SmashleyAshley — The Future of Amazonian Fertility Pt.4 [NSFW]

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Published: 2022-04-12 01:38:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 31681; Favourites: 43; Downloads: 3
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Description Previous: The Future of Amazonian Fertility Pt.3 

She didn't have to wait long for her colleague to enter into the stall and scoop her up. As she was being carried over to the sink, she felt naked and, strangely enough, a bit naughty. Not naughty like an adult during the foreplay that precluded sex, but naughty like a little girl who was hiding a shameful secret from her father. Caroline shook that last bizarre thought from her head. She had destroyed the evidence of her accident while simultaneously proving to her peer that she could handle herself; that was a victory in her book.  

"I hope you don't mind, but I always wash my hands when I'm in the restroom." The old man chuckled as he lowered the little woman onto the cool surface of the counter surrounding the sink.

"No, I don't mind at all. I need to wash my hands too." Caroline replied, feeling a bit awkward in the man's presence due to her previous thoughts.

The sound of running water filled the restroom when Dr. Barbas pressed the top of the faucet, giving Caroline a bit of white noise to focus on. She watched him wash his hands and waited until it was her turn.

"Hold your hands out over here, please."

The auburn haired Little did as she was directed and watched a big pink glob of liquid soap fall into her outstretched hands from the soap dispenser. She quickly rubbed the slippery liquid soap in between her hands and then leaned forward to wash her hands underneath the warm running water. It made her feel rather childish and slightly uncomfortable. She felt like she was being observed and judged based on how she washed her hands. There was no reason for her to think like this since she was here on business, but being the size of a four year old compared to her contemporary, and the fact that he had just helped her get onto the giant toilet, didn't help her feel very mature.

Dr. Barbas had already dried his hands by the time Caroline had finished and she noticed that he had grabbed some extra paper towels for her. Luckily for her, he didn't help her dry her hands, which helped her feel more like an adult. 

"Would you like me to help you get down from there or would you prefer I carried you back to your work station?"

The question caught the twenty six year old off guard. On the one hand, he wanted to carry her back to her computer which seemed very demeaning, but at least she had a choice in the matter unlike when she dealt with that rude woman named Ajnácska.

"I can walk back there, thank you very much." Caroline answered with a hint of annoyance.

"I know you can." The older man replied, instantly realizing that he had insulted the young woman. "And I didn't mean to offend you. I noticed how busy you've been today and I just assumed that it would be a lot faster for the both of us if I offered you a lift."

"Even though it would indeed be faster, I have already humiliated myself enough by being carried around by you and that patronizing woman. As a Little, I'm sure you understand that I must maintain an air of independence or else I could be fired or worse…" Caroline shuddered, not wanting to dwell on the "worse" outcome. 

"But you're Doctor Caroline Miller! You literally wrote the book on Amazon Fertility! They would never fire you just because our accommodations weren't appropriate for your height." Dr. Barbas replied, trying to do his best to squash the Little geneticist's fears.

"You've read my book?" Caroline asked, her voice a little more excited than she would have liked it to be. 

"I may be older than most of the people in this facility by a few years, but I like to think that I'm not too old to keep up to date when it comes to  modern medical breakthroughs." The older man chuckled. 

"I suppose that my work is rather groundbreaking, isn't it?" Caroline wondered aloud. 

"It definitely is. Before you hit the scene, I was primarily working on genetic engineering and testing to ensure that any woman who did manage to conceive had a healthy fetus." Dr. Barbas explained.

"So, the main mission was preserving what few children you guys could have?" Caroline asked, already knowing the answer. Her instructors on her home island had told her this years ago when she would ask why no one had figured out why the Amazons were in a gradual decline. Of course, most of her instructors would follow it up with a hearty 'And I hope they all die out faster than the statistics show.'

"Yes, that is correct. No one had ever tried to understand why us Amazons had such trouble conceiving." The older man's eyes seemed to be focusing on her and yet they looked as if he was looking off into the past. "Our mission for decades was to protect the unborn and to ensure that they were born healthy. Even at University none of my professors had humored me when I asked if there was any chance at reversing the downward trend. I was just a silly boy to them back then. Everyone seemed resigned to accept the status quo. After all, according to numerous population charts, we weren't doomed to truly die out, but there was the very real chance that our genetic diversity would be depleted in a few hundred years or so."

"So, you had the same idea as me?"

"I did, but sadly I didn't have the drive to see it through. The problem was too far into the future to be taken seriously. At least, It seems that it wasn't as serious back then as it is now. I mean, look at Pannonia. Their population is definitely at risk of dying out if we can't figure out what is causing more and more women to be born infertile."

"I guess I showed up at just the right time to be the hero." Caroline smiled. 

"You sure did! Not only did you show the governments of the world that our declining population wasn't set in stone, but you have given thousands of women a chance that they wouldn't have otherwise had; a chance to have a real child! If they knew what you looked like, I dare say that they would've already built you a monument in my native Albion."

"But I'm a Little." Caroline frowned. "I highly doubt that they would erect a statue in my honor." 

"You shouldn't be so sure of that, Dr. Miller." Dr. Barbas stated. "You have altered the fate of Amazon society across the world. You have made history! If you continue to make such astounding discoveries...I would imagine that you,  and your people, will no longer be needed to act as… surrogate children in the future."

Caroline didn't know what to say. Here was an Amazon who not only respected her work, but seemed to understand her end goal. She was beyond words.

"I hope you're right, Dr. Barbas. My dream is for a world where my children and your grandchildren can coexist with respect and dignity."

"My grandchildren are actually around your age, but-" He paused for a moment, instantly realizing what the Little woman was getting at. "Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. I couldn't even begin to imagine the irony of such a situation. The thought that one of my grandchildren having your child, the child of the woman who so selflessly helped us with our Fertility problems, in such a demeaning position would be ludicrous to say the least."

"I wasn't so sure about coming here, but it really means a lot to me that you can see the plight of my kind. Not only are you different from the others, but you understand that we're more than just dolls for your women's amusement." Caroline practically spat the last word.

"I don't like seeing anyone in servitude. It's just wrong. Now, I don't know about you, but I doubt very much that we will get much work done in here." Dr. Barbas stated.

Caroline chuckled, she hadn't even realized that they were still hanging out in the bathroom. "Yeah, you're right. Let's get back to work!"

"I would be honored to see what you've been working on. That is,  If I'm not intruding upon your time." Dr. Barbas scooped the Little woman up from the bathroom counter and lowered her to the ground. 

"Not at all. I think you'll be impressed by what I've already found." Caroline smiled and allowed the older man to lead the way out of the bathroom and into the facility. 

Upon entering the laboratory, Caroline noticed that the annoying woman from before her bathroom break was chatting with Dr. Devereux. The sight of the two women talking sent a chill up her spine. She really hoped that it was her imagination, but she could've sworn that they had looked at her from across the room for the briefest of moments before returning to their conversation. 

As she walked with Dr. Barbas, Caroline lost sight of them when a large cabinet obscured her line of sight, but when she emerged from the other side, she noticed that Dr. Devereux was grinning. The sight of the woman smiling an ear to ear smile was quite unnerving to the Little woman, but luckily her new friend started to talk as they approached their work area.

"Would you like a hand?" Dr. Barbas asked as they walked up to her computer.

"I think that would be a good idea."

Wasting no time, the older man picked her up and sat her into the office chair. The chair was still at the same height as before so all Caroline had to do was shake her mouse and the screen immediately went from black to a series of graphs.

"Well, you certainly have been busy." Dr. Barbas observed. "So, what have discovered, Dr. Miller?" 

"It looks like a hereditary condition that has laid dormant in the population of Pannonia for a very long time until a series of mutations have caused it to literally destroy a Pannonian Amazon's ability to have children. If my findings are correct, there is this one gene that seems to be the culprit." Caroline explained, pointing at the screen.

The auburn haired Little heard a small gasp come from behind her as the older man leaned past her to stare at the screen.

 Naturally, Dr. Barbas wasn't expecting Dr. Miller to literally pinpoint the exact gene causing the problem and yet, there it was right in front of him. He couldn't believe his eyes. It was one of the genes that had looked harmless to him and yet her findings showed that with each generation, the gene had mutated until anyone born with it was basically sterile.

 "Dr. Miller…" The older man stopped for a moment,  searching for the right words. "I may not know a lot about Pannonia, but I think you'll be getting a statue in this country when the year is out for this discovery alone!"

"Don't get too excited, Dr. Barbas. I haven't cured anyone yet." Caroline replied with a smile.

Once more, she was back in her zone. She felt incredibly proud of herself for cracking the genetic mystery in less than a day. Feeling accomplished, she went to cross her legs and noticed the absence of her panties. This odd feeling in between her legs, this nakedness, instantly brought her back down to Earth.

"You think that you can actually cure this rogue gene?" Dr. Barbas asked, utterly astonished by the Little lady's confidence.

A loud clap caught both Caroline and Dr. Barbas' off guard as Dr. Devereux stepped into the center of the lab. 

"It's nine o'clock everyone. Time to call it a night!"

The auburn haired Little looked at Dr. Devereux with a confused expression and then gazed up at Dr. Barbas.

"What is she talking about?" 

"It's one of her rules." Dr. Barbas answered. "She opens the lab at six in the morning and shuts everything down at nine in the evening. According to her, it's to prevent anyone from overworking themselves."

"But that's fifteen hours of work!" Caroline exclaimed.

"Not exactly. We are free to come and go as we please throughout the day. You can leave to have a meal whenever you like. Breakfast, for instance, is served in the cafeteria at seven until nine. Lunch is eleven till two and dinner is served from five until eight." Dr. Barbas explained. "You can even retire to your room before the day is finished if you like. She's very flexible."

"I see." Caroline replied.

"Let's get going then."

"But what about my work? I want to figure out how to beat this thing!" The point sized geneticist whined.

"You have plenty of time to beat that little bugger tomorrow. After all, you've had a very long day if what Dr. Devereux said is true. Did you really just get into the country this morning?" Dr. Barbas asked.

"That's correct. I guess with all the excitement, I forgot how long I've been awake." Caroline suddenly felt the creeping hand of fatigue make its presence known as she yawned. "I suppose I should grab a bite to eat and call it a night."

"I do believe that would be for the best, young lady." The older man smiled, trying not to laugh as he realized how much of a grandfather he sounded like. 

Caroline hopped down from her chair and turned to look up at her new friend and colleague. "See you tomorrow, Dr. Barbas. I hope you have a good night." 

With that said, the auburn haired Little started to walk towards the exit when Dr. Devereux approached her.

"I've arranged for Zsófia to take you to your room. I've had my team make some slight adjustments to your quarters. Mostly stepping stools and such, but if you want help with anything else please call either Zsófia or myself via the phone in your room." The raven haired woman explained as Zsófia entered the lab.

"Okay, but what about food?" Caroline questioned, her stomach already starting to bother her from lack of eating. 

"That's all been taken care of. Check your fridge when you get settled in." Dr. Devereux smiled. 

"Thank you, Dr. Devereux. I really appreciate it!" Caroline exclaimed.

"Call me, Matilda. And think nothing of it. Can't have my researchers go hungry now, can I?"

"Dr. Devereux?" A woman dressed in a lab coat with chestnut brown hair appeared behind the lead researcher, butting into the conversation.

"Yes, Luca?" 

"There's an important matter that needs your attention on the phone." Luca answered.

"It seems my job is never done." Maltida Devereux sighed and walked away from Zsófia and Caroline.

"Ready to check out your new room?" The always cheerful Zsófia asked her pint sized friend.


To Be Continued...

Next part: The Future of Amazonian Fertility Pt.5

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