slek — Ninja Gaiden OC - Talia Pierce

#oc #ganassa #gunslingergirl #magic #ninjagaiden #muscularfemale
Published: 2020-01-18 01:29:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 5247; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 8
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Art is once again by Ganassa

Talia Pierce

Talia is the blonde of the quartet of females and the only one of my five OC’s without any magic of her own.  I tried to envision her as something of an ‘everyman’ (everywoman?) for the group, someone who could be distractingly attractive one moment but vanish into the crowd the next.  She’s the one who would have the easiest time adapting to a normal life since she had one growing up.  It was also a challenge to not make her look too much like Rachael or Sonia from the main Ninja Gaiden series.


Talia Pierce
Age: 25

Sex: maybe if you buy me dinner first.  Seriously though, female, as if you didn’t already know (my eyes are up here)
Height: 5'10"
weight: 130lbs
Measurements: 45F-24-36
Magic: when you got what I got, honey, you don’t need magic *chambers rifle round*

Fighting style: military CQC and knife fighting techniques

Eye color: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Weapon: Guns, Rifles and knives, with a combat knife that’s been re-forged by Muramasa

Likes: Killing fiends (bastards killed my family!), my weapons (belonged to my dad), my camo (also my dad’s)

Dislikes: Fiends (see above), fiend blood (that green shit does not come out of clothes!)

Profile: Talia grew up the very epitome of a military brat.  Bounced around from base to base with her family growing up, she was constantly on the move.  But, unlike most kids in that situation, she loved it.  It left her to spend as much time with her family as possible, and not many kids can say they lived on every continent on the planet by the time they hit eleven years old.  A daddy’s girl through and through, she spent as much time as she could with her father since he spent a lot of time away.  As she grew up her father, wanting to keep his little girl safe, started teaching her to defend herself.  She took to the lessons like a duck to water, from a combination of natural talent and genuine interest, and they quickly grew more and more complex.


By the time she was twenty Talia could fight, shoot and drive better than most soldiers, despite not having ever enlisted, but still had the relatively normal life that she and her parents wanted.  That normalcy came to a tragic and violent end on a family vacation to Japan just before Talia’s 24th birthday when Talia, her parents and their guide were attacked by rampaging fiends while on a nature walk.  Her mother and the guide died instantly, and her unarmed father only lasted moments longer, but long enough to hurl both himself and Talia into a nearby river.  They washed ashore miles away from the attack, and the dying man only lasted long enough to say how much he loved his daughter and how proud he was of who she’d become.


He died in her arms moments later.


Consumed by the need for revenge but knowing no one would believe the truth, Talia blamed it on wild animals, but began hunting the fiends in secret.  It was upon the successful completion of the hunt that saw the fiends that killed her family dead and riddled with bullets that she was found wounded and bleeding by Ryu Hayabusa.  Naturally the ninja took her somewhere she could heal, which happened to be his village.


When Talia left the Hayabusa village weeks later with her wounds healed, she did so with precious gifts: a magatama amulet fashioned by Momiji that emulated the ki fueled physical enhancements the ninjas enjoyed but to a lesser degree; her father’s favorite combat knife, reforged by Muramasa himself to increase its effectiveness against fiends; a connection to both Mizuki McCloud of the JSDF and Special Agent Sonia of the CIA and all the armory support Talia could ever want; and more powerful allies than she could have ever hoped for in the Hayabusa ninja clan, Ayane, and the Fiend Hunter Rachael.


Talia would go on to assist the ninjas in their fiend eradicating efforts but was kept to small and mid-range opponents only.  Where most would be offended at the coddling Talia appreciated it, knowing very well that even with Momiji’s amulet she was no match for Rachael and the ninjas – or the opponents they routinely faced.  It was on her return from just such a mission that she encountered a disoriented Nanashi in the woods and, mistaking him for a fiend, attacked him.


She had her shapely ass handed to her with embarrassing ease, and it was only the silver male’s total disinterest in killing her that saved her life.  Talia returned the favor a few minutes later when she saved the strange male’s life by putting a gun to Ryu Hayabusa’s head after the ninja had attacked him.  One awkward conversation later had the three headed back to the ninja village to start chasing answers regarding their new companion.


Powers & Abilities:  Talia has no innate magic of her own, though she is trying to learn the basics.  Instead, she relies on her extensive military and weapons training to fight fiends.  Her father trained her very well, and she is a talented and dangerous markswoman, capable with everything from small arms and knives to high caliber sniper rifles and heavy weapons.  She is also knowledgeable about explosives but tries to avoid using them unless absolutely necessary.  Talia’s greatest asset is arguably an enchanted magatama amulet fashioned by the shrine maiden Momiji.  This item allows Talia to emulate the ki enhanced physical attributes of Ryu Hayabusa and his allies as long as she is wearing it and has been charmed so that only Talia herself can remove it.  While the amulet artificially grants Talia only about two thirds of what the ninja can do naturally, this increase leaves her able to totally outclass any normal human in battle and allows her to match fiends and monsters that could have otherwise torn her apart.  She is stronger, faster and far more durable than a normal human while under the amulet’s effects, to the point that she was once hit by a car while chasing a fiend and suffered no real injuries (she caught the fiend too).  Despite this, Talia is well aware she is not invincible, and takes as few unnecessary chances as possible.

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