snubby25 — [KDF] Slaine App

Published: 2018-12-08 01:21:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 194; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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General information

Name: Slaine Kelly

Age: 30

Species: Umbreon/Togekiss

Gender: Male

Job: Medic

Type: Dark/Flying


Slaine is everything one could want from a healer except he’s seriously lacking bedside manner. He’s calm and collected in the face of danger, usually holding a cool demeanor no matter who or what he’s around. He has a way of disguising emotions on his face to make him appear more stoic than he actually is and can easily appear to be the most level headed person in the room. He’s a fast thinker and resourceful, able to come up with plans and figure things out on the fly. He’s very strict in his work ethic which can be a good thing but he tends to be too hard on those he gives orders to whether they be his assistants or patients. He has a blunt way of speaking and doesn’t mince words when he’s addressing others. He’s never one to sugar coat anything and usually isn’t afraid to tell the hard truth to those who need to hear it. Sometimes he speaks his mind even when it’s not even needed which can make him come off as a bit rude sometimes but his brutal honesty is what keeps him trustworthy. He’s not entirely cold hearted, he did dedicate his life to healing people after all, but it can be hard to see the side of him that really cares until he’s in the moment of saving someone’s life.


Slaine was born and raised in northern Sinnoh. He knew from a young age that he wanted to help people. From his earliest school days he was studying medicine and biology, always amazed and fascinated both by how bodies worked and how medicine could help them when they were hurt. He always had a kind heart, going out of his way to help those in need. Unfortunately for him that kind heart nearly got him killed in his younger days. In his early twenties during his training to become a doctor came the worst winter their tiny town had seen in years. He was out helping collect firewood before the storm was supposed to hit when he learned too late that their predictions had been less that accurate. It had been overcast all day and he hadn’t noticed the storm clouds roll in. He was already deep into his work when the storm started, the temperature dropping too fast for him to deal with as the whipping winds made it even worse.

He was trying to make his way back through the storm when he stumbled upon a poor lost child from his tiny village, half frozen to death herself from all the snow. She had wanted to go out and play, having been separated from her parents when she wandered too far from them when the storm started. His village was a small one and he often helped take care of its citizens, the tight knit community knowing everyone well. He was familiar with this girl, he had helped her before. Taking it upon himself to help her again, he elected to carry her home back to the village, cradling her closely against his chest as he trudged through the knee high snow towards their homes. He made it to the edge of the woods but collapsed from exhaustion before he could make it back to their village. In a desperate attempt to keep the girl protected he wrapped himself around her, and in his desperation managed to generate enough willpower to evolve.

When he came to again he realized two things. The first thing was he had not evolved into a glaceon like he thought he would-- he was an umbreon. This taught him that the bond he had with the village ran deeper than he had thought it had and that it had been late enough to not turn into an espeon. The second thing he realized was that he was missing his legs. He had to have the events of that night explained to him-- that the villagers had found the two of them some time after he collapsed. He had managed to protect the girl by some miracle but the frostbite had taken the majority of his legs and he’d have to learn to walk on prosthetics as soon as he was well enough to get out of bed.

He never let that stop him, working on his medical studies and his physical therapy at the same time. It took years but eventually he was able to walk on the thin prosthetics like they were his own legs. In that time he had finished his medical studies and even evolved into a togekiss, the shiny stone having been a gift from his parents upon graduation his final year of schooling. It wasn’t too long after all of that happened when he learned of the meteor strike in Hoenn. Hearing the horrific news of the people that had been hurt in the attack and the spreading disasters he knew he had to leave. Though he loved his community he knew if he wanted to protect it he was going to have to stop it at the front lines. Besides, those people needed help-- he couldn’t only ever stay here. He had learned his skills to help those who needed it and no one was in more need than them.

This was how he found the Kingbre Defence Force and signed on as a medic, figuring his wings might help him get around on the battlefield better. He’d need to learn a bit of training for combat but he was sure his medical training could be put best to use here.

Pokemon information

Ability: Inner Focus

Item: n/a

Equipped Item: n/a



Sky Attack

Detect (Egg move from father)



HP: 95

Attack: 65

Defense: 110

Special Attack: 120

Special Defense: 130

Speed: 80

Total: 600


  barely knows
   close friend 
      best friend
      pure enemy

((name/deviants name/ relationship/thoughts))

Extra information

  • He prefers to be called by his last name

  • He has a habit of falling asleep with his prosthetics on

  • Despite frequently pulling it back into a bun, his hair is almost always in his face

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