SmashleyAshley — The Future of Amazonian Fertility Pt.3 [NSFW]

#couches #abdl #ageplay #diaper #femdom #giantess #nappy #panales #omutsu #windel
Published: 2022-02-28 01:40:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 43593; Favourites: 45; Downloads: 7
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PART 2: The Future of Amazonian Fertility Pt.2

A gentle but persistent jostling forced Caroline to open her eyes as she was forced to awaken from her nap. She found herself looking up at an enormous giant in shock, startled by the huge size difference between her and the large woman. It took a few seconds for it to all come rushing back to her; 'I'm on the mainland!'


"Did you have a bad dream?" The woman asked, genuinely curious if the girl had a nightmare. 


"I slept alright." Caroline replied. "It just took me a minute to remember where I am."


"That's perfectly natural. I'm sure I would be startled if I woke up in a strange place." Zsófia smiled.


Caroline nodded and looked over at the other row of seat, finding them empty. "Where is everyone else?"


"We arrived a few minutes ago, but I could barely bring myself to wake you up. You looked so cute and peaceful sleeping in your carseat." The giantess explained, her eyes all but sparkling. 


Caroline didn't like the look Zsófia had in her eye and decided to focus the conversation on why they were both on this bus. "I appreciate you giving me a few extra minutes of sleep, but don't you think I should be with the others?" 


A chuckle coming from the giant woman caused a pang of anxiety to rock Caroline's body. It seemed like the kind of laugh mothers made when a child said something cute. She hadn't said something funny, nor was she here to entertain the giants. The last thing she wanted was for Zsófia to think she was too cute to join the team in the lab. 


"What's so funny?" Caroline asked. 


"I apologize." Zsófia brushed back a lock of her hair that had fallen in front of her face. "That was completely unprofessional of me. The others are going to be giving blood samples and genetic material that you, and the other doctors, will be studying."


"Oh, okay." Caroline felt her heart rate return to normal. "That makes sense."


"Now, I think it's time we meet Dr. Devereux, don't you?" The giantess asked as she began to unbuckle Caroline from the five point harness which had held her into the rear facing carseat. 


Caroline didn't exactly have a say in the matter, which wouldn't have bothered her if she had been released from the infantile seat and placed on the floor. However, she was once again perched on Zsófia's hip. 


"Wait!" The little woman shouted embarrassingly loud before she regained her composure. 


Zsófia paused and looked down at the small woman she was holding.


"What about my carry on?" Caroline asked, looking up at the Pannonian woman.


"That's right!" Zsófia softly slapped her forehead with her left hand while making an exaggerated face. 


Caroline found herself returned to the ground just outside of the shuttle bus. She watched the Amazon hop aboard the bus and quickly walk out holding her small carry on!


Zsófia couldn't help but smile as she saw Caroline's face light up like she was a child getting a gift on her birthday. 'If only she was my bab-' Zsófia had to shake such thoughts from her head as she handed over the prized piece of luggage to the little scientist.


"I'm so sorry. If you had left your notes and research behind, your trip would truly be for nothing. I really need to get myself under control."  


"It's only natural." Caroline replied, trying to keep her escort happy. "I've studied Amazons since high school and you're just going through the standard reaction any Amazon goes through when they see a Little they want."


Zsófia looked down at Caroline in awe; it was like the tiny thing had read her mind or something. "I can see why you're one of the most respected researchers in the field." 


Caroline tried not to smile, but it really felt good being acknowledged by an Amazon. Of course, the almost bipolar shifts between being treated like a toddler and then talked to like an adult were quite jarring, but hearing the woman praise her for her knowledge helped ease the awkwardness she was feeling. 


"Thank you, I do my best to understand the problems facing your people inside and out. Now, how about we go see this laboratory?" 


"Sounds like a plan. If you'll follow me, Dr. Miller." Zsófia took the lead and, for the first time since the terminal, Caroline was starting to feel more like herself again.


The two women walked side by side as equals towards the massive structure which seemed to dwarf Zsófia. Two grey columns rose up on opposite sides of a flight of twenty steps of stairs. The building itself was a brutalist structure that seemingly had been repurposed from a possible military past to be used for modern medical applications and research. Caroline came to this conclusion as she and Zsófia entered the sterile white lobby of the building. 


"Good afternoon, Zsófia!" A cheery face announced from behind a large desk.


"Hi, Erzsébet!" Zsófia smiled and leaned over the desk to kiss her friend on each cheek while the woman named Erzsébet did the same exact gesture on Zsófia.


Caroline didn't exactly know what to make of this gesture. She may have been well read on Amazonian behavior and everything that related to their biology, but she wasn't very well versed on cultural customs that each region practiced. For all she knew, it was either an average greeting or maybe the two giants were lesbians. Caroline honestly had no clue which was the right answer so she simply let the two women get on with their custom.


"And who do you have with you?" Erzsébet cooed down at the little woman. 


"Oh, this is Dr. Miller." Zsófia answered. 


"That's funny, Zsófia. She should be with the others, but if you ask me, she shouldn't even be here. She should-" Erzsébet released a high pitched giggle and stared at her friend with a knowing look. "You finally adopted?!"


"Erzsébet, calm down! This is doctor Caroline Miller, the Amazonian Fertility specialist from overseas."


The brunette stared at Zsófia like she was speaking a foreign language and then turned her attention to Caroline who she was seemingly studying. "She has a badge. She actually has a badge." Erzsébet said in disbelief. "But how is that possible?"


"The government is bringing in the most highly skilled scientists and doctors to tackle the Fertility issue. You are aware that Dr. Devereux isn't even Pannonian and she's leading the team." 


"Yeah, but this girl is a Little." Erzsébet replied.


"I may be a Little, but your government only wants the best minds on their team to figure out a cure to this problem. We all want to find a solution to the issue, both Amazons and Littles. I swear to you both that I'll work night and day until you're all able to have your own children." Caroline stated, finally finding her moment to speak up.


Both giants looked down at Caroline and couldn't help but nod in agreement. Even Erzsébet seemed to hide her doubt and look at her with a newfound sense of respect. 


Caroline watched as the brunette phoned for Dr. Devereux. While Erzsébet talked with the doctor, Caroline realized that just because she looked cute, she was having to basically promise these giants something that could take years to achieve. She couldn't help but wonder if she was going to be given a time limit just because of her diminutive size. How she hated that every Amazon she had met looked down at her like she was a cute kid or lost toddler. She was determined to end that type of attitude by not only helping the Amazons, but by leaving her mark on History by granting her people the ability to grow just as tall as Amazons. Luckily, she felt confident that she was close to understanding the Amazonian genome fully and mapping out all of their genes responsible for their reproductive health. 


"I still can't get over how short she is." 


Caroline frowned as she heard Erzsébet whisper to Zsófia. 


"What does it matter how tall I am!? I promise you that, in a few years from now, you'll be screaming my name out in both agony and ecstasy as you push out your first baby!" 


"Well, I wasn't expecting Dr. Miller to be so adamant and an adorable Little thing."  A new voice cooed.


Caroline blushed as she gazed up at the new giantess that walked into the lobby. "Are you Dr. Devereux?" 


"The one and only, but you may call me by my first name; Matilda. I run the entire research arm of this facility." The raven haired woman wearing a lab coat replied, introducing herself.


"It's an honor to finally meet you, Matilda. I look forward to working with you!" Caroline held out her hand above her head.


"I trust that your trip here was an uneventful one." The giant woman stated as she shook the much smaller woman's hand. 


"I wish I could say that it was uneventful, but there was a woman who tried to abduct me in the airport. I'm grateful that Zsófia was with me. She has been a great help and made sure that I got here without any trouble." Caroline explained as the much larger woman released her hand.


"I'm sorry to hear that, but Zsófia's actions will not go unrewarded. I'll mention that she was instrumental in ensuring that you arrived unharmed in my next report." Erzsébet nodded to Zsófia who thanked the lead scientist. 


"Thank you, Dr. Devereux, but I was just doing my job."


"The last thing we want is for Dr. Miller here to end up attending preschool, or something far worse than that, before she can help solve our crisis." Matilda chuckled to herself and turned her attention back to the little lady in front of her. "Now, onto the purpose of your arrival here; I expect to hear that you have been continuing your research since your last book. Would I be correct in assuming this?" 


"Of course I have!" Caroline beamed and gestured to her carry on. "I have almost everything on my laptop and what isn't digitally saved has been documented physically in a few notebooks where I keep some of my hypothetical equations. I think it's roughly about four years of research in there."


"Excellent! That's just excellent. I'm so glad you brought that with you and didn't load it on the shuttle." Matilda smiled.


Suddenly, Caroline remembered that her luggage was still on board the bus and, aside from a picture of her parents, all of her clothes were inside her suitcase. 


"When will I get my luggage?" Caroline asked, hoping that it would be in her room after she met the rest of the team. Speaking of rooms; where was she going to be staying during her duration in Pannonia?


"If all goes well, you'll have your luggage after you finish your first day of work with us. After all, there is still plenty of time left in the day!"


Zsófia couldn't help but wonder if Dr. Devereux was making an exception for Dr. Miller since all the other Little's luggage was currently being searched for valuables and money before ultimately being burned. It would make sense since the Littles who didn't qualify to be in the long term testing phase were to be preselected by members of the Nobility and those who weren't adopted by the ruling class were immediately shipped off to Orphanages across the nation. Dr. Miller definitely wasn't going to be shipped off anytime soon, she realized, but part of her foolishly hoped that she would be given an opportunity to adopt Caroline before the Nobility were notified of her Little status.


"Ladies, I trust you can get Dr. Miller's room prepared for her and please do keep an eye out for her luggage." Dr. Devereux stated in a neutral tone. 


Zsófia and Erzsébet both nodded in the affirmative.


"Very well then, we must be headed down to the lab. Say goodbye to Zsófia and Erzsébet." The giantess ordered in a slightly less professional voice as she addressed Caroline. 


"Bye Zsófia! Thank you for helping me out in the airport!" Caroline waved and then added, "it was nice to meet you, Erzsébet!"


The giantess wasted no time ushering the little geneticist with her deeper into the facility until they came across an elevator. Matilda pulled out her key card and swiped it down the digital reader which opened the elevator doors with a beep.


"When do I get one of those?" The little lady asked as she pulled her carry on into the elevator with her.


"Not many people get these key cards, but I'll be happy to have Zsófia escort you around the compound if needed." Dr. Devereux replied while typing something into the digital screen on the side of the elevator. 


With a sudden bump, the elevator started descending. Caroline hadn't been on too many elevators in her life, but even her limited experience with the small moving rooms made her want to make small talk; if only to pass the time. 


"So, I overheard that you're not originally from Pannonia. What country are you originally from?" Caroline asked as she gazed up at Dr. Devereux. The fact that the woman was in a lab coat and Caroline was dressed fairly casual by comparison didn't help her feel any less inferior. 


"My father was from Albion and my mother from Honshu. I was born in Honshu and was taught everything I know at the highest institution on the island; Tohoku. After graduating, I have since traveled the world and used my extensive medical knowledge to help nations such as Tsaria develop their healthcare infrastructure to accommodate their Little population."


Caroline had heard of Tsaria and knew that it wasn't exactly the most welcoming place for her people. They had few if any rights so it made her wonder what Dr. Devereux had been doing in that country. Still, Matilda had treated her with respect thus far and it was possible that Tsaria had relaxed their laws or even had a pro Little government come to power in the years since she had heard about the country. After all, Caroline didn't exactly know too much or care about the politics of the Amazonian nations or their geopolitical situations. Her mission in life was to right the wrongs that biology had inflicted upon the world not worry about what nation had what laws. 


However, if she remembered correctly Honshu had some very unorthodox and unethical thoughts about curing Amazonian Fertility. The last thing she had read was about a "revolutionary" procedure where they were implanti-


"This is our floor." Matilda announced with a subtle smirk. 


The doors opened to reveal a state of the art laboratory filled with both men and women who were staring at computers, into microscopes or running around with vials and other materials. The laboratory on her home island wasn't even a fourth the size of this facility. It was like something out of her wildest dreams. She had finally made it. With the tools provided to her by the Pannonian Government, she could cure Amazonian infertility and find a way to unlock a Little's potential to grow as tall as any Amazon on the planet!

"Everyone!" Matilda Devereux shouted, causing all activity in the laboratory to come to a standstill. Everyone was now staring at the lead researcher, but they were also gazing at Caroline with a wide array of expressions: the women were smiling, some cooing and doing little waves while the men seemed confused by the tiny woman's presence more than anything. 


"Now that I have everyone's attention, I'd like to introduce a very special new addition to our team!" Mrs. Devereux gestured down at the tiny woman standing beside her. 


"Aww! Did you finally adopt?" A woman near the back of the lab asked. Caroline instantly hated her. 


"Why isn't your new daughter wearing a diaper?" Another woman spoke up. 


"This isn't my daughter, ladies. This little lady is none other than the renowned researcher and geneticist, Doctor Caroline Miller!"


A round of gasps from the gathered scientists confirmed what Caroline had expected to happen if her real identity was ever leaked to the Amazonian public; they were in shock. They didn't believe a Little was capable of doing anything more than wearing a diaper and drooling. Even these scientists, who were well aware of her accomplishments and her books weren't sure what to make of her. They simply gazed at her like she had just grown a second head or something. 


"That can't be true!" Another woman, possibly the one who asked about Caroline not being in diapers, replied.


"She's obviously an impostor!" A redhead who towered over Caroline exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at her.


"Ladies, let's not get worked up here." An older man, hair peppered with specks of grey spoke up. "If she is truly Dr. Miller then we must welcome her with open arms and allow her to help us."


"Dr. Barbas is right." Dr. Devereux stated firmly before adding, "I will admit that I had no idea that she was a Little, but let's not judge her due to her appearance. Let's allow her work to speak for itself."


A wave of murmuring washed over the crowd as some of the women still seemed dismissive of her abilities, but the men weren't as cold. Caroline saw a few nods amongst the gentlemen assembled in front of her and immediately felt better about her prospects here. 


She knew that the Amazonian women would naturally be harder to win over, if at all, but she didn't know much about the men and was relieved to see that one of the men had already stepped up to defend her against the group of discriminating women. Her experience with Amazonian males was limited to when she had to speak with perspective fathers who were struggling to impregnate their wives. They were always levelheaded and happy to accept any advice possible to help their wives become mothers the biological way. Caroline had long assumed that they had treated her with respect because they thought she was a fellow Amazon. Maybe they're naturally more open minded than their female counterparts?


"Caroline?" The familiar voice of Dr. Devereux broke the little woman from her thoughts.


"Yes, Dr. Devereux?" Caroline answered, craning her neck towards the ceiling to make eye contact with her contemporary. 


"I want you to work on the computers with Dr. Barbas and Dr. Kovács since you're much too short to work with the lab equipment." 


"Alright, but I'll need access to any samples you have. It's paramount that I am able to study them." Caroline replied, asserting herself. 


"That won't be a problem, but I think we should wait until tomorrow to do any chemical readings on actual samples since we don't exactly have anything here to aid you in working with them. In the meantime, I trust you'll be able to work with what we have on file. All the information regarding said samples have already been logged into the database and are at your disposal." Dr. Devereux explained. 


"Sounds good." Caroline smiled.


"I'll let you get to it." The black haired Amazon stated before walking away. 


Caroline stood there for a moment as scientists, biologists and other geneticists walked past her. It was so unbelievable to the small woman; she was actually on the mainland and was going to be allowed to look over all the genetic records of a population of Amazons!"


'What am I doing standing around? I better get to work!' 


Caroline walked over to a row of computers and stopped in her tracks when she came face to face with the large office chair. She knew that it wouldn't be easy to move the thing, let alone climb into it, but she had to try!


"Dr. Miller?" A deep voice came from behind her. 


Caroline spun around and came face to face with the Man's knees until she craned her head towards his face. She had to remember that talking to giants wasn't the same as talking to people her own size. If she kept spacing that out, she would only embarrass herself. 


"Yes?" Caroline asked, recognizing the giant instantly; it was the same man who had stood up for her only moments ago.


"My name is Dr. Barbas, I'll be assisting you with your research today."


"I appreciate any assistance you can give me. Everything is so large compared to me in this lab." The Auburn haired Little chuckled, feeling tiny compared to this giant man.


"Don't worry. You'll get used to it and I'll be happy to help get you seated."


Caroline didn't exactly comprehend what Dr. Barbas had meant by that until she felt the giant man push his fingers underneath her armpits and, before she could object, was lifted off of the tiled floor. It took a second for the twenty six year old to register what was happening, but she remained silent as he lowered her down onto the oversized office chair. She stared forward at the empty space beneath the desk and was about to question her colleague about how she was supposed to use the computer when she felt the chair automatically rise into the air.


"Thank you for helping me." The Auburn haired geneticist blushed. 


"Think nothing of it. Now, your login information is your last name and the password is Nagy1234."


"That's not exactly a great password." The Little Geneticist smirked.


"Government officials aren't exactly known for being creative." The older man replied with a smile. "Now, don't hesitate to ask me if you need anything, okay?"


"Will do." Caroline replied, watching the man with salt and pepper hair walk over to another computer and talk his seat.


Finally, she was alone for the first time since setting foot in this country. Caroline eagerly reached forward and moved the large mouse over to the log in area. She clicked the big mouse and then proceeded to hen peck her information into the keyboard. A new window opened, confirming that she had logged herself into the system. She was having some trouble with the mouse as she tried to find the right icon to click. It never occurred to her that she would be working on an Amazon computer. She had assumed that they would allow her to access the database with her computer, but as soon as she laid her eyes on the vast catalog of samples and the corresponding data profiles, she smiled. It wasn't going to be easy, but it would be worth the extra effort needed to operate the computer just to be able to go over every Amazon's DNA sample in the nation. 


Caroline cracked her small fingers, much like a pianist would, and got to work scouring through the numerous records. 


----A Few Hours Later---


The pint sized Geneticist spent the rest of the afternoon analysing population graphs and making models using mathematical equations with the information she gained from the various studies that documented which Amazons in Pannonia were infertile. It was actually worse than Albion or Catalon, nations whom she had written her books about. In fact, it was worse than the continental average! There was no obvious reason for such a big difference between the western nations and Pannonia, but after a few hours of analyzing genetic samples, Caroline made a startling breakthrough!


Unlike Amazonian mothers from the western portion of the continent, Pannonia.mothers capable of bearing children carried a recessive gene that was passed onto both their sons and daughters. If any woman with this dormant gene reproduced with a man who also had this gene then any daughter they had would almost certainly never have children of their own! It was a startling revelation and was much more serious than she had assumed it would be. 


Catalonian and Albion Amazons, for instance, carried a gene that had a one in three chance of being passed onto their offspring, but the gene itself wasn't as common as this mysterious Pannonian variant. Caroline had discovered that the troublesome gene could be altered through genetic mutations when passed onto the next generation, thus rendering it inert. Using this knowledge, she went on to recommend that these mutations be introduced to the prospective mother using a revolutionary form of genetic engineering that Caroline had pioneered in her latest book; a book she had written only three years ago. The gene therapies that the Catalonian and Albion doctors went on to develop, while consulting with Caroline over the phone, utilized her research to nullify the pesky gene and allowed over half of their patients to carry children. 


It had been her greatest achievement to date and had saved countless Littles from being adopted. The last time she looked over the official adoption numbers from Albion, she was amazed to see that adoptions had dropped five percent each year during the last three years. If this trend continued, it was possible that adoptions at the end of the decade could be cut in half!


However, the situation with the Pannionians had looked more dire than the other nations at first glance, but Caroline was able to pinpoint the mystery gene after a few hours  and discovered that it was actually codominant which explained why it was so common in most Pannonian mothers. According to her long hours of research, the only thing keeping the Pannionian nation populated was an influx of immigrants every few generations which added genetic diversity to the gene pool. Her research seemed to prove that roughly eight out of ten women whose DNA was catalogued by the Pannonian government were unable to become pregnant which explained why the government was offering monetary incentives for getting pregnant and bearing more than one child.


One of her notebooks had a hypothesis in regards to this very situation! If she could go over her notes, she may be able find a way to neutralize the-


'Oh, shit.' Caroline instantly pulled her hands away from the keyboard and held her stomach. She had been so absorbed in her research that she had forgotten to go to the bathroom!


The Auburn haired Little knew that she couldn't risk losing control of her bladder in front of her colleagues. They would never respect her if she did that! So, she pushed back with her body, sliding the chair backwards roughly a foot and hopped down from the cushioned surface. Upon landing on her feet, she felt a little dribble escape into her panties, but she clamped her legs together, avoiding a true accident. 


'I can't just stand here like this!'


Caroline rushed past her collegues, trying desperately to find a restroom to go to before she peed her panties. Spurred on by her bladder's urgency, she ran past the racks of samples and test-tubes in the lab until she was plucked up by a pair of hands. 


"Where do you think you're going in such a rush, little girl?" A feminine voice asked. 


"I need to use the lavatory!" Caroline cried out, blushing at how childish she sounded.


"I had a feeling that was what was making you run around like a hyper child." The woman ho oook doing her snickered. 


"I'm not hyper! I just got a bit absorbed in my research." Caroline replied, defending herself from the accusation of immaturity.


"That's cute. Auntie Ajnácska will take you to the potty and afterwards I'll put you in a nice, thick diaper so you won't ruin our furniture." The woman cooed down at her. 


"What's going on over her, Ajnácska?" A familiar voice asked.


The giantess turned around, holding Caroline in her hands, and saw that it was none other than Dr. Barbas.


"I'm just taking the girl to the bathroom."


"She's going to diaper me!" Caroline exclaimed.


If the strange scene had gone unnoticed by their colleagues before, Catherine wouldn't have known since everyone in the surrounding area was now staring at them.


"Is this true, Ajnácska?" The man with short hair speckled with salt and pepper asked, frowning slightly. 


"Yes, it is. She told me that she forgot to go to the bathroom and we don't need the lab smelling like urine while we're doing grown up work." The giantess explained, trying to assert herself.


"Obviously, Dr. Miller remembered that she needed to go and was in the process of taking care of nature's call when you not only stopped her from finding the restroom, but held her literally captive." Dr. Barbas shot back. "I'll handle things from here."


"You're lucky that he's second in command, little girl. If Dr. Devereux was here, she would side with me." The giantess named Ajnácska sneered and handed the petite Geneticist over to Dr. Barbas.


Caroline watched the annoyed Amazon walk away with a sigh. Her sense of relief was short lived as another sharp pain rattled her bladder. 


"I really do appreciate your help, Dr. Barbas, but can you take me to the bathroom now?" Caroline asked, trying not to sound too distressed. 


"Yes, of course."


With that said, Caroline allowed the scientist to carry her through the lab like she was a wet baby in his outstretched arms. It was obvious to her that he had limited, if any, experience with Littles, but she was definitely grateful for his help. He seemed to be one of the few Amazons in the lab who was on her side.


"Here we are!" The older man announced with a smile as he opened the door to the laboratory's restroom.


Caroline looked around to see a very clean and average looking restroom. However, opposite from the row of grey stalls was a bank of urinals on the wall. 'Why did he take me into the men's room?' 


"I think we're in the men's room." Caroline stated, looking surprised as she fidgeted in the giant's hands


"It seems I have." Dr. Barbas observed. "I apologize about this. Force of habit I'm afraid. I'll be happy to take you into the women's ro-"


"There's no time!" The Little shouted, pointing at the first stall with her finger in desperation as yet another sharp pain emanated from her swollen bladder. 


"A toilet is a toilet after all." The old scientist said to himself as he carried Caroline over to the stall door, pushing it open with his hip, and taking the pint sized woman inside with him.


"You've got to be kidding me!" Caroline exclaimed upon seeing the standard toilet sitting there in front of her. Even being held in the doctor's hands, she could tell that the thing was much too large for her to sit on it comfortably. Best case scenario, her butt would fall into the bowl!


"What's the problem?" The scientist asked, concern present in his voice. "You didn't- umm…"


"No, I still have to go to the bathroom, but look at this thing!" Caroline gestured to the massive toilet seat. "How am I supposed to sit on it?"


"I see." Dr. Barbas replied, thinking of a solution to the problem at hand. "Given your difference in size, in regards to the toilet, I'd recommend that you pull up your dress while I hold you over the bowl."


 "You want me to pee while you hold me over the toilet?! No way!" Caroline whined. 


"I'm not exactly comfortable with doing that either, Dr. Miller. You're a highly accomplished colleague of mine, not some random toilet training toddler." The older man replied before adding, "how about I stand you on the seat and you can take care of yourself?"


Caroline nodded and quickly found herself standing on the bowl. Thank goodness that she decided against wearing high heels on this trip.


"I'll be on the other side of the door if you need anything at all, Dr. Miller."


Caroline kept quiet and reached for the hem of her dress, hiking it up until she realized that she had a rather big problem to overcome; her panties. Normally, she would just slide them off and go about her business, but that was when she was using the toilet the proper way. She wouldn't be able to take a piss if she couldn't lift one of her legs to move the panties out of the way of her steam!


The tiny woman sighed and started to shimmy her panties down her legs. It took a few agonizing seconds, but they were finally around her knees when they ran out of elasticity. She had to life up one of her legs to get the silken garment out of the way of her impending torrent. Slowly, she lifted her foot and almost slipped off of the toilet. She stumbled a little bit as she caught herself by extending her hands and steadying herself against the top of the toilet's tank in front of her.


A trickling sound pulled her out of her startled state and made her look down at the bowl of the toilet in dread. 


'Please tell me I accidentally hit the flush button.'


There was no such luck for the brightest Geneticist in the building; she was peeing.


In her haste to catch herself from falling, her bladder released itself in the ensuing chaos, drenching her panties in the urinary crossfire. She stood there in silence for a few moments, staring at her ruined underwear as her fully extended arms kept her from falling in. Her she was; twenty six years old, both accomplished and respected in her field and standing on top of a toilet seat, staring at her ruined underwear in disbelief.


"Is everything alright in there?"


Dr. Barbas' voice reminded her that she wasn't alone. She wasn't the only person in this bathroom being inconvenienced by the realities of working in a facility that had no specialized restrooms for her kind. She was a professional and she had been behaving like a spoiled brat and she now had wet her panties like a baby who had failed at mastering the toilet. Why? Because she refused to accept his help. This would've never happened if she had just swallowed her pride and let him hold her.


"Everything is fine." Caroline lied, as she tried to kick off her soaked panties into the toilet bowl.


 It wasn't an easy task to keep her balance, but after the fourth shake of her foot she got the panties to drop past her right shoe and dangle limply from her left shoe. Switching feet, she managed to finally drop the ruined underwear into the toilet. With a frown, she pushed the button on the tank and watched her panties swirl around the artificial whirlpool until they disappeared from sight. For some reason, it felt like she had just watched a bit of her adulthood vanish from existence.


"Okay. I'm finished in here." Caroline announced. 


To Be Continued...


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NEXT: The Future of Amazonian Fertility Pt.4 

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