SilverBuller — InuYasha Shippings

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Published: 2018-09-09 15:36:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 8118; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 1
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This is my shipping ranking for InuYasha, and why I ship them in this order. This reverse-harem shipping has Kagome Higurashi with 9 possible love interests, the main one being Inuyasha. Rankings divided into Top Shippings (who I ship with the character), Ok Shippings (not people I ship with the character, but who I wouldn't mind), and Low Shippings (people I do not ship with the character). This will include *spoilers*.


#1) Inuyasha – Talk about a complex relationship, but that’s what makes this pairing interesting. The relationship between Inuyasha and Kagome is one of the most dramatic and complicated in all of anime, but that’s also part of its charm. They start off on the wrong foot, but grow close pretty quickly. Kagome’s feelings for Inuyasha remain pretty solid throughout the entire series as she falls deeper and deeper in love with him. Inuyasha’s feelings are a bit more fickle due to his feelings for Kikyou. But you can’t exactly blame him. His relationship with Kikyou was filled with loose ends and misunderstandings. And then there’s the complicated fact that Kagome is Kikyou reincarnation, making his feelings for her even more confusing, as neither he nor Kagome are sure if he truly loves her or if he’s projecting his feelings for Kikyou onto her. And since they look so much alike, not to mention having similar scents, Inuyasha always has a constant reminder of his former love. And then when Kikyou is brought back to life, that opens a whole new can of worms that all but tears Inuyasha in half as he is torn between the two. But drama aside, his relationship with Kagome would turn from sweet to humorous on a dime. His immaturity and childishness, coupled with his refusal to admit his feelings and the way he teases her, are adorable. And seeing him get jealous always ends in either a laugh or a cringe based on the situation. But the way they get together in the end is so precious, especially how Inuyasha claimed that Kagome was born, not because of the Shikon Jewel, but to be with him.

#2) Kouga – I really like Kouga, and ship him pretty hard with Kagome as well. While at first it seems like Kouga is only interested in Kagome because she can locate the jewel shards, it later becomes evident that he truly does love her, especially when he scolds Inuyasha for not taking care of her when her soul was stolen in order to resurrect Kikyou. Kagome cares for him a lot too, but seemingly only in a platonic way, though there have been hints that she might have some feelings for him. Truthfully, I actually find the pairing of Kagome and Kouga to be hotter than Kagome and Inuyasha, and he came close to taking the #1 spot. One of the reasons why he lost to Inuyasha in the rankings though is that I also ship him with Ayame just as hard as I do with Kagome.


#3) Sesshomaru – To be honest, the only ones I really ship with Kagome are Inuyasha and Kouga, but in comparison with the others who’ve shown at least some interest in her, I rank Sesshomaru at #3. When it comes to Kagome, Sesshomaru doesn’t really seem to care about her one way or the other, she’s just kind of there. Though initially regarding him as an enemy, Kagome now seems to care about him as a person and as Inuyasha’s brother. I wouldn’t say she finds him attractive exactly, but she does seem to acknowledge his looks. That being said, this couple could work under the right circumstances, but I don’t see it happening. Really, I only ship him with Kagura, and sometimes with the panther demon, Touran. Sorry to those that ship him with Rin, but she and Sesshomaru have a father-daughter bond, and picturing the two of them as a couple is just sickening, like a father hooking up with his adoptive daughter.

#4) Naraku – Likewise, I can’t see Naraku and Kagome getting together. However, I have read some fanfiction that seem to make it work, and there is a part of me that sometimes finds the idea of enemies becoming lovers very appealing under the right circumstances. Kagome utterly despises Naraku, and with good reason, and, at most, Naraku lusts after Kagome, albeit reluctantly, and this is due to Onigumo’s feelings for Kikyou that he inherited.

#5) Miroku – I really can’t see Miroku with anyone aside from Sango, but he showed the same level of interest in Kagome that he has with every other pretty girl he meets, asking her to bear his children almost immediately upon meeting her. Despite this, the two of them share a close friendship, and seem to have a sibling bond. Miroku, being a pervert, still acknowledges her beauty, though he it seems he’s stopped hitting on her, either due to losing interest or because he respects her too much.


#6) Akitoki Hojo – I find Akitoki to be a bit of a douchebag. His feelings for Kagome seem genuine for the most part, but he’s rather, shall we say, presumptuous when it comes to her, and almost seems to think he deserves her. He is respectful of her feelings though and gives up eventually and settles down with someone else. His feelings for Kagome seem to remain strong though, as he suggests that the girl he ends up with change her name to Kagome. That seems like a real douchey thing to do, but it does show the level of his feelings for Kagome and suggest that he never gets over her. As for Kagome, she only seems to think of him as a friend, although she does briefly consider the possibility that they might end up together when she learns of her classmate Hojo’s ancestors being Akitoki and “Kagome”.

#7) Hojo – As the descendant of Ashitoki, Hojo is a lot like his ancestor, but even more of a presumptuous douchebag. He almost seems to think Kagome belongs with him, or that she should be with him, despite the fact that she has a “boyfriend”. To be fair, he has gotten a lot of mixed messages and faced many misunderstandings due to the circumstances and Kagome’s friends trying to set the two of them up. He is a nice guy though, and does seem to care about Kagome a lot and have a real interest in her, and Kagome seems to care for him too, but only as a friend.

#8) Jinenji – The relationship between Jinenji and Kagome is really sweet. They have a real Quasimodo/Esmeralda relationship, with him having a huge crush on her, but she, sadly, only sees him as a dear friend. Under different circumstances, and if Inuyasha wasn’t in the picture, I could see Kagome giving him a real chance if she ever came to see him in a romantic light, but the thought doesn’t seem to have even occurred to her. I really like Jinenji, but the reason he’s ranked so low is because he’s barely appeared in the series, only 3 episodes I think. Maybe if he appeared more often I would have ranked him higher.

#9) Onigumo/Muso – And here we have the bottom of the barrel. Onigumo, or Muso as he began to call himself after he was expelled from Naraku’s body, is a straight up stalker/rapist person. Falling for, or should I say, obsessing over Kikyou, and lusting after her to the extent that he sells his souls to demons, merging with them to create Naraku, only to be expelled from his body as Muso, his only thoughts being to find a suitable face, and to take Kikyou, against her will if need be. And when he couldn’t find her, he takes Kagome as a replacement. So the relationship between him and Kagome is purely one of obsession and lust, and him projecting his feelings for Kikyou onto her. So, at most, he sees her as a substitute. Kagome, in return, hates him and only sees him as an enemy, though she does seem to feel some sympathy for the horrible life he lived and his eventual fate.

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