Silver-KitsuneNeko — It Always Comes in Threes (F.A.C.E. x Reader) [NSFW]
Published: 2013-01-22 02:08:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 6597; Favourites: 181; Downloads: 10
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Description She snuggled up close to her husband. It's been awhile since they got to sleep in like this, during the week. She loved Matthew's chest. It was toned and hard but so soft if that was even possible. She loved his maple scent, his maple taste, just him in general. She loved these rare moments with him, "Mmm…Mattie," he said nothing but poked her cheek. She smirked in her sleep, "Do I have to stroke your hair curl as punishment?"

"Heh I got something long, hard and thick you can stroke, babe," __________'s eyes popped opened. She noticed she was lying on a tanned chest, wrapped in tanned arms, and looked up to be met with tanned lips. She screamed, jumped back and landed hard on the floor. Alfred chuckled and smirked looking down at her. She glared and spats.

"What are you doing here, Al?!"

"Can I visit?"


"Too bad, I'm here; I need a place to crash,"

"You have a place!"

"I need to lay low, get off my back babe. Besides, you didn't seem to protest my presence when you thought I was Mattie," he smirks. She glares and got out of bed earning a butt slap from Al. She whipped around to smack him one when he grabs her wrist.

"Ah, ah behave, babe," she glares as he shoved her towards the bathroom. She sighs and finally got her wits again. Matthew was going to be home tomorrow morning; he was stalking on the trail of a group of poachers who were spotted and responsible for nearly wiping out the endangered animal preserve this season. So she had to hold the fort until he returned. She glares at herself in the mirror. She had a feeling this was going to be a long day, as days tend to be with Alfred. She goes downstairs where he was making waffles. She had no idea what was up, but something was, she could feel it in her gut. He slid over a plate to her still with a big grin on his face.

"What's your angle, Alfred?"

"Can't I be nice to my brother's wife?"

"Matthew's not here for you mess with,"

"And that's why I'm here! I have to protect his sweet, innocent, adorable wife," he squished her cheeks together. She bats him off, "Get comfy, I'm staying here for the rest of the day," Despite being a pain, Alfred left ___________ alone most of the day keeping himself busy with making vegan foods and things. However, about five o'clock, Alfred tossed her a red, low cut dress.

"Put this on, we're going out tonight,"

"I'm not going anywhere with you," she retorted, "I'm having a nice quiet evening at home. I'm exhausted, watching you is like taking care of a child whom I know I can't leave for even a moment,"

"That really hurts you know," she brushed passed him towards the kitchen to start on something to eat, "You also should know, never turn your back on a villain," She was grabbed from behind and thrown to the couch. After being manhandled, she was wearing the dress and dragged to Al's car. She glared at him throughout the ride.

"Oh come on, babe. We never talk. Don't you trust me?"

"You never listen to me! And I would if you had an honest face,"

"I have a sexy face, that's what the ladies like," he smirked at her, "Besides, we're going to have fun tonight,"

Soon they arrived at a lounge called Amore. The bouncer took one look at them and let them in, even though Alfred was wearing his signature bomber jacket and shades. They found a seat at the bar area. They order their drinks and sat in silence for a moment. Then Alfred took off somewhere. On the stage, there was a young man rocking out on his guitar. Alfred slipped away for a moment as __________ enjoyed it. He was playing Mozart's Marriage of Figaro only the metal version of it. The man on stage was quite alluring. He was dressed like a gothic Victorian dandy. He had brown hair that was streaked blonde, deep purple eyes, and was wearing glasses. He was wearing black eyeliner that not only accented his eyes but his adorable mole on his face. Women all around were cheering at him and swooning madly. After he was done, he smirks and took off his lapel and throws it into the crowd. As the ladies, and some men, fought for it, he escaped backstage. Alfred soon rejoined her with the young man.

"Oh Alfred, who's this?" said an Austrian accent.

"Oh, this is Matt's chick,"

"Hi," she said smiling, "I never thought I would ever hear the Marriage of Figaro played like that before," he smirked.

"Not many know the name of the song, let alone like this version. Good ear, Schätzchen," he takes her hand and kisses it, "I'm Roderick, also known at the Mad Young Master,"

"I'm _____________. Your music is so cool!"

"You know, after my concerts, I'm really tired, maybe we can talk more there? Alone on the bed? With candles, wine, and caviar?"

"I would but sorry, I'm taken,"

"Ah too bad," he said, "I hope it works out for you better than it did with me but if you're looking to fall into temptation. I'll be waiting for you," he winked and went back to his adoring public. Alfred, after a few drinks, decided to take ___________ to the VIP area.

"Come on, I know the owner and he wants to meet ya!"

"Why does he want to meet me?"

"He likes cuties and since you're the only cutie I know personally, I want you and him to meet,"

Alfred took them to a room where it was quiet and separate from the rest of the restaurant. He seemed nervous as they reached the door. Inside was a couch, a water fountain in the corner, two familiar looking men were in the corner. One was reading a dirty magazine and the other practicing martial art kicks on a bag. He had a lot of tattoos on his arms and back. Alfred closed the door.

"She's here,"  

"Hello, gattina," she freezes. She knew that voice. She looks up only to be face to face with a pair of purple eyes, "Long time no see," she turned to leave when Alfred held her firmly by the waist, "Here, for your trouble," he tossed Alfred a bag containing a few cash bundles.

"You sold me?!"

"Well, he looking for a cutie with (e/c) eyed, (h/c) haired beauty that went by the name __________ in preferably in a red dress and since you matched all three, I decided to make some extra cash,"

"You bastard!"

"Sticks and stones babe—wait, I almost forgot," he reached into her chest. He searched and searched and searched. She glares at him trying not to show her embarrassment and ignoring Lutz and Adamo's perverted looks before she smacked him hard glaring daggers at him, "Never mind, thought she had her knife on her, have fun," he shoves her into Adamo and walked off. He turned to Lutz and Kiku.

"Leave us," her eyes widened. When the door closed he guides her and then shoved her on the couch, "What's your hurry, gattina?"

"Adamo…umm hi,"  

"Don't call me Adamo, my name is Feliciano, remember it,"

"Please, I told you, I'm not interested," she said firmly.

"Can't two new friends have a drink together? Besides, I have to pay you back for what you did at the poker game. I lost some of my good men that night and not to mention, I enjoyed your company immensely," He smirked and pulled her into his lap. She struggled to get off but he held her firmly. He strokes her cheek and pulls her closer, "You're in the wolf's den, gattina. There's no escaping me tonight,"

"Feliciano, you, as a man of business, would know better not to mess with another man's assets," she said softly, "And you can't expect me to give in this easily,"

"True, but I don't give us easily, I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth if I have to," he takes a knife and slides it down her cheek. She stiffened as he licked the side of her face slowly. Her heart was pounding. She had to find a way to get out of here in one piece. His grip was strong and he enjoyed seeing her look frightened. He then lets her go, she immediately jumps out of his lap.

"Vee~How about we play a game?"

"W-What kind of a game?" he grins at her and tosses her knife, "I win, you become my little gattina forever. You will live in my villa and be on my arm as my wife,"

"And if I win,"

"You won't," she glares.

"What's the game?"

"Simple bella, if you can leave this room without being carried you out, you win," he goes at her. ___________ moved quickly out the way. He came at her again. She was better with ducking and dodging as he swiped and slashed at her. Watching Artie gave her some idea on what to do, but it was actually getting the NERVE to do it that was a problem. She then started to attack each time she dodged him. Soon it was getting easier but thankfully she was fast enough to not actually get cut, until he got her near the punching bag. He slashed and she moved just in time but he cuts a sleeve from her dress. ________ instinctively covered herself, earning a slash on her exposed shoulder. She winced but managed to move when he went to ram her. His knife was stuck in the punching bag. She ran for the door. She stopped when she saw a knife fly past her, sticking to a wall. She turned and quickly grabs Feliciano's hand, keeping the knife as far away from her as she could. He overpowered her and slams her into the wall. She stares at the knife and the cruel, purple eyes smirking at her.

"Looks like I win, gattina," she frantically felt around the wall but found something else. She quickly pulls it. The fire alarm went off.  The sprinklers in the room went off. This took Feliciano off guard. She took the opportunity to slash him across the face. His face went back so kneed him in the stomach and run out the door.  In the confusion, she maneuvered her way through the crowded restaurant, looking for the closest exit until then slams into someone.  

"Whoa, what the hell," she looks up to see a large man. He glares and looked down at her. He said nothing but grabs her and leads her into the kitchen area. Upon closer look he was a large Cuban with dreadlocks and intense gold eyes.


"Máximo! I'm so happy to see you!" she hugged him tightly.

"What the fuck are you doing here?! And what the hell are you wearing?"

"I'll explain later but can you please get me out of here? Please?!" he took her outside and towards his black jeep. Máximo and Matthew were good friends, bonding over mutual hatred of Alfred. After a very bloody fight, Máximo realized that Matthew wasn't his brother. The pair were good friends since, Máximo was even his best man at the wedding and still kept close contact. She told him everything happening thus far.

"So let me get this straight. Matthew is hunting poachers and that SOB didn't even try to see if I wanted to go?"

"Well, it was short noticed. I barely knew myself,"

"So that pendejo Alfred took the opportunity to sell you to Feli for some extra cash?


"And Feli is lusting after you because you pulled out a knife on him, after helping Francis cheat at poker and was driving in that car chase,"

"That's basically the sum of it,"

"I have to honest with you, chica, what you did took ovarios de acero," she grinned, "Told you life wasn't going to be boring,"

"Yeah, I remember but right now, I just want to go home,"

"Well I can't take you there tonight,"

"Why not?"

"I have something illegal to take care of and I'm not going to put you in the middle of it. Is Arthur's bakery still open?"

"It should be,"

"Okay, I'll take you there," soon they were in front of a building with a large pink cupcake on top. Máximo stopped in front. __________ climbs out.

"Thanks a lot. I owe you one,"

"I'll come around later in the week to visit. You better have empanadas and ice cream waiting,"

"Deal," she smiled and ran inside. Everything was quiet in the bakery. Artie should be cleaning up for the day, "Artie are you here? It's me ____________,"

"In the back, poppet!" she goes to the back room. Artie was frosting a batch of cupcakes that were cooling on the counter. He smiled at his work and turned and looked at her. He stares for a few moments and blushed, "Umm…nice dress poppet,"

"Alfred made me wear it. I'll explain on the way home. You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not! But first some gents are coming in and I want to treat them to some treats. I made cupcakes, brownies, and even cookies. Please don't try any of them. I have plenty out front if want to nibble on something!"

"Umm okay!"

"But first," he goes to a trunk and started shuffling about, "Let me see. No…no…not this one oh here we are!" he pulled out a bright blue dress with pink lace and ruffles, "It's chilly out and I was waiting for Monday to give this to you but you're soaked to the bone!" she smiles and wears it. At least it was warm. She quickly changed in the bathroom. Artie waited and he motioned her to help him in the front. Just like he said, five thugs were in the shop waiting for him. Artie smiled nonetheless.

"Welcome to my bakery! Is there anything I can help you with?" the one in front pulled out a gun while the other closed the blinds and curtains.  

"You can put all your till into this bag," Artie smiles. ____________ could see the darkness in it.

"Poppet, fill the bag if you don't mind please. While she's doing that, please help yourselves to my goods, they're the best of the world," the tallest one took a bite of one of the cupcakes. He smirked.

"Tastes like shit," he smashed it on the counter. Artie glares. No one talked about his cooking in such a way.

"You, my good sir, ARE shit," he said coldly. The thug proceeded to gun whip Artie while his friends cheered him on. Each time __________tried to help, Artie gave her the coldest look, a warning for her to stay put. He started laughing after each hit, "Please sir, may I have another?" the man delivered another punch, "My aren't you a toughie?"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FUCKING—urk!" the man started coughing as his mouth started to foam. His mouth turned into a vicious, reluctant smile as blood poured from his mouth along with a mucus overload as it suffocated him.  He falls over laughing like manic as his friends watched in horror as he twitched. Artie motions ___________ to the door. She nods and locks it before returning to her position at the register. Then all at once, the young man stopped breathing. The others immediately went to the door. Artie smiles and takes out his knife.

"Poppet, help yourself to what you like on display. There's a pot of (your favorite tea)," he grabbed the closest one and held the knife to his throat, "This shouldn't take long. Quickly now, I really don't want you to see what I'm about to do,"

Artie, always the gentleman.

_____________ helped herself to (favorite dessert) while Artie had his fun in the front. She yawns and looks at the clock. It was almost eleven. She stretches and got comfortable, ignoring the screams of pain, the cries of pain, the begging for mercy, and not to mention someone singing 'Always Look on the Bright Side of Life'. Soon, he returned to the back of the room, covered in bloody and human tissue.

"Poppet, are you okay in here?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Are you?"

"Oh yes! I need to do a quick errand before turning in," he had the mutilated bodies on a plastic tarp as he dragged them into the back to a trapdoor.

"Artie…need help?"

"Poppet, I can't make a lady drag something heavy like this. But I need another person with the second task. Artie lets the bodies fall into the trapdoor, and then closed it. Then he ushers __________ to another door and they walked downstairs. There in the room was a giant meat grinder. Artie motions her to the handle and they started grinding the meat together. She could hear the gnashing and crushing of bones, "I'm so sorry for getting you involved but those gents have been staking out the bakery for weeks now and they usually attacked their victims just when its closing time. Now please tell me what happened to you tonight?" after explaining and giving out the details and events leading up to tonight, Artie gaped, "You poor thing! No wonder you look so disheveled! Thank goodness Máximo was there! That Alfred! I honestly think there's something wrong in his head! Don't worry, we're get you home,"

"Thank you Artie,"

"But please be more assertive! If not, that little biscuit will walk all over you!" she nodded.

"Umm…I hate to ask but what are you going to do with this…meat?"

"Oh! I make meat pies to give them to homeless shelters as an anonymous donor! Poor things! They need to fill up on something other than soup!"

That old saying "Everything comes in threes" entered __________'s mind. So far being set up by Al and grind people's bodies for pies were her two incidents. She was now awaiting number three. Then again, everything could be okay for the rest of the night. She'll wake up, fresh and rejuvenated, and then she was going to hunt Alfred down and beat him with something hard and blunt. They made it to the woods without further incident. Artie talked nonstop about his day at the bakery.

"Lovely school children came today! One was crying because something some young man said to her that was highly inappropriate. I gave her one of my Happy Cupcakes! You should have seen her little heart soar and her frown turned upside down! What a sweet little gem! Kids are so innocent at those ages! You almost don't want them to grow up! I've trying making a permanent age cupcake but it didn't go as well as I hoped! They had adults' minds in children's bodies, dreadful really. But dear, next time if you're all alone in that house, you can call me! We can make cupcakes together! Francis said he'd rather bite his own tongue off than to spend more than three days consecutive with me!"

"Next time I will. It's better than waking up to Alfred thinking he's Matt,"

"Alfred and social norms have never really been a strong poin—," Artie quickly swerved to avoid an animal that jumped in front of his car. They got out making sure it was okay. A white wolf stared at them expectantly.

"Kumajiro? What are you doing out here, boy?"  Kumajiro was Matthew's wolf. Usually if he was out hunting, Kumajiro was with him. He looks at _____________ and pulled her dress, motioning her to follow him. She went off and Artie followed as well. In a clearing, they saw some people in dark clothing with red X's on their back loading wolves and foxes into their van. By the looks of it, the animals looked as though they were drugged in some way and didn't bother fighting their attackers. In the van, she could hear moose calves, quails, fowl, and other animals. This could only mean they were at this all night.

"Who are they?" whispers Artie.

"They're with the same poaching group that Matt's hunting at the moment," she whispered.

"What are they doing here? I thought Mattie was hunting them,"

"I guess they figured if he's hunting a few of them miles away, then those who stayed behind has a chance to finish whatever they were doing here," she had to think for a moment. Those animals are reserve animals only and this is a violation of what they were doing, if they were caught by the police, they would be serving hard time in prison with no bloodshed needed, but then again what they were doing wasn't exactly humane. They've been hunting and killing animals for a black market chef who wants to push his culinary skills by cooking endangered or predatory animals for sick minded customers. She shuddered at the thought, "I think I can lure them to one of Matt's traps,"


"Poacher traps, they are designed to trap humans, not animals. They're near the owl sanctuary. I think I can lure them there but I need you to free the animals,"

"Be careful, Poppet," she nodded. She slowly crept around in stealth mode. She swallows a lump in her throat and jumps out. The poachers looked at her. Kumajiro was at her side. They stared at her for a few more moments before they burst into laughter.

"It's the blue and pink ninja!" she almost forgot she was wearing Artie's dress. Kumajiro whines and nuzzles her hand comfortingly as to say 'There, there you look awful but you still smell nice'.

"Actually, ladies and gentlemen, I was wondering, could you please keep it down? I'm tending my owls in their sanctuary and they owlets just hatched,"

"Owls you say?" said a woman with blonde hair and green eyes, "Where are they?"

"I'm not telling you! I know you're poachers,"

"Then why did you mention an owl sanctuary, stupid?"

"Please, just leave and leave the animals alone,"

"And who are you, anyway?"

"The guardian of the woods," she smiled. The poacher however, didn't look happy at what she said and pulled a gun.

"Take us to them, bitch," Kumajiro growled but ___________ pats his head.

"Fine, let's go," because of the recent owl themed movies, owls were a black market gold mine. Some people wanted to keep them as pets like parrots or dogs. Some of them die in transport, like many poached and smuggled animals. She led them further and further away and deeper and deeper into the woods. Soon she stopped at a clearing, "Here you go, after you," the woman shoves ___________ out of the way and walked into the trap with her men. Kumajiro and ___________ waited for a few moments until they heard screaming, things snapping, and finally something being lifted into the trees. They cautiously walked into the clearing. The poachers were tied in a net and locked in an electric cage, and hung above a pit. She often wondered how her husband knew how to do things like this. She yawns. Matt can get them in the morning, "Let's go home, Kumajiro, there's a steak in there with our names on it,"

Kumajiro barked and then suddenly growled. She heard a thunk and a body falling. She turned. One of the poachers, who were trailing behind her, was at her feet clearly knocked out. A large figure comes out with a familiar cigar and holding a shovel.  

"Coño chica!" said Máximo scolding, "Can't you stay out of trouble tonight?!"

"ME?! What are you doing out in the middle of the woods at night with a shovel?"

"The less you know—,"

"—the better," she knew that as a mantra now. Artie appeared moments later with Francis. Francis looked at ________ in her dress, in front of the poacher trap then to Artie still covered in blood, then to the unconscious poacher on the ground an imprint of a shovel on his face. He said nothing but tossed Máximo a bag and went back into woods without a word. He looked at his watch.

"You know, it's almost four in the morning, how about we all go back to my place and you two can sleep there and first thing in the morning, I'll take you home?"

"Sounds like a plan,"

"WHAT THE HELL?!" it was now nine in the morning. After a quick fresh up, Máximo took _________ and Artie back to her home. Upon arrival, everything seemed normal; however, the inside spoke otherwise. The house was trashed, literately, TRASHED. Alcohol cans and bottles were everywhere, things were turned over or thrown out a window. The kitchen was almost destroyed, clothes were all over the stairs and banister, food was thrown everywhere, the house smelled like vomit, beer, cigarette smoke, sewage, and blood. There was writing on the walls in blood, and soon, something stirred in the mess. Alfred emerged from it, wearing her pink skirt with nothing under it.

"Damn it, doll, keep it down,"

"I will not! What happened in here?!"

"I had a party, what the fuck do you think?"

"WHY at MY place?" she glared. There was a low chuckle. Roderick was coming downstairs moving trash as he did.

"You're not familiar with an Alfred Jones party are you? He never hosts them at his place because, well, things like this happen, Schätzchen,"

"That's why I had to get you out of the house," said Alfred smirking, "And as usual, you had to be difficult. I had no idea that Feliciano had a thing for you. I'd would have given you to him this morning and save on buttering you up. Besides, it's not like I didn't know you'd get out of that situation. You can usually handle your shit, so no biggie, right?"

"Good morning, Liebling," Lutz was on the couch smirking at her.

"So dollface, I'll leave you to cleaning up before Mattie comes home. There's a good little wifey," Alfred laughed. _________ looked at all of the destruction before she felt something snap in her.  


"You look really cute when you're angry…and my grandmother can hit harder than that," she started smacking him some more until she realized he had an odd look on his face. Alfred rolled over panting and flushed. _____________ looks down. Her face went red and she averted her eyes. Alfred's legs here spread and she could clearly see his boner staring at her. Roderick, Lutz, and Máximo laughed and Artie sighed.

"From your expression, I'm guessing you didn't know he got off on pain," Matt was at the door looking at the pair, "Why do you think he provokes me a lot. He likes it when I yell and beat the shit out of him," he strode over to his brother and picks him up, "You're cleaning this shit up,"

"Don't worry about it," said Roderick still laughing and calling a cleaning service and holding up Alfred's payment from Feliciano, "I think this will cover it, this and seeing Schätzchen beating Alfred into nothing,"

"Sounds like you had some fun," said Matt smirking at her. While everything was being cleaned, Máximo let them stay with him for a bit. She curled up on his shoulder.

"I hope I never had to do it again,"

"It's only going to be worst if don't assert yourself, maple leaf," he yawned and pulls her down on the couch with him. They were both pretty exhausted. __________ closed her eyes and snuggled the hard chest she loved. Matthew rubbed her back, "As soon as we get home I'm going to fuck your brains out," her eyes popped opened. He smirks, "Your Alfred abuse got hard too. If you know what good for you, you better get some rest because we're not leaving for two days or if you die from exhaustion,"
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Comments: 59

TheMonsterInsideofMe [2015-03-23 17:41:34 +0000 UTC]

Are you a fan of Sweeney Todd? Only Artie's pies sound very familiar...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LuciferMoriarty In reply to TheMonsterInsideofMe [2015-04-26 14:17:59 +0000 UTC]

I tought I was the only one who saw it!

Freaking love this movie *^*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheMonsterInsideofMe In reply to LuciferMoriarty [2015-04-27 21:08:59 +0000 UTC]

I haven't seen the film. I'm too young (but I've heard it was brilliant). I was talking about the original story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LuciferMoriarty In reply to TheMonsterInsideofMe [2015-04-28 13:09:56 +0000 UTC]

The one in France or the book?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheMonsterInsideofMe In reply to LuciferMoriarty [2015-04-29 16:22:13 +0000 UTC]

The original story? The Victorian one?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

riley-phantomhive [2014-07-03 03:16:29 +0000 UTC]

That has to be my favourite!!!! If you don't mind a Luciano/Feliciano x Reader would be ace!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PickleQueenOfNinjas [2014-03-25 01:01:36 +0000 UTC]

Dang, it's amazing that Alfred's not dead yet. Then again, he probably wouldn't die even if you killed him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DonkeyFace98 [2014-02-10 00:03:17 +0000 UTC]

If this was real I would have chopped off Al's Dick and put it in a jar so he can't get off on pain anymore 😊 but I really want to find someone like Matt, he knows just what to say 😉

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to DonkeyFace98 [2014-03-17 18:41:57 +0000 UTC]

LMAO!!!! Alfred never thinks unfortunately. Matthew is adorable and wise beyond his years. His main goal is protecting and being nice to his wife n,n

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DonkeyFace98 In reply to Silver-KitsuneNeko [2014-03-17 20:38:28 +0000 UTC]

Sadly the Matthew's in this world are few and far between :/

Alfred's are probably more likely to come by, and would make me laugh I guess XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Alice-cry11 [2013-12-13 01:33:02 +0000 UTC]

the first thing that poped up in my head at the cuting part with england was a berbershop then the next part with trap door was demon then the grider was "HOLY F**KING GOD I DONT EVER WANTO PISS OF ENGLAND OR STEAL FROM OR SAY HIS COOKING IS BAD"

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to Alice-cry11 [2014-01-04 23:06:37 +0000 UTC]

NEVER piss off Artie and it's an automatic death sentence if you blatantly tell him his cooking sucks after tasting it >< 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alice-cry11 In reply to Silver-KitsuneNeko [2014-01-05 17:05:39 +0000 UTC]

thats why i love Olli maybe he can help me cook *very bad at it*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to Alice-cry11 [2014-03-08 06:57:59 +0000 UTC]

Pffft no one's bad at cooking. You need to find your niche. You could never be as bad as my friend who somehow ruined instant brownies. Seriously, all she had to do was add water and a an egg and the brownies came out a gooey half baked mess. Still good though. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alice-cry11 In reply to Silver-KitsuneNeko [2014-05-17 21:08:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

1Seven-Sins1 [2013-11-14 19:07:49 +0000 UTC]

AL YOU WASTE OF HUMAN FLESH! *chases him with a shovel* I SHALL KILL YOU! DX

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to 1Seven-Sins1 [2013-11-14 22:40:03 +0000 UTC]

LMAO!!! The man's walking chaos! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

1Seven-Sins1 In reply to Silver-KitsuneNeko [2013-11-15 01:14:48 +0000 UTC]

*beats him with the shovel* Ikr?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Heyitstaylorpike [2013-09-19 01:04:24 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to Heyitstaylorpike [2013-09-23 17:33:22 +0000 UTC]

More like Asshole >👍: 0 ⏩: 0

minchen0897 [2013-08-01 16:24:09 +0000 UTC]

'Always look on the bright sight of live' ->the life of Brian. That song is awesome and the movie is not bad too~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to minchen0897 [2013-08-01 17:25:19 +0000 UTC]

LOL I wondering when someone would get that reference. Love that movie, especially when the Roman corrected his Latin and not to mention Biggus Dickus xD 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

minchen0897 In reply to Silver-KitsuneNeko [2013-08-01 18:37:01 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SocietyMember [2013-07-20 02:09:57 +0000 UTC]

Um... Artie makes meat pies out of human flesh?  Is this a Sweeney Todd reference or just a coincidence?

Either way, great story!

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Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to SocietyMember [2013-07-21 23:02:41 +0000 UTC]

A little of both, only difference is that Artie isn't out for revenge, he has unsavory people break into his Bakery all the time and because there's so many corpses he decided to feed the homeless n,n Sweeney....he just does it for revenge and that's just crazy n,n

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SocietyMember In reply to Silver-KitsuneNeko [2013-07-21 23:22:04 +0000 UTC]

*sigh* Only Artie would think to do that. 

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Bonegirl321 [2013-06-25 21:36:56 +0000 UTC]

Think 2p Italy is still going to be after her?

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Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to Bonegirl321 [2013-06-26 03:13:31 +0000 UTC]

Oh definitely, and even more so since she scarred him.

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Bonegirl321 In reply to Silver-KitsuneNeko [2013-06-26 15:30:37 +0000 UTC]

oh good

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SilverMoon75 [2013-05-18 15:42:24 +0000 UTC]

If I was honestly in that situation, F.A.C.E would be F.C.E. by the end of it. Alfred, you SOB....Imma KILL YOU!!! *runs after with machete, scythe and several instruments of torture including a blender*

Besides my being pissed at Al, this was another fantastic story by you my dear. Brilliant plot and entertaining work. I loved it like always. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a stupid American to go violently murder. Bye bye! *waves cheerfully before horrified scrams commence*

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Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to SilverMoon75 [2013-05-18 20:34:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you n,n! Damn that Al but sadly with him, he LIKES pain so beating him to death would be a turn on in a way, especially if the person doing it is cute. But that doesn't mean he's not going to feel it if you really put your back into it [lands crowbar] n,n

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guardianarchangel [2013-05-04 02:57:12 +0000 UTC]

AWWWWWWWWWW I Wanna be married to MAttie

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Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to guardianarchangel [2013-05-06 03:26:38 +0000 UTC]

He knows just what to say n,n

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guardianarchangel In reply to Silver-KitsuneNeko [2013-05-06 04:00:02 +0000 UTC]

I Know LOL

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Arione-rii [2013-03-14 14:33:56 +0000 UTC]

Boy, do I have a new found love 2P F.A.C.E. family~

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Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to Arione-rii [2013-03-14 18:02:42 +0000 UTC]

AWWW YAY!!! There's plenty more in my gallery!

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Arione-rii In reply to Silver-KitsuneNeko [2013-03-15 05:40:49 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha YESSS~

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aibi0608 [2013-03-10 15:29:07 +0000 UTC]

all this links to al...... isnt matt gonna kill al for doing that to his beloved wife 0v0

i forgot that al is a masochists so pain is no deal , well maybe except death.....

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Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to aibi0608 [2013-03-11 18:27:03 +0000 UTC]

LOL Al's reasoning is "As long as she's not harmed, Matt won't kill me, beat the ever-loving shit out of me, but not kill" and that's all he wants. Reader-chan can handle herself quite a bit.

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aibi0608 In reply to Silver-KitsuneNeko [2013-03-11 23:26:24 +0000 UTC]

what else is sexier beside the fact that your husband is a professional poacher/bounty hunter ?? *w*

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EmeraldPeacock [2013-03-07 03:40:40 +0000 UTC]

That was awesome. This is pretty normal for the Face family. XD

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Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to EmeraldPeacock [2013-03-07 04:46:39 +0000 UTC]

LOL So much that Francis just left without even wondering why Artie was covered in blood or why Reader-chan was in the middle of the woods with poachers.

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AvalonMelody [2013-02-13 09:20:08 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, it wouldn't be a 2P F.A.C.E family fic without some blood~

Hrm, based on the information and the appearance of an Italian mafia, I keep thinking that this takes place somewhere in Italy. :I

That ending though. XD Who woulda thought. Nice work *goes to read more*

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Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to AvalonMelody [2013-02-15 03:50:46 +0000 UTC]

Actually even I have no idea where their location is LOL There's moose, the Russian mafia, the Italian mafia, deep woods, it's just a mess. There's a reason why Alfred provokes his brother >< Sadly that's the reason n,n

I'm glad you're enjoying them

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AvalonMelody In reply to Silver-KitsuneNeko [2013-02-15 05:45:12 +0000 UTC]

Hmm... Hybrid continent then! 8D Idk xD but it sure has a slew of activity doesn't it.

Indeed I am; though I finished the last fic a few days ago ;n;")

Keep writing! I wanna read more

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Ambymation [2013-02-08 10:19:19 +0000 UTC]

OMG i love it sooo much haha

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Roronoa-D-Riku [2013-02-01 07:17:00 +0000 UTC]

that. was. EPICAL! i love this too much ^^

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Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to Roronoa-D-Riku [2013-02-01 08:44:55 +0000 UTC]


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sassyfox79 [2013-01-23 21:33:10 +0000 UTC]

... I'm bad ass ...

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Silver-KitsuneNeko In reply to sassyfox79 [2013-01-24 00:23:49 +0000 UTC]

Damn right you are n,n

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