It would be a waste if there wasn't anything plain ol' silly for you to do during this time, right? Well, luckily for you, the staff seem to have hidden some affectionately named "Meme-ster Eggs" throughout the group's pages! The thing about these "Meme-ster Eggs" is that each one of them is an art prompt! You'll be given an image to go off of, and it'll be up to you to draw! There's a stock of 10 images to find and draw for, and each time you submit a completed image for this prompt, you will earn a random item to give to any of your characters! Happy hunting~
Holy Glock amirite lol
something particularly special about the Meme-ster Egg Hunt prompt; I can get one guaranteed random item every time I draw something for one of the ten Meme-ster Eggs hidden around the group's pages! this is separate from the usual not-guaranteed chance to get a random item for submitting any event related work, so this means I could potentially get two items for one of these Meme-ster Egg submissions. this applies for everyone else in the group as well!!
i'll be submitting more of these meme-ster egg submissions throughout the event! hope you're looking forward to seeing me continue to massacre my stoic pink mink-
event fully colored full body + background = 500 EP + 1 level
special prompt bonus = 50 EP
special prompt extra bonus = earn 1 random item
pecha - snas-z