SnakesNSnoodles — Foxstar

Published: 2018-12-13 23:11:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 610; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description I have a good life here.... I guess I'm in charge now. 

GeneralName: Foxstar
 Prefix Meaning: Fox, for his colors
 Suffix Meaning: Fray, for his aggressive fighting style Star for leader
Past Names/Nicknames: Fox, The Executioner, call me maybe, Sadboy, HOLYSHITWHATHAPPENED, Dad, Foxdad, Foxfray
Gender: Male
Clan: Solarclan
Rank: Leader
 Killed by: --
 Life Count: 9 lives

Past Ranks:Pack Member, Warrior
Mentor: None
Apprentice: --
Parents: Fang and Autumn
Siblings: Violetbite, Willowfur, Half Siblings Dagger and Rock
Mate: Lynxpad
 Orientation: Pansexual/Genderblind
 Looking For: A cat that looks for personality instead of looks, won't try to change him and can handle him. He and Lynxpad are happy <3

Kits:  Sparrowdust, Bone, Ash, CJ, Titan, Rose, Vixenspark, Lupineblaze, Boblight, and Melodysting

Fur: Sleek and Semi-puffy
Build: Lean
Scent: faint scent of maple trees
Key Features: Scar's everywhere, some from his past, other from fights in the clan, half blind right eye, bad right back leg, he limps heavily, should probably be hairless considering the amount of scar tissue on his body
Powers: --

Personality Information
Personality: Mysterious, usually is a very "happy" cat, reckless to his own safety, VERY confusing
Strengths: Strong and used to be fast. Very good in a tight situation 
Weaknesses: working with others, self-preservation, clumsy
Ambitions: Continue to fight 
Fears: His loved ones getting hurt
Trivia: Hard to tell if hes being sincere... Dislikes being told how to fight 

HistoryHe was a pretty nasty rouge named Fox back in the day
He lived in a 'pack' in the city, run by a cat named Dagger... His half brother.
They would kill for territory or food. Have Kittens with mates they didn't care for....
Fox was a popular service for females and male cats alike if you catch my drift...
All of the cats in this pack had to take an oath of loyalty and if they were to leave they
were to be found and executed. Fox was usually the one to do it, and was nicknamed
the executioner, for it. He was his brothers favorite. Fox hated it and wanted to leave. It took him awhile to
build up the guts to but he finally challenged Dagger and fought with him.
He got that neck scar from the fight and manged to escape, went into hiding until he heard about a clan 
called 'Solarclan' and decided he would be safer there and joined, took the name Foxfray due to his eagerness in fighting...
He has been an 'angel' ever since.

Hates Cougarheart for killing EbonymasK, had a major one sided crush on her..... Kinda had a high cat-nip induced one-night stand with Cougar.... 
He went on meatquest 2k15 and had to play mediator alot. He killed a cannibal or 2 and spared another. 
Rode home in the sexy truck, clans get healthy again, he goes home

Myterious bodies keep popping up around Solarclan after the appearance of one of his old packmates
Red. He takes her prisoner. And the body rate increases. He realizes that the killers signature
seemed to be removal of teeth and other trophies and fully gets who it is when he finds another packmate dead, Cross.

Dagger was the murderer Part One and Part Two  where Foxfray ends up in a comatose state and permanent damage to his back leg.

He gets his strength back up slowly and kinda sits back for awhile, decides to have some kits with his new mate Lynxpad, and helps her
raise them. He is infinitely proud of them all and he just adores his family. Life is good for him now. His old friend Red becomes Redfang and is very flirty with Martenfur's sister Yewprick. His kids become warriors and he couldn't be prouder of his family, although he does worry for the clans now that Timberjaw is Timberstar.

His best friends Marten and Cloud have another kid! Her name is Hailkit and she is the fluffiest of them all!!! He is prepared for anything at this time now.

There are 3 new clans!!! Wow!

The leadership in Solarclan shifted once again. Foxfray being sick of all the leadership rotation took over the
empty position and got 9 lives, declaring that he will hold the position until a suitable and capable replacement appears. 

Sungaze entered SolarClan camp, looking a mess, attacking Thaw-whisker, and was soon run out. Assessing the clan members, Newtspirit was relieved that things weren't worse, but knew they had to euthanize Thaw-whisker, and Sungaze if they could. After letting his family spend the day with him, Newtspirit tricked Thaw-whisker into eating a poison medley, resulting in his death.

At the gathering, Shellpaw's furious rabies kicked in, and he attacked. By the time he was taken down, Sungaze appeared and also attacked and was killed. Looncrash, Salamanderstalk, Decayheart, and Streamstripe were thought to be potentially infected, so they were euthanized.

Foxstar has been patrolling a lot recently to keep an eye out for rabies.

Talonfall- Nephew; I hope things go smooth for him now
Troutstrike- grumpy but not too bad, decent friend even!
 Newtspirit- A pretty wicked cat, count on them to patch ya up after a fight and never forget to call them pretty ~
 Martenfur- Haha this guy right here, is my man, hes the shit, best bro for life! Kicks ass and takes names
 Cloudfrost- Shes a sweet lady, Marten loves her and I thinks she's the shit
Lynxpad- My awesome mate, she can be a dork, but thats what makes her so wonderful to me <3
 Vixenspark- Daughter; Energetic and flirty like me! But she can get in trouble
 Lupineblaze- Daughter; Kicks ass! Like Lynxpad! Gets into mischief like Vixen
 Melodysting- Daughter?; She is lovely, such a good voice!! I hope she goes far too~
Leafstrike- angry, is a father now?
Fawnflight- strange little rage child
Moosetooth - Strong mini CloudMarten, a very good badass
Tinypath - Tall mini CloudMarten, he's tired alot
Hailkit- Fluffiest mini CloudMarten
 Redfang- Old friend, very motivating!
Yewprick- Martens sis, you seem chill 
Fledglingwing - oh no don't freeze! I don't need a frozen granddaughter

Tidalfang- awww your cute!! Very pretty fur!
Spiderjump - how is such a tiny one so strong?
Darkstrike- you tsundere 
 Swallowtail - grandson, oh damn... whoever did that to you is going to fucking pay....
Violetbite - Grumpy haha, hasn't changed much (sister)
Willowfur - She was timid, now she is made of freaking sunshine damn (sister)



Cougarheart- damn dude.... I'm glad you found someone?
Flametail- wow you really changed Cougardick...

Timberstar- we need to fight, I still wanna see what would happen, although I'm not as strong as I used to be. 
Ravensong - Holy shit she changed... Alot
Juncoraze- .... wow.... He is.... odd...

CJ -Scary daughter, I think two-legs adopted her
Titan - Big Son... hes quiet and I kinda wonder where he went..
Rose - Angry Daughter, she is still in the pack
Bone- he has my smile (Doesn't know hes his son)
Ash -  hmmmm....... (Son that looks like him but he still can't tell)

 Boblight- Son; Im still so proud of him, sorry I couldn't save you
Ebonymask- I've moved on and made my peace... Thank you.
 Sparrowdust- I wasn't there for your childhood and then.... Its too late now... Im sorry... I hope you found peace...
Dagger- Half-Brother; stay dead you mother fucker.
Fang- Dad, you taught me the ropes, thank you
Autumn- mom, you left when I was 3 moons old, heard you died... ah.
 Rock - you dropped like a rock o-o" (Halfbrother)
Snow - ............... im sorry
Risingstorm- A fling.... I was high on catmint and lonely... (Sparrowdust's mom)
Wolffang- im gonna flirt with you cause i like making you uncomfortable~
Shadowfall - one night stand before i left (Bone and Ash's mom)
Robintuft- I dont like your attitude, or really you... I blame him 
Grousemoon, Harrierwing - grandkids
Cinder-ripple- Pinecone mini CloudMarten... damn kid harsh
Crowstar- be ashamed.... Robintuft too for how he and Hollowcall ran this clan. 
Tina - Mother of my first batch of kids... she was scary. (CJ, Titan, Rose)


Roleplayer InformationYour Name and Pronouns; Hermes and any
Anything we should know about you? I live here
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Art of the Character Foxfray (Old Ref)  || Damp AU  || Rouge vs. Rebel  || Making My Way Downtown~  || I Used To Rule The World
Brother Knows Best  || 

CreditsSheet: Alopiidae
Art & Character: SnakesNSnoodles  
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