monthly event hosted by
creature for Salty--Noodles
their prompt - [LINK]
Huh, I am a bit later than usual.
The prompts this month were quite fun tbh.
A survey by the group:
Were the prompts well written and easy to understand? How could the writer possibly improve their next prompt?
All in all their prompt was easy to read and I believe I understood their idea.
At first, I was really grateful for the various references of various themes they provided. Tho, once I got to designing the character I had my first struggles, as I wasn't sure how to add all the themes and incorporate them.
In my opinion, their prompt lacked a bit of focus, because ultimately I only had the themes to work with. I suggest a little more clarification towards where my focus as the designer should lie.
But otherwise, I could work with it. :'D
How did you interpret the design? Which features did you use? Did you stick to the pallet/prompt or did you make changes? Does the design have any special abilities/quirks?
As they wished, I made them a bat.
First I wanted to draw sort of a flying-fox/mega-bat but ended up deciding against it. Instead, I went with the small fluffy mammal that is the Honduran white bat.
I actually wasn't sure if I should give them wings of sorts. I tried around sketching them, and even tho they didn't look half bad, I felt like they disturbed the overall design.
About the themes they gave, I tried to incorporate each of those piece by piece.
I actually wished I could play around with the themes a lot more and mix and match those in some kind of way, so I am not completely satisfied with it.
But, all in all, they're not too bad and I added random text and trivia to the piece, for the little flavour of personality.
Aye, hope you like it and cheers!