SofiaBlythe2014 — Talking About The New Paranormal

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Description Hello there. This is SofiaBlythe2014. After 9 months, we have new episodes of The Ghost And Molly McGee with the premiere of season 2. This season is definitely one that will pull the characters in all sorts of new directions while still keeping true to what the show is like. Let's talk about the half hour season 2 premiere to see how it's like. Let's begin.

Writer: Madison Bateman

Producers: Bill Motz, Bob Roth, Steve Loter, Britta Reitman

Directors: Stephen Heneveld & Sam King

Storyboard Artists: Alayna Cabral & Waymond Singleton

Voice Director: Eden Riegel

Date: April 1, 2023

Synopsis: "New neighbors move in next door to The McGees."

So what does this premiere do for the show? Well, it tests the characters in unexpected ways. The episode has two main stories. The main plot is about the McGee family meeting their new neighbors, the Chens. They're pretty friendly, but they're also ghost hunters. The subplot is about Scratch having to deal with the ghost council due to the death of the chairman. So this episode manages to do quite a lot in 22 minutes, and everything comes together well. The general theme here is about how a good host knows to set boundaries when dealing with people they take some kind of issue with. It's certainly an interesting message. Let's break this down.

First Half:

I'm going to start out with the theme song. Why? Well, you'll see. The theme song starts out normally enough with an optimistic Molly and a cynical Scratch, but it has some changes, such as Libby and Geoff hugging Scratch with the McGee family. Yeah they're part of the main cast now despite not being in this episode. The theme song than abruptly cuts as Molly and Scratch are playing in a band and having a great time. Yeah that's why I had to bring it up. We see how well they get along now when Molly rocks out on guitar and singing while Scratch does the drums, albeit off key. It was apparently Molly's idea to do something like this, which is no surprise. She likes going above and beyond when doing anything involving friendship. Though Scratch does get tired from this, he never thinks it's bad. He just thinks it's a bit much. That's nice to see. As Scratch wonders if they should have a theme song, he sees a moving truck across the street. Molly tells her family how a new family is moving in, making everyone excited except Scratch. He's not onboard with this because he thinks they'll make friends with them and hang out with them and not pay attention to him. So he still has some attachment issues. I guess it's no surprise since the McGees, especially Molly, are the first real friends he's made. Of course, then he gets summoned into the ghost world.

So what could he be in for now? Well, even he wants to know. He wonders why he's here since the chairman is gone and the ghost council should be past this. They say that since he was the one who technically defeated him, he's now in charge of the ghost world. It's no surprise he's shocked by this. He's not exactly a take charge kind of guy. Back with the McGees, they welcome the new neighbors in with a small song and some fireworks that say "Welcome". That's definitely going above and beyond Pete introduces the family, and the new neighbors introduce themselves as the Chens. They consist of the son Ollie Chen (voiced by Alan Lee), daughter June (voiced by Sue Ann Pien), father Ruben (voiced by Leonardo Wu), and mother Esther (voiced by Stephanie Sheh). As hospitable as she is, Molly presents them with the traditional Brighton turnip. We get a nice taste of this family dynamic. June finds them rather smelly until Esther gently tells her to thank them for the gift. She says how she's autistic and that not everyone could handle her unbridled truth, which Molly doesn't mind since honesty is the best policy. So we see that June is rather blunt with how she feels, yet it's not from being mean. Esther is the mother that helps keep everyone in check. Ruben notes how Darryl is about June's age, and thinks that she could make a new friend at school. Sharon says how Darryl can be somewhat of a handful due to how mischievous he is, especially when he takes pride in saying how he's been called to the principal's office many times before. Of course she does. June says that while she's never been called to the principal's office, a lot of her gadgets do get confiscated, which he finds fascinating. So she's good at staying out of trouble, but can be somewhat rascally at times. It's now surprise they hit it off when she talks about her drone.

Ollie looks at the pamphlets about city concert meetings, bandshell events, and ways to get involved in the community. Talk about good callbacks. He says that whoever wrote these pamphlets completely gets him, and Molly says how she wrote them as she volunteers to help them move in. Ollie says he'll help her out too, and she blushes when seeing how wavy his hair is when it moves. Yeah she definitely has the hots for him, and we see how he has the same altruistic nature that she does. No wonder she falls for him. Back in the ghost world, Scratch is shocked at how he gets to be the new chairman after defeating the previous one, and he's not really up to taking the position. The Ghost Council (whose names are Bartholomew, Lucretia, Sir Alister, and Grimbella in case you forgot) try to give him the chairman's jacket in order to initiate him, but he passes. He tries to say how he's not exactly one to handle authority well, but then Sir Alister shows him that everyone is waiting for his decree. He isn't the best at it though. He tries to say that everyone can do what they want now and not have to be forced to scare people. Since he's not exactly one to follow rules or structure, he would think this is a good thing. At least this sounds like it could be a good idea since he gets to give everyone freedom. Of course, we see the setup for repercussions. The council is shocked by this while everyone else is not, but then we see some really evil ghosts come out of the shadows as they watch this. Yeah that's not good.Bartholomew asks what they're supposed to do as a council, but he says that they can enjoy their afterlife and do whatever they want.

Sharon talks to Esther about spicy food, and she says she likes it, especially when Sharon brings up her chili collection that her kids don't like. So we can see how they both have a bit of edge to them and like doing extreme things. No wonder they get along. Pete talks to Ruben and he's surprised by all the video equipment, and how inadequate his flip phone feels. Yeah he would feel this way since he likes to make connections with people, yet isn't one to keep up to date on the latest trends. He says how it's for work, and that they have a mildly popular MeTube channel, and that they can borrow equipment anytime. When Ruben asks Pete if he wants to make a video about if he wants it to look like he's surfing on a cloud and high fiving a sun, he's up for it (and says how Esther can help out). Dad time like this is really fun to see. Pete says that they can have a barbecue tomorrow, and when asking if they eat meat, he says that Ollie is a vegetarian but they're not. At least this shows Pete wants to be as inclusive as possible and the Chens look out for each other regardless of differences. Ollie says how he wants to do his part by reducing his carbon footprint, which Molly finds more attractive. Back home, the McGees say how they like their new neighbors, with Molly calling them a best friend family. They're definitely the missing link in their lives. We even have Pete saying how they can do almost everything together like summer camps, vacations, and pool parties. Scratch says how he used the family credit card to buy an expensive pool floaty that looks like pizza. Yeah he's definitely not good at maintaining a sense of authority.

When going up to the attic to show them, he sees the Ghost Council there. He says that they don't know what to do with their afterlife, and they turned to him because of how he's good at relaxing. You actually feel somewhat bad for them. Yeah, they're often jerks, yet usually just try to maintain order. Now it seems like they have nothing to maintain with the chairman dead. When saying how they need names, they're shocked about this since they do have names and he's just been referring to them as The Ghost Council. Yeah they finally lampshade this in universe.He tries to save face as they formally introduce themselves. He then starts to sing a show tune type song called "Enjoy Your Afterlife", where he says that they can do whatever they want and not have to worry about things like schedules and plans. It's definitely a really good song that shows off how good Dana Synder's singing is. It also perfectly fits well with how Scratch likes to enjoy the afterlife and just relax. We see things like him eating food as he gives them vacation attire and destroys the rules. He asks what they would like to do, though the things they say are boring. Sir Alister say how he's always wanted to play the lute despite his father's wishes, and he encourages him to do so while telling everyone to do what they want. It's really fun. The next day, the McGees get the barbecue ready as Pete wonders if he's cool enough for them. Ruben says how he brought his own root beer since he didn't them want to show up empty handed. That's really considerate of them, and shows how successful they are. Scratch is relaxing in the bathtub as he hears Sir Alister playing the lute, and doesn't like the sound. He says how there's no rules, but then Scratch says there are rules when he calls for them. Yeah this definitely shows how while he may not like rules much, and isn't one to enforce them, he would like some sense of personal space and boundaries. Sharon shows Esther her chili collection, and they both have a contest to see who can eat more and not cry. They can barely keep it in, and after commenting on it, Molly and Ollie act sheepishly around each other when touching the salad bowl. All of this is fun to watch.Their time gets interrupted when Darryl and June prank them with a spider on their drone.

Second Half:

Molly shows Ollie around the house, and he likes how Molly helped bring everyone together to fix the bandshell, calling good deeds like this goodifying. Okay one, this scene helps show how Molly is an inspiration for others, which I like. Two, it's pretty fun to see this somewhat earnest and goofy side to Ollie. She then brings up her special word enhappyfying, which he likes. We see how well they bond over doing good things when he wonders if they could change up the bandshell so that it doesn't just have to be for concerts. They mention things like a summer camp and an ice cream social, which gets them both excited. It's really fun to see them bond like this. Of course, things start to turn a little sour. As she tries to find out more about him as they walk inside, he says how they're from New York and finished a cross country road trip visiting all sorts of places with a spooky vibe. They were visiting the most haunted places in America. So it seems like he's used to seeing scary things, much like her. When seeing how he seems to have a penchant for ghosts, he says how the whole family believes in them since they're ghost hunters. And that's where the drama comes in. Molly is shocked by this, and he shows off a video about their investigations, which is styled like an instrumental theme song called Ghost Chaser Chens. It says how Ruben is the lead investigator, Esther does video and graphics work, Ollie is the research specialist, and June is the tech wizard. This definitely adds quite a bit of tension to the situation. On the one hand, Scratch is a family member, and they wouldn't want bad things to happen to him if he gets discovered. On the other hand, the Chens are genuinely nice people to be around, and they don't want to lose that friendship. Molly then shouts about the family being ghost hunters in order to get Scratch to leave as she tells Ollie to look in the basement for ghosts while she goes to the bathroom.

She then talks to Scratch about the situation, and he's not happy with this because of how they crashed his room. Yeah now he has to get used to ghosts that basically act like him when he's lazy, but at least he's capable of working hard when need be. She then says they she'll get rid of the Chens while he gets rid of the ghosts. Molly goes back to the barbecue where she tries to secretly tell her family about how they're ghost hunters, but Darryl thinks she's acting weird. Given how she looks somewhat crazy, it's easy to come to that conclusion. Ollie comes back and says that he didn't see a ghost just as the ghost council comes in to eat the food. Molly then pretends that the hose is leaking so she can bring them inside and tell her family about how the new family is composed of ghost hunters. Yeah this is definitely awkward, but it doesn't go on too long since they do address something important. They see how grave of a situation this is since they could lose Scratch, who's part of the family now. The McGees then apologize for the faulty water pressure and think they won't want to come back, but they don't think it's that bad. At least this shows how the Chens can be potentially accepting of the unusual since they don't hold it against them. Molly then secretly tells Scratch that he should at least keep the ghost council out of sight. We then see them trying to dance to an Atomic Pink song, and he tells them to go back upstairs so they don't get caught by ghost hunters. At least they don't mind an order this time, but wonder what he'll do about the rogue ghosts. Oh that's not good. They say how they're frightmares, which are really bad ghosts that were meant to be contained in the Flow Of Failed Phantoms so that they can't get out. So there was some kind of purpose for that place, however twisted it was. They can only listen to the chairman, and Scratch says how the Chen family has to leave. So how do they get them to leave without raising suspicion? Molly says how they have to end the barbecue early in order to get them to leave now. So what do they do? Why, they stuff their faces of course. They proceed to eat all the food as Scratch tries to get the ghosts to leave and "Stuff Your Face" plays, but they can barely keep it in. Yeah you can tell this isn't good for them since they don't want to be seen as insensitive. I guess being seen as weird is better. At least they all get to eat food. They're all full from eating and get them to leave as they say they'll visit them at their house tomorrow. Well, at least this crisis is somewhat averted.

Scratch asks the family to help him out since the ghost council is annoying. He then puts on the cloak and tells everyone to leave, which they do. Yeah it definitely seems like their plan was to get him to accept authority by intentionally acting annoying. Well, they're never one to give him an easy time, so it's understandable they'd do this. We cut back to the ghost world, and he tells everyone to not cause trouble so that he won't have as much to deal with. Yeah, he's not exactly to do well in trying to clean up trouble, especially if he caused it. He's not happy about this since he has to deal with the ghost council as his advisors, which they take up as long as they can have fun. He then says they can fool around on weekends. Even if you can tell he doesn't want this, at least this shows that he has potential to lead. He just needs to know the right boundaries to set. Back at home, The McGees wonder what they can do about this. You can tell they feel bad about this since they get along well, yet don't want someone they care about to be in danger. Molly suggests that they befriend the Chens at their house so that they won't get suspicious, and can hopefully turn them around. It's no surprise she's think this given how she's an optimist and tends to look on the bright side of things. Scratch isn't exactly onboard with this, but he doesn't try to stop everyone else since they're all onboard with this.As the end credits start, we see the Chens get an alert at home saying how there's ghosts in town, and they get their gear together. Well, this got interesting. This is a great way to start season 2.
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