SmashleyAshley — Corporate Takeover: The Epilogue [NSFW]

#diaper #panales #abdl #ageplay #baby #nappy #regression #walker #omutsu #windel #mentalregression
Published: 2021-12-11 01:05:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 40222; Favourites: 72; Downloads: 10
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Description I truly love this picture by and had to post it again since it is absolutely integral to the ending of this story. It shows how our favorite villian is adapting to her second babyhood.

I commissioned this image for one of my favorite clients who commissioned me to write a story about humiliation, infantilization and subjugation that takes place in the Diaper Dimension. If you like Femdom, giant women babying normal sized people or cruel punishments then Corporate Takeover is the story for you! If you want to help me create more stories like this one then please consider supporting me on Patreon. With your donation you not only help me, but you get many wonderful stories to read and art to enjoy. It's Christmas and it's only $5. You're worth $5, right?


Previous Part: Corporate Takeover Pt.7


The call Rebecca made on that day to corporate sent shockwaves throughout the upper echelons of the company. Things moved quickly over the next couple of days. The board of investors unanimously voted to approve Rebecca taking over as acting CEO while Mrs. Schwartz was incapacitated. Even though Rebecca had thoroughly explained what happened to Mrs. Schwartz to everyone above her, few believed her and attributed her "affliction" to a rare gentic disorder brought on by her age. Those who did believe her had made the decision to keep her sequestered on the island with the two adult babies. It was explained to her that If the tabloids got wind of this development that the company would leak a counter story claiming that the old woman had a bizarre baby kink or fetish which would only damage Mrs Schwartz's image but ultimately protect the company in the long run.

The biggest fear those running the company had was the actual news media getting wind of this situation. Amazonian culture was built upon the almost sacred belief that the giants who ran this world were superior to all Littles and were incapable of becoming regressed by any means. If it came to light that the old woman and her secretary were actually regressed by a rejuvenation cream meant for Littles (one that the corporation manufactured) it would not only destroy the company, but quite possibly all of the supply chains which fueled the baby care sector of Amazonian society. 

And that was the best case scenario. 

If the belief structure that the Amazons had developed over the past millennia was proven to be false… if it got out that an Amazon's brain cells, their mental structure, was no different than a Little's mind… it was very possible that Amazonian society would dissolve into anarchy.

Rebecca was sworn to secrecy after being granted the title of CEO. It wasn't exactly like Rebecca was a bad choice for the job. Up until this catastrophe she had been running the Research and Development Department for almost five years; she truly was one of their best and brightest employees. Plus, she understood the weight she now carried on her shoulders. 

After becoming CEO, she had the clearance needed to access her bosses' files and in those files she found out that there had been a number of reports that came from the government about women showing strange signs of being regressed. It seemed that during the past year, various mothers and older Amazonian women had started suffering mental breakdowns and needed to be hidden away from sight to preserve their dignity. Each report, and the correspondence that came with it, showed that Mrs. Schwartz vehemently denied any part in the spontaneous mental regressions, as the government called them. She had even swore that none of her products had any regressive properties which was a lie. Rebecca had specifically developed the cream to both rejuvenate a Little's complexion and to alter their mental makeup. 

Her first order was the discontinuation of the rejuvenation cream and its subsequent destruction under the supervision of her former lab assistants back on the mainland. She knew that if any Little Activist Groups or Pro Little Rebellion cells found out about the regressive properties of the cream that they could use it for their own selfish interests. If they got a hold of enough of that cream… there could be dozens, if not hundreds, of Amazon's crawling around after being forced to use the cream. It was a weird thing to mentally picture; a bunch of Littles kidnapping Amazons and rubbing their captive's giant bodies with the cream for hours a day until the kidnapped Amazon broke.

Rebecca didn't think it would come to that, but knew better than to be greedy like her predecessor. It was better to be safe than sorry. After all, it wasn't like the Mids couldn't overpower an Amazon if there were enough of them. Plus, it just seemed like a good idea to get rid of the stuff since there were women who were already using the cream, in secret, to get a more youthful complexion. It was only a matter of time before someone connected the dots and sued the company for negligence.

-Two Weeks After The Mental Regression-

Rebbeca sighed as she got off of the phone. She kicked up her high heels onto the desk and leaned back in her office chair. The past two weeks had been incredibly stressful and difficult to navigate, but someone she had done it. All of the cream had been disposed of, buried deep underground in drums far away from civilization in some remote area. Any and all documents, both physical and digital, pertaining to the cream had been destroyed as well. 

The young woman stretched in her leather covered chair and surveyed her surroundings: Her desk and everything in it was perfectly organized and stood out starkly when compared to the room beyond her temporary corporate command center. A massive, multicolored baby gate, one sized for an Amazon, zigzagged across the once plush carpet of the hotel suite. Contained within the infantile barrier were two huge babies, one in a humongous baby walker and two much smaller inflated infants. 

Rebecca gazed at her former boss who was sitting in a massive baby walker in pity. Gone was her high powered business suit, gone was the purple string bikini top and her tiny, purple thong. Her adulthood had been replaced with jumbo sized diapers and a baby walker sized up to an adult Amazon's size. It was rather ironic that the specific baby walker had been originally purchased for baby Jaime, but she didn't need it anymore; Mrs. Schwartz needed it a lot more.

For the first few days, the mentally regressed CEO had been lying on the carpet, unable to do much of anything except lay there in her dirty diaper. It seemed that the once feared and respected corporate leader hadn't yet remastered the art of sitting upright without help. Rebecca simply didn't have the time to be teaching the full grown woman how to sit up so she had sized up the baby walker to help the woman redevelop her legs. It kept Mrs. Schwartz out of trouble and made the former CEO happy to roll around all day while Rebbeca worked. 

Rebecca noticed that the diapered woman was staring at the TV in awe of the pretty shapes and colors that danced around on the screen as a woman's voice spoke numbers and letters a loud. It had been a miracle that Rebecca had found that DVD in Malene's purse after both her boss and Malene had been regressed. At first, Malene would try to hide from the TV for some strange reason, but now she was happily engrossed with the video just like Mrs. Schwartz. 

The new CEO could only sigh as she watched her former boss slap at the toys on her baby walker and giggle around the oversized pacifier that bobbed around in her mouth. Rebecca had been tasked with taking care of the regressed woman until they were allowed to return to the mainland. Of course, Rebbeca still held out hope that she could fix her boss and that was why she had the former Madam of Misery in a walker while the TV played the educational DVD for her to watch every day. If she could get the woman walking around and talking on her own again, she could possibly begin rehabilitating her back into adulthood. 

"Dah bah hahaha!" Malene's laughter could be heard over the TV as she pushed Jack away from her on the carpet like he was a ball. 

Rebecca didn't really know what to do with her. She seemed to be getting worse as the weeks went by and, unlike Mrs. Schwartz, she didn't exactly have an obligation to watch over her. She mostly kept the secretary at full size since she assumed that being shrunk down to the size of a Little would only cement her regressed mind permanently in babyhood. That, and she figured that Mrs. Schwartz could use a playmate that was her own size. After all, social interaction helped babies mature, right?

Unbeknownst to Rebecca, Malene had been regressing the twins mentally while simultaneously training them to respond to certain trigger words during the past six months. It was an odd way of seeking revenge against the two Littles she had been forced into caring for, but it had been one of the few ways that she derived joy from being their nanny on top of being a secretary. The triggers were hidden deep in the audio of the DVD and were mostly recordings of certain business words. These words triggered a wife array of effects, most were related to bladder and bowel functions, but a few perverse ones were inserted to create spontaneous orgasms and other reactions. Malene had told herself that maybe the old bat would get rid of the two paperweights if they came on the crazy old lady during a diaper change. 

Speaking of the other babies, she had to permanently regress Jaime's mind and send her off to an orphanage. The young woman simply knew too much and Rebecca couldn't care for a woman who was still mentally aware of her surroundings. What if she escaped from the suite and contacted her old newspaper? Rebecca couldn't take that chance.

However, she still had the twins. She kept them around to remind herself of what her blind servitude had wrought. They were easy to care for and content to just lay around. Plus, they were no longer a pain to carry around thanks to Corporate who had sent over a top of the line robotic nanny to help Rebbeca care for the mentally regressed Mrs. Schwartz. Of course, Rebbeca was using the nanny for all of her babies, including the twins, since they weighed so much and couldn't comprehend basic speech.

She moved her gaze from the older woman trapped in the walker down towards Jack who was laughing up a storm. The once bright Little, which she had disfigured and mutilated against his will, was the happiest she had ever recalled seeing him. Rebecca didn't exactly approve of the bigger babies using him as a ball, but it was a form of exercise and she was determined to help the two obese babies lose weight. 

"Let momma help you out." Rebbeca cooed before she clicked on her cell phone.

An Amazon sized robot walked into the room from the suite's kitchen and stopped in front of the former director of Research and Development. 

"What can I do for you, Mother?" The computerized voice asked.

I want you to pick up baby Jackie and put her next to her sister, Kimi." Rebecca ordered.

The machine complied without saying a word. It stepped over the baby gate with ease and bent over to pick up the immobile ball of fat. Jack giggled happily upon being scooped up by the robot and was carried a short distance over to where the baby gyms were laid out. It laid Jack next to Kimi who was busy reaching for the glinting and sparking baby toys which hung just out of reach. 

Once laid down, Jack joined her. Both of the babies cooed and gurgled as their chubby arms struggled against gravity to reach for the suspended toys. Rebecca smiled and watched them play with their baby gyms. She had ordered three for her little loafs of lard and had used her size manipulation ray to enlarge one of the baby gyms for Malene and Mrs. Schwartz to share. 

The ring of a telephone broke Rebbeca's attention away from the two obese babies in front of her. 

An annoying ringing sound made Mrs. Schwartz look away from the glowing screen in front of her. However, before she could figure out what that familiar noise was, it stopped making any noise at all. The diapered woman returned her gaze on the screen and felt her padded butt bounce against the mesh lining of her baby walker. She loved the feeling and bounced around even more which made the toys shake and clatter against the tray in front of her. The powerful woman grinned around her big binky when she spotted the toys and started to play with everything on the plastic tray of her infantile baby chair.  

"Yes, my three o'clock meeting was moved to four."

"AAaaahhhhhh...." The mentally regressed woman moaned slightly around the rubber nipple as she heard the trigger phrase. Her body started to act on its own; she bounced up and down, grinding herself against the mesh seat until she had an orgasm. Her squeals of delight overpowered the noise coming from the TV as she squirmed around in her seat, rubbing her hairless, slick mound against the sticky inside of her hot diaper. Once she was satisfied, she placed her feet flat onto the ground and sat back down. 

Her bloated tummy gurgled and the older woman felt a slight pain in her gut; she was hungry. She bounced her way towards the baby gate until the bumper of her walker struck the plastic barrier, bringing the oversized thing to a stop. With no where to go, the giant baby woman looked over at her new mommy with wide eyes.

"I have to go now, I think Mrs. Schwartz wants her afternoon formula." Rebbeca hung up the phone and looked at her former boss. 

"That's right, sweetheart. It's nearly lunchtime and I know someone wants some num-nums!" Rebecca cooed as she stared at her former boss. 

She didn't know why her body was becoming so warm or why her bra was growing wet.  All she knew was that there was a big baby who was looking at her with those big wide eyes. Mrs. Schwartz obviously needed her more than anything else in this world and Rebecca needed her baby more than anything else.

The End...

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