snr6424 — Rekindling the Flame [NSFW]
Published: 2010-04-21 01:15:58 +0000 UTC; Views: 35499; Favourites: 193; Downloads: 60
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Description WARNING: This is a fetish story involving lesbians, feeding, weight gain, etc.  There is explicit sexual language.  Please DO NOT read if you shouldn't, or if you don't like this.

Special Note: This story was inspired by a suggestion by HardAlpha.

Jennifer sighed, staring blankly at the computer screen.  She was working on a proposal to submit regarding the purchase of a new office building.  She'd been working in corporate real estate for over five years now, climbing the ranks of Cullen & Rankins.  This morning, however, Jennifer had other matters on her mind.

The night before she had gone to bed quite frustrated with her love life (or lack thereof).  She had been living with her girlfriend Linda for almost three years now.  It had started off great, they were introduced by a mutual friend and hit it off immediately.  After only six months of dating they had moved in together and the relationship was going wonderfully.

Unfortunately, things had been in a bit of a rut for the past year.  Jennifer wasn't sure exactly how the spark had disappeared, but the kisses were now perfunctory and the time in bed was…well, boring.  Actually, it would be dishonest to say that Jennifer was truly clueless about the lack of heat.

Jennifer had always had a thing for the "curvier" chicks.  During college she frequently hooked up with a girl that had quite obviously put on the Freshman 15 (or 30).  When she met Linda her future girlfriend was right about her all-time high at 145 pounds.  On a 5'6" frame it wasn't very much, but she filled out her jeans quite nicely and even boasted a hint of a pot belly below her rather modest B-cups.

Jennifer smiled softly as she thought back to her early days with Linda.  Linda's dusky complexion and jet black hair gave her a slightly exotic look, her green eyes could be mysterious and mischievous all at the same time.  A nicely padded ass made her a true knockout in every sense of the word.  She provided a wonderful contrast to Jennifer's own looks.  An inch taller at 5'7", and usually around 130 pounds, Jennifer had a classic California beach girl look about her.  Her blonde hair and blue eyes went perfectly with her striking good looks, attractive enough for any magazine cover.  Naturally slim (and unfortunately a little small up top), her curvy hips and pert butt were enough to make any guy (and many girls) look twice.

Unfortunately for Jennifer, Linda became rather upset being the "heavier" girl in the relationship.  Despite Jennifer's insistence that she found Linda beautiful, the dark-haired girl complained that she felt like the fat frumpy one.  And so Linda drastically cut calories from her diet, spent hours at the gym each night, and rapidly shed over 20 pounds in just four months.  Now at an all-time low of 118, Linda had rid herself of all the curves and Jennifer loved so much.

The blonde girl sighed loudly, trying to force her thoughts to the present.

"Something the matter, hun?" a soft voice with a slight Southern accent asked.

Jennifer spun in her chair to find her boss.

"Sorry Helen," Jennifer said.  "I was just thinking about……something."

Helen stood silently for a moment, looking at Jennifer quite intently.  Jennifer took the opportunity to surreptiously check out her boss, upon whom she always had a bit of a crush.  Helen was most definitely a larger woman, maybe over 250 pounds.  Always impeccably dressed and perfectly made up, not a single woman in the office ever found herself judging Helen based on her weight.

Jennifer admired the way that Helen's skirt clung to wide hips, the way her blouse framed her nearly spherical belly, the way her large breasts weren't disguised but barely showed a hint of cleavage.  In her opinion, Helen was simply radiant.  The fact that she was also a lesbian had allowed the two of them to become quite friendly and build quite a rapport.

"Come with me," Helen finally said.  "I'd like to show you something."

Jennifer followed Helen back to her office, openly ogling her boss's hefty rear.  Upon getting back to her office, Helen instructed Jennifer to pull a chair around to her side of the desk.  Jennifer couldn't help but glance at a picture on her boss's table.  It was of Helen and her girlfriend Jenny.  Helen was (gasp!) in a bikini, maybe 20 or 30 pounds lighter than she was now.  Jennifer almost drooled at the sight of all that soft naked flesh.  Jenny, Helen's partner, was slightly smaller but quite bottom heavy.  A relatively narrow waist flared out dramatically to wide hips and thick thighs.  Since Jenny was standing at a light angle, it was apparent that she was carrying copious amounts of junk in her trunk.

"Remember when we were talking about Linda a few weeks ago?" Helen asked.

"Sure," Jennifer replied.  The two women had had a very nice heart-to-heart over lunch one day.

"Well, you mentioned Linda trying so hard to lose weight, and you seemed almost…..wistful.  Do you mind me asking if you preferred her a little heavier?"

Jennifer blushed.  "Um, I mean, I guess……"

"Oh honey, don't be embarrassed.  I saw you looking at that picture of Jenny and I, and unlike some people you didn't seem turned off by it."

"Oh, you saw me…….I'm sorry….I mean, of course you guys are really hot, oops, I mean……."

Helen laughed out loud as the red-faced Jennifer stammered to a stop.  "It's ok sugar.  Jenny and I both have a certain appreciation for a curvier variation of the female body.  We're Fat Admirers."

Jennifer looked confused, clearly hearing the capitalization.  "What are…..Fat Admirers?"

"Well, let me show you," Helen replied, turning to her computer and typing in a website.  "I don't generally go to these type of sites at work, but I happen to be good friends with a person at the IT department and was assured that no one really pays attention to our web surfing.  Not that I'm telling you it's ok to spend all your time on Facebook or whatever."

"No, of course not," Jennifer agreed.  "What is this site?"

"This is F.A.L.L.  It stands for Fat Admiring Lesbian Lovers.  Jenny and I both post here quite frequently, and we even put up a couple photo sets……but let's not get into that right now.  You see, there's a whole community of people like us.  Why don't you go here tonight and explore a bit?  There are sections for photos, videos, roleplaying, and fat fiction.  There's also a forum, including an area for people like you who are new to this.  Check out the links also, there are a bunch more sites out there for people like you and me.  And then maybe you and Linda sit down and talk about all this.  Who knows, maybe she's into it also."

Jennifer's heart was hammering at the thought of admitting her quirks to Linda, but she had to admit that she didn't have much to lose.  She thanked Helen and went back to her desk, her spirits higher than they had been in months.  Jennifer even managed to be more productive, despite drifting off into several day dreams featuring a much heavier Linda.


Linda had gone to bed early that night, needing to get up early for a 7:15 meeting.  Jennifer made sure her girlfriend was fast asleep before going to her computer and opening up the web browser.  With a pounding heart and sweaty palms, Jennifer pulled up the site that Helen had showed her.  Frequently glancing over her shoulder at the hallway to make sure Linda wasn't sneaking up on her, she started to browse.

First Jennifer checked out the forums.  She was surprised, and a little relieved, to read that a number of women had very similar experiences to her own.  As a matter of fact, if she didn't know better she would have sworn that she herself had written a few of those posts.  Feeling comforted, she decided to check out some pictures and videos.

Wow, Jennifer thought.  This is……wow.

She sat in front of the screen, totally enraptured by the sight of beautiful gainers and feedees.  The girls ran from just slightly plump to officially obese.  Every skin tone and body type was represented, and Jennifer found them all to be quite lovely.  Her heart started beating a little faster when she found some of the feeding sets.  One of the girls, often the larger, would be fed by the other.  Jennifer found herself becoming very wet at the sight of slightly chubby bellies swelling and expanding into large round pot bellies.

She bit her lip and squirmed in her chair slightly as she watched one video featuring a slim yet buxom brunette feeding a very full-figured raven-haired beauty.  The girl with black hair sat at the kitchen table clothed in nothing but her bra and panties as the other girl hand fed her plate after plate of food.  The video ended with the feedee groaning in overfullness as her feeder covered her distended tummy with wet kisses.  By this time Jennifer's hand had wormed down inside her jeans to find her sweet spot, probing and pressing as she soared closer to climax.

"Oh my, I'm sooo stuffed.  I can't even move," groaned the woman on screen.

Thighs clenched together, Jennifer stifled a cry as reached nirvana.  Slightly sweaty and disheveled, she finally came to her senses enough to glance nervously around the room.  She couldn't believe that she had let herself get so lost in the carnal pleasures that she blocked out everything else.  Fortunately she hadn't been caught.

Jennifer moved the mouse to close out the window, but one of the internal links at the top of the page caught her eye.

Hmm, stories, she thought.  I wonder if those are as good as the pics and vids......

She opened up a story and started reading.  Within 30 seconds she was completely hooked, losing herself totally within the tale.  After she finished the first story she immediately clicked on another.  Her arousal again built as she read of women being fattened in every manner imaginable.  Some did it to themselves, gorging themselves to 300 or 400 pounds.  Some were fattened by others, either by being tricked or force fed.

After a little while Jennifer realized something that truly shocked her.  Her favorite stories were the ones that featured a feeder as the protagonist who ended the story on the receiving end.  One story in particular jumped out at her.  In it the main character was a rather conniving young woman who live with several female roommates.  She volunteered to do all the cooking, and eventually had fattened up all her friends by 40-70 pounds.  After a while, however, they realized what had happened and decided to turn the tables.  The young woman who enjoyed feeding was forced to become the feedee, and she was stuffed by the others until she packed on close to 100 pounds.  By the time Jennifer finished the story her panties were soaked clear through.

Could it be? she wondered.  Do I really want to become fat myself?  Do I want to be stuffed and ooh……

Jennifer didn't bother to examine her feelings any more at that point.  Her libido was telling her one thing very clearly – Get Food!  She closed the browser and scurried into the kitchen.  Being careful to not make much noise, she found some leftover pasta in the fridge and popped it into the microwave.  She also grabbed a package of rice cakes and a two liter of diet cola.

Gotta get some real food, she thought.  This diet crap isn't gonna cut it.

By the time the pasta was ready Jennifer had eaten three rice cakes and chugged about a fourth of the diet cola directly from the bottle.  She tore into the pasta as if she was starving, determined to pack in as much as possible.  Halfway through her jeans were pinching quite tightly around her waist, so she reached down and popped open the button.  Pausing for a moment to chug some more cola, Jennifer relished the feel of her stomach pushing out quite noticeably.  Even though she was starting to feel a little sick, Jennifer forced herself to eat the last two rice cakes and every bit of the pasta.  The cola was also a little over half gone.

"Ooooh, nnnghhh," Jennifer moaned out loud as she sat back in the chair.

She breathed heavily for several minutes, occasionally stifling a burp from all the soda.  Her hands explored her taut, stretched belly, marveling at how round it had become.  Even her discomfort from being so incredibly full only heightened her arousal.  With a grunt, she got to her feet and put the dirty dishes in the sink, then waddled off to the bathroom.  After locking the door she slowly stripped off all her clothes to examine herself in the mirror.

Pink and shocking swollen, her belly stuck out farther than her modest breasts.  Jennifer caressed her bloated middle, admiring how she looked almost pregnant after just one binge.  Her hands ran up and down, over and around, taking in every curve.  Even her innie belly button was pushed out so it was totally flat.  After a while her hands moved up to her breasts, holding each small handful, teasing the nipples as her breathing grew deep and ragged.

With a slight moan Jennifer sank down to the cool tile floor, lying on her back with her stomach sticking straight up in the air.  One hand crept down to her sacred crevice, finding an entrance that was warm, wet, and inviting.  With a dull ache in her bloated midsection she brought herself to climax again and again and again.  Eventually she wobbled to her feet and washed up before climbing into bed.  That night Jennifer dreamed of being tied to a chair while 300+ pound women brought up platter after platter to feed her.  At the end of it all a rather curvier Linda had to help the incredibly fattened Jennifer rise to her feet and waddle off.


I'm not sure what's going on with Jennifer, Linda thought.  Things are getting kinda weird.  If I didn't know better I'd say she's pregnant.

Linda's observations weren't far off.  Jennifer had indeed been acting quite differently since that fateful conversation with Helen.  For one thing, Jennifer's trips to the grocery store led to a surfeit of pasta, pastries, and ice cream in the apartment.  Also, it seemed that every morning when Linda got up there were dishes in the sink that weren't there the night before.  Not to mention, and Linda was hesitant to come out and say it, Jennifer was plumping up a bit.

At this point Jennifer had not yet gotten up the courage to reveal her strange fetish to Linda.  Instead, she internalized her anxieties and tried to stuff them all down with fattening foods.  It wasn't long before this had a rather noticeable effect.  While her breasts remained on the small side (to Jennifer's disappointment), a noticeable muffin top now sat atop her increasingly tight pants.  Not to mention that her rear and thighs were starting to stretch the seams and had made it impossible for her to fit in her "skinny jeans".

Linda had actually started to wonder if Jennifer was eating due to depression.  Linda was quite aware herself that their relationship had fizzled a bit later, but wasn't sure what to do about it.  If she was quite truthful, the thought of Jennifer porking out a bit elicited mixed feelings.  Of course, society had taught her it was a bad thing to be stuck with an overeating partner growing fatter by the day.  On the other hand, for the first time Jennifer seemed vulnerable and…..well, human.

Linda was always a little intimidated by the beautiful blonde, feeling that Jennifer had "settled" when she decided to move in with her.  Linda had hoped that losing weight would help things, but instead they just grew more distant.  In the back of her mind, Linda feared that Jennifer resented her for not being more attractive.

Now, however, Jennifer was showing some cracks in that "perfect" exterior.  As a result, Linda viewed her girlfriend's spreading backside more delight than one would expect.  Still, she was a little bothered by the thought that maybe something was truly bothering Jennifer.  So, instead of simply asking her girlfriend what was wrong, she decided to snoop.

One evening she went to bed early, and as usual Jennifer told her she'd be in later.  Linda laid in the darkness for close to an hour, until she heard Jennifer rustling about in the kitchen.  After waiting a few more minutes, Linda quietly crept out of bed.  She planned to sneak down the hall and peer around the corner to see what Jennifer was doing, then head back to bed.

However, what she saw surprised her so much that she burst out –

"What are you doing?!"

A spoon clattered in the bowl as Jennifer spun around in her chair.  Her left hand was still down the front of her sweats and ice cream rimmed her mouth as she stared wild-eyed at Linda.  She looked like nothing more than a child guiltily caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

And then Linda got a clear look at the computer screen.

"Oh my gosh, what is that?!"

Jennifer snatched her hand out of her pants, whirled around to close out the internet, then turned back to look at Linda.  Her eyes were frantic and her mouth moved soundlessly, then she bolted out of the chair and ran past Linda.  Moments later the bathroom door slammed shut and locked.

Linda sighed, regretting her lack of tact.  Sitting down at the computer, she reopened the browser and went into the history.  Within moments she had the F.A.L.L. website open, her eyes widening and jaw dropping as she browsed.  After about ten minutes she got up and marched to the closed bathroom door with a plan.

"Honey?" she asked, knocking softly.


"Please open up, babe," Linda pleaded.

"No," Jennifer sniffled from inside.  "I'm a gross, disgusting pervert and you can't love me."

Linda couldn't help but smile as her heart warmed with love.  The idea that somehow she couldn't love Jennifer reminded her of how very much she did indeed love her.

"Stop being silly and open the door.  You know I'd never stop loving you."

A pause.

Linda opened her mouth to insist again when the door cracked open slightly.  She wasted no time in entering.  Jennifer was sitting on the side of the tub, her face tear-streaked.  Linda notices that her t-shirt doesn't totally cover her stomach, and a little bit of chub was peeking out.  For some reason that made her smile again.

"So what's going on?" she asked.

Jennifer looked off to the side, then finally sighed and started talking.  It all spilled out – the initial attraction to a curvier Linda, the frustration, the talk with Helen, finding the website, discovering that she got turned on by gaining also.

Linda just stood quietly and tried to absorb it all.  To her credit she didn't even flinch a little when Jennifer spoke wistfully of fattening her up by a couple hundred pounds.  Finally the last few words trickled out, and Jennifer was totally spent.

"Stand up," Linda commanded gently.

Jennifer looked up in surprise, then got to her feet in resignation.  From her posture it was clear that she was prepared to accept the worst.  Linda gently tugged Jennifer's sweats down an inch or two, so a good three inches of plump flesh were on display.  A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.

"Someone's been eating well," she teased.

Jennifer flushed.  "I know it's weird.  It just feels so….so good to be stuffed."

"And you want me to gain also?"

"I just want you to be happy.  I want us to be happy.  Together.  Like we used to be."

"If I gained weight would you like it?"  Linda persisted.

Jennifer sighed and decided to just come clean.  "Yes, I think it would be really hot."

"Y'know, I never minded being a little heavier.  I think the only thing that kinda bothered me was that I was fatter than you."

Linda put both hands on the sides of Jennifer's little pot belly.

"That isn't the case anymore, is it?" she asked.

Jennifer shook her head.  Linda's hands moved down lower, now cupping the soft belly pudge.  Jennifer whimpered slightly as Linda's fingers slowly moved further down, slipping inside the waistband of her panties.

"You want me to get fat for you?" Linda asked.  "You want to feed me and fatten me up?"

Jennifer nodded her head emphatically, grabbing Linda's wrists and guiding her hands down to her anxious loins.   

"Would you be willing to stay fatter than me?" Linda inquired.  "Maybe five pounds fatter?"


"Ten pounds?"


"Twenty pounds?"

"Anything, please, please!!"

Now Linda grinned widely.  "Oh, we're gonna have fun now," she murmured.

Linda leaned forward to kiss Jennifer on the lips, then dropped to her knees pulling Jennifer's sweats down to her ankles.  For a moment Jennifer wondered about what she had just agreed to, but then Linda's lips pressed against her most sensitive spot and all Jennifer could do was grab the back of Linda's head and enjoy the ride.



"That's disgusting," Linda said.

"Your….fault," Jennifer gasped, laying flat on the couch.

"Not my fault you ate like such a pig," Linda giggled.  "Serves you right little Ms. Glutton."

Jennifer groaned loudly, clutching her aching stomach.  Ever since Jennifer's revelation, the two of them had been stuffing their faces at every opportunity.  Since Jennifer knew she had to keep a 20 pound lead, she had redoubled her efforts to gain.  The joy of seeing her lover also pack on the pounds helped override any anxiety about what she was doing to her own figure.

Now at over 150 pounds, the rest of Jennifer's body was starting to catch up.  To her delight, she was almost at a C cup now.  Her perpetually stuffed belly was now quite round even when it wasn't crammed full of fattening foods.  Her lower body, however, continued to bear the brunt of the gain.  Her ass seemed to inch out further behind her each day, and it wouldn't be long before her thighs started to meet just below her crotch.

Linda found herself so enamored with her partner's gain that she didn't even mind being back up to the 130's.  She was a little taken aback that her body seemed so dead-set on being pear-shaped.  It seemed that every extra calorie had taken residence on her butt, hips, and thighs.  Looking at her girlfriend laying on the couch with her slacks undone and fast entering a food coma, Linda figured that it was all working out for the best.


As the months wore on both women were forced to upgrade their wardrobes.  Jennifer's ass now resembled a pair of volleyballs bouncing up and down as she walked.  Her ever-so-plump rear was still quite perky, and moving farther out behind her rather than widening much.  Besides some very slightly wider hips and a pair of modest love handles, you couldn't see the majority of her gain unless you saw her profile.  From the side, the changes were rather drastic.  Her incredible bubble butt behind her was balanced by a pronounced pot belly crowned by a pair of surprisingly gravity-defying D cups.

Linda, on the other hand, saw just about every pound go to her lower body.  Her ass and hips had ballooned, giving her an exaggerated sway when she walked.  As her weight climbed through the mid- 100's, currently hovering around 180, she saw her bottom half taking the brunt of the gain.  Her thighs thickened and now rubbed together almost halfway down.  Saddle bags were starting to form, leading up to her ever-widening hips.  Linda noticed that she had to be a little more careful moving around enclosed areas now, since her ass had a tendency to knock things over.  Besides a roll of fat around her lower abdomen, Linda looked almost unchanged from the waist up.

"Helen invited us to go with them to their place by the beach this weekend," Jennifer told Linda at breakfast one day.

Linda looked at her 200 pound girlfriend as Jennifer polished off her third stack of pancakes.  Stifling a belch, the bloated blonde loosened the drawstring on her sweats as she served herself another large helping.  Linda tried to imagine her wearing swimwear, but the mental picture didn't compute.

"That sounds like it might be fun," Linda said.  "But I'm not sure how I feel about being seen at the beach."

"Don't worry," Jennifer reassured her.  "They have a private stretch of their own, so no one but the three of us would see you in a bathing suit.  Plus, you and I will be the skinny ones."

Linda chuckled at the thought.  She had only met Helen once or twice, but her mental image was of a very large woman.  Little did she know that by now Jennifer's boss had crept over 300 pounds.  

"Alright, why not?  But you have to come with me to go bathing suit shopping.  I just hope they have something decent at the plus size stores."

"Who cares about decent?" Jennifer said with a wicked smile.  "You and I are going to find the tiniest bikinis we can cram our fat asses into!"

Linda busted out laughing.  The very thought of them wearing bikinis was enough to make her chortle until she was gasping for breath.

However, Jennifer had the last laugh later that day as they left a clothing store.  Linda was blushing furiously as she carried a tiny bag that seemed much too small to hold three bikinis.  She still couldn't believe that she had let Jennifer talk her into actually going with the thongs.


The sun was just starting to set on Friday evening when Jennifer pulled up to her boss's cottage.  Linda's eyes widened as she saw Helen and Jenny come out to meet them.

"We really will be the skinny ones," she breathed.

It was true.  Helen was growing incredibly round and spherical.  Her large E-cups rested atop a bloated belly that dwarfed most pregnant women.  She was wearing a white short-sleeved button-down shirt, and it clearly took yards of fabric to cover her planetary tummy.  The top few buttons were undone to reveal a generous amount of lightly tanned cleavage.  Farther below, the buttons strained slightly over the mound of her fattened gut.  Helen completed the outfit with a very snug pair of capris.  The tan pants clung to her lusciously plump thighs, then stopped just below her knees to reveal her curvaceous calves.  When she turned to walk down the porch stairs, Linda was treated to the sight of her momentous ass, a true bubble butt like she had never seen.  It looked like an over-inflated version of Jennifer's generous ass.

Helen's round face, framed by perfectly coiffed hair, split into a wide smile as she greeted them.

"So glad you guys could make it," she gushed.  "Let me introduce you to Jenny."

"Jennifer, Jenny, this won't get confusing," Linda joked.

As she greeted Jenny, Linda couldn't help but wonder if this was her future.  Like Linda, Jenny was quite noticeably bottom-heavy.  She had to be at least 60" around in the hips and ass, her thighs exploding out in every direction and meeting all the way down to her knees.  She wore a pair of black capris (almost obscenely tight) and a sleeveless turquoise blouse.  Her curvy auburn locks bell below her shoulders.  With a pale complexion and piercing green eyes, Jenny looked like a magazine-cover model from the chest up.  Below her rather modestly endowed chest, Jenny had a rather narrow waist for a woman her size.  Below her waist she quickly ballooned, however, boasting sizeable love handles atop her enormous hips.

"Let's get you gals settled in, I got dinner just about ready," Jenny said, taking a bag and waddling toward the cottage.

Thirty minutes later the girls had unpacked and washed up, and all four were sitting down around the kitchen table.  Linda and Jennifer felt rather overwhelmed by the sumptuous spread, the table groaning under the weight of fried chicken, barbecued ribs, sweet corn, mashed potatoes, rolls, macaroni & cheese, and green bean casserole.

"We like to eat," Helen said almost sheepishly.  "So everybody dig in!"

It was over an hour later when the last fork scraped an empty plate.  Not a single scrap of food remained, a fact emphasized the presence of four groaningly full bellies.  With repleted sighs, each girl leaned back in her chair and unfastened her pants, resting hands on protruding middles.  

"Let's go *hic* sit on the back porch," Helen suggested.  "I'll get dessert ready once dinner has settled."

The four bloated beauties grunted with effort as she rose to their feet and waddled out onto the porch.  The stars were out in full force, and for a while they all sat quietly, massaging their grumbling stomachs and stifling belches.  Just when Jennifer was feeling mobile again, Helen announced it was time for dessert.

"Now let's draw straws," she said with a grin.

"Huh?" Linda asked intelligently.

"Oh, Helen and I had some fun ideas for this weekend," Jenny replied.  "We thought we'd play a little game with dessert.  You both like strawberry shortcake, right?"

Jennifer and Linda answered in the affirmative, still a little confused.  Helen reappeared holding four straws, expertly hiding them as only a small length of each was revealed.  One by one they drew a straw, and at the end Jennifer was left with the short one.  Helen and Jenny smiled at each other conspiratorially as they went inside to prepare the dessert.  Jennifer was feeling a little nervous, not sure what was about to happen.

Minutes later, Helen and Jenny reappeared with four bowls full of strawberry shortcake.  Three of the bowls were normal cereal bowls, each generously filled.  The fourth, which Helen handed to Jennifer, was the size of a medium mixing bowl.  It was heaped with stacks of shortcake, topped generously with whipped cream and strawberries.  Jennifer's jaw dropped and Linda chortled with glee.

"How am I supposed to eat all that?" Jennifer asked.

"Don't worry, hun," Helen reassured her.  "Just start working away at it.  We'll help you finish."

The four women started eating the delicious summer dessert, and it wasn't long until three bowls were completely clean.  Jennifer, however, was less than halfway done with hers and visibly struggling.  Helen took the bowl from Jennifer and handed it to Linda while Jenny moved Jennifer's chair down to a reclined position.

"Let's make some room for that little belly," Helen cooed, lowering the zipper on Jennifer's shorts.  She then pushed Jennifer's shirt up a bit to fully bare her stuffed stomach.

Helen and Jenny sank down to their knees on either side of Jennifer's chair, while Linda knelt by Jennifer's head with the bowl of shortcake.  She fed Jennifer one bite after another as Helen and Jenny slowly massaged her aching gut.  Jennifer felt herself ballooning from the feeding, her belly rounding out further and further.  It was with quite a bit of difficulty that she managed to swallow the last few bites.

Overfed, overblown, bloated and swollen - Jennifer's stomach seemed to mirror the full pale moon in the night sky.  Pregnant, gravid, overdue with twin food babies - Jennifer's belly rose and fell softly with each breath.  Mouth slack, eyes glazed, lightheaded and short of breath - Jennifer felt like a beached whale washed onto the shore.

"So......stuffed," she whimpered softly.

"I know," Helen smiled, leaning over and kissing her softly on the forehead.  "You did so well.  Sweet dreams, you two."

Helen and Jenny gathered up the empty dishes and walked inside.  Linda looked down at her immobile girlfriend and grinned.

"We should write a story about that and put it on the website."


The rays of sun shone down on acres of glistening tanned flesh.  A tiny strip of fabric did next to nothing to conceal Linda's extraordinarily round rump.  It's already dusky complexion would become an even deeper tan as the summer wore on.  Her hips threatened to spill over the sides of the chaise lounge, and her thick thighs spread like slowly softening ice cream.  Like a mountain of rising bread dough, Linda's fantastic ass reached a peak of nearly three feet.

On the other lounge, Jennifer reclined on her side while she read a book.  Still puffy from last night's gorging, she was unable to lay flat on her swollen belly.  Her expanding tits strained against the confines of her too-small bikini top, pale flesh spilling out in ever direction.  Her somewhat deflated gut rested atop the chaise lounge, glistening slightly in the sun.  No longer firm from being overstuffed, Jennifer's generous midsection already looked 5 or 10 pounds fatter.  Her hip rose slightly from her waistline, tapering down to full, plump thighs.  Seen from above, Jennifer's bubble butt looked quite chunky as it puffed out behind her.  Amazingly enough, she still had enough muscle tone to keep it quite smooth and perky.

"You gals look comfy," Jenny giggled as she and Helen walked out onto the porch.  Both were dressed as skimpily as Jennifer and Linda.

"Mm-hmm," Linda murmured sleepily.

"Ready to draw straws again?" Helen asked, holding out her hand.

Linda and Jennifer lumbered to their feet, stifling yawns as they grabbed a straw.  This time Linda ended up with the short straw.

"Uh-oh," she remarked.  "I'm still pretty full from breakfast."

"It's ok, this one doesn't involve much eating," Helen reassured her.  "Let's go upstairs."

The four of them waddled up to a second floor bedroom.  Linda's eyes widened when she saw the king-size massage table set up.

"For me?" she gasped.

"Yup," Jenny grinned.  "So get up there and get comfortable.  There's only one catch."

Everyone looked at her expectantly.

"We're all going to be naked," she finished.

Jennifer blushed bright red, even more embarrassed than Linda.  It was one thing to have fantasies, it was another altogether to get totally naked in front of your boss.  Helen and Jenny quickly shucked their bathing suits.  With some trepidation, Jennifer and Linda followed suit.  Jennifer's heart started pounding and a tingle ran up her spine, while Linda was mostly looking forward to a really nice massage.

"Alright, hop on up, Linda," Helen instructed.

After the bottom-heavy girl got situated, Helen grabbed a bottle of warmed lotion, poured some in her hand, and passed it around.  Within moments Linda was purring in contentment as six strong hands started to knead her fattened form, finding muscle deep underneath the layers of adipose.

From her shoulders to her waist, and from her feet to her upper thighs, Linda was receiving a first-class treatment.  Knots she never knew were there slowly melted away, and as her relaxation deepened she realized that she was also becoming quite aroused.

Sometimes when Helen or Jennifer leaned over her, their naked breast would drag across her skin.  Linda felt goosebumps spring up where the bared nipples traveled.  Once Jennifer gave her a playful swat on the rear and Linda had to bite her lip to keep from wantonly moaning, her thighs clenching together.

Slowly, two pairs of hands gravitated toward Linda's blubbery butt, massaging it vigorously as both cheeks wobbled and jiggled away.  Linda's head was resting in the face hole at the top of the bed, and she was a little surprised to see a small table placed right beneath her.  Moments later a very large glass was put on the table, and a straw was inserted in the drink.

"Now start sipping on this," Jenny said, placing the other end of the straw in Linda's mouth.

Linda took a deep pull on the straw, her mouth exploding with flavor as she swallowed gulp after gulp of the thick, cold drink.  It was a mixture of several fruit flavors and sweet enough to indicate that ice cream was probably a key ingredient.  It was also quite certainly very alcoholic.

Linda sucked away as the massage continued and Jenny had to re-fill it several times before Linda started to reach her limit.  By now the massage had turned from relaxing to sensuous, many of Linda's erogenous zones had been quite wonderfully stimulated.  With a stomach that was comfortably stuffed and enough booze to loosen her inhibitions, Linda was squirming a bit and moaning softly as Jennifer's hands delved deep into the crease between her huge rear and fat thighs.

"I think it might be time for these two to be alone," Helen said.  "C'mon Jenny, I think a 'nap' might be a good idea."

After the older women had left, Jennifer helped her girlfriend off the table.  Linda was a little wobbly from being buzzed, so Jennifer took her hand and led her to their room.

Linda sat at the head of the bed with her back resting against the wall and her legs splayed to the side.  Even with Linda's legs spread as wide as possible, there was barely enough room for Jennifer to kneel between them as she faced Linda.

"Good thing you don't have much of a belly," Jennifer teased, "or there wouldn't be room for me."

"Would you like it if I had a belly?" Linda asked coyly.

"I think you're incredibly hot either way," Jennifer responded.  "Are you….unhappy……about gaining so much weight?"

"No, of course not!" Linda exclaimed.  "Sure at first I wasn't sure……"

She paused for a moment.  Whether it was the alcohol or just the fact that she was seriously considering it for the first time, Linda came to quite a realization.

"I actually love this," she finally said.

"Really?!" Jennifer could scarcely believe her eyes.

"Yes, really," Linda smiled.  "I love being fat.  I love the way you ogle my ass, I love how it feels when you touch me.  I love it that you're fat with me, and that you have that great ass and big boobs and a nice round belly."

Jennifer smiled shyly.  "I love you so much."

"And I love you, too."

The girls leaned forward, lips gently locking, sharing a tender kiss.  After a moment Linda pulled back slightly and looked at Jennifer with a wicked grin.


"What?" Jennifer asked.

"I want to be fatter," Linda giggled.


"Oh yes, soooo much fatter.  I want you to feed me so much that I totally blimp up.  I want you to stuff me and stuff me until I can't even get my biggest pants up around my calves.  I want to get so fat that my ass needs its own zip code."

Jennifer was so enthralled by her girlfriend's voice that she scarcely realized that Linda was gently pushing her onto her back.  Linda lowered herself to her hands and knees, kneeling just above Jennifer's prone body.  As she kept up her litany of weight gaining delights, she moved her right hand down to Jennifer's wet pussy.  Jennifer moaned deeply as Linda slid her fingers inside, leaning forward to whisper,

"Make me fatter and fatter and fatter.  I want you to weigh and measure me each week, putting the pictures up on F.A.L.L.  I want to get to 300 pounds, then 400 pounds.  I want my hips and ass to get up to 100 inches.  I want you to tie me up and force feed me until I look like I'm pregnant."

Jennifer was biting her lips, moaning wordlessly, her hips bucking up and down as Linda skillfully brought her closer and closer to climax.  As Jennifer was just about to reach the brink, Linda murmured one last thing,

"And I'm going to make sure you're even fatter!"


One year later, Jennifer and Linda were getting packed to take another trip to Helen and Jenny's cabin.

"Ready, hun?" Linda called up the stairs.

"C'mon up, I want to show you something!" Jennifer called down.

Linda sighed, then pressed her palms against her knees and slowly rose to a standing position.  Puffing slightly, she started to climb the accursed stairs.  Jennifer had teased her that she'd need an elevator soon, since her hips were nearly brushing each side of the stair case.  Linda had just passed 320 pounds, and was feeling every single jiggling ounce.  Now her thighs rubbed together all the way to her knees, and she had to be careful when turning to make sure her pronounced saddle bags didn't knock over any light furniture.  Linda's upper body was starting to feel the effect of the rapid weight gain, her formerly flat stomach now rounded out so it sat proudly atop her low-rise waistband.  Her breasts, to her delight, had finally reached D cup.  However, her arms, neck, and face were still virtually unchanged.

The crown jewel of course was her bootylicious badonkadonk.  The sweat shorts she wore could not completely cover her medicine-ball sized ass cheeks, letting them peek out the bottom slightly.  The way her rear moved, both up and down and side to side, was a truly mesmerizing sight.  She enjoyed glancing over her shoulder to see the shocked (and over lustful) stares.

"What do you –" Linda froze as she opened the bedroom door.

"Ta-da!" Jennifer sang.

Linda swallowed hard, Jennifer was wearing an obscenely tiny bikini.  Her cherubic face beamed with delight as Linda tried to think up a response.  The top of the bikini was a black and green checkered pattern, from the little fabric that Linda could see.  Jennifer's amazing F-cup bosom was almost completely on display, the bathing suit covered her areolas and little else.  Still surprisingly gravity-defying, Jennifer's tits seemed to stick straight out with the bottoms barely brushing her belly.

And what a belly.  Like her breasts, it was astonishingly firm and round.  Looking less like a girl who was fat, and more like a woman overdue with twins, Jennifer's giant gut swelled out a few inches further than her impressive breasts.  Thick love handles sat atop a the barely visible bikini bottoms.  The front did little other than cover Jennifer's pussy, a small triangle of fabric that sat beneath her bloated belly and between two incredibly plump thighs.

"It's a thong," Jennifer giggled, turning around.

Linda's jaw dropped.  It certain was a thong.  Jennifer's perky ass stuck out nearly two feet now from the back of her thighs.  Each cheek was larger than a basketball, staying perfectly spherical as she ballooned with fat.  Jennifer was now on the other side of 350, and plainly proud of every pound.

She turned back around.  "What do you think?"

Linda closed the gap as quickly as she could waddle, and answered Jennifer's question with a toe-curling kiss.  Moments later clothes were strewn about and the bed was creaking under a third of a ton of sweaty lesbians.  It turned out that they were a little late getting to the cottage, but they didn't care.

The cabin door opened and Helen smiled out at them, one hand holding four straws.

"Pick one," she said.

Jennifer and Linda grinned at each other.  It was going to be a fun weekend.
Comments: 5

Samson911 [2010-04-21 13:46:01 +0000 UTC]

And here I thought you were dead. It's great to see you writing again.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

snr6424 In reply to Samson911 [2010-04-21 21:23:36 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, I really appreciate it. It's good to be alive....and writing.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

HardAlpha [2010-04-21 03:30:52 +0000 UTC]

thank you for taking my request I might think up of a few more

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

snr6424 In reply to HardAlpha [2010-04-21 21:23:10 +0000 UTC]

No problem, man. I really hope you enjoyed it. I'm afraid I'm going to hold off on doing any more requests for a while - I've got way too many partially done stories at the moment. Maybe in the future I'll ask for some suggestions.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

HardAlpha In reply to snr6424 [2010-04-21 21:24:42 +0000 UTC]

Fine just tell me when you are available for requests

👍: 0 ⏩: 0