SirKaijuOfVaudeville — HWE Kyra Scott

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Published: 2015-09-15 07:48:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 4678; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 18
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HWE Kyra Scott

Name: Kyra Scott

Aliases: Professor/Dr. Scott (Post 2036), Kyr (pronounced “Keer” and only used by her close friend)

Species: Human

Age: 19 as of March, 2033, 22 in 2036

Alignment: Neutral Good

Occupation:  Cultural Anthropologist/ Crypto Anthropologist and Archaeologist

Related Mecha & Kaiju: none

Height: 5’8

Weight: 170.0 lbs


Career Essentials: When on an expedition, Kyra carries all of the essentials you would expect for the situation. Canteen, Hiking Equipment, Journals, etc. Survival Equipment, the works.

Friends in High Places: Kyra typically has access to high tier enigma-tech from her ‘friendly’ sponsors at Abrahms Corp. Nothing too fancy, but new enigma sensing equipment, probes, etc.

Invictorium Dagger: A superheavy, dense dagger of unknown origin acquired in Spring of 2035 from the Solomon's Mines Earth Hollow. Can cut through stone without so much of a blemish on the blade. However its weight means it needs the proper strength to back it up, and Kyra isn't particular trained in it.

Magatama: A jade magatama she acquired in 2036. She wore it constantly ever since.


Anthropological/Archaeological Prodigy: Kyra is a prodigy in cultural studies, archaeology, historiography and folklore. As of 2038 she has two Ph.D.’s majoring in both Cultural Anthropology and Archaeology.

Athletic: Kyra possesses an overall athletic build which she hones by running, swimming or hiking in her free time.

Christchurch Syndrome: The Christchurch syndrome, so named for the effects of the survivors of the Christchurch disaster, is a condition or rather enigma related mutation that occurs when someone is exposed to raw enigma. This condition results in slowed aging and altering of the optic lobes resulting in differing eye color on top of other symptoms such as natural hair color change. Kyra is only subject to the altering of her natural eye color and the slowing of her aging.

Omnilingual: (Post March 2034) After an incident with the Death Valley Tablet, Kyra discovers she can understand ANY language.

Trauma Coping Mechanism: Due to two major traumatic events, Kyra has developed a coping mechanism where she becomes hyper-focused on a particular subject and doesn’t rest until she’s made a break through.



Combat? Nope: She is a very average shot, and isn’t very much suited for fighting. Outside of shooting a problematic predatory animal, she isn’t very suited for fighting off things like Kaiju or larger gigafauna.

Curious: Her lust for knowledge is a little too much for her own good.

Survivors Guilt: After the incident in Christchurch and later with Asag, she is afflicted with severe survivor’s guilt and trauma afflicted from such things. This results in her defeatists’ attitude and trauma coping mechanism. Said defeatist attitude means physical obstacles or the like that she just can’t think her way out or solve means she just accepts the things way are a bit too quickly/accepting her fate as if to make up for the fact that she was the sole survivor of two tragedies.

 Night Terrors: She is frequented by nightmares and night terrors. Often about the two traumatic events that she endured.

Trauma Coping Mechanism: Said coping mechanism has a downside in that she can get so drive and obsessed by something it can become unhealthy. Working nonstop on something, her living conditions become a mess with sporadic notes posted everywhere, books strewn about, and organized chaos

Workaholic: Kyra will work so hard trying to get to the bottom of something it becomes unhealthy.

Personality: Kyra Scott is an ambiverted woman who while is more the capable of being a socialite and handling people, prefers quite academic work in a library or outright field work. She’s a workaholic and loves doing what she does. Instead of having a party she’d prefer being at an archaeological dig clear across the world, interacting and experiencing other cultures. When given work Kyra does not procrastinate and tries to get it done as soon and as efficient as possible. When she puts her mind to something she works until she has got it done or has mastered whatever she is doing… but this behavior has a tragic side.

Due to a traumatic events as a child, and later as a young woman, Kyra has developed a coping mechanism to deal with trauma and stress which translates into turning her into a hyper-efficient, hyper-obsessive workaholic. Whatever conundrum she’s stumped on she obsesses over it day and night until she solves it. From deciphering a tablet of a long dead language, to writing a report, to rampant philosophizing about a possibility until the most rational answer comes to her.

She likes to think herself a rationalist thinker, but she has a very romanticist mindset as opposed to a more ‘enlightenment’ mindset and is actively soul-searching in private for spiritual salvation through exploring a myriad of faiths and religions.

When interacting with people, she tends to make friends fast… in different cultures. She has difficulty handling the peers of her own country or other English-speaking western societies. She’s a moderate ideologically and politically meaning the polarized extremists on both side of the aisle drive her up a wall and making her want nothing to do with it, otherwise politics and the ideologies that play into that make her brain hurt. Due to this, this made her college social life non-existent besides interacting with (most) of her professors and a certain childhood friend. Her workaholic nature likewise makes sustaining any romantic relationship difficult. Her sexual preference is unknown, college rumors non-withstanding. Her issues with romance make her very, very easily flustered and easily embarrassed at the notion of any romantic or intimate encounter.

When exposed to new cultures or countries she is very inquisitive and curious, asking a lot of questions of the locals, leading to initially get the name of ‘that crazy foreign lady’. Overtime that curiosity cements a good healthy relationship between her and the locals.

She has an odd taste in clothing. She really fancies traditional explorer garb worn by British orientalist explorers in the late 1800’s. No other reason besides she finds it aesthetically pleasing. She likewise takes and wears various things


Other Quirks:

    -          Kyra is a close friend of Nichole Abrahms, current CEO of Abrams Corp. As well as an Abrahms family friend.



The History of Kyra Scott is one of tragedy and recovery. Born in 2014 in Christchurch, New Zealand to an upper middleclass family, Kyra’s early childhood life was nothing spectacular, and overall normal for a child of her age. However starting when was around 7 years old she developed a fascination with the local Maori historian down the street from her house who would serve as a sort of mentor figure for the next four years of her life.

However, tragedy struck in a cold November night when the Enigma Reactor present in Christchurch had a critical failure of which resulted in a massive firestorm through several districts of Christchurch which resulted in hundreds of people dead or missing. Kyra’s entire family was killed, leaving her the sole survivor.

She was plagued by nightmares for years afterwards. The contents of these nightmares seemingly all having to die with that sudden inferno and tragedy. But also before that entailing the presence of a priest and three demons: one demon wielded two swords and looked like a hawk, another held a crimson spear, and the other hat and musket, all fighting in the vicinity of the reactor before the world was consumed in flame.

Abrahms Corp took full responsibility for the incident:  paying billions in reconstruction, paying for damages, settlements to grieving families, increased political lobbying, paying higher taxes, etc. One such thing was foster homes catering towards the people orphaned in the incident, providing them with financial, mental health, and societal support.

Kyra was however a special case, the trauma of what had happened being etched deep into her psyche, and ultimately blamed herself for surviving and living when her family had perished. Psychological recovery was deemed difficult and it was clear that Kyra was far and beyond one of the more special cases that program wasn’t really suited to cover outside of shipping the young Kyra off to a special rehabilitation program outside of trying to get her to make a friend or family member to help her through this situation, of which due to the tragedy Kyra had none.

To the shock of all, the enigmatic and reclusive founder of Abrahms Corp stepped forward: Amadeus Abrahms.  Abrahms expressed interest into introducing his own similarly aged daughter to Kyra and easing her through the trauma and rehabilitating Kyra while giving her a normal relationship. With the added bonus that maybe his own quiet daughter could make a friend and have a normal friendship without all the clout of her famous father overhead influencing her future and any potential relationships.

Despite initial hiccups, the two girls eventually began to get the other out of their shell, and overtime this bloomed into a close, mutual friendship. It was starting in high school that Kyra began to show extraordinary promise as a student, surpassing even many of the schools advanced placement programs. In terms of history and literature courses, she was unparalleled and she was above average in her other studies. It came as no surprise when she was starting to take community college courses when she was just a freshman. By sophomore year and an age of 16 she graduated High School and was finishing up general education requirements on the community college level. She had kept in contact with Nichole Abrahms, and her father watched on with a distant eye as he watched the once traumatized girl from a cruel, random tragedy turn into a rising star. While Kyra was pursuing a degree in humanities, specifically Cultural Anthropology with dabbling in Archaeology, Nichole was quickly following in her father’s footsteps, her own success story being forged in various business schools and apprenticeship programs as well as quickly rising in the ranks of her father’s company, making it clear that she had inherited her father’s touch and obvious that she would inherit the family business.

While Kyra didn’t know Nichole’s father too well, she still felt the shock and pain her close friend felt when her father suddenly passed away in 2031. It was this time Kyra’s chance to ease her friend through a devastating loss, especially with the sudden burden of being next in line of succession of one of the, if not THE largest enigma-tech company in the world. Nichole Abrahms had little time to grieve, though Kyra’s support did help.

While Nichole was proving her mettle in the rough and tumble world of multibillion dollar business, Kyra received a scholarship and applied to be a part of a foreign exchange program to the United States so to pursue greater ventures---

And then a certain blistering day in March came along… which would bring yet another grievous tragedy into Kyra Scott’s life… when the kaiju Asag was awakened.


September 2033:

As the year began to draw to a close and autumn took its hold on the world, the world was still reeling from the chain of events that began in March.

An entire modern metropolis in California was razed to the ground in a matter of hours. Tens of thousands dead. Even more tens of thousands displaced or homeless. The monstrosity responsible was still at large, somehow disappearing mere hours afterward into the Pacific Northwest. On top of this, other giant monsters were encountered in Lake Superior and in Montana. On top of the discovery of a living DINOSAUR on an island off the coast of Japan.

On top of this, all over the world strange creatures ranging from creatures long thought extinct to creatures that completely defy explanation (besides, you know, Enigma) were being discovered all over the world. The Loch Ness Monster, or rather monsters, were in fact a reality. And who knows what else dwelled in the dark corners of the Earth.

However for one student--- tragedy only made way for the lust of discovery.


“Damn it all. Where did I set it--- no that’s not it. No, that’s the Epic of Gilgamesh, no that’s the transcript of the tablet of Hammurabi, no not that. No— I just bloody had it!“ a frazzled blond woman mumbled to herself while sifting through what could only be described as chaos.

And by chaos I mean, documents and books strewn all over a dimly lit room. The walls weren’t safe from the chaos either as several papers, newspaper clippings, printouts, photos, etc. were all posted along the walls. All the while the muffled ringing could be heard in the room as the frazzled woman scrambled to find the source.

“Ah, there it be!” she proclaimed as she pulled out a touch screen cell phone, which was still ringing. “Ello, kind of busy at the moment please your name and number at the—“

“Kyr, you’re not fooling me, talk to me normally.” Another female voice answered, this one with a bit of a professional undertone.

“Oh! Nichole! My god I can’t begin to tell you the stuff I’ve been uncovering, I have very strong reason to believe there are undiscovered civilizations not known to—“ a deep sigh was heard over the sigh.

“Lass, I need to get you pissed or get you a bonk, or both.” Nichole exasperated to her long time friend over the phone.

“Dammit ‘Chole! I don’t drink and I don’t fuck about, you know this!” Kyra cried flustered at the prospect.

“Yet, in both cases you’d be no less presentable than you probably are now.”

“What do you know—“

“Kyra. How much of a disaster area is your room, right now?” a stern question came over the phone.

… The conversation then became silent with the sole exception of an audible “ummmm…”

“That’s what I thought.” Nichole answered. “Please tell me you’re presentable though.”

“Define presentable?”

“Do you have your pants and top on? I swear I don’t want a repeat of last week, though I must say you really are becoming nicely endow-“

“DON’T YOU DARE FINISH THAT SENTENCE ‘CHOLE!” Kyra practically screamed, her face beat red. After several breaths, Kyra continued: “Yes, I am presentable. Why do you want to know?”

“Because I’m coming in.” before Kyra could respond, the sound of the front door to her apartment was being opened.

Kyra scrambled out into the living room, and the woman before her was a stark contrast to her current appearance. While Kyra was frazzled and looked a book worm cooped up for days, Nichole was much more professional. Suit and tie, pencil skirt, clean brushed hair, the whole works.

“’Chole? What are you doing here?”

“What, can’t I see my dear old friend?”

“No--- I mean yes, I mean--- grrrr!” Kyra tried to get a word out but was too flustered by her friend’s, her world famous and extremely wealthy friend, sudden entrance into her by contrast very subpar rental apartment. Nichole proceeded to take a seat at the dining room table while she suit her suitcase upon it.

Kyra took a deep breath. “I appreciate you coming over ‘Chole, but didn’t you have a meeting tonig-“

“Did. It’s already finished.” Nichole stated as a matter of factly. “Some other Enigma Tech Company in Germany is trying to make a power play over enigma blooms in the Sea of Okhotsk, a region allotted to us by the Russian Government, meaning I had to oversee and set the balance in the event of a potential bidding war. The board was fearing this upstart would try and strong arm his way into the Pacific.”


“--- And so they made a big deal over the loss of stocks a few years ago and how they feared this might be the end of Abrahms Corp’s dominion of the Pacific market, and bidding too high or too low would be disastrous--- ya know, the usual old millennial recession fears. In a few phone calls, I not only got our competitor to retract their bid from the Sea of Okhotsk blooms, but made him grossly overbid over a bloom in Kazahkstan by upbidding them there--- meaning our potential competitor overbid on a relatively small bloom and made them retract their claim of Okhotsk, meaning we make a profit and they lose out big time.”

Kyra whistled. “So you got him to back off by bidding on a small bloom in Kazahkstan for a ridiculous amount of money, said bloom your competitor was also interested in, and in order to keep his own foothold in that region retracted his expansion plans and potential profit to cement his position? God damn ‘Chole, that’s pretty bloody cruel.”

A manic grin crept across Nichole’s face as she adjusted her glasses. “I won’t lie, I played them like god damn a bloody fiddle. Of course the board were ecstatic at the aversion of that ‘crisis’, so I decided I might as well end my day with a friendly evening chat with my dear friend about other matters.”

“Look ‘Chole I appreciate it and all, but I really am not—“

“Kyr, look at yourself. You’ve been so obsessed with these hidden cultures under our feet for weeks now. I get it, it’s how you cope with a world gone crazy. But sometimes, you need to take a deep breath and focus on other things for a while.”

“Oh Brilliant. Here we go—“

“Let me finish. I may be in the unfortunate position of both being the best friend of a traumatized would-be archaeologist and/or anthropologist, as well as burdened with running one of the richest companies in the entire damn world, but even I know when to take a step back and reevaluate the situation. You’ve been delving into Sumerian culture for weeks now, obsessing over that tablet you dragged out of that hell hole in California, amongst other things. Seriously, I don’t think you can get your master’s or even a PH.D spewing conspiratorial nonsense about a global underground Sumerian civilization.”

“’Chole…” Kyra breathed, getting frustrated.

“That said… how well versed are in Japanese?” Nichole asked. This came out of the left field.

“Uh--- it’s an Altaic language, derived from Chinese kanji---“ Kyra began to drone on

“So you’re not fluent in it.”

“…No.” Kyra breathed

“Tell me, how many years do you have until you begin your doctors program?”

“Two. Why?” Kyra asked, curious as to what her longtime friend was getting at.

“Because--- I have received some very… exclusive rights.” Nichole opened her suitcase and passed a photo along the table to Kyra. It was satellite scan of what seemed to be an island south of Japan.

“It’s an island---“ Kyra responded with some disappointment. However it was then she noticed something: “wait a minute… this is an enigma satellite scan right?” Kyra asked.

“Correct. That island shows up on no map, nor does conventional satellite scan pick it up. It’s a Lost Island. And I think you know enough about Japan and its mysteries to put two and two together.”

“Yamatai?” Kyra asked.

“Nailed it, Kyr. I have reason to believe that under that island is an Earth Hollow. Either, a very shallow one, or a very BIG one because the enigma being pumped off of that island is insane. Our satellite had to do three passes to even get a picture of it. You cannot believe how much we had to pay the Japanese Government for rights to even explore this island, let me remind you, Enigma bloom rights ain’t cheap!”

"Wait... this isn't the island with the still living Dinosaur isn't it?!" Kyra asked

"The very one!" Nichole replied chipperly

“Okay… where do I fit into this?” Kyra asked nervously.

“Well, I can’t let my best friend ruin her career because of destroyed evidence of an ancient super nation that may or may not be related to ancient Mesopotamia. At the same time I believe she has a point about hidden cultures in these places. So I happen to have a place that has a very high, historical likelihood to have one such culture you speak of, and just so happen to be needing someone to lead an expedition into the place in a few years’ time…”

“So wait. You want me to lead an expedition into an unknown Earth Hollow system, a system that may have good knows what other giant horrors. This is Japan we’re talking about, if Sumer had burning bug demons, then Japan has giant rape ogres, dragons, and god knows what else may be reality. Hell, the island on top of it has a still living, breathing, bloody DINOSAUR on it. And you want me, a traumatized master’s student, to lead an expedition into such a place because it may or may not have an ancient, hidden society lost to the world.”

“To be fair, you’ll be in a doctorate program by the time the expedition is being put together—“

“Now let me finish ‘Chole. You realize what you’re suggesting is crazy, right?”

“Is it any less crazy than the wild theories posted all over your room?”

“...okay ‘Chole, you got me there. But really, am I really up to the task of doing such a thing? I mean, what if ‘that’ happens again? What if it all falls apart and theres nothing but more hellish horrors down there—“ Kyra began, breathing heavily as tears began to well in her eyes, but was stopped when Nichole got up and embraced Kyra in a hug.

“I know you can do it. You’ve done the impossible twice before, Kyr. You were there for me when my father passed, now let me be there for you and give you the chance to show the world you can do the impossible. Show the world that such a place exists. The write a doctor’s thesis about it. Get a PH.D, become famous--- And THEN spew all the stuff about ancient Mesopotamian underground super nation you want. Then you’ll have context to back up your claims, and the respected and reputable clout of a world renowned explorer, archaeologist, anthropologist, and so on. And show the world, that Kyra Scott cannot be held back by tragedy. This can be a once in a lifetime chance Kyra, if you don’t take it it---someone else will…” Nichole dragged off before putting her mouth to Kyra’s here: “…and personally your best friend is totally willing to be a corrupt bitch and use her power to make sure you are… just so you know~”

The once misty eyed Kyra chuckled at that. “And here I thought the big world-famous Nichole Abrahms was a philanthropist!”

“Oh I am. I’m just helping out a poor traumatized New Zealand girl overcome her psychological shortcomings and become famous, is that really so bad~?”

“Heh, coming from you? Yes.” Kyra stated as a matter of factly, whipping the tears from her eyes.

“Good to know. So, what is it going to be?” Nichole asked, getting down to business.

Kyra paused for a moment still fighting the internal battle inside herself:

“I’m in. Sign me up, ‘Chole.” Kyra smiled.

“Good to hear!” Nichole declared while hugging Kyra again. “Now, we won’t be able to get anything going to at least 2038, so about four years from now… can I assume you’ll be fluent in Japanese by then? Because it would really suck if our expedition leader didn’t speak any of the local languages.”

“I’ll try my damndest ‘Chole. Four years for an Asian language is quite a narrow corridor…so much for trying to study Sumerian.”

“I know you can do it, Kyr.” Just then a phone rang. “Ugh, hold on.” Nichole responded as she pressed the ear-piece she was wearing all this time.

“Hello? Oh, sorry Robsworth, I am at Madame Scott’s house—“

“Madame Scott?” Kyra asked incredulously, only for Nichole to hold up her finger to Kyra.

“Ugh, can’t they hold? Fine, fine, I’ll be there. Bye.” Nichole finished the call. “Ugh… that was my robotic assistant, apparently the board wants me back immediately to solve another crisis.”

“Damn, never get a break do you?”

“Unfortunately not. Anyways, good seeing you Kyr. Hope you clean… ‘this’ up” Nichole referred to the chaos that was Kyra’s apartment. “Anyways, hope to chat with you soon. I miss hanging out with you, ya know.”

“I do too, ‘Chole, I do too.” Kyra sighed as Nichole saw herself out, leaving Kyra alone with the strange satellite scan of the mysterious island south of Japan.

“…Yamatai, huh?” Kyra pondered her circumstances. This was her chance at personal redemption. From the horror of Asag and the first Kaiju to the chance to prove what she knew and saw to be correct: if kaiju and other beings lived within these hollows--- then civilization could likewise exist. The Sumerian ruins in Death Valley all but proved it. The Death Valley Tablet, all that’s left of those ruins, was now in Police lockup in California and tied up in so much legal that it’d be many years before Kyra could see it again. Kyra had to accept the fact, her pursuit into the ‘Old Sumer’ had reached a dead end. However with one dead end, came a new path--- a path to the ancient islands of Japan--- and whatever wonderful mysteries they would hold…

Next Story:

Important Dates:

2014: Kyra Scott is born.

2025: The Christchurch incident. Her entire family was killed in resulting firestorm when an Enigma reactor had a critical failure. She was left as the sole survivor. She was however adopted into an Abrahms Corp funded foster program catering and supporting orphans of the tragedy. She was 11 years old.

2026: Becomes friends with Nichole Abrahms at around this time.

2030: Graduates high school early and attends a New Zealand University.

2032: Flies to the United States on a Scholarship as a part of a foreign exchange program.

March 2033: Kaiju Advent. A school expedition to Death Valley is caught tragically short by the awakening of Asag.

2034: Qallupilliut, Bigfoot

2035: Kasai Rex, Giganuuk Incident, Completes her master’s credentials and goes into a doctorate program.

2036: The Yamatai Expedition.

2040: ???

First human character get!
... I am also beginning to realize I like doing a lot of build up and foreshadowing and beginning to think I'm pretty good at it... also character development. Asag and Kyra so far are contributing to a coherent narrative... oh dear god...

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Comments: 6

RighteousBoyII [2016-07-29 01:37:22 +0000 UTC]

Good proportions, very humanistic.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ravensaurs-Rex [2015-10-26 04:39:00 +0000 UTC]

There's our lovely vic-er-protagonist! She's pretty neat I have to say and you certainly gave her quite a bit of character with her...curious friends and all the equally curious things you hinted at through the story.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ProfessorCene [2015-09-15 18:55:30 +0000 UTC]

That's quite a lot of set up you have going on. I am interested to see how it all continues to develop.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RenDragonClaw [2015-09-15 09:42:38 +0000 UTC]

I think you're really hitting your stride with this one. Well put together character.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SirKaijuOfVaudeville In reply to RenDragonClaw [2015-09-15 20:49:54 +0000 UTC]

Any other specific thoughts?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RenDragonClaw In reply to SirKaijuOfVaudeville [2015-09-16 05:29:22 +0000 UTC]

Not really. She's in a good place to start having adventures though which is the whole point. Her past and connections also make the Safari Hunter outfit a little less odd in context. Actually looking forward to Miss Abrahms after reading her intervention on Kyra's breakdown.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0