SketchySeraph — One Hell of a Ride [NSFW]
#equine #horse #male #man #story #tf #transformation
Published: 2015-07-02 22:39:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 29070; Favourites: 124; Downloads: 0
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“So, where are the horses?” Grant smiled at his partner, a woman who he'd met last night in a bar. Her name was Anna... Some German last name or other. He'd have to ask her it again after their ride.

“The horses?” Anna looked around as if searching for them, a small smile on her plush lips. Grant felt his heart hammer, and he shifted a little uneasily in his riding gear, remembering last night.

They'd hit it off at the bar; then they'd taken it to her house, an apartment in Westernburg. After that... Well, Grant wasn't usually one to kiss and tell, but the sex had been so good that he'd surely have to describe the thing in detail to his best friends.

The real surprise had come that morning, when Grant found out he'd agreed to go on a horseback ride with her at her farm. Of course he'd agreed to it; he'd never ridden on a horse before. And what better way to follow up a night of passion with a new and life-affirming experience?

At least, that was the plan. But they'd arrived to a wide and open prairie, dressed in full riding gear, only to find that there were no animals for the pair to ride. It made the pair of saddles hanging on the fence behind them look woefully out-of-place.

Anna looked to grant and her smile widened, her right hand trailing along his upper arm like she'd done last night. “I don't know where they must have gone... Perhaps they were too intimidated by the stallion that claimed my last night.”

Grant flushed, shifting uncomfortably as his riding pants suddenly got a good deal tighter around his groin. All of the blood in his body seemed torn whether to rush to his cheeks or travel a good deal southward.

“Oh?” He replied, a small and dopey grin settling on his face. He blushed and wiped the expression off, clearing his throat. “Well... If I was your stallion, how come you were the one being ridden?”

Anna laughed, patting him on his cheek with her gloved hand. “Nice recovery there.”

“I try.” Grant grinned, hugging her and kissing her on her cheek. He might actually be falling in love with this woman. She was perfect from her reddish hair to the way she could wriggle her hips when she was underneath him...

Anna hugged him tighter, grinding her hips against his with a smile. The buttons on their riding uniforms clinked together as she held him, the sound music to Grant's ears. Then she paused, looking at him with a funny expression on her face.

“What?” Grant asked, arching an eyebrow in confusion.

Anna smiled and trailed her hands along his chest. “I just noticed a certain... Little present you've grown for me.”

Grant laughed, kissing her on her lips. “Sweetie, there's nothing little about it. Remember?”

Anna winked at him, “Oh, I can remember last night.” Her hands trailed lower on his shirt, moving down to cup his groin. “And I can also tell you that I'm sure I can make our mutual friend much larger than he was last night.”

She followed the enticing offer with another long kiss, her lips tantalizingly soft against Grant's. He started to imagine them along his cock and he shivered with pleasure, a smile trailing along his lips.

“Is that so?” Grant chuckled. He'd spent all morning getting in this riding getup, but now he couldn't wait to get out of it. It was funny how life worked like that sometimes.

“Maybe. If, that is, you're interested.” Anna purred, her hands playing along Grant's cock and making him buck slightly. “To me, it certainly feels that you are.”

“Oh, I am.” Grant said with a laugh. He could feel his hard member twitching just beneath his pants, eagerly awaiting her lovely ministrations.

“Is this really what you want? To be my stallion again?” Anna purred throatily, both of her hands rubbing along Grant's shaft, his bulge clearly outlined beneath his pants.

“Don't make me beg.” Grant breathed, his heart beginning to pound at the prospect of burying himself within the woman's folds again.

She only looked back at him with a small pout, one of her hands lifting from his member to her lips. She pursed her full lips with that same smile as before, a teasing grin that held so much promise for the future.

Grant's heart ached as he wrapped his arms around her. “Of course I do, Anna. I think I might be in love with you; I'll naturally be yours.”

Anna pulled back from him, an odd look in her eyes. It passed, and she smiled back at him. “Oh, you've no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that.”

Grant's heart raced faster, and he looked at the woman with wide, hopeful eyes. “That I love you? Of course I do, you're the best kind of woman; the perfect combination of sexy and genuinely interesting.”

Anna laughed, the sound a sweet melody to his ears. “No, not that silly. Though I do give you points for flattery.” She trailed a hand along his neck, her other arm wrapping snugly around the man's waist.

The redhead stood on her tiptoes to speak into his ear. “I've been waiting to hear you say that you'll be mine.” She whispered the words huskily, her hand tracing the outline of his strong cheek.

“What's the difference?” Grant asked with a laugh, feeling himself bulge even more in his pants. To his surprise, Anna was making good on her words; he'd never felt so aroused in his life!

“Phrasing? A word here or there?” Anna purred throatily. “And, of course, in my business, the way you word things is all that matters.” She pulled him close for a mind-numbing kiss, the sort of gesture that caused fireworks to explode in Grant's vision.

“Your business? Horse riding?” Grant groaned, moving to unbutton his shirt. To his surprise, Anna held his hands still, gripping them with hers to forestall the motion.

“Not quite.” She said, her fingers massaging his; her hands gripping his. Then she trailed her thumbs along the man's hands, her touch so heavenly soft against him.

“Horse training?” Grant guessed, chuckling at the thought of her taming his own member. It felt like he was growing larger and larger by the second, his member harder than it had been in his life.

Anna purred, her hands squeezing his. “A little warmer.” She cooed.

Grant noticed that he couldn't feel her fingers as well as he had moments before. It was like his hands had fallen asleep, and he was feeling her against him from behind some barrier. But he didn't feel any pins or needles, so he kept his hands in hers, unwilling to break this moment.

“What, then?” Grant asked, his breath hitching as an oddly pleasurable feeling coursed through his palms. It was like his nerves were being tickled; his hands falling numb in her palms.

Anna's response was to look down to their shared grip, her vision focusing on his hands.

Grant followed her gaze only to almost choke on his tongue at the sight of his hands. His skin was darker, looking almost black beneath her palms. The man tried to wiggle his fingers, only to find them completely unresponsive.

Then, they began to move—though not in any direction he'd intended to. Rather, his fingers curled inward, the skin between them seeming to fuse. A numb pain below his skin alerted the changing man that his bones were merging below his hands as well.

Grant looked helplessly up to Anna, feeling his hands thicken, growing larger and larger on his wrists; feeling so big and clumsy. He looked back down to see what were undeniably hooves on his arms; the last of his thumbs sinking into their hard enamel.

“Why?” He asked, looking back up to her. It was the only word that could come to mind, and it was completely insufficient to express the panic he'd felt.

“My business.” Anna breathed huskily, her vision enraptured by the look of panic on  Grant's face. “I make horses, dearie.”

“Wh-what?” He asked in surprise, his heart beginning to hammer, now with fear instead of just. Yet despite himself, his cock was almost mockingly hard, straining at the fabric of his pants.

“I. Make. Horses.” Anna cooed, rubbing her palms all along his hard hooves, making sure they were perfect. She nodded to herself, then looked back up at him. “Sorry for changing your hands first, but I simply couldn't have had you remove those cute clothes.”

Grant's heart pounded more as he remembered how insistent she had been on getting him into that riding getup. Was this why she'd made sure he'd had an outfit that was as tight as possible on him?

As if to distract him, Anna brought her hands to his cock again, petting at his hard length. He could feel her fingers beneath the thick fabric of his clothing, stimulating his every nerve.

“Nnh!” Grant groaned, his eyes squeezing shut. He had no idea why, but he had the sinking impression that if he were to give into his pleasure, then everything would be lost.

“Oh? Trying to fight me?” Anna chuckled. “Just as feisty as you were last night... My stallion.” She breathed the last two words in his ear, trailing her fingers along the head of his erect member.

To his credit, Grant was able to hold out for another two seconds. But her touch was so silky soft; her fingers tweaking his senses in just the right way... Grant felt himself harden more and more, his trousers creaking as they were stretched to their breaking point.

“That's it, my stallion. Just grow for me, give me that long dick I've so long desired. Strain to be free of those silly little pants.” Anna moaned lustily, her hands rubbing gently up and down the length of Grant's engorged member.

He nodded, his mind lost in a haze of lust. His hips bucked, and the man groaned, feeling the tip of his cock bulge. His pants groaned with him, some small snapping sounds marking the beginning of their demise.

“You want to be free of these pants, don't you?” Anna asked with a devilish grin.

Grant nodded, his nostrils flaring as he started to gasp for breath, the pleasure running through his body too much for his mind to take. All he could think about was how much he wanted her; how great last night was and how much better it would be if he had a larger cock.

“You want to feel the air on your huge horse dick; to feel my lips on them, my tongue...” Anna breathed the words out as she leaned in close, grinding herself against him, flicking her tongue out against his cheek.

Grand nodded harder, almost giving himself whiplash. He didn't care—he wanted; needed to feel more; to feel the sweet sensation of release! His cock bulged more, increasing his discomfort and pleasure alike.

“Puh-please!” He stuttered, his tongue feeling heavy in his mouth.

“Then kiss me, and it shall be so.”

She didn't need to say any more than that. Grant wrapped his arms around her tightly, mashing his lips to hers and grinding his huge cock against her body. He needed to feel more pleasure; needed her to give him more!

And to his delight, Anna returned the kiss. Her softy lips pressed against his, and he closed his eyes with delight, his heart wanting to leap from his chest as the insane ecstasy swept across his body once again. His sensation spiked, a wave of bliss crashing down on him, and the man yelped with pleasure as his pants finally gave way, his absurdly long male length finally free to slap against his leg.

He broke the kiss to look down to it in surprise, feeling how heavily it pulled against his crotch. His massive cock hung low, all of the blood rushing to it seemingly not enough to get it to lift even though it felt fully engorged.

“My, you're magnificent.” Anna purred, admiring her handiwork. Her eyes twinkled as she arrived at the same conclusion that Grant had. “But I think that you could use a little more blood to pump there, no? I'd love to see my mighty stallion as hard as he's ever been in his life.”

Grant shivered, shaking his head as some of his senses returned to him. “N-no, wait. I don't think that's such a good idea...”

Anna smiled up at the man, brushing her fingertips lightly against his cheeks as he snorted faintly. “Are you sure, my love? You don't want to burst from your clothes; to feel your heart swell, allowing you to swell as much as you desire?”

“I... I don't know.” Grant shook his head. “I want...”

“To fuck me?” Anna smirked, playing her smooth digits along the back of his neck. As she did, long hairs grew out to meet her touch in a tingling, pleasurable wave of growth.

“Yes!” Grant nodded feverishly. Then he shook his head again, tossing his new mane from side to side. “I mean, not that...”

“What, then?” Anna cooed.

“I want you to pleasure me, but... I don't want to hurt you; this cock would... I mean...” Grant stammered, his heart aching with indecision.

To his surprise, Anna's gaze softened again. She smiled at him funnily. “You are just too sweet. I'll pleasure you with my hands and with my mouth, just so you'll know I'll be safe under your strong, stallion's body.”

“Y-yes.” Grant smiled lustily, tossing out his new mane with pride. “I like the sound of that.”

“Then...” Anna trailed her fingers along his throat, making his neck lengthen slightly. “I need you to neigh for me. I need you to tell every other horse in the area that I'm yours, and yours alone.”

“N-neigh?” Grant blinked, looking down to find Anna looked a little smaller than she had before. He realized that his neck had grown a little, and he shivered with anticipation.

“Yes, my dear stallion. Neigh.”

Grant closed his eyes, letting a small whimpering shout escape his throat. It was the sound of a man embarrassed to make such a nose; the voice of one who wishes to be heard by some, but not by all.

“Neigh for me.” Anna urged.

“Nnghy. Hnny duhn't...” Grant mumbled, his voice now practically a grunt, his throat itching like there was something caught in it. He tried to clear it, blowing air past his lips in an entirely equine nicker.


“HnnnNNNYYEEEIGH!” Grant opened his mouth, leaning forward slightly as the sound left his throat, tearing his voice away forever. As he sucked in a great mouthful of air to replace what had just been let out, his chest ached, expanding beneath him.

Just like that, he exploded from his shirt; the tight garment torn to pieces by his chest as it barreled out. Grant windmilled his arms as he lost his balance, neighing loudly again as he fell onto all fours.

This didn't bother him as much as the fact that Anna had just pulled away from him. He tried to walk to her, but it was so hard to do with his body like this! He looked up to her pleadingly, a faint whinny escaping his lips.

“Oh!” Anna gasped, as though she was surprised. “Let me fix that for you!” She ran to his front, hugging her arms around him, her hands centered on his shoulders. Then she pushed down, the bones snapping and popping as they reformed.

The woman wasn't done yet, though. She trailed her arms down, pulling on Grant's own arms, making them reshape into proper horse limbs.

Instead of distress at his lost arms, Grant only felt relief. He loved how it was now easy to stand on all fours like this; how much comfier it was. He felt Anna moving below him and nickered softly with pleasure, loving the caress of her hands as she repeated the process to his hind legs.

The woman massaged his feet next, making them bloat out with every stroke of her fingers. “That's a good boy.” She purred, the skin hardening to her touch. “That's my good stallion.”

Grant nickered again, his eyelids fluttering and a smile forming across his face as he felt that same sinful pleasure at being changed. His heart ached, fear pushed to the side as he yearned for her to touch his cock; to stroke and tend to it as she had the rest of his body.

“Is this what you want?” Anna purred from beneath him, her hands cupping his testicles.

Grant let out a loud, whinnying moan as his balls began to inflate at her touch. His scrotum felt so heavy, more and more testosterone flooding his body, filling him with pride at his new maleness. He nickered again, his cock bulging as it ached for release.

“Or...” Anna began, her hands trailing higher up his body as his new equine scrotum grew hairy. “Is this?” She gripped his girth with both hands, pulling it up to his stomach.

Grant yelped with pleasure as ecstasy he'd never known existed filled his changing form. He whinnied loudly as his foreskin fused with his belly, thickening and giving him an equine sheath to call his own.

The man neighed again, tossing his mane out on his elongated neck in anticipation of the girl's services. His whole body burned for her touch, a heat that only multiplied as silken brown hair sprouted from all over his body.

Anna responded by taking him in both hands, her tongue trailing all along his cock's head, transforming it into an equine phallus. Her licks were pillowy-soft, every one of them bringing Grant deeper and deeper into an ocean of pleasure.

“You want this.”

Grant nodded, whinnying again as Anna slurped louder at his sensitive tip, her tongue trailing around it, tending to it.

“You want to be my stallion.”

Grant nodded again, insensate with pleasure. Anna pulled away from his cock, but it felt like she was still stroking it, some sort of spell fellating him. He let out a strangled grunt as he felt a magical muzzle clamp down around his length, holding his entire shaft in its warm, wet confines.

Anna trailed behind him as he groaned, her hands playing with the base of his spine. More and more pleasure erupted from Grant's body, and he whinnied with delight as he felt his tailbone begin to extend.

It grew longer and longer beneath the woman's touch, tremendously thick hairs stretching out from it. He could feel every one of the strands snaking from his pores; feel the new muscles coming to life.

But best of all, he could feel her arms around his new tail, hugging its long strands tightly even as his cock ached with pleasure. That ethereal mouth continued to tease him, running long, wet licks up and down his cock, bringing him closer and closer to release.

Grant began to thrust his hips, grunting with each motion as he fucked the air hard, his eyes fluttering. He barely felt Anna walking beside him, her hand on his side, until she cupped his head in her hands, mashing her lips to his.

He whinnied into her mouth, his head beginning to expand at her touch. Her could feel his lips thickening; his teeth getting blockier; his nostrils widening with every breath he took. It all felt so good, growing a horse muzzle, becoming Anna's stallion.

Anna's tongue trailed along his thick appendage, her smaller tongue trailing small circles along his own even as she pet his ears, making them lengthen more. She pulled away from his mouth, letting Grant instead nuzzle his big head between her breasts as she cupped one of his big ears in her small hands.

“Cum for me, my stallion.”

At her words, he felt the mystical mouth around his cock take him in fully, all the way to its throat. He whinnied loudly, his balls clenching as he ejaculated harder than he'd ever had in his life.

To his surprise, Anna backed up, her cheeks bulging as he came more and more. Her eyes watered as thick, white liquid threatened to spill from her lips, and the woman brought her hands to her mouth as if to hold it in, squeezing her eyes shut as she swallowed.

Grant shivered with pleasure, his cock twitching as it spent its last. Somehow Anna had managed to take his full load, only missing a single drop that now trailed down her cheek.

The woman looked up to him with a lusty blush, her tongue flicking out to catch the drop and pull it into her mouth. She met Grant's eyes as she swallowed this too; then she smiled. “How do you feel, my stallion?”

Grant blinked, his lust-addled mind beginning to slip under his control once more. What did she mean? He was... He was a horse now! How was that possible?

He reared up on his hooves with confusion, neighing loudly. The calming pleasure of orgasm had returned his mind to him, but for how long? Would he be able to escape?

“Whoa there!” Anna chimed, her hands raised nonthreateningly. “No running, okay? I'm not going to transform your brain like I did your body.”

Grant huffed loudly, nickering in confusion. She wasn't going to change his mind? Well, what had she just done?

“Oh, you mean that?” Anna asked, laughing as Grant's eyes bulged.

She could hear him? Could she read his mind when he was like this?

“You do realize I'm very good with horses, especially those I've made? I can't quite read your mind... But it's damn near close.” Anna pet Grant's large snout, calming him down.

“And to sate my new stallion's curiosity... Of course I didn't change you mind just a little bit ago. That was all you.” The woman purred throatily, scratching her mount's furry throat. “And my, was there a lot of you.”

Grant blushed. She didn't seem to be lying... He looked up to her, blinking rapidly as she pulled away to grab one of the bridles on the fence beside her.

Anna pursed her lips into a pout as Grant began to back away nervously. “Now, don't be like that. I didn't want to do any real mental changes, but I will if I have to.”

The thought of losing what little of himself remained was enough to startle Grant into submission, and he trotted back over to her, lowering his head and opening his mouth. He looked at her expectantly and she smiled down to him.

“There, that's a good boy.” She slipped the bit into his mouth and strapped the bridle past his ears. “You know, I don't really like making people lose their minds. It's  such a pain to train someone from scratch when you could be teaching a human brain.”

Grant rolled his eyes and flicked an ear as she slipped a saddle on his back. To his surprise, it was lighter than he'd expected. It did feel a little heavy on him, but heavy in the sense that a coat was heavy: that there was something pressing down against his back where there would normally be none.

He waited for Anna to fasten his harnesses, softly snorting as she pet his flanks. Then she stepped away from him, admiring her handiwork.

“You know, I've really done a magnificent job with you.” Anna smiled. She clapped her hands together, strutting over to her new ride. “I think that you'll be a perfect ride.”

Grant whinnied softly, turning his large head to see her slip a foot into one of his new stirrups, slipping onto him with ease. Her weight was oddly reassuring on his back, and the woman smiled down to him, leaning over to pet his large, equine neck.

“That's a good boy. Now then, Grant, let's take you out for a ride.” She held his reins lightly in her hands, tugging them ever so slightly to the left.

Grant turned in the direction expectantly, his ears perked upright as he awaited further instructions. Then Anna dug her heels into his sides, cracking the reins.

An instinctive urge to be ridden filled Grant's head, and he took in a deep breath through his nostrils, rearing back onto his hooves and letting a loud whinny erupt from his throat.

Then, with a surge of hooves, he was off at a full gallop. The grass blurred beneath him as he increased his speed, and Grant felt a surge of adrenaline run through his body. He was fast, faster than he'd ever been in his life!

A triumphant snort escaped his snout as he ran harder, feeling his strong heart pounding in his chest. This was actually really relaxing; it was incredible!

Anna patted his large neck, leaning into his ears. “See?” She asked, a little loudly to be heard past the rushing wind in Grant's ears. “Isn't this nice?”

He had to agree. This might not be something he'd like to spend the rest of his life with, but if he was forced to live like this... Well, there were worse things than to run free, his rider's weight on his back.

“With me, you get to eat; to be ridden; maybe even to be pleasured by me again if you're good enough!” Anna whooped as Grant leapt into the air, testing how high he could jump.

For a moment, it was like his bulky body was weightless. Then he thudded back onto all four hooves, turning his body to the right at Anna's behest. It was natural to be guided like this; to be ridden so hard. Despite earlier apprehensions, Grant really was having fun.

Anna pet his mane, leaning in to hug him. “My strong stallion.” She breathed. “You know, nobody's really fallen for me before. You really are something special.”

Grant chuckled through his snout. Yeah, well... He might not be as smitten with her after this little transformation. Even if this was a fun ride.

Anna led him to a series of hay bales, and Grant leapt over all of them with ease, feeling the power surging through his muscles; loving the way his hooves dug into the dirt.

A small barn was right in front of them, and Grant huffed as he saw where Anna was leading him. He increased his pace, curious as to what he would find within it.

“Of course... Since you are so special, that means I'll need to take extra good care of you.” Anna shouted, pulling on his reins to slow him to a trot as they neared the barn. “So please don't be mad with me for this.” She whispered the last bit into his ear as they trotted into the barn.

To Grant's surprise, there was a woman waiting for them: a dark-haired lady with freckles dressed in a vet's coat. He trotted up to her, obediently waiting for Anna to dismount.

“My God! Anna, where do you keep finding these?” The woman laughed as Grant tossed his head with pride.

“Oh, you know. Magic.” Anna winked and Grant huffed, rolling his eyes.

The redhead looked back to her mount with a smile. “But where are my manners? Olivia, this is Grant. Grant, meet Olivia.”

The vet smiled, doing a small curtsy. “I think it's really cute how you introduce me to your stallions like they were people.” She smirked, standing upright to turn to her tools. “Will this be the usual?”

Anna shook her head. “No, why don't we give him a full treatment?”

Grant watched all of this with a faint sense of embarrassed amusement. He used to be a human, and yet they were talking about him just like he'd always been a horse!

The embarrassment only continued as Olivia ran him through a series of tests: checking his teeth, examining his hooves, running her hands through his mane... It like something from a dream, a doctor's checkup where things were similar yet a little off.

Then Olivia nodded, a smile on her face. “Okay. All that's left are his vitamins.”

Grant opened his mouth obediently, blinking in confusion as Anna sniggered. The woman walked up to him, petting his head and holding him closely. “Okay, calm down, nice and easy, boy.”

Grant nickered, nuzzling into Anna's arms. What was the big deal? With her holding his head like this, Olivia couldn't give him his vitamins—oh. His eyes widened as he felt the vet shove her arm up his ass, her gloved limb slipping past his ring with ease.

To be fair, it was probably less of a 'shove' and more of a 'slide', but it was still unwelcome! Only Anna's embrace kept him from panicking. What was the deal with that? She couldn't just go and do that, they'd barely met!

“And you seemed so into butt-play last night.” Anna whispered with a devilish smile and a wink, keeping her voice low so only Grant could hear her.

He nickered back in mild discomfort, eyelids fluttering as Olivia pulled her arm free. The second she did, Grant started to sway his tail behind him in an attempt to ward off any further advances.

“Okay, I'd say that everything's in order.” The vet smiled up to Anna, a grin on her face as she walked from behind the stallion. “I'd swear, I'll never figure out how you can always find such fine stallions!”

Fine? Fine!? Grant was everything but fine! He scuffed his hooves against the ground agitatedly, his tail swishing behind him.

Olivia looked back up to the horse with a smile on her lips. “Oh. Well, as fine as he could be after I'd just put an arm inside of him.” She laughed, kissing Grant on his snout. “Sorry, boy.”

Grant blinked his large eyes in surprise, his flanks rippling as he huffed quietly. This vet really was a good one! She'd practically read his mind! Was she like Anna? He looked to his new owner in surprise.

Anna gave him a subtle shake of the head, smiling to her friend. “Ever the horse-whisperer, aren't you?” She laughed, petting Grant soothingly.

“You know it.” Olivia winked. “I don't suppose you'd be willing to sell him to me? I think this is one of your best horses yet.”

Anna looked up to Grant, running a hand through his thick mane. “No, you know what... I think I'm fine on that. It's been a while since I kept a horse to myself, and this one's really likes me.”

Grant whinnied softly, his thick lips flapping as he followed the sound with a nicker. Yeah, right. She'd almost had him sold until that last little surprise.

Anna laughed and scratched Grant behind his ears, laughing harder as he nickered once more, this time with pleasure.

“And, to tell you the truth, the rides that he's done with me have been more than a little enjoyable. I might just like him right back.” She winked at Grant, placing a soft kiss on his equine cheek and making his heart pound once again.

He cursed mentally, his tail swishing from side to side. Despite all that had happened, he still felt for the damnable woman.

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Comments: 11

macguffin78 [2023-07-10 00:21:48 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Candiddy [2022-06-23 01:27:04 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Son-Gohan02 [2021-06-29 21:59:58 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Candiddy [2020-02-02 12:14:35 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Reformation-Science [2019-07-19 01:43:15 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ZaynPackhunter [2015-09-14 05:40:48 +0000 UTC]

Hidden by Commenter

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SketchySeraph In reply to ZaynPackhunter [2015-09-21 06:48:15 +0000 UTC]

XD That might be the best... Some of what I write is a little... Sketchy. ...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ZaynPackhunter In reply to SketchySeraph [2015-09-22 01:53:12 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Refno4 [2015-07-04 18:35:06 +0000 UTC]

I love this type of story !

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

SketchySeraph In reply to Refno4 [2015-07-05 01:26:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! I do too! ^-^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

solerum16 [2015-07-03 01:09:25 +0000 UTC]

Hooray for Vets!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SketchySeraph In reply to solerum16 [2015-07-03 01:27:56 +0000 UTC]

I thought you'd like that!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0