SlenderCats — A Tiny Maple Grows Pt. 3

Published: 2015-03-15 21:17:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 577; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 1
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Description This chapter is going to be more about Maplesplash getting Scourge to talk more about his time in the Starless Streets

Chapter 3: Scourge was passing back and forth in the dumpster he used as a den. His eyes where glaring at nothing particularity, as his short tail lashed in rage. The black tom cat kept thinking of Maplesplash, the she cat's face, filled with kindness seemed to enrage the tom even more. He then jumped at the wall of the dumpster and clawed it, breaking through the rusted and rotting metal. He then stepped back and sat down, huffing with the effort he was putting into his anger. He tried to hold it back, but didn't not know the reason he was so angry. "Why!?! Why have you cursed me to stay here you damned spirits!!! Why couldn't I burn! I know there is a place for cat's like me to burn for all time!!! Why aren't I there!?!" He growled, about to lash at the dumpster again when he heard a mrawl from outside.

"Scourge, come out." The tom cat knew that voice, and he calmed himself down before stepping out. He came face to face with a blue gray she cat who had a burn mark over her muzzle, her eyes as blue as water. The molly bowed her head to him, respect for the tom showing in her posture.

Scourge looked down at her with contempt, his tail high and his eyes filled with both hate and respect. "Bluestar... why have you come here? I thought I told you warrior cats never to disturb me... why NOW, have you come to interrupt my solitude?"

"You know very well why I am here. I have always seen good in your Scourge, since the day Tigerpaw attacked you, I have seen that your paws were not meant to be soaked in blood... And it seems now we have gotten a prophecy about you and some she cat we have not seen in moons." The molly sat down and wrapped her tail around her paws, her head held high, looking down at the smaller tom cat. "Why is it you keep calling Maplesplash here? You hate her, I can feel it. She healed your wounds, but after she tried to get rid of your collar..."

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT!?!" He hissed, standing tall, his tail lashing as every hair on his pelt stood on end. 

Bluestar sighed and looked her blue eyes into Scourge's, her's filled with sorrow. "You know very well that no cat is ever alone, no mater how much they think they are. Now, how does she keep finding herself here, and why does she plague your mind so?"

Scourge hissed again then looked away, his tail lashing once more before he looked back up to Bluestar. He had wondered why he had not see her during the battle he had fought to get the forest, only later finding out he had been killed by the dog plan that Tigerstar had tried putting together. Yet another reason Scourge had such a deep hatred for the dark tabby tom cat.

He finally sighed and lifted his head, growling softly. "She reminds me of the old she cat that chicken bone when I first found myself to the city. If not for her, if not for you, I would have been dead long ago and not locked to this prison of gloom..."

Maplesplash woke from yet another day of snow. Green-leaf was just starting to pop up as the snow melted, but still it was all around her. The molly stood up and made her way to a small rabbit she had caught the night before, the little hair thinking spring was early, and came out just too soon. 

The molly lowered her head and started to eat her pray, smiling as she finished soon. After finishing her meal by cleaning her pelt, she made her way outside, her tail high as she trotted into the forest to hunt. Her green eyes glittered at the bright warm sun that beat down on the snow, starting to melt it away. She took a deep breath of the air then continued to trot her way on, tail high.

Her eyes then locked on a mouse just a ways off. She lowered herself to the ground, creeping closer to it on a patch of snow that was shallow, and wouldn't crack under her paws to much. Her eyes locked on it, and at the last second, she jumped and broke it's neck in her fangs, her whiskers twitching as she stood up, her catch in her jaws. The molly then trotted over to a thicker patch of snow and dug a hole, putting her mouse in it. "One down, two to go!"

Maplesplash continued with her hunt for the day, catching one more mouse, and a squirrel. Once she finished, she brought all her pray back to her cabin and put it in the corner where her pray pile started. 

She yawned, then jumped back into her nest, curling up in it once more, purring at it's warm embrace. To warm... Her head popped up and she looked around, her green eyes looking all around before she made her way out of her nest, and up the stares to the cabin, where she hadn't gone until now.

The tabby she cat made her way through a cat door they had and into the little house, her nose twitching at the smell of rotten wood and dust. She started to explore the cabin, finding a cat bed in the room where the humans nest was, she found and old cat bole in the kitchen, and a few other cat things. Her head tilted before she finally made it to a room that scented strongly of cat, but it was old, very very old cat scent. 

Maplesplash looked around before finding something laying on the floor, looking as if it had fallen off a shelf in the room. She walked over it, seeing it was covered in dust. The molly used her tail to wipe away the dust over the picture, her eyes growing wide at a cat, she had seen before, but he looked much different.

The picture was of a black tom, small in size, but with a very thick pelt, and green eyes. His paws was white, just like another cat she knew, and his collar was purple with a large golden bell attached to it. Next to him was a pale golden she cat with bright blue eyes, her face soft and white. Between the two cats was a fire orange tom, small in size, just a kitten, with the same green eyes as his father. 

Maplesplash tilted her head for a moment, wondering what this meant, until it struck her. As her eyes looked at the orange kitten, she remembered that Firestar was a bright, flame orange tom cat with green eyes, and that he was born a house cat. "Is... is this his family or... No... this kitten doesn't look like Firestar... they all said Firestar had thick fur... this tom has a real thin coat, like his mother... hm... maybe that's Firestars father... but then, who are those two?"

Maplesplash spent nearly all day thinking about it, only to conclude that they where the toms parents, Firestar's grandparents. Maplesplash sighed and made her way back downstairs, her tail low before making her way back to her nest. She curled up in it, looking back to the stairs, before sighing and laying down, her eyes finally closing.

She woke up once more in the cold alley's where Scourge lived. The molly looked around, wondering if she should be here. She was about to take a step what she heard a voice come from behind her.

"Why can't you leave me alone?" The voice making Maplesplash nearly jump out of her pelt. She turned around to see Scourge, her eyes wide before finally she calmed down, her ears flattening to her head for a moment.

"I don't ask to be sent here! I just come here... At least this time it seems you where expecting me..." Maplesplash sat down, wrapping her thick tail over her paws before tilting her head, the tom cat giving her a look, she did not understand. "Are you ok?" She asked softly.

His eyes bored into her own, making her back away a bit, while he took a step closer. His eyes did not move from hers, and his paw steps did not falter. Finally he stopped, once Maplesplash was backed against a wall, his eyes never changing. "I am not happy with you being here, but it seems the only way to get rid of you is to talk..." He huffed then sat down, his eyes still glaring. "What do you wish to know about me...?" He hissed softly.

Maplesplash didn't know what to say, before finally he took a breath. She sat down too, her eyes looking to his ice hard ones. "Alright... Do you know anything about your father?"

Scourge seemed a bit put off by this question before huffing and turning his head away. "My mother told me that he was an orange tabby who liked the forest and all the cats there... She said he was brave by going there, and that he never could stray to far from it... She also told me he had another mate, and had one litter with her before my mother... He died before I was born."

"What about your fathers parents? Do you know anything about them?" Maplesplash tilted her head, standing up and walking out of the corner she was in, sitting at Scourge's side and smiling, her eyes glowing like usual.

The black tom looked to her with a glare, before he shook his head. "All I know is that my father's name was Jake, and it was given to him by his mother, who was a pale golden tabby with blue eyes... Anything ELSE?" He hissed softly before lashing his tail.

The light brown she cat tilted her head, then thought for a moment. Her ears perked and she smiled. "Did you hear about the great battle between the clans, Starclan and the Dark Forest?"

Scourge huffed and lashed his tail. "Yes, I heard of it. I saw it." He growled, his mind tracking back to then. "Tigerstar had even tried to get me to join him in the fight with the Dark Forest and Starclan..." Scourge stood up and walked away from her, his fur bristling.

"You... you really don't like Tigerstar, do you?" She asked, her ears laying back before stepping up to him, her fur lightly brushing his, though he did not move away this time.

"He is the one that gave me this!" Scourge moved his collar aside to show a deep scar, lining the under side of it. It had been hidden by the collar, but showed deep in his flesh. It had not been bleeding, because it was not the wound that had killed him. Scourge covered up his scar again, taking a breath, as he had pulled the collar tighter to show the wound.

Maplesplash looked to him with her eyes wide, then she sighed softly and looked into his eyes. "Tigerstar has hurt many cats... he may have hurt you more, but you are not alone in the anger and fear we all have for him... Even I can see that Tigerstar was a horrid cat, who should have been killed at birth... But then again, it is him we have to thank for many of the things happening to the clans."

Scourge huffed and turned away, standing up and taking a few steps away from her, his head held high as usual, but his tail had drooped. The black tom then looked to Maplesplash, his eyes having softened some. "I see nothing to thank him for..."

Art by: Ask-Lyre-Birdie
Maplesplash belongs to: ME!!! 
Maplesplash design by: Azolah
Scourge belongs to: 
Warriors by: Erin Hunter

Chapter 1: fav.me/d8lj384
Last Chapter: fav.me/d8lky84
All chapters: slendercats.deviantart.com/gal…
Next chapter: fav.me/d8plcfm
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