SillyInsaneGamer — Exiled necromancer

#amulet #comission #dark #mage #villain #wasteland #digitalart #necromancer #necromancy
Published: 2016-08-31 17:55:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 4079; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 6
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" Every inche of the land will be covered in snow, as far as the eye can reach; The sky will turn black, the wind will be too cold to endure, my revenge is as bitter as my heart, and destined! "

Name: Zarth
Alias: The unmaker
Gender: Male
Age: 40
Eye Color: Glowing green
Likes: Corruption, awakening dark forces, Control, loyalty among the clan, dominance
Dislikes: Weakness, lack of power, impatience, impudance
Magic control: Necromancy
Weakness: Elements bearing lightness 
Best quality: Mastering necromancy, being capable of commanding the dark forces; Summon undead as well as raining down corpses
Flaws: Desiring too much darkness in the world, easily overestimating opponents

Does the character love anyone? Affection is a feeling he has cast aside since he turned to exile, showing only to feel hatred and anger for everyone he knew.
Does the character respect anyone? Zarth has a strong amount of respect for many, users of magic that best his own, or simply are able to defy him at all. 
How would the character respond to a physical threat? Simply challenging them in return, knowing his power has little limits always puts him above most.
How would the character respond to an insult? Questioning it mostly, Zarth no longer is easily offended and insulted as he was in youth. 
How can this character be defeated? Ordinary necromancers are known for their dark powers, and aren't defeated easily; To defeat a master necromancer, one must possess an equal amount of opposite power. 
Is this character a careful strategist, a blind sheep, or a master of improvisation? A powerful strategist, who pays close attention to his enemies, as his allies. 

Occupation: Necromancer, clan leader
Primary Objective: Reigning down the world with dark magic; To control all lands
Secondary Objectives: Releasing the dark forces, striking the human resistance


- Reanimation
The ability in animating lost souls, forcing them into combat. Having the full mental control the reanimated dead. 

- Curses
Curses allow nasty effects upon the victims, results depending on whatever curse is being used.
Examples; Freezing the floor, blinding victims.

- Steal magic

The ability to consume spells that are being used to harm the necromancer, returning the spells with a greater and darker effect.
It is also possible to control a necromancer's spell and return the effecsts, useful but dangerous to attempt. 

- Summoning
The ability in summoning skeletons, and other friends from the nether realm, into combat. 

- Life draining
The ability to drain the life from any victim, tearing them apart inside out, slowing and exhausting them. 

- Black fire
 Ability to create and bent dark flames into the shape of the user.
Examples; Generating bolts, and waves of flames, shaping circles of fire around the suer and victims, unable to avoid or escape from when lit.

- Pain supression
Able to supress most forms of physical pain, such as arrows and swords. The stronger the necromancer, the greater damage to be sustained. 

- Corpse rain
The ability to have large, burning skulls rain down from the sky, destroying anything on impact, effective against humans, as structures.
A spell that is most difficult and requiring alot of patience as control in order to fully unleash.

- Teleport
The ability to transport himself from one place to another in a mere blink of an eye.


Zarth was born with gifted knowledge, to great dissapointment to his parents however. They both shared an elemental ability, the odds Zarth would've gained one would've been 95 however, he became the little percent without. 
In result, his parents shared a greater interest to his sister, who was born two years after with the ability of the earth, to his great annoyence. Years however only increased this rage further, as most of the other kids avoided him for having no magic abilities, and though he praised his knowledge and gifted talents in using chants, and spells, he still grew up without having friends, and his parents neglection. It was all this that grew his dark desires, that led him to discover necromancy.

His childhood spent mostly studying, as the other kids played. And though his sister often discussed to put the books away, he simply ignored her words, reminding her of the rejection. 
The first steps to necromancy were simple, but the magic proved more diffcult than thought, but he was determined, if he would fail now, people would mock him further, and thus he studied, and practiced. 

Zarth's knowledge allowed him to easily gain access to these dark arts, allowing to master them in merely a few years of studying, practice and focus. When the council learned of his new studies, they urged his parents to discuss this at once. But when they confronted Zarth, and told him to stop this dark arts, he refused, which only filled his rage further. At this time, Zarth wanted revenge; Revenge against all who wronged, avoided and simply disliked him.

Truthfully, he wasn't to be blamed but his actions were however. As he strook down a rain of corpse fire on his home town, destroying farms, crushing homes and hurting countless, countless of people, among his family. His sister attempted to confront to stop him but failed.

But his next move proved most distasteful, for he made a move no one else has ever attempted, attacking the council. The council however, was aware of this, and upon their confrontation, urging him to stop this madness at once.
But Zarth simply questioned their ignorance, their lack of trust, and sjmply desired revenge. So Zarth gave it everything, but of course his magic was limited, and the council was superior above most people, still Zarth proved a powerful necromancer.  He was able to hold battle, but ultimately got defeated, scarred as his face burnt. He exclaimed this wasn't over, and was seen fleeing.. 

He went to the only land he would feel at home; Zolokai's wasteland, a dark, grim and waste that once belonged to the dark sorcerers and necromancers of old, now invested by trolls and slaves. 
He spent a fair deal of time meditating, learning to control his anger, as well as mastering the necromancy to the fullest, and with a few years he achieved this. 

As a full necromancer, he sought to assist the Thrall clan, powerful but blind without a man to lead them, so he offered them leadership, and revenge against all who wronged them in their past.
Together they formed a powerful alliance, and used his dark powers to enslave their captors, creating a dark, and powerful encampment. 


Zarth can easily be considered intimidate, cruel as cold. Appearing his robe all times, often in the company of another necromancer, or a thrall chief. In his youth he was aggresive, and crippled as he was avoided by everyone. After his rage was unleashed, he knew he had to control his anger to fully master and control the dark arts. He is calm most times, but can easily change attitude upon disobedience, and disrespect, accepting no weakness nor acts of betrayal.

Easily power hungry, Zarth simply desires to unleash the darkest magic upon people, having no care for the countless who would fall before this, simply demanding revenge for all they had done to him. 
He has great respect for powerful opponents, especially if they are younger and showing potential, whether they are enemies or not, he simply feels to respect equal beings to himself. Zaroth isn't easily deceived either, he can see through deception, and betrayal with ease. 


" People always talk about my crimes, but fail to mention their own; This is a common human weakness, one I do not possess. "
" See to it she does not succeed, we're too close to our goal, and I do not intend to see all this fail because a child plays games with us. "
" I admit, I am surprised, my agents mentioned they were thwarted by a powerful magician, all I see is a curious child. " 
" I could guide you, teach you about true knowledge! I would allow you to become great, while the council sees otherwise. "
" You failed me twice old friend, but I'm giving you one last chance to proof yourself .. see that you succeed. "  

" I admire your courage, praised your talents.. but this chase is over! " 
" Hehe.. you've got determination, I won't deny this. But I can't allow you to go further; The dark spirit within this temple is to be released; And the entire human kingdom will be struck! "
" Every inche of the land will be covered in snow, as far as the eye can reach; The sky will turn black, the wind will be too cold to endure, my revenge is as bitter as my heart, and destined! "

" That does not surprise me, elves are known to be suspicious, and cautious; They don't share much with anyone, even their own king often taste in the dust. "
" We'll let them find the temple, bide our time for the moment and once it's located, we will spread a dissease so powerful, that the elven race will cease to exist. "
" Always in my way child.. you're simply not understanding. "


" Humans are blind to their own weakness, only to view their success and never otherwise, this weakness is why humans were left alone. "
" My rage was filled due the ignorance and shadows I spent my childhood within. "
" Light and darkness are both needed for the sake of this world to be in balance. "
" The thrall were strong, but lacked a proper vision, which I gave them in return of their loyalty to me. "
" I was arrogant in my youth; But I've grown wiser and more powerful with the patience and control. " 

Did another fine job on this comission

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Comments: 6

DarthWill3 [2016-09-01 05:41:32 +0000 UTC]

Very impressive!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SillyInsaneGamer In reply to DarthWill3 [2016-09-01 19:25:42 +0000 UTC]

My thoughts exactly! I knew the concept would work out marvelous, but he exceeded with the work as always!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DarthWill3 In reply to SillyInsaneGamer [2016-09-02 01:20:42 +0000 UTC]

He reminds me of someone; I can't seem to put my finger on it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MissVRandom [2016-08-31 19:21:33 +0000 UTC]

awesome character I might draw him oneday in my spare time

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SillyInsaneGamer In reply to MissVRandom [2016-09-01 19:26:25 +0000 UTC]

Little doubt there! I feel necromancers shouldn't always be clad and robed, sometimes a simple exiled man can be as good.
You're always free doing that! Should you wanne know more of the appearance, just hit me. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

MissVRandom In reply to SillyInsaneGamer [2016-09-01 19:32:20 +0000 UTC]

okie dokes

👍: 0 ⏩: 0