente que ça t'ai plu, je me suis bien amusée aussi. C'est limite si j'ai pas envie d'en faire un fan club rien que pour se fiche des gens qui créent des persos pareils en fait

C'est bizarre quand même, tu n'es pas la première à me dire qu'elle reste quand même jolie à regarder malgré ce qu'elle est... j'ai dû me planter quelque part, c'était pas le but pourtant!

En tout cas, merci~

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Moona-Luna In reply to Silencix [2011-04-18 20:09:02 +0000 UTC]

Bah je veux dire, en tant que personnage déifique elle est jolie xD Une vraie Mary-sue reste + simple généralement, parce que il faut s'identifier. Nesspa. Mais en "super-forme" ça s'est bien

Enfin, sinon, l'histoire aurais put être pas super trop mal, pour quelques trucs, un peu repris quoi xD mais ça reste cliché et sans interêt, sauf pour rire un bon coup x'D enfin, de rien :3

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AdimaLullaby [2011-04-06 02:41:36 +0000 UTC]

Omg, this is beautiful in the most hilarious way! XD I have got to show this to my friend who has a freaking Gary-Stu. XD

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AdimaLullaby [2011-04-06 02:41:24 +0000 UTC]

Omg, this is beautiful in the most hilarious way! XD I have got to show this to my friend who has a freaking Gary-Stu. XD

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QueenIchigoHatsune [2011-04-06 00:52:11 +0000 UTC]

You make a good point.

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GamemasterMZ [2011-04-06 00:45:02 +0000 UTC]

The description is sad and pitiful, which I have to say seems like the perfect Mary-Sue. Interesting point you make.

The character herself is actually epic-looking! Great job on the design! She would actually make a great character in the right hand!

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DroseAttack [2011-04-05 23:43:39 +0000 UTC]

lol its so funny that people like legitimately make characters like this~

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XRainbowIceCreamX [2011-04-05 22:36:28 +0000 UTC]

les couleurssssss....

j'adore tous ce qui est coloré!

super, bravo!

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SpicyPepper445 [2011-04-05 22:23:53 +0000 UTC]

This made my day. Good job!XD

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EchidnaPower [2011-04-05 21:42:01 +0000 UTC]

lulz, you funny. xD

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Silencix In reply to EchidnaPower [2011-04-05 22:02:31 +0000 UTC]

Hello, you! ^^
I'm glad it made you laugh. I really let loose on that one!

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EchidnaPower In reply to Silencix [2011-04-05 22:09:58 +0000 UTC]

It certainly has been a while hasn't it? Have you cured Raian's sleeping problem yet? *shot repeatedly*

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Silencix In reply to EchidnaPower [2011-04-09 13:44:08 +0000 UTC]

It sure has! ^^ How've ya been ?
I've been working for a week (5 am to 6pm) so I'm kinda tired but I'll live xD
Raian's okay, but nothing changed at all.

Also, I was wondering... are you and Raian mad at each other or something ? He wouldn't tell me.

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EchidnaPower In reply to Silencix [2011-04-09 14:39:31 +0000 UTC]

I'm doing ok, other than being extremly busy lately. Mad? No, not really. Just that he hasn't needed me for comics for a while so we haven't talked much. He knows he can call me when it's time for spell check or whatever..at least I thought he did, now that you said that I'm not so sure...

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Sabrina5050 [2011-04-05 21:30:51 +0000 UTC]

awesome goddess ^^

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Silencix In reply to Sabrina5050 [2011-04-05 21:33:22 +0000 UTC]

Er... you're kidding right ?
I created to her to tell the world how much I HATE fancharacters like her!
Take a look at the artist comment and you'll understand.

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Sabrina5050 In reply to Silencix [2011-04-05 21:49:56 +0000 UTC]

ok i just looked at it and i understand now but thing is i was commenting on how she looked cuz' i liked the design of her but hey they r just my opinions T.T

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Silencix In reply to Sabrina5050 [2011-04-05 22:00:39 +0000 UTC]

Sorry if you thought I was being a bit harsh on you. I just felt so dumfounded when I read your comment!

(Yet the fact that you seem to like her design is still a mystery to me... I think she's beyond ugly. Or maybe I didn't make her ugly enough...?)

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