SomethingArbitrary β€” Re-writing the Bible [NSFW]
Published: 2007-05-09 08:49:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 13869; Favourites: 488; Downloads: 192
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Description He, quite simply, preferred to be called Tony. After all, God just sounds so, well, big. And God was a small lad, anyway. Quite sickly as a child, he seemed to recall. Of course, when you just poof into existence one day with no- one to take care of you, that tends to happen. But, being God, Tony found that he could do pretty well as he pleased, since there was nobody there to tell him what to do. At first, Tony thought he was blind, but after a bit of tinkering around, he discovered the recipe for light (2 egg yolks, a splash of vinegar, and a bit of soot), and Carpentry (Wood plus ironβ€”for the floors). Then the playing commenced.

But soon Tony grew bored of Legos, solved the Rubik’s Cube, and mastered the art of Etch-A-Sketching, and decided to create a World. Tony's first attempt at world- making was a complete and utter failure; there was nothing to contain it in. It simply floated around Tony's bedroom like a small balloon waiting to pop. So he created several more of these worlds and shot marbles with them for a few billion years. Tony had quite the attention span.

Then Tony created the Fishbowl. And then he had something to put the World in. Well, all fifteen of them. So he dropped them in, one by one, but they simply wouldn't stay in the bowl. Tony was not pleased. But, being quite the studious young lad, he created Gravity. Ahh, a wonderful thing! However, now when he dropped the Worlds into the Fishbowl they simply clunked to the bottom.

"Bugger," he said.

Logically, then, he would need something that the Worlds could float in. Air obviously wouldn't work (since there wasn't any-- he hadn't thought of that yet). He tried Jell-O but found it to be too stiff and, quite frankly, a bit frightening. He needed something like Jell-O, only less. He thought for a long while, not coming up with anything in particular. So he decided to sleep on it. He crawled into his waterbed and tried to sleep, without much luck.

"Jesus Christ," he muttered, quite cross with himself. Just then a boy appeared.

"What the hell," said the boy.

"Who the hell are you?" Asked God.

"My guess is that I'm Jesus Christ, but I could be wrong-- I only just poofed into existence. My God, this is weird."

"Please, just call me Tony."

Jesus agreed, and sat next to Tony on the waterbed. They began discussing Tony's plans for creating a World, and his frustration about not finding something that his World would float in. Jesus quickly pointed out the waterbed, and Tony got to work. But he found his Fishbowl full of Worlds to be rather boring, and, after awhile, created a toilet to flush them down. Meanwhile, Jesus spent all his time playing around on the computer and studying physics. It's always the kids who are better with computers, anyhow. After perfecting his HTML codes, Jesus went to work on a new game, which he called Sim City. At this point, Tony was just beginning puberty and spent the next several hundred billion years in bed, frightened of what was happening (it may be worth mentioning that this is how pornography came into existence).

When Tony finally got out of bed (now with a big long beard and a deep, booming, Darth Vader- esque voice) he found Jesus glued to the computer, muttering something about horse hooves and factories and flipcharts. Tony sneezed as an adorable cocker spaniel came into view.

"Jesus Christ, don't you know I'm allergic to dogs? Get that mutt out of here!"

Jesus cocked his head to one side, staring at Tony. "So that's what that is. I've been wondering... I'll get him out of here, but first get me unstuck from this computer! It's beginning to burn."

Tony poofed a bottle of vodka and used it to soften the glue, sneezing all the while. The dog seemed to love him, though, and as Tony was leaning over, the dog gave him a big snog on the nose, prompting a positively gargantuan sneeze from Tony. The dog proceeded to scurry away with his tail planted firmly, yet quiveringly, between his legs.

"Bloody dog," Tony muttered, sniffling.

They heard a yelp and a thud from the direction of the dog and turned to see what the commotion was. It was a horrific sight.

"I've got to be more careful what I say," Tony muttered.

After the dog was buried in the new backyard, Jesus showed Tony his brand new computer game, Sim World.

"Look what I've created, Dad-- Dinosaurs," Jesus exclaimed.

"Since when did you start calling me dad," Tony mumbled, sitting down in front of the computer. "Holy shit, Jesus! What the hell are-- Hey, where are you going?"

"To the loo!" Jesus scampered off to the bogs.

Tony stared at the computer screen for a long while, trying to figure out these dinosaurs. These don't look a thing like me, he thought. Jesus wandered back into the room, looking enormously relieved.

"Now, Jesus-- what were you thinking when you designed these ungodly things?"

"Oh, yeah, about that, Dad... I kind of... raided your stash the other night and got all messed up listening to Black Sabbath," Jesus admitted.

"Oh, hell," Tony muttered. There was a quiet pop, which Tony dismissed. "I knew I should have locked that stuff up. Nevermind that-- Just get rid of these things! It's my turn to play, and I want to start off with a clean slate."

Jesus deleted his dinosaur file then went off to watch telly. Tony, meanwhile, pulled out the vodka bottle and got to work.

Some time the next afternoon, Tony woke up with a horrible headache. "Oh, bollocks," he muttered, and immediately felt a warm, sort of squishy presense between his legs (a few days later, he finally understood what the porno was for, and he saw that it was good). He took two aspirin and sat at the computer, to take a look at what the Sims had been up to. He saw that he'd created a man-- the man was stretched out on a cot, his chest covered in bandages. And then there was a woman, a bit oddly shaped-- sort of like... Tony gulped as he realised what he'd done.

"My God, that was cruel," came Jesus' voice from behind the sofa.

"I told you, just call me Tony. Or dad, I guess."

Tony quickly rectified the situation by giving Adam his rib back and then creating a new Eve (who more or less resembled one or the other of the Olsen twins).

"Hehe! Let's mess with them a bit," Tony said, and struck up a conversation with Adam and Eve. He told them they could do whatever they wanted. "But," he went on, "don't eat the fruit on that really cool tree over there. It's really good, but you shouldn't eat any, otherwise... You'll be too smart for your own good. Oh, yeah, and have lots of sex, too."

"What's sex," Adam asked.

Tony ignored him. You'll find out as soon as I do, he thought, and fell asleep.

Just then, a very pale dude floated out of a spare bedroom. "Hey, God, what's up?"

"Who the hell are you," Tony asked, annoyed at being woken up, "and why are you wearing a sheet?"

"I'm the Holy Ghost," the dude said. "Why are you wearing a Toga?"

That shut Tony up. The Holy Ghost wandered into the kitchen and pulled a gallon of milk out of the refrigerator. He drank straight from the carton, then went back to his room, where he'd stashed a hooker.

Next day, Tony decided he needed a holiday with some friends-- other Gods from other Universes (Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, and John Lennon), so he set about packing his bags.

"Can I come, Dad," Jesus asked.

Tony shook his head.

"Well, what am I supposed to do for entertainment?"

"Tell you what," Tony said. "I'll make you a brother to hang out with. Here's Lucifer. You can call him Luke."

Just then, a young kid popped into the room, looking rather confused.

"Have fun, boys," Tony called as he jumped into his new Dodge Viper and sped away.

Jesus stared at Luke for a minute. "Listen, you little bastard, I don't want any trouble. Just go sit in the corner and play with that violin over there."

Luke, looking rather dejected, went to practise the violin. Jesus was still pissed off at Tony, and decided to play a little game with the Sims. He loaded a snake into the program to scare them a bit, then went off to watch telly. After making sure Jesus was thoroughly enthralled with the Jerry Springer Show, Luke went over to the computer and began playing around, typing commands in for the snake.

"What's up, Eve," he asked.

"I'm a bit bored. I didn't know snakes could talk," she replied.

"Well, we can. My name's Lucifer. How are you enjoying your garden?"

"It's alright, but the food's a little bit bland," she said. "And Adam's over there watching golf."

"You should eat the fruit on that tree over there. It looks really good."

"I'm not allowed to," Eve said. "Did Tony say it was okay?"

"Yeah," the snake hissed. "Go on, and tell me what you think."

She went and plucked a fruit from the forbidden tree, then took a bite. "This is delicious! I'm gonna go give some to Adam."

"Excellent," chuckled Lucifer.

Jesus walked in to the room. "What's so funny?"

"I've made Adam and Eve eat some fruit they weren't allowed to."

"Hey, you little twit-- I'm as pissed off at dad as you are at me, but he's gonna nail your ass to the floor when he finds out what you did. Plus you could have messed up my program, and I spent a long time perfecting it."

"So? What are you gonna do about it?"

"Oh, go to Hell and take your stupid violin with you," Jesus muttered. Luke and the violin suddenly un-poofed. "Shit," Jesus said-- and then ran off to the loo again.

By the time Jesus got back, the Sims had reproduced. Adam and Eve's kids Cain and Abel had a big fight and Abel was killed. Cain was sent to Nod. There were a lot more kids by this point. The Sims had gone crazy, so Jesus posed as God and told a guy called Noah to build a boat, then flooded the earth.

Later on, when Tony got back, the Sims were trying to build a tower to Heaven. Jesus had thought it would be funny to make them all speak a different language. However, Tony didn't see any of this because, being completely knackered from his holiday, he went straight to bed. When he woke up again, Jesus had managed to load himself into the floppy drive and visit the Sims in person, thus getting himself into a lot of trouble claiming he was the son of God, and demanding someone write a book about him. His ego was out of control, and the Romans were pissed off. They thought it would be a good idea to beat him up and nail him to a bit of wood for a few days. Jesus had shouted up to Tony at some point for some help, but Tony was fast asleep and didn't hear a thing.

When Jesus was ejected from the floppy drive, he told Tony what had happened, and Tony sent Jesus back to apologise. Jesus returned feeling much better. So did the people of Earth, and they began to believe Jesus. They even created a religion in his honour. This only made Jesus' ego even larger (by this point it was the size of Saturn), and Tony grounded him and decided he needed to go on a date. So he programmed a guy called Buddha to watch over the Sims, locked Jesus in his room, and went off to meet his girlfriend Uma.

However, while Tony was out on his date, Buddha died and a bloke called Mohammed was born-- he was a good guy. But a new branch of Christianity emerged, challenging Mohammed's teachings. They were called Catholics (created under Luke's influence-- he was still pissed off at Tony and Jesus), and they really buggered the place up while Tony was gone. There was a line of Popes. The Catholics were a bit indecisive and couldn't decide who would be in charge. It was almost like a game of Monopoly or something. By the time Tony got back to see what had happened, Mohammed was long dead, and a group of people called Crusaders were trying to take over the world.

Tony was beside himself. He glanced to his right and got a little freaked out by that. He didn't know what to do anymore. He wanted to go out and have fun, but he couldn't run the Sims if he was gone all the time. And Jesus wasn't helping at all. Again, he drowned his troubles in a bottle of vodka and passed out on the couch.

Next time he woke up, he was dismayed at the condition of the Sims. There had been dozens of major wars; it was complete turmoil.

"Damn it," he muttered.

Suddenly, the computer un-poofed. The only thing Tony could figure was that he'd actually damned the computer, so he rung up Lucifer to get it back.

"Hey, Lucifer-- it seems I've damned my computer. Think you might send it back up?"

"Ha ha, I don't think so, dad. I'm thinking of making a trip to Georgia. It seems like my kind of place!"

"Lucifer, come on! Just-- look. Luke! I am your father! Send up the damned computer!"

"Not on your life," Lucifer giggled.

Tony did the only thing he could figure out: he made a visit to the Sims World (after all, being God, he could do whatever he wanted), first disguising himself as a fiddle player in Georgia. Lucifer was discouraged as he lost the fiddle competition against Tony, and promptly went back to Hell to plan his next great move. Tony later joined Black Sabbath (just to throw people off). Also, he created a band called the Beatles, enlisting his buddy John Lennon. John even went so far as to try to trick the people of the World with the song "Imagine." Fairly soon afterwards, though, John was tragically shot in the head, ending God's grand idea. Tony gave his human body a soul and meandered back on up to Heaven.

Tony looked to the Sims for advice. He studied their lives, soon discovering that almost nobody believed in him anymore (probably because of John's lyrics), even considering that Jesus' masterpiece, the Bible, was still the number one best- selling book of all time. These non-believers called themselves Atheists, and the more Tony studied them, the more sense it made. After some serious thought, he decided to convert to Atheism. Then, of course, the inevitable happened-- Tony disappeared, leaving Jesus locked in his bedroom and Luke to rule Hell unchallenged (the Holy Ghost had gone off somewhere, without so much as leaving a note).

With Tony being gone (he hadn't thought that whole Atheism thing through very well), Luke loaded himself back into the computer and looked for an easy way to take over the World. He was wandering around Texas in the late afternoon when he ran into a rather silly- looking bloke called George. Quite easily, Luke managed to convince George to let him "borrow" his body, in exchange for some top notch Middle Eastern oil. Soon, Luke made his way to the top by rigging a Presidential election vote. And thus, the World fell into a complete state of disarray.
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Comments: 167

pumpkin-apparently [2011-02-26 18:53:33 +0000 UTC]

i absolutely loved it until the bit about george
it's still a really great story.

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WorshipingGod365 [2011-01-23 11:07:34 +0000 UTC]


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lizziecat1279 [2011-01-03 04:36:14 +0000 UTC]

this is really quite good.
explains a lot lol
and i'm so not offended, because you're just poking fun haha

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BonesBleachedBare [2011-01-01 01:42:27 +0000 UTC]

Ohh, so THAT'S what really happened! This is hilarious! Nice one!

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GodOfBrown [2010-12-31 20:59:07 +0000 UTC]

more entertaining then actually funny. it was a good read i'll give you that and i'm not offended at all. i like it

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outRAGEousConcepts [2010-12-31 19:07:26 +0000 UTC]

This is awesome

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nukathefox [2010-12-30 19:01:42 +0000 UTC]

I love it!

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yiazmat-loxen [2010-12-30 10:59:31 +0000 UTC]

omg this explains everything! Now I'm enlightened! Great work

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Mou5eTr4p [2010-12-30 07:10:42 +0000 UTC]

"Today's sermon is taken from a magazine that I found... that I found in a hedge. This season's lipstick colours will be in the frosted pink area - and nails to match... and this reminds me rather of our lord Jesus."-Eddie Izzard XD

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Mou5eTr4p [2010-12-30 07:09:03 +0000 UTC]

Eddie Izzard is my favorite comedian; this reminded me of him alot, very funny (and i hadn't read the description); very creative and very well done.

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Sid45ultra9292 [2010-12-30 06:54:54 +0000 UTC]

this is freaking hilarious!!!!!! I love it, instant fave!!!!

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Swichfeet [2010-12-30 02:47:34 +0000 UTC]

Hey, I'm really religious, and a hard-core conservative!! But this was AWESOME!!! You have a great imagination. And it was funny to boot!!!

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Kristanni20X6 [2010-12-29 16:19:00 +0000 UTC]

Haha I'm Catholic and I thought this was quite humorous.

But I only read parts of it. I'll save this for later cause I have to get ready to go bowling.

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Kristanni20X6 In reply to Kristanni20X6 [2010-12-30 02:34:57 +0000 UTC]

And now I read the whole thing. I like how you went in chronological order.

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noriega34 [2010-12-29 15:43:12 +0000 UTC]

That was really good. good job.thanks for that.

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Vellaroque [2010-12-29 08:47:42 +0000 UTC]

this is brilliant. love it.

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stendarker [2010-12-29 08:34:50 +0000 UTC]

This was so hilarious! 90% of this was completely awesome! But, by the end of it... it was just you being a moron... It's too bad, because I really wanted to fave this!

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GwenavhyeurAnastasia In reply to stendarker [2010-12-30 01:06:28 +0000 UTC]

As this piece is satire, I believe the deviant was just being sarcastic and making fun of the way Americans have treated Bush as if he were the anti-Christ.

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stendarker In reply to GwenavhyeurAnastasia [2010-12-30 03:19:34 +0000 UTC]

Hope so, that was the least of the unfunny jokes -.-

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weirdobagel [2010-12-29 07:43:11 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful. Just... wonderful. Thank you. I feel more fulfilled.

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CaitlinMaryMargarett [2010-12-29 07:04:52 +0000 UTC]

I found it entertaining.

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SassGoddess [2010-12-29 06:54:14 +0000 UTC]

I'm not an atheist (also not a fanatic), however, I was greatly entertained while reading this. It just makes so much sense while managing to be completely absurd at the same time. The "Luke, I am your father" bit was great I love your modernized spin on this.

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EchoTheWhiteWolf [2010-12-29 06:40:20 +0000 UTC]

I'm a christian, and I can't tell you how many times I had to stop reading so I wouldn't laugh myself to death.
Fantastic, definetly worth a DD!

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funfunfunfun234 [2010-12-29 06:22:43 +0000 UTC]

sorry but that is a little offending.

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GwenavhyeurAnastasia In reply to funfunfunfun234 [2010-12-30 01:07:14 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry it offended you. As I featured it, I'd just like to let you know that you're welcome to note me and discuss it. Take care!

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drawer-intraining606 [2010-12-29 06:19:26 +0000 UTC]

This is fucking amazing. I love it so much that I would get a tattoo of this on my back. Just so whoever is behind me and I am naked for some reason can read it.

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Crazy4Axel [2010-12-29 06:17:26 +0000 UTC]

bwahaha, oh goodness the sims? That was brilliant!

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AlicornaSkysong [2010-12-29 06:05:45 +0000 UTC]

That is great.....

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KitMarin [2010-12-29 06:03:00 +0000 UTC]

You are my hero.

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piekindaguy [2010-12-29 06:01:59 +0000 UTC]

Very well thought out! Good Job!

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RandomnessMasterMarx [2010-12-29 06:00:10 +0000 UTC]

This was hilarious! XD

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Sunshine-baby [2010-12-29 05:55:14 +0000 UTC]

That's hilarious.

I love Eddie Izzard, and this does seem like something he would do.

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Pinora [2010-12-29 05:52:59 +0000 UTC]

I loved it how God kept doing things by mistake like sending the computer to hell. This is the most hysterical biblical satire I've ever read.

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leyghan [2010-12-29 05:41:06 +0000 UTC]

I'm sitting here bored to death during my graveyard shift and then I click to read this and now I've spent the last few minutes laughing my ass off and being impressed by your wit and creativity. Bravo! And thank you for entertaining me here at work.

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LinaThanatos [2010-12-29 05:15:58 +0000 UTC]

You are a genius! I love you! I love this! This is just too hilarious, I nearly suffocated on my laughter!!!! XP I love the sims nod =]

This is amazing

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XxLive-Love-WritexX [2010-12-29 05:10:17 +0000 UTC]

You, my dear, are wonderful. And so is this.

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Madeline118 [2010-12-29 04:44:04 +0000 UTC]

I loved it. When God turned Atheist and disappeared I laughed so hard! I'm an Agnostic myself, so seeing that even God thought our views made sense made me laugh. Great job and congratulations on the daily deviation!

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lucyha [2010-12-29 04:42:46 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I love how everything starts coming together- with the whole 'Luke, I am your father' and Tony beating the Devil at fiddle- and the personalities of all the figures worked so well, even if they were a bit blasphemous.

I have just one question-

What happened to the Jews?

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lady-leliel [2010-12-29 04:29:23 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I do like this XDDD
Congratulations on getting a DD!!

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valianttoasters [2010-12-29 04:26:44 +0000 UTC]

I am in fact a Christian but this may be the funniest thing I've ever read in my life. The jokes were subtle and REALLY funny.
Probably the best bit of blasphemy ever. Good job.

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enyo-soldaat [2010-12-29 04:26:19 +0000 UTC]

You are my world. XD

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jecle [2010-12-29 04:09:52 +0000 UTC]

i love this th perfect sacreligious thing 4 th season insanely creative i i laghed so hard u have talent wickedly awsome _ _
/\ /\
_ ^ _

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Noopy10 [2010-12-29 04:06:10 +0000 UTC]

LOL! This is GREAT! I absolutely love this! It's greatly written! <3<3<3

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acekj [2010-12-29 04:01:14 +0000 UTC]

This is a really good short XD. Thanks for bringing laughter into my day!

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IceFarie [2010-12-29 04:01:12 +0000 UTC]

Dear Tony that was hillarious.

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Lorcanlarks [2010-12-29 03:59:16 +0000 UTC]

You are a complete legend for making this :'D You completely deserve that DD!

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paroxysmPIMP [2010-12-29 03:39:37 +0000 UTC]

wow. this is just awesome!! it totally deserved a dd a LONG time ago!!!

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loftiicry [2010-12-29 03:38:35 +0000 UTC]

I'm very religious. And I'm laughing so hard. CX
Very well written peice, definately deserves the DD.

...I lol'd so hard at the "Luke! I am your father!" XD

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Acacia2789 [2010-12-29 03:19:45 +0000 UTC]

Luke I am your father! LOL this made me laugh so hard, im not a bit religious, bit I do respect other peoples feelings. but this is very funny.

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dragolia [2010-12-29 03:07:36 +0000 UTC]

So I consider myself a bit on the religious side, and this had me in stitches. Poor Tony...

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