SkaeaDaimonion — [Pokemon-Amour] Tetsukamiya Jintachi

#digitigrade #feet #gijinka #malefeet #oc #pokemon #soles #bisharp #foot_fetish #digitigradelegs #digitigradefeet #ticklishmale #pokemon_amour #gijinkapokemon #originalcharacter #refsheet #foottickling #maletickling
Published: 2020-10-06 23:38:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 25794; Favourites: 192; Downloads: 50
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Description "Listen, buddy. I don't know the move Attract, and I honestly can't care less about learning it since it's both a cheap-ass shortcut and a moral can o' worms I ain't gonna touch... but honestly? Why would I need it when all I need to do is just put my feet up? They deserve to be admired, and you know it.

"So what are you waiting for? You wanna tickle 'em? Don't keep me waiting. Lick 'em like a footslave? Knock yourself out. Massage 'em? Oh, absolutely. But whatever you'd like to do with these lovely fifty-sevens, don't be shy and don't hold back. Come at me with your love for 'em as much as you want!"

Jintachi: Japanese for "war sword"
Tetsukamiya: From Japanese 鉄 tetsu, "iron" and 神谷 kamiya, "divine valley"


His name is Tetsukamiya Jintachi, and he takes "looking sharp" to a whole new level. Fiercely dedicated to furthering his career, he will defend it to the bitter end, by any means necessary. Every underhanded strategy employed by the cutthroat world of the fashion industry is familiar to him, and he has a reputation of having used all of them at least once. Rumors have circulated that his true nature is that of a ruthless, egotistical bully, who would throw his own family under the bus if it meant securing a victory on the catwalk... assuming he had a family to begin with. How much of this is true is hard to say, but there are almost as many people who are willing to defend him as there are who condemn him - especially those who know him more personally than just seeing him on television. It's possible that the very same rumors of his cruelty were even made up by Jintachi himself, no doubt so others would not look into him too much and find out where his true weaknesses lie.

All that being said, one thing is certain: For a model of such high caliber as the likes of him, the status he had was not just given, it was earned. Jintachi is best known as a shiny Bisharp of slender bishonen build with a very handsome features, beautiful hair, and devilishly charismatic charm worthy of more than a few Dark-types. But it is not a secret that he was not always like this - he had to have been a Pawniard, after all. It is also not a secret that had a very tough time growing up struggling to catch a single break in the harsh world of modeling, having had to take various part time jobs lasting up to 18 hour work days while filling multiple fetish commissions (particularly foot fetish) online as a way to demonstrate his sensual and sexual beauties in a primarily female-dominated industry. But what is most surprising is that the earliest period of his life was spent without a cent to his credit... at least, not one he earned through fair work, anyway.

Little is known about Jin's early life - not because he's not forthcoming about it, but because he genuinely doesn't know anything about it at all, or at least why his very earliest memories were literally waking up in a litter-strewn back alley as an infant Pawniard with absolutely nothing to his possession - not even a diaper. He could've ended up literally dead on the street if he hadn't been found by a local gang of other Dark-types led by a Mandibuzz named Sayomi, who refused to let them abandon or dispose of the baby and vowed to raise him to the point of self-sufficiency. Unfortunately, aside from the obvious needs like feeding, sleeping, and cleaning, the gang had absolutely no idea how to take care of a child in a way that wouldn't make him a danger to society somehow, and the only way thing could think of to do with him was to teach him the ways of gang violence and ruthless street pragmatism. Jintachi, as he was eventually called by the gang, took on the surname of a legendary warrior he'd once read about as a bluff during a confrontation with a rival gang, and it intimidated his foes enough that his peers decided to play along - keeping at it for long enough afterward that it eventually stuck. But a bluff was all he was good at - after all, he was literally just a kid. No amount of bluster - or genuine thirst for blood - could change that, and the gang that raised him feared that he'd do something stupid and get himself killed if they let him try anything on his own. Thus pampered and supervised at all times - with various degrees of actual empathy and care involved - Jin was forced to guard himself constantly out of a worry that whomever he was with could rat him out to Sayomi for doing anything wrong regardless of whether or not it made a difference.

It all came to a head when Sayomi, despite being the closest thing Jin had to a mother figure, openly called him out for acting guarded and untrusting after the gang tried to throw a celebration for him on his eighteenth birthday, whereupon he unleashed his inner turmoil in all the worst ways, telling everyone just how little faith he really had in them if they were going to hold him down like this regardless of their excuse that he wasn't ready for the harshness of the real world. The ensuing argument was messy and unpleasant for everyone involved, but in hindsight it had been a long time coming, and they all knew it. Declaring that they'd only cared for him because he was useful to them, Jin decided he'd had enough and, without so much as a thank you for keeping him alive for eighteen years, turned his back on them and headed off for pastures new. Little did he know that the gang already regretted lambasting him the way they had (even if they'd said it was for his own good) and did want him to care for them as they did each other, but by then, it was too little, too late.

Despite trying to find a more honest living, however, Jintachi's efforts as such were of... mixed success, to say the least. Getting a job was the easy part, at least if you wanted to work in fast-food or retail, but Jin was dismayed to find that he could never truly fit in with the workforce and others around him, feeling constantly judged and wanting only to get things done so he could return to wherever he was living and continue fruitlessly to find some measure of satisfaction with his life. From one dead-end job to another, he couldn't hold himself down for longer than six months at a time, and ended up trying to resort to desperate measures for at least a little financial stability. As as Steel-type with a Poison immunity, drugs and alcohol didn't work, and as a Dark-type with a Psychic immunity, nothing psychoactive could, either. Only the way his now-enormous feet attracted attention of the lustful kind could provide any gratification and, naturally, he started indulging with that whenever he could, trying unsuccessfully to share that interest with anyone he associated with. He posted videos online, tried selling custom clips, anything for visibility as his own person, but sadly, the world was just too busy chugging along to pay him much attention - even if the few fans who did come across him were better than nothing.

And that would have been that. His career would have ended in obscurity, and he would have known nothing but a joyless struggle to earn his keep through paychecks alone. But all of that changed suddenly when he was offered every interesting offer from a mysterious sponsor, one who saw something in him that others couldn't.

Before he had met Persephone, Jin had had only a small network following, with few professional connections. But she went through the Distortion World and high water to change that, rigorously schooling him in the fine art of modeling for a living. And it paid off - before long, Jin began to recieve high quality equipment and commissions to broaden his range, and attract even more fans online. From SFW model shoots, to swimsuit to fetish and even crossdressing in some occasions.

This was his moment to shine. And he wasn't going to give it up for anything.


The impression one usually gets from a Bisharp is a vicious, remorseless figure with a mindset bent on domination and torture, and Jintachi tends to play that up for all it's worth - most of his actions are self-aggrandizing and he seems to care little for what others think about him. When confronted he usually resorts to taunts, threats, and remarks more cutting than his blades, never mind that little of what he says does any good in the face of uncomfortable truths about himself. Being forced to admit to these truths brings about a feeling he can never get used to, but experience has taught him that doing so is important to help him recover from his troubled history as a flunky with little in the way of free will. Still, the mask he puts up is often enough to put off most people at first glance, and hearsay about him paints him in as dark a light as his typing would suggest... at least until you meet the guy himself.

In truth, most of Jin's behavior is the result of his restrained upbringing coloring his outlook, believing that everyone else is primed to attack him for even the slightest misdemeanor on his part. He doesn't like to admit to how paranoid about others he is deep down, but this is the biggest reason for his dislike of having to associate with people - after all, how is he to know if they have designs against him, especially when no one has the decency to tell him that to his face? To this end, he has been known to question others about their motives, insist on complete transparency with regards to any and all interactions, and even try to push people close to him away should he believe that there's the slightest possibility of them turning on him. It seems all too apropos that his ability is Defiant - taking circumstances as they are just doesn't sit well with Jintachi, and he's constantly trying to find ways to steer the situation towards an outcome keeping himself from being the loser, be it by giving someone who disrespected him or those he cares about a nasty earful or busting his buns to scrape a living. One thing to keep in mind about him, however, is that for all his... not so much punching up, but rather flailing wildly about like a lunatic in a general upwards direction and hoping he actually hits something (figuratively speaking of course), he absolutely refuses to punch down - he knows what it's like to have been helpless and looked down upon even if the look-downer genuinely has their heart in the right place, and toxic patronization of anyone regardless of status and QOL is one of the quickest ways to piss him off, especially if the bully in question doesn't even have any reason to hold themselves to a higher standard. In his own words, "There's no 'I' in team, but there's always 'con' and 'descending' in 'condescending'."

The real tragedy with regards to Jintachi, however, is that for all his bluster and desire to make things better, his past as a borderline pawn in every sense of the word has reflected on him in the worst way possible. His constant self-doubt about whether or not he really is capable of survival, let alone success, has led him to believe that he makes no difference in a world that would gladly throw anyone away like garbage as it pleases no matter how much they've built up. There is a bizarre dichotomy between this sense of nihilism and his dedication to making ends meet, but he considers the latter to be a sort of safety measure so that whenever the inevitable happens and he's left out in the cold again, he won't be entirely powerless and can at least try to find another way to survive. Those close to him have more than once questioned as to whether he should simply focus on the job he has and climb up the industrial ladder, but his answer to that question is that as someone who's known nothing but following others, being a leader is unthinkable to him, and he doesn't want to know whether he can be trusted with that kind of authority - if he failed everyone even as a minion, what would happen if other people depended on him and he messed up at a crucial moment?

Only in recent times, and specifically after Persephone took him in as a model, have things really started to change for the big-footed Bisharp - not in the least of which because there have been several other models, and two rather attractive male ones in particular, who caught onto how much of an emotional wreck he was beneath the surface not long after they first met, and then did their damndest to work their way past his trenchant façade. Despite his initial mistrust in his latest company, however, some persuasion from both that very company and Persephone herself has encouraged him to be more open about his issues and history towards his peers, which has proven to be a good start on his road to recovery. Though he still has more than a few emotional walls that have yet to have a metaphorical door installed, the rest of Persephone's lineup have given their all into chipping through the barriers he's put up for what he believes is his own safety, and most importantly, they've done so without any benefit to themselves at all and with only his own best interests in mind. This is something Jintachi appreciates much more than he'd openly admit, and with the presence of genuine friends and even a prospective boyfriend in his life for possibly the very first time, hope has sprung anew for his future in terms of both his career and finally conquering his inner demons.


Jintachi is homosexual, clearly interested only in other men, and not ashamed to make this clear. While he's willing to model with women, he has insisted on no uncertain terms that if he's to be involved in anything to do with intercourse it should be only with male models, something which has been respected since he first specified it. One of the ways in which Jin tried to satisfy himself in the past was in fact attempting to hook up with men he considers sexy, but needless to say, he never really got anywhere in this respect due to most jobs forbidding relationships between workers - not so much with Persephone's models, though. Jin has in fact dated - and done romantically and sexually charged model shoots with - at least five other models over the course of his current job, though Cyrus is the one he keeps coming back to because he was the first of the group to help him emotionally, the two of them cordially breaking up repeatedly simply because of small personal differences, and getting back together because they just can't stop feeling attracted to one another. It is hoped that in due course, the two of them will make their relationship permanent, if only to make interactions with the other male models under Perspehone's payroll slightly less awkward.

Unsurprisingly, Jin's enormous feet are the main draw for anyone wanting to see him in kinky pics and videos, and he's comfortable with whatever involves feet as long as it's sanitary. Massages and worship are a bit tough for him to handle though, because his gigantic soles are deathly ticklish, his ridiculously long arches in particular - the fact that he has to stand digitigrade due to their sheer size means they're usually clean, blemish-free, and stretched so tightly that there's no way of escaping an incoming tickle attack directed at them even while he's standing. The stems of his toes and the spaces between are a very close second, though, and in fact every part of his feet is sensitive enough to get a good laugh out of him when tickled, though it's only his arches that are so ticklish that even blowing air on them will get him to hit the high notes. It's also been considered universally hilarious and awe-inspiring that his foot size quite literally saved his life, since it was the feet pics he sold online that caught Persephone's attention in the first place, and he isn't above bragging about that fact; there's even merchandise around his stupendous soles offered by Persephone's company, obviously with royalties sent his way. Foot domination of course helps feed his outward image and he does enjoy indulging in it, especially stepping, face-smothering with his feet, toe-sucking, and the occasional footjob, but it's not without its risks for someone as ticklish as he is: many a video where he tries it has gone off the rails because the model he attempted to put under his heel discovered that one wrong move will very quickly break his air of dominance and reduce him to a screaming, laughing mess.

  • Jin's Adamant nature boosts his Attack stat at the cost of his Special Attack, which is why he prefers to get up close and physical in combat. His most commonly used move is Knock Off, with Sucker Punch being a close second, and the ways in which he's pulled both off are many and impressively creative. His way of Sucker Punch, in particular, is less honorable than his moral code would suggest, using his sheer foot size to his advantage to deliver a devastating kick between an opponent's legs mid-windup, causing them to double over in agony and stopping their next attack.
  • Conversely, Jin is absolutely terrible with any ranged attacks or magical spells, and any attempt on his part to use long-range weaponry will end badly for himself at the minimum. In the most infamous case in point, he once got himself hospitalized when Cyrus tried to teach him to use his bow, only to realize too late that the damn thing was aimed backwards - the Sludge Bomb arrow ricocheted off several walls behind him and not only hit him right between his butt cheeks, but actually went up his asshole and punctured his rectum! His poison immunity was a lifesaver, but the busted colon needed surgical repair and he couldn't sit comfortably for a month afterward. It's still a fun story for the Bisharp himself to tell at parties, but needless to say, Cyrus never let him touch his bow ever again after that one.
  • In general, Jin most frequently gets hurt not on his feet as one would expect, but his head. This is because he always tries to block attacks with it even without the bladed helmet he wears for both protection and use of Iron Head. According to multiple medical professionals who X-rayed him whenever he had to undergo medical care (which is more frequent than you might think!), his skull is actually three times thicker than a human's with an inner layer of spongy, flexible bone for shock absorption, like a built-in motorcycle helmet. Combined with a rather thick and muscular neck and powerful legs, this makes for a devastating headbutt that can break bone even without his helmet on. While wearing it, he can even drive the blade on its top through solid stone... as long as the blade hits straight and the strap is kept secure!
  • The same Poison and Psychic immunities that left Jin unable to enjoy drugs in his years before meeting Persephone actually benefit him in one respect to this day: he's the best of her models by far at holding his liquor, and can drink even Cyrus under the table. He doesn't like the taste of most alcoholic beverages, though, with the exception of wine, particularly the spicier varieties due to his Adamant nature preferring spicy flavors and eschewing drier ones. On most occasions where he's dining out with friends, he almost always orders at least one glass of wine, though he's smart enough to neither offer to drive everyone home after the fact or to offer the drink to anyone else in case they aren't as good at holding their liquor as he is.
  • Also because of the Poison immunity, Jin is one of the least picky eaters under Persephone's purview, and growing up prioritizing nourishment over flavor has made him willing to try anything once. He has frequently accepted offers from others for leftovers they didn't want, and Leftovers were in fact his held item before his recent switch to Darkinium Z. He still often enters battle with at least one bag of chips and a soda, and has even been known to grab berries he's taken off opponents with Knock Off right off the ground to eat in front of them, to the shock and disgust of most others. His habit of eating even stuff that's past its expiration date is a running joke among Persephone's company, and on more than one occasion he's even actually had to be stopped from diving right into the nearest trash can to search its contents for anything even remotely edible.
  • Jintachi's insistence on learning Swords Dance is for more than just its benefit in combat - he is in fact a talented dancer, and his favorite music genres are those that allow him to demonstrate this. He's been known to give informal dance lessons to interested friends if they ask nicely enough, and cutting a rug at the local nightclubs is both his most frequent weekend pastime and his favorite thing to do with his feet that doesn't involve them getting tickled absolutely silly.


12/9/2022 UPDATE: Finished his bio at last! Got an idea for how to handle his character finally and I'm happy to have implemented it!

Here it is, a character sheet commission for G-5000Gunshot ! This literally edgy lad was created for the Pokémon Amour universe jointly created by him, UseTheBrakes , and MostlyFunStuff , and while I was reluctant to be included, some talks with Gunshot ultimately persauded me, in part because there's a lot of flexibility when it comes to Amours which does allow for designs that are largely human or gijinka-ish. There also weren't that many male characters intended specifically for fetish, much less any that appealed to my own personal tastes, so I figured I'd fix that with Jin here. If you want something done, do it yourself, I guess.

This is another character of mine who's kinda sorta self-indulgent lol, but he's more or less a counterpart of an OC from one of my original writing projects as well. Talking with Gunny about who to convert into an Amour led me to decide on something in the Human-like Egg Group, and me being me I wanted a 'mon for which digitigrade feet made sense (seeing as the OC of mine this guy is somewhat derived from is also a toe-walker). Turns out Bisharp was perfect for a starting attempt of mine at making a character with the Amour-verse in mind! This is not necessarily in my list of top ten favorite Pokémon, and my personal favorite Dark-type is Yveltal, but I've found more things to like about the Blade Pokémon the more I've looked into it. The damn thing's an edgelord's wet dream! While I did want Jin to have a softer side despite his literally armored exterior, he's very much a brooding bad-boy type, though we did work to justify his character to some extent, and hopefully there's enough balance in it that he isn't so one-note. I'm super-happy with how his design turned out, and not just because of those enormous long ticklish soles either - he was a lot of fun to draw and color, and every detail of his just looks so appealing! I hope to do more with him soon, though given how I usually am with art in general it may be a while before he pops up again, I'm not sure. That's probably applicable to all the rest of my OCs too, though...

Thank you so much for commissioning me, Gunny! I hope to do business with you again soon, especially if it's related to the Amour-verse and the characters therein.

Jintachi (c) myself and :icong-5000gunshot:
Pokémon Amour (c) , :iconusethebrakes:, and 
Pokémon (c) Nintendo

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Comments: 12

Conuiron [2022-12-10 01:43:22 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kirbyfan432 [2022-12-09 20:17:48 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

G-5000Gunshot [2022-12-09 20:16:59 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

nute5 [2020-10-11 18:44:19 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PsychicNuzlocker [2020-10-10 00:36:10 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

footboy55 [2020-10-07 17:25:54 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PodFrog [2020-10-07 02:58:53 +0000 UTC]

He is adorable! And such large feet! I'm going to like him! ^^

👍: 2 ⏩: 1

SkaeaDaimonion In reply to PodFrog [2020-10-07 16:11:56 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

the-tickle-lover [2020-10-07 01:08:33 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RobbyRobD [2020-10-07 00:32:43 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

toshiki23 [2020-10-06 23:49:46 +0000 UTC]


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Mad-Hatter-Returns [2020-10-06 23:43:24 +0000 UTC]

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