solidsnivy97 — All in the Family Pt. 1

Published: 2015-12-28 22:11:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 17890; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 9
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Description Welp, here it is. This is a collab I'm making of A TON of my O.C.s, and still gonna grow. This is just kind of a little gift to myself I made. Some characters you are ALL aware of by now. Some you guys arent familiar with. Some you wont know at all (because I done fucked up and never posted em)


"My Own World": A group of High School students find out that Their Spanish Teacher and Principal are Aliens sent to create an underground army to defend the world from Danger, and get looped into doing it! In this story, Anything we thought to be fiction comes true. There are aliens, Goddesses, and even...er...genies? In My Own World, we have it all! However, Can a group of High school students, some aliens, a goddess and her servant, and a genie defend the earth from the galaxies most dangerous of Criminals? ...Only time will tell! 


Edward Jonson: AN Alien known as an "Locrian", which are Robot like in appearance, and have incredible AI. Edward is the leader of the Galactic Federation team stationed on Earth. As a Human in disguise, Edward runs Peachstate High School, in Georgia, USA. His wife, Hottie, is under the guise of the School's Spanish Teacher. Edward is the Father of Penny Jonson, a Half human half Locrian. His first wife and Penny's mother, Wendy, died after being brutally murdered by Edward's Ex-colleague and fellow Locrian, Clyde Slicer. He enjoys Earth culture very much.

Wendy Jonson: Wendy was Edward's first wife, and mother of Penny Jonson. She was killed by Edward's ex-colleague and mortal enemy, Clyde Slicer. Her appearance is that of an older looking penny. While a tad upset to see Edward with Hottie, she proudly supports him and her relationship. While she died around the age of 29, she is actually around 42 now. 

Hottie Jonson:  Edward's second wife and Penny's step mother. An alien known as an Pyronian, Hottie's true form is that of a flame covered rock body. In her disguise, however, Hottie is able to keep her body temperature from exceeding identity exposing levels. She is, however, very warm to the touch, especially her palms and soles. She speaks with a Hispanic accent, and speaks Spanish fluently. 

Penny Jonson: Edward's daughter of both Locrian and human decent She has a huge knack for learning, especially about Earth and it's history and culture. She is closest to Davis, who shares her love for technology and science. She trusts him so much in fact that she actually allows him to modify and test new devices on her body. She helps capture aliens that attack earth using a Vacuum like cannon on her arm, which sucks up aliens much like Luigi's Poltergust, and spits them out in tiny capsules, keeping them from escaping. She doesn't remember her mother too well, as she was murdered when she was merely 3. She shares romantic feelings with Davis.

Davis Whitfield: Davis is Angel's best friend, and older twin brother of Delilah. Davis is a master computer expert, and over all a tech geek. He has quite a large crush on Penny, Edward Jonson's daughter, who is half human and half Locrian, and alien computer humanoid like species. He has a Back pack that turns into a tall, large, robotic exo-skeleton, allowing him to fight aliens who are sent by Clyde Slicer to attack earth. He is a dedicated robotic technician, and loves to actively make machines better (occasionally even on Penny herself).

Delilah Whitfield:  Delilah is Davis' younger twin sister, and Angel's second best friend and determined love interest to be. Absolutely obsessed with Angel, she tries her hardest to get him to date her, but to no avail. Quick to anger, Delilah is very frisky and spiteful when fighting aliens, swinging a large, deadly hammer with ease. She is often made fun of at school, being called "Phobia girl", as she has many fears, ranging from things as normal as Spiders, ghosts, and feet, to things as odd as Octopus tentacles, Eyeless masks, and lesbians. Speaking of, she herself has a fear of both Yomi, a Bisexual genie girl who wants both Angel and Her to get with her, as well her friend Flutter, a young alien princess whom she is forced to watch over, who happens to have major hots for her. However, despite her dislike for their attractions, Delilah remains strong and close friends with the two, treating them like sisters. She and her Brother are able to mimic each other very well, often pretending to be the other.

Princess Flutter: An Alien princess who is known as an insectosapian, or a Butterfly human. In a way, she's a life sized fairy. Very sweet and innocent, Flutter often goes out of her way to make Delilah's life as comfortable as possible, trying to win her heart. However, unknown to her, she is actually making Delilah more uncomfortable than ever before. Despite being a princess, she seems to be very submissive, often listening to anything anyone tells her to to, and taking it seriously. She is often known as a crybaby, often crying her eyes out for the slightest of insults. While on Earth, she pretends to be Edward's Niece from Europe.

Dawn Anchorage: A two faced Alaskan girl with "Raynaud`s Phenomenon", a disorder in which one cannot control their internal body temperature. This causes her to stay constantly heated by wearing thick clothing. She is an animal lover at heart, and is vegan. She has a distaste for "Bad boys", eating Meat,  and Swimming. Dawn has an alternate personality named Dusk, fittingly.  While in her Dusk phase, Dawn seems to be cruel, and purposely tries to intimidate and wear down people, both physically and emotionally. She is also very straight forward and to the point. She seems to like singing while seeing people in tears, or crying in general.

Anthony Ramses: Anthony is a bad boy wannabe, using B-B guns acting as if they're real ones. While he tries to put up his bad boy act to look cool, it's really because he needs a mask of an identity to hide himself from the world. When alone, he is usually acting all sweet with his Duckling, Faith. He has a crush on Dawn, but her Dusk side seems to get in the way of the two doing anything personal. He has been held back 3 times. 

Eris: The young-bodied goddess of Discord. She was punished by Zeus for causing a majority of the Trojen war, and for defending titans during the war of gods and Titans. She has Cursed amnesia, and remembers nothing of her original form. However, her servant, Gregg, remembers everything for her. She loves to cause trouble for Delilah and Flutter often.She's a cute little pain in the ass.

Gregg:  Eris' personal lackey, and the ex-titan known as the Bat king. He was cursed by Zeus at the end of the war of the gods and Titans by being turned into a chubby little imp-like being, with minimal power. He remembers everything about his old life, as well as Eris'. Gregg tends to get hot and bothered when someone treats Eris like a child. He often acts as a universal sensor. Fun fact: Gregg is one of the only characters of mine who is aware of the multiple universes. He is the forced adopted older brother of Cherish.

Cherish: Gregg's "little sister", whom Eris made for him out of "Pink Stuff", seeing him as lonely. She is always happy and chipper, and is pretty much Gregg's opposite, personality wise and body wise. She talks really childishly, replacing most of her L's with W's, and pronouncing "Love" as "Wuv". Whenever someone is upset in the group, Cherish does her best to cheer them up.

Oculus and Rift: Humanoid Robots who serve the evil that is Clyde Slicer. They are both Highly unintelligent, and proud of it. Don't tell anyone, but they would rather work for Edward. They both like making fun of Dorothy.

Dorothy: A Fem-bot created by Clyde Slicer, and ultimately his most intelligent robot yet. Able to perform several household tasks, as well as tasks that not even Clyde can handle himself. She is often Ridiculed by the three she works with, despite being the one who makes most of Clyde's ideas up for him. She is the only one of Clyde's robots with a voice of reason, and knows when to correct stupidity. She wears a bow, and purposely gives her robotic screen eyes eyelashes, trying to define herself as female.  Often speaking in a sarcastic tone, she seems to rather dislike her current position as a evil-doer's assistant.

Clyde Slicer: A convicted escaped felon known all around the Universe. Clyde is a Octavian who fused his brain with a mysterious space computer virus, and learned to control it. He is known as a Genius beyond Geniuses, able to do things such as Manipulate machinery, to things such as Creating human clones, matching their original copy in height and age, as well as in skill. Clyde hides throughout the Universe in his Prison Lab spaceship, with his three Robot servants Oculus, Rift, and Dorothy. While he acts like a nonchalant ass most of the time, he is actually very quick to lose his temper. He covers his virus infected eye so it wont feed on light, ultimately killing him. Oh, yeah, did I mention he murdered Edward's Wife Wendy, despite being his best friend at the time? He did that, too.

Parasite: Parasite is a small Alien creature known universally as an endangered species. Why? His kind's bodies are very squishy, and plump, and tiny, so they mostly get crushed by most natural elements. However, Parasite is special, having the ability to possess a brain, and the ability to regenerate He can control one's mind by biting their head like a tick. However, due to a pheromone his body gives off, anyone h releases from his control becomes immune to his ability. He feeds off of pure solar energy.

Cody Weaver: A Canadian who came to Georgia at age 7, leaving no trace of his obnoxious accent. Cody is a not so good flirt, and often chastised by girls, friend and not. Cody has given himself the nickname "the guy with 1,000 fetishes", and that tends to show, seeing how he is attracted to many, many things, ranging from Shoes to food. He lost two adult teeth back in middle school, where Mandy knocked them both out in a "Hockey accident". Unlike his friends, Cody gets along with his Clone gender bend, Cindy, who shares a strong bond with him. This bond later became somewhat of a narcissistic friendship.

Cindy: Cindy is Cody's clone, created by Clyde. She is the friendliest of the clones, and, instead of sparring with her original, befriended him, and tends to hang out with him. Cindy is known for, like her original, having many fetishes, and in most cases the same ones her original has. She seems to literally be Cody in a girl body, even finding Mandy to be attractive. However, her main love is Mark, Mandy's Counterpart, whom she stalks on a daily basis. For some odd reason, she inherited Cody's missing two teeth, even though it wasn't genetic.

Daniel Lee: A friend of Davis and Penny from Thailand. A super genius student by day, and a hardcore gamer by night, Daniel knows how to balance out his work and his play. He is Grace's best friend, doing nearly everything with her. While he doesn't look like it, he is actually a skilled sword user, and collects Swords as a hobby--Japanese and American ones alike. Despite the fact he looks very scrawny, He is incredibly strong, able to hold his 90 lbs. Book bag on his back and remains standing straight. Unlike Grace, however, he is a horrible runner, often running out of breath in mere minutes.

Grace Kim: A happy go lucky Korean girl with a love for cats. Grace is Daniel's best friend, who spends time with her on a daily basis. Both study buddies, gamer rivals, and over all romantic interest, these two do everything together. She has a love for cosplay, as well as a good running body. She enjoys acting like a feline.

Eris (Past):  Eris's true inner form, as well as her previous form. She was once a beautiful goddess, whom, though shy and really sweet, was mistreated by the other gods and goddesses, often thinking of her as some wicked monster. She nursed Gregg back to health after being cursed and turned into an Imp. She finally snaps with anger when she is uninvited to the Wedding of Peleus and Thetis, while every other god and goddess was accepted. Fed up, she tossed the golden apple into the crowd of gods and goddesses, starting the fight between Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera. In the aftermath of the Trojan war, Zeus finds out about Eris' responsibility in all of it, and curses her, stripping her of her godly powers, and giving her the body of a Child. Gregg now takes care of the goddess the same way she took care of him, preserving their memories for the two of them.

Gregg (Past): 
The titan known as the King of Bats. Gregg was once an immortal bat-like creature, who was created by accident by the god of nature, Pan. Gregg was not exactly a threat to humans, but feared as the king of the Night, who case fear and mischief. However, after the war between the titans and the gods, Gregg made the error of attacking a young girl, who happened to be Hera, in disguise. After hearing of this, Zeus casts a curse on Gregg, removing his control over bats, as well as any powerful magic in his body, giving him the body of an imp-like creature. After being nursed to health by Eris, he now returns the favor, by being her eternal body guard.

Eleanor: Edward's clone, created by Clyde. Eleanor is usually seen frowning, despite the fact she is generally happy and chipper. Like her original, she seems to enjoy hanging around children, landing a job as a Principal at a rival school. Eleanor is the Wife of Flare, Hottie's clone. When in her alien form, she has a visible cloud of electrons swirling around her head, forming hair. She secretly gets hairy arms, but shaves it off due to embarrassment. 

 Greta Heisenberg:  A shy little German girl who speaks very quietly. No one knows WHY see doesn't pick up the tone in her voice. She loves soccer, and is excellent at the sport. She is commonly laughed at for her large, thin, 6'00'' posture and size 12 feet, making her body seem more masculine. However, when you get to know her, she's really sweet.

"Uchu Usagi!": Small, cute, but powerful Rabbit like aliens seek shelter on earth from their planet's civil war, only for the cause of the war to follow them to Earth! After Crash landing and being separated, It's up to Prince Bunston to gather his friends back together and protect their Make-shift home!


Bunston is generally a kind prince, who tries to remain as Pacifistic as possible during fights. However, when the evil King Crok tries to attack Earth with his Capsule trapped monsters, Bunston isn't afraid to reveal the power of the Bunarian royal family, who can master any element of any Bunarian. Bunston enjoys the company of his platoon, seeing them all as friends. He cares most for Penny and Chip, who have no powers to defend themselves with.

Penny: Bunston's childhood friend, and personal maid. Penny is a light-green Bunarian who wears a blue dress. Penny goes everywhere Bunston goes to ensure his safety, as well as Chip's. When the going gets tough, Penny generally tries to become a living shield, before Bunston has to save her instead. Unknown to Bunston, she has a secret crush on him. She is easily annoyed by Joy, who's overly chipper attitude rubs her the wrong way.

Chip: Bunston's coward of a friend, who is the youngest Bunarian in the Bunarian army. His minty green fur gives him his name. while he has no special elemental powers, Chip has the intelligence of a genius, and is a critical thinker, needed for the Platoon's survival. Chip has the special ability to see the supernatural, which terrifies him, despite the fact everyone thinks he is just imagining things. He seems to be the only one to realize how King Crok attacks: By freeze-drying Aliens into tiny pill capsules, and blasting them from Earth's atmosphere into Andrew's Backyard pool, causing them to regain their body mass. Chip secretly wishes he could become the new Prince.

Joy: Joy is a happy go lucky Bunarian, with Yellow Fur. Never saddened or angry, this little peppy Bunarian is there when someone needs some cheering up. However, unknown to her, she is a little TOO chipper, often bothering her platoon. She always gets under Rage's skin, who will usually try to silence her through violence. Sadly, Joy thinks of his anger as nothing more than a Game. As her name states, Joy is joyful, and refuses to get under the weather. She has a love for human cuisine, and loves Ramon Noodles from a cup the most. Oddly, she is the only Bunarian in the Platoon to have a tail (except Misfortune, who has a Devil tail).

Sorrow: The Saddest Bunarian of all. Sorrow is a dark blue Bunarian, who is always seen teary eyed. Sorrow always sheds tears. Happy tears. Sad tears. Questionable tears. And so on. Sorrow is often used as a punching bag for Rage's verbal assaults. He also has a tendency to cry over the smallest of things. Sorrow is crushed on by Misfortune, but, with all his tears, he probably cant even see that. Sorrow, as the name suggests, is always miserable. However, he is a skilled Water manipulator, so he has that going fo him, at least.

Rage: Rage is a red Bunarian from the Volcanic region of the planet Bunaria. He is all brawn and no brains, often using his fireball-shooting fists for talking. He came to Earth in a platoon of other Bunarians, who were recruited to protect Bunaria's prince, Bunston, from the clutches of the evil bounty hunter, King Crok, a Crocodile-robot hybrid-like alien from Bunaria's enemy Planet, Planet Swamposia. Rage, like all the Bunarians, was named after a specific emotion. Rage has a tendency to be a bully, taking his heat and anger out on the other Bunarians in his Platoon (Mainly Sorrow). Rage has an exaggerated crush on Passion, and, whenever possible, tries to do incredibly stupid things to show off for her.

Passion: Passion is a pink Bunarian from the cloud-top region of Bunaria known as the Fluff hills. As her name suggests, Passion is, well, Passionate, and named after love. Unlike other Bunarian subspecies, Passion is able to fly, using her angel-like wings. Passion is drawn to people who have negative feelings towards one another, and, with a swift jolt of her Love orbs, causes the two to either become nicer to one another, or even fall for one another. Passion, despite embarrassed by it, is attracted to Rage, and often giggles at his attempts to show off. She is the nicest Bunarian of them all, often comforting the others, especially Sorrow. She does, however, seem to distrust Misfortune.

Misfortune: Misfortune is a Lavender Bunarian who lived in a dark cave like community known as the Underthere. Born and raised in a community full of Mischief and lies. Misfortune's powers allow her to manipulate people to manipulate people, causing people to do the wrong thing, or cause bad karma to bestow them. However, she has been shown to care deeply about her team mates. She has a crush on Sorrow, whom she tends to feed off of, due to his negative energy. She can control Shadows of aliens who attack Earth, and attack them with their own powers.

Dexter: Dexter is an Orange Bunarian, who has a bandage covering his eye. He has lived on Earth for several years, residing with Andrew's French work mate, Natalie La'belle. Dressed as a butler, Dexter serves his mistress happily and without question. However, he seems to know quite a bit about not just Bunston, but all of his Platoon, ranging from Their families, to even their favorite foods and love interests. He is clearly able to both see and communicate with the dead. In fact, his Ventriloquist puppet, Dummitrei, is the vessel of a spirit. He was once part of a Platoon, sent to scout earth, but is ow the last one of his crew alive. It is unknown where the others went, or how they died.

Dummitrei: Dexter's possessed Ventriloquist puppet. He seems to have the limbs and head of a mummy, and the body of a tomb. Often pretending to be just a puppet to most, Dummitrei takes pleasure in scaring the life out of Chip. While not proven, Chip believes Dummitrei was once one of Dexter's Platoon mates, who dies on earth.

Red and Lavender: King Crok's trusty robots. They don't mind being destroyed, as they can easily be rebuilt, with all their existing memories. Their purpose is to locate Bunston's location on a daily basis, so their leader can launch a Capsule Alien into Earth's atmosphere, and cause havoc. 

King Crok: The evil Crocodile-like cyborg alien from Planet Swamposia. To ensure he is not matched in power, Crok hunts Bunston to the ends of the Galaxy, finding him on Earth. Crok, being a skilled hunter, has captured 100's of aliens, and freeze dried them to fit into tiny, dissoluble capsules, which he then fires via cannon into Andrew's swimming pool, causing them to take form. Crok calls himself a king, but he seems to be more of a General. People on Earth Refer to him as "Cyber Gator".

Cold: An elite Bunarian soldier with no heart, Cold's name reflects both his personality and his power. Cold was once a highly looked up to Bunarian soldier during the war, but soon defected and became Crok's right hand man...er...bunarian. Cold is the older brother of Rage, and, unlike Rage, was raised in a harsher environment after being adopted. Due to this, Cold seeks revenge against his brother, whom he believes lived a lavish life.

The Darkness: an ancient creature sealed in a block of ice. The darkness is a black, shapeless being, made of Dark Matter, and very intelligent. The Darkness lives off of Light, and occasionally souls, making it rather fearsome. It is able to replicate anything it pleases,  but chooses to replicate Bunston. It seems to obey King Crok. Most of the time, anyway...

Mat and Pat: Two Mice-like aliens known as "Squeeks". These two space Pirates Hitch Hike and reside in the bottom of King Crok's ship. Occasionally, They willingly go down to earth to mess with The Bunarian Prince and friends. They love Cheese, violence, and free livin'. Mat is Brown, and loves to use Bombs, While Pat is white, and uses quick fire pistols.

Prince Le'Quack: A Prince from a small Pond land, Le'Quack is a Friend of Bunston's who seeks to help him from Bunaria. He often tries sending monsters out to earth to assist Bunston, only for crok to capture and control as his own monster.

"Angel Bent": Two teens discover they are Angels who must work with Heaven to prevent Hell on earth! Along their journey of vigorous training to slay demons, they befriend new people, and encounter deadly new enemies!


Pogojo Tenshao: One of the two 'cursed' to turn into an angel. Pogojo Is a normal 16 year old who likes Video games, Veggies, and Being around his family and friends. He is best friends with Michio Saki, a "ladies man" who hits on any girl who shows interest in him. He is also the one Ex-demon Naomi falls deeply in love with, after he and Sierra save her. He is also the one Sierra`s best friend, Kazumi Emiko has a crush on, and the one a demon girl named Warp has a massive obsession over. When touched by someone of the opposite gender, He becomes a beautiful, busty blonde angel girl with white wings, known as the Angel of Truth and Justice. When in his Angel form, S/He gains somewhat of a dirty side. 

Sierra Shizuru: one of the two 'cursed' into becoming an angel. Sierra is a 16 year old who loves sports, junk food, and Video games/anime. Her best friend is Kazumi Emiko, a shy girl who has a big crush on Pogojo. She tend to be more of a leader than a follower, getting mad when people try things after she says to do it her way. She acts as a sister figure to Naomi, An ex-demon she and Pogojo save from the brink of dying, afer an assault from a group of Fallen angels. When touched by a male (except Pogojo and Azazel), she becomes a male angel with silvery black hair, and a big attitude. S/He is known as the Angel of Moral and Judgement, and has Black wings. She gains more of a strict side when becoming male.

Azazel: An 1000 year old man who keeps a body of youth, so he lives forever. Azazel was once an Atheist man who was given a chance to go to heaven, but rejected, fearing God's judgement in Heaven. Due to this, he is punished by being granted Immortality, and having to serve the Tenshaos and Shizurus for all of eternity (until he has proven his worth). He doesn't usually help fight, but rather mentors the Angels in training as they fight Demons. However, when he does fight, he releases his sacred sword, known as Gate to Eden, a flaming sword easily capable of slaughtering hoards of Demons at once. Azazel, posing as a Christian Private school guidance councilor, is often crushed on by his mentees, due to his handsome figure. He seems to have quite the past with Satan, perhaps sparring with the dark lord once or twice before. Fun fact: He's actually Cousin to Gabriel and his brothers.

Michio Saki: Michio is a so called "ladies man", and the best friend of Pogojo Tenshao. Michio Tends to be an airhead, lacking almost any common knowledge. He believes that his lack of intelligence is because he was cursed with good looks though it is just because he is stupid. He tends to hit on almost any girl who shows the slightest bit of interest, even though most girls will then slap him or leave. He has a small crush on Sierra, who is unaware of it. After he was cursed by Satan, he became a vessel to a Succubus demon girl named Akumia, who turns his body from male to female. In this form, Akumia feeds off of his spiteful energy and anger. Akumia is the rival of Sierra.

Kazumi Emiko: Kazumi is a shy girl with little social connections and the best friend of Sierra Shizuru. Kazumi loves to sing and write poetry, though no one knows, as she is to embarrassed to sing in front of anyone. She is an incredibly kind girl, who is nice to anyone who talks with her. She has a massive crush on Pogojo, and is Jealous that Sierra is such a good friend of him. She is also Naomi`s rival for His affection. However, she never states she`s jealous or a rival due to her kind nature, but keeps it locked in her mind. After being cursed by Satan, She became the vessel of an Oni demon boy named Tenma, who changes her from a female to a male. Tenma gets powers by feeding off her jealousy and flare. Tenma is Pogojo`s rival.
Greed: The living incarnation of the sin of Greed. Greed's leather vest, Flaming green hair, and Dollar sign tattoo may make him look like some punk kid, but he is far from a simple punk. Greed is the second oldest of the sins, only being younger than Lust. Seen as a trouble maker by his father Satan, Greed is usually prohibited from leaving his labyrinth of a circle in hell. However, due to his greedy desires to see the world, Greed often abandons his post. Greed, despite being a selfish young sin, is actually very tactical in battle, and is one of Satan's most needed children to assist n the take over of Earth.  Greed is ae to turn his hands into metallic, indestructible clawed hands for combat. Carrying a trait of his brother Wrath, He seems to be emotionally unstable and prone to anger.

Sloth: What's scarier than a Skeleton and a Judge? How about the two of them combined? Sloth sits around in a giant throne like seat in his circle of hell, and is often called "Powerhouse" by his siblings. This is due to Sloth's unbelievable power. However, Sloth is much too lazy to actually UNLEASH this power, and rather conserves it. When not napping, Sloth judges souls to see how bad their crimes on Earth were. The better the person was, the lighter the punishment. The worse the crime, the worse the punishment.  Sloth does not exactly like angels, and, upon facing them, will unleash a mere fraction of his stored power (which may cause some wings to fry!). He may not look like it, but He's quite into dance!

Gluttony: The second youngest of the original sins. Gluttony strives for eternal beauty, and to do so, swaps out her body every 1,000 years. as her name suggests, Gluttony loves to eat...and eat...and eat...which eventually shows...in her cute bodies. When provoked, she unleashes food magic on her provoker, turning him or her into a snack for her to consume. She tries to act like a beauty queen, but, due to her weight, is often made fun of by her siblings. When angered to her breaking point, she shows her true colors, and transforms into a large, demonic beast, and her stomach becomes her mouth. She seems to be easily distracted, and seems to actually prefer working with the Angels rather than with her siblings and dad. She seems to have a weird attraction to her brother, Greed.

Lust: The first born of the sins, making her the oldest. Lust is Satan's favorite child, and for good reason. Lust is able to shift her body to match any man, woman, or teen's sexual fetish of desire. She is also known as "Black widow" by her siblings, due to her true form being a giant, deadly spider, who consumes souls over and over and injects them with a painful venom, which causes eternal pain and suffering. Her arms are covered in black gloves, which turn them into needle like arms: fit for stabbing angels. Her greatest enemy is her brother Greed, who seeks to gain power over her level of hell. Lust tries to get men and women alike to give up their souls by seducing them with her body. Just what is hiding under her hair? Perhaps a dangerous eye-related weapon?

Envy: The third youngest sin, and one of the most powerful. Envy is constantly full of hate and jealousy, and isnt afraid to let loose her bitterness on her siblings. Envy is constantly trying to find a way to get into people's heads, and is somewhat successful. She is also the commanding officer in Satan's army,  and is the boss of Akumia and Tenma. She has a strange liking for green, and collects green things in her free time. 

Wrath: The youngest of the sins. Wrath is a spoiled rotten brat who rules one of the more dangerous circles of hell. Wrath is often always angry and in a bad mood, mistreating the souls of the innocent. When he unleashes his true from, he becomes a large, snake like demon monster.  he has quite a sweet tooth.

Curiosity: Curiosity is Satan's first attempt at creating an artificial sin. Curiosity is very robotic, both physically and emotionally. Curiosity is generally not evil, per-say, but is evil only due to Satan controlling it. When its original body is destroyed, Curiosity becomes a Girl-like android with sirens on either side of her head. Its green siren respond to positive feedback, while the red one responds to negative feedback. After becoming loose from Satan's control, Curiosity joins up with the angels, seeing them as its only friends.  It has an unstable nuclear core created from energy of both Heaven and Hell.

Mephistopheles: The Sin of Pride and the Father of sins himself.  After removing the sins from his body, Mephistopheles became a disgusting pale white creature, and his limbs became horribly elongated. However, Due to his Pride, He removed his own head to avoid seeing his hideous for, and therefore remains prideful and powerful. Because He removed the sins from his body, Mephistopheles is very weak and frail, and simply stabbing his heart could be enough to end his life. However,  With the sins removed, he also created a loophole. He is immortal until the sins are all slain, meaning until the angels can stop the sins, he can continue his plans of invading Earth! His appearance is an example of the saying "Satan is as Ugly as a demon as he was Beautiful an Angel".

Fear is Satan's second, more successful attempt at creating an artificial sin. Fear was once a girl known to few as Alexis Kasanova, an antisocial school reject and lover of the Paranormal. Her only true friend was Sierra, who she had spent the day with before getting hit by a car and dying a slow death--alone. Before death, she was greeted by Mephistopheles, who promised if she would offer her body to him, he would allow her to see Sierra again. However, she didn't know that what he meant was to turn her into Sierra and Pogojo's enemy--a Sin. 

Fear, much like Curiosity, dislikes being Satan's tool, but she is trapped in his clutches for now...

"Soul Reaper: Dante's Comedy/Myrrha's Tragedy": After losing his soul for seeing a grim reaper in Action, Dante Alighieri becomes one to catch 1000 souls of Shujin (demons) to get his back. However, along the road, he drags his friends into it, as well, and things begin to piece together as they realize they're true objective: Saving the world from a 'New' Hell.

Myrrha's Tragedy starts where Dante's distopian future leaves off--with his death. Now, forced into depression by heartbreak, Myrrha finds out she has a chance to save her father and Mother's fates by going back in in. She and her friends set off on an even wackier adventure than Dante could've dreamed!


Minos De'Shikuma: Warden of Hell and Purgatory. Minos is also the father to grim reapers Francesca, Lucia, and Ningyo. Minos may look like a scary demon like man on the outside, but inside, he's got a heart of Gold...and also his body is supposed to be a crust of some sort? How....intriguing. He tends to bump heads with Gabriel often.

Gabriel Archangel: The name says it all. Gabriel is one of Heaven's top Archangel, tasked with assisting in leading the souls of the saved to Heaven to live in peace and harmony forever. He is very egotistical and a heavy drinker, despite his status as an Angel. He is the "Uncle" of the De'Shikuma girls, whom all love him like family. He speaks in a British tone. While he usually wears a White wardrobe, he seems to have Gone Grey today...What could be the occasion?

Judas Iscariot: The traitor of Jesus and the head of the new army of Hell, Judas has plans of conquering the earth and wiping out Humanity. After slaying Satan with his cell mates Cassius and Brutus, Judas took a portion of Satan's soul in order to become an angelic force. He possesses Pastor Kentley Orahara in order to gain his new body, before Satan's form distorts it.

"Just a Regular school for Regular Monsters": A human girl finds her new private school is actually an academy built for human-loathing monsters! How is she to survive when the head of the school knows her dirty little secret? Not only are students here dangerous, but so are the leaders of the school, the infamous "Elite Four", or the Student Council, and their leader, the grandson of lord Dracula himself...

Lochtess "Tessie" McMiller: This large Scottish man is actually not a true scottish man...or a man at all. He's actually the teenage son of the Lochness Monster in disguise (which is why his Tail is so evident.) Tessie Tends to talk in an intimidating voice in order to keep students from disobeying his orders. Tessie is leader of the Swim Team and the First member of the Elite Four.

Ban S. Mankansho: The elder brother of Mugi, Ban is a half Banshee, half Incubus. Due to his title as Student Council Elite Four, Ban tends to ignore the bullying his sister receives, seeing her as lower than him. he acts very cocky and airheaded, showing he's not the most intelligent of Monsters.He has a love for Music, and dreams of being a DJ when he gets older. He is president of the Music and Glee Club.

Lauren O' Brady: A Dullahan and the third member of the elite four. Lauren conceals her beautiful red eyes under thick glasses to prevent striking fear in the school Body. As a Dullahan, Lauren has a removable head. Despite her being the Cheer team captain, she is also president of the Science, Foods, Knitting, and Mathmatics Club. She seems to have an obsession over Gordon, whom was the only monster to ever beat her in a fight other than the President of the council. 

Klaura Autenburg: The first member of the elite four. Klaura has know the council president longest, since they were both children. She is rumored to be the scariest member of the elites. She is a Poltergeist. She's intelligent, dangerous, and has suspicions of Starla being human.

"Star the Toad's Universe": The everyday adventures of Star the Toad and friends.


Star: Star is the hero of the Grassland Kingdom, a sister kingdom off the far off shores of the Mushroom kingdom. Typically happy, and optimistic, Star enjoys traveling the world, getting into all sorts of Adventure. He lives with hs older Brother, Toby, and his Younger sister, Carrie, in one big house. His best friend is John, a small, young shyguy with a passion for adventure and nature. He is also the boyfriend of Princess Lily, the youngest of four princess sisters. On a daily basis he will most likely run into his "Arch nemesis", Mawell, who will usually try pulling off convoluted schemes to destroy Star (to no avail). Star, however, sees Max as a somewhat of a friend. Star also tends to hang out with Ginger, his chipper fairy friend who usually stays near his Garden.

Toby: Star and Carrie's older Brother. A coward at heart, Toby tends to remain far away from anything Paranormal (whichis hard, seeing how his oldest and closest friend is a paranormal researcher). He does, however, seem to to okay with dating a ghost, as his Girlfriend, Willow, is one. Toby likes to play Guitar and sing, which secretly inspires his sister. Did I mention he's good with a vacuum?

Carrie: Star and Toby's little sister (Little in VEEEEERY loose terms, as her Star is two months older than she is). Typically dressed in a Back skull tee, striped magenta socks, and Back leather boots; Carrie would look as if she were a goth girl, looking to avoid people. However, she secretly desires friendship with people. She is quite popular in the Grassland Kingdom, posing as the secret celebrity Cherry, whom she pretends to be as she performs on stage as a singer and guitarist. She is also a bisexual, often fantasizing about being Lily's sister Rose's "special one". 

John: John is a young, short shyguy, who typically gets into all sorts of fun with Star and Lily. Not much is known about his past, or where he came from, seeing as he was Orphaned. He claims to go on adventures whenever Star does but with little evidence, other than a few relics that may or may not be real, no one ever knows. 

Ginger: Also known as Ginger Snap, This season fairy tends to gardens of all kind. She often engages in friendly conversations  with everyone she meets, no matter how angry they are at the time. She has a crush on Maxwell, for reasons no one understands. She seems to also have a strange turn on for being treated like a doll.

King Maxwell III: The always aggravated king of Shyland, an all shyguy kingdom located next to Star toad's home, the Grassland Kingdom. Always trying to kidnap a princess bride, Maxwell is generally disliked by all, and feared by none. He is Star's self proclaimed arch nemesis, and constantly tries to go out of his way to try to eliminate him for no good reason. Despite his large cloak of a body, He is actually VERY skinny. It's amazing the guy can hold such a large half ton hammer!

Willow Sang: A young Portrait ghost who was trapped by the evil Queen Boo. After the events of Lui-G's Mansion: New Moon, She became Toby's, Star's older brother's, girlfriend. She loves to sing, and dreams of becoming a famous Opera singer one day.

"Dick Reilly's Happy Little Life": After losing his Job as a News Anchor for Swapnote News, Dick becomes trapped in a deadend, well paying Job with Unbearable Co-workers.


Dick Reilly: Dick Reilly is an anchorman, with low self esteem and a bad mood always in his body somewhere. He USE to be the anchor of his dream news team, 3DS Games news, a Swapnote bit that allowed him to discuss new game releases and or games in general. However, after the channel was shut off, he remained a bum for many months. Now, he just prays he doesn't get fired from his most recent joint as a Comic news anchor.

Hugh Jazz: Hugh is Dick Reilly's Co-Anchor. Hugh seems to be an uppity black guy, constantly on the cheerful side. He likes Baseball.

Manda Titsoff: News reporter for Dick Reilly's News crew. Manda tends to be more level head than all her co workers. 

Kimiko "Kim" Seitekina honomekashi: Kim may look like a cute, young, busy bee of a girl, but the strange thing is that Kim is 41 years old. Kimiko Doesn't seem to understand aging well, it seems. You're supposed to get YOUNGER! Anyway, this Middle aged Mail filer is in charge of delivering mail and paychecks to Dick Reilly and the rest of the News Cast. She seems to love wearing fashionable shoes. She is Dick's Current girlfriend.

Norman the Mormon: One of DicK's co-workers. Norman, as his name implies, is a Normal morman man. Despite his kindness, no one seems to like him all that much. He has 4 Wives.

Mr. Muffin Top: Dick and Co's Boss. Mr. Muffin Top has bad anger issues and a horrible Heart, so he tends to have quite a few Heart attacks. Despite being rough on all of them, Mr. Muffintop enjoys his worker's company.

Seedat Fahgette: A muslim man with a heart of Gold. Seedat (See-dot) is the Helicopter driver in the news team, looking at traffic. He has a good heart, so sadly, he won't attempt to fly into any buildings.

Jose' Hernandez Garcia: The constantly Depressed Weatherman of the Reilly team. Jose just wishes his family loved him...

Richard Reilly: Dick's older brother. He is a happy Dick who Dick hates a lot for having a better life than him. He replaced Dick as 3DS News Anchor.

Dickerd: A nerdy asshole who works with Kim. He wants to ruin Dick's Career.

Black Death: Death with an African American touch. Black Death knows that Dick isn't supposed to be alive, and desires his soul.

"Black Swan": A young boy with XXY Disorder gets the ability to become a magical girl...at a costly price.


Shibone: A boy with XXY disorder, Shibone is a boy with feminine appearance, who became the magical girl "Black Swan", who is the master of Judgement, and Darkness. Shibone uses his powers for the good of humanity, and dreams of stopping Magical girls from throwing down their lives for the cruel and evil world. As a Magical girl, Shibone fights off the Grimm Ones, creatures born from negative human emotions. When not fighting Grimm ones, Shibone is taking care of his little sister, Sohara.

"Witch Bride?!": After discovering the girl who saved his life is a witch, her family turns his life upside down by forcing them to marry, causing his life to change dramatically.


(Before I continue, I would like to point out what a Pixie is in this universe: A Pixie is any creature, dead or living, turned into a fairy like creature by a means of magic, as well as mixing said "thing" in a cauldron with a piece of their master to be's hair, and a Doll, of sorts. Their gender also happens to be based on their master's gender).

Pumpkinstein: A Deformed, hyperactive Pixie created by Valerie as a wedding present for Parker. However, due to Valerie being quite the air head, she used a rotting pumpkin to make him. Pumpkinstein seems to have a case of severe ADHD, and is often moving around to keep himself occupied. Though constantly insulted by Luna, Pumpkinstein and Spice get along very well. Almost as if they were siblings.

Luna: Luna is a Bat Pixie, and is the older of two sisters created to serve and Protect Valerie. Strict, mean, and loyal; Luna tries her hardest to keep Parker from butting into Valerie's life, Unlike her sister, who welcomes him happily. Luna was created from a Doll, a Bat's corpse, and Valerie's hair. While she may seem to act like she hate's boys, she has very strong feelings for Parker, herself, but dosn't know how to show said affection without embarrassing herself. She is the apple of the Pixie Aishe's eye.

Spice: Spice is a Pumpkin Pixie, and the younger of two sisters. Spice is a chipper, happy, albeit annoyingly happy pixie who smells of Pumpkin spice. Unlike her Village's pixies, Spice seems to toloerate boys and girls alike, and takes a liking emotionally to Parker, seeing him as a friend. She is also one of the only Pixies who are nice to Pumpkinstein. Spice seems to like dusting herself off head to toe on a daily basis. Why? No one knows, as she isnt the clean freak you'd think she'd be.

''Penguin Lad!'': Old series I made as a Child. A Penguin and his M8s fight crime.

Penguin Lad: A superhero I created at age seven. Penguin Lad is a Penguin who is able to shoot laser beams from his visor. 

Coal: A living piece of coal constantly on fire. He is Penguin Lad's sidekick.

Charla: A living piece of Charcoal, covered in a carbon coating She is hotter than Coal, and faster, too. Her light blue flame signifies her heat. 

Penguin Gal: A blue, female Penguin, and Penguin Lad's girlfriend.

Nitro: Evil Coal. He works with Penguin Bad.

Penguin Bad: Penguin Bad is Penguin Lad's evil twin brother. The end.

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