SonicSpyroNiGHTS-Fan — Chapter 8.2: The Dark Mermaid, Vanora

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Description (about another hour later, the ship has finally arrived to the abandoned pirate fortress...)

Riva:  I can feel Cordelia's faint presence within this cursed isle.

Edrea: aye, so we've finally arrived! that's the cursed abandoned fortress!

(Sophie, Spyro and Sparx look forward to see what appears to be some kind of dark castle-like fortress.)

Edrea: long ago, it used to be a hideout of a group of no-good pirates. when a dark mermaid came in and took over their territory, she killed them by claiming their souls as her own. and so far, anyone who ventures into the fortress is never seen or heard from again, save for those who managed to escape and live to tell the tale. so this place is really dangerous. not just because of her, but because of the lost souls that haunt this place.

Riva: and look! (sees several apes going about their business in the fortress) the Dark Armies look like they keep the fortress under really tight guard. getting there will be pretty difficult, especially when one has no wings and can't fly.

Edrea: yeah. getting there openly won't do. we'd be spotted before we could even get in.

Riva: oh! I know, Spyro, Sparx and I will fly to the area near the entrance. as for Sophie...well...

Edrea: O.O OoO !!! (Winks at Sophie, as an idea popped in her head)

(while Riva, Spyro and Sparx reached the area near the entrance to the fortress, Edrea had Sophie put inside a barrel.)

Sophie: Huh? AAAAHHH?! OAO; (Realizes what Edrea was up to, since the barrel she was inside was on a catapult) H-HEY! Are you serious right now?! OmO;

Edrea: Aye, if we really want to get into a dangerous place like this, this is the only way to do it! trust me! 

Sophie: you're gonna set off that catapult with me on it?! that thing's gonna kill me! OmO;

Edrea: we pirates do this all the time, so don't worry about it! (to a pirate next to her) Tsuna, ready to launch?

Tsuna: Aye, Ma'am! 

Edrea: (to the panicking Sophie) don't fear, kid. we're pros at this kind of stuff. we're gonna launch you real good! -wO On my count to three!

Sophie: !!! OMO;

Edrea: One...Two....THREE!

(Catapult launches Sophie and she was sent flying at high speed)


(one of the pirates waved Sophie goodbye as she was flying while inside the barrel. Spyro, Sparx and Riva watch as Sophie was screaming her lungs out as she flew to their direction.)

Spyro: O.O

Sparx: O~O



(The barrel hit the wall above the three, with Sophie crashing face first into the wall before she fell down on the ground.)

Sophie: Owww...! X~X;

Sparx: Oooooh, that's gotta hurt! >~O

Spyro: are you okay, Sophie?

Sophie: I think I broke my face! >mO but I'm good...!

(then they turn to see Edrea flying to them.)

Edrea: apologies for the rough landing, kid, but it was a necessary move.

Sophie: apology accepted, captain.

Edrea: now that we're all here, lets go save your dragon friend and drive away Cynder's forces from this place! besides, I've got a score to settle with that mermaid!

(and with that, the five venture forth into the abandoned fortress to rescue Cordelia. the trio, with Riva and Edrea's help as they used their water element, destroy any enemy that came their way.)

(as they continue talking...)

Sophie: so, Edrea. since you and your group are Lythians. do you have any dragons?

Edrea: oh, no. we are independent lythians. we chose not to have dragons of our own because  it'd make us look weak. I believe we all deserve to live a life of freedom. that's the sole reason why after that night twelve years ago, I went my own separate way and try to find other surviving lythians to form my crew.
see, before I was a pirate, I was the commander of the Lythians' naval force. I explored the planet's seas, while being responsible for the lives of those I commanded.  but the night of our race's genocide made me rethink my purpose and goals in life. I lost many of my comrades, and I kept mourning them for months, wishing that I joined them in death. until I was given a hard knock and woke up to the realization...I was alive. and if I'm alive, so did other few of our people. that's how I managed to form my crew, that consists of Tsuna, my second in command. the twins, Valanche and Tumulus, and Ramman, and together we started our journeys across the high seas for the purpose of living. and with us living, is crucial for the survival of our race. that's all that matters to me.

Sophie: what about this dark mermaid? you said you have a score to settle with her?

Edrea: yes. she killed one of my crewmates, and gave me this scar you see on my face. today's the day I'm gonna run my sword through her wicked heart. that much is certain.

((OST: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB85Sp… ))

(they continued forward in their little adventure in the haunted abandoned fortress, slaying enemies along the way, passing by rocky hallways and watery pathways to proceed further ahead.

suddenly, when they arrived to a chamber within the abandoned fortress, they find themselves surrounded by lots of apes, just like the other times before...

the apes and undead warriors that haunted the fortress charge at the five, who combined their strengths to fight and destroy their enemies. Spyro with his claws, tail, horns and his elemental powers of fire, electricity and ice, Sophie with her Aether Sword, and her elemental powers of fire, electricity and wind. and Riva and Edrea with their shared element of water.

after fighting several waves of enemies, and seeing more coming towards them, Riva spread her wings, glowing in bright aqua blue color, with streams of water swirling around her before it exploded in a powerful blue wave that engulfed the enemies, killing them instantly.

and with that, all the enemies within the chamber were no more and they continued forward.)

(a few moments later, they reach the very center of the fortress, seeing a female aqua blue dragon laying motionless in the distance.)

Riva: Its Cordelia!

Sparx: Well, whaddya know? finding her was easier than I first expected!

Edrea: Hold it! (grips her sword tightly) we're not alone here...

''my, my... I never expected you'd come this far. not to mention, I get to see the one I left my mark on after such a long time.''

Edrea: Enough with your games! come out and show yourself, traitor!

(from the deep waters around the chamber, emerged a dark haired mermaid, looking at the five with a vicious smile.)

Edrea: Vanora...!

Sparx: and here I thought all mermaids weren't vicious killers! OmO

Vanora: well, Cynder wasn't wrong when she mentioned there was a purple dragon here. along with a lythian child that carries the fabled Aether Sword. I suppose you're the ones mentioned in the prophecies, hm?

Spyro: let our friend go, and you'll go unharmed.

Vanora: friend? oh, you mean this dragoness. hmhmhmhm... I will let her go. after I devour your SOULS! (Jumps up from the water and starts to float in the air, summoning a skull as she was radiating with dark aura)

((this mermaid looks like this: www.deviantart.com/daekazu/art… ))

'' Dark Mermaid of Galatea Ocean 
                  VANORA       ''

Sparx: I swear she is gonna give me nightmares for weeks! O~O;

Vanora: I will ensure this place shall serve as your watery tomb for all time!

Sophie: Bring it on then!

(and so the fight against the dark mermaid began. she shot out dark energy beams from the skull in her hands at the five, who dodged out of the way, before Spyro knocked her back with his claws and horns. it did much damage to her, but this was only the beginning.

Vanora summoned five floating skulls and shot them at their direction, which Riva, Edrea and Sophie deflected with their weapons. then, Edrea used her water element to send out a stream of water at the mermaid, inflicting some light damage onto her, before Sophie charged at her with the Aether Sword and gave her a few good slashes, forcing her to retreat into the water.)

Vanora: you insolent Lythian child...!!

(angered, Vanora was engulfed in black aura, and retreats to the deep waters below. the five tried to find her, only for said dark mermaid to lunge at Sophie from behind, grabbing the twelve year old Lythian as they went to the deep waters, as the dark mermaid attempted to drown her.)

(Sophie gave out muffled screams as she struggles against Vanora's hold while underwater. when she was running out of air, she stopped struggling and hung her head low, wondering if this was the end. then when Sophie saw Riva coming down to rescue her. Sophie felt her resolve renewed, she moved her hands as the waters start to bend to her will, and released herself from Vanora's suffocating hold  and dashed to the surface with a stream of water below her helping her. 

she collapses on her knees, coughing out the waters she inhaled while Vanora trapped her under the dark waters, and got up when she saw the said dark mermaid who almost drowned her, enraged. and the fight continues, as Sophie revealed her power over the Element of Water.

Sophie rejoined the other four, bending the water around her to her will as she sent out its powerful streams at Vanora, who dodged out of the way to retreat to the deep waters below, and lunges at Edrea with a dagger. the pirate captain saw her coming and blocked the mermaid's attack with her sword, before throwing her back to the waters.

Vanora swam as fast as she could and as last resort, started to sing a melodious yet haunting tune with her ethereal voice. that made the five feel hypnotized by her voice as they collapsed on the ground...Riva, Spyro and Sophie, were the only ones who had enough power to resist her voice, while Edrea and Sparx collapsed on the ground, as something in them suddenly awakened, waiting to burst forward.

the  chosen duo nodded at each other and to Riva, as Sophie saw Vanora charging at them, before Riva swung her Trident at the mermaid.)

Riva: I am the Lythian Guardian of Water. The Angel of the Deep Sea! (raises her trident that glows brighter) with the Sea King's Trident in my hands, my power will be manifested!

(swirling waters surrounded Riva and the Trident she held, before she points her weapon at the mermaid and shot out a large and  powerful stream of water that sent her flying backwards, hitting a wall as she collapses.

Vanora hisses and sees Sophie, who took her chance to  float up, then a powerful bluish whirlwind appeared spreading throughout the room, and with the force of a hurricane, sends the Vanora flying everywhere, before it exploded seconds later. this, combined with Spyro's electric fury that shocked the mermaid, causing her to scream loudly in pain as she was fried alive, before she fell to the waters below, never to rise again.)

(with her defeated, Vanora's spell was broken, with the combined efforts of Spyro, Sophie and Riva, Edrea and Sparx managed to come to their senses.)

Sparx: is she gone?

Spyro: yeah, we won't have to worry about her anymore. -w-

(Riva rushes to Cordelia's side...)

Riva: Cordelia, are you okay...?!

(Cordelia was motionless, and Riva sensed a dark aura that torments her dragon friend from within...)

Riva: (thinking) just as I thought...there is dark magic that afflicts her. in that case...

(Riva steps backwards, pulls out a bow and violin and starts to play a beautiful tune to ward off the dark energy not just from within Riva, but the entire fortress that held its souls kept imprisoned be set free, freeing them from Vanora's influence. much to the four's confusion.)

((the song that Riva Plays: www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vpIcW… ))

(hearing Riva's song, Cordelia slowly opens her eyes and sees the Aqua Blue Lythian playing her violin.)

Cordelia: Riva?

Riva: Its been a while, Cordelia. I've come to save you. how are you feeling?

Cordelia: (slowly gets up) I'm feeling a little numb from my power being drained into that crystal Cynder brought here after I was captured, but thankfully, my life is not in danger any longer. its all thanks to you.

Riva: no, its not me who you should be indebted to. but to them. (shows them Spyro, Sophie, Sparx and Edrea.)

Cordelia: are those...?! I can't believe it!

Edrea: we'll explain everything once we get out of here. for now, lets get going.

(a few moments later, with Cordelia finally safe, the group returned to Edrea's ship and headed out of the fortress, and back to the ocean, where the mermaids were seen cheering in celebration for what Spyro, Sophie and Sparx have done on this day, with Riva and Captain Edrea's help.)

Caspian: Spyro, Sophie, Sparx, Riva, and of course, Captain Edrea. we merfolk will be forever in your debt for what you have done for us on this day.

Edrea: all in  a day's work, great King of the Sea. now...about my reward. -w-

Caspian: oh, of course. (pulls out a treasure chest, placing it near Edrea.)

(Edrea opened the treasure chest and saw lots of gold and precious stones inside of it, which amazed her and her crewmates.)

Edrea: Hehe! you mermaids never disappoint this Lythian pirate!

Caspian: you are among our greatest allies, after all. I am very saddened about what happened to your people twelve years ago. I wish I could have done something to prevent this tragedy.

Edrea: you're too kind for your own good. but you have your own people to help now that you're free from this blockade, and I have mine, aye?

Caspian: Yes, yes of course. still, we are very grateful for what you have done for us.

Edrea: heh! -wO

Caspian: (to the Best Pals Squad) Spyro, Sparx, Sophie, I suppose you also want us to reward you?

Spyro: No. I'm just happy we could help you, your majesty!

Sparx: well, you could give me some of that treasure and- MMF! >^<

Sophie: (placed a hand over Sparx's mouth) we'll be okay, we'll manage on our own, thank you very much!

Marinus: hey! umm...I just wanted to say thanks for helping us! and...I suppose you have to go your own way, huh?

Sophie: yeah, we gotta go back to our friends, who are waiting for us at the temple.

Caspian: Oh? are you familiar with my old friend, Ignitus?

Spyro: of course we are. do you know him?

Caspian: Ignitus and I have quite a history together. send him my regards when you come back to him, okay?

(Spyro nods)

Caspian: Thank you, young ones.

Riva: (to Cordelia) can you fly?

Cordelia: yes, I regained enough strength to fly us back to the temple.

Edrea: don't run into trouble on the way back, okay? and send Inferna my regards too!

Sophie: Okay! we will!

(and with that, Cordelia spreads her wings and took to the air, with Riva, Sophie, Spyro and Sparx following them behind. Captain Edrea and her crew, Prince Marinus, King Caspian and their people waved them goodbye as they went back to the temple.)

(meanwhile, the Ape Captain who miraculously washed away and survived the destruction of the main ship, fell to his knees after he was hit by Cynder's claws)

Cynder: (turns away from the ape, snarling as she tries to contain her anger)

Ape Captain: p-please, my lady! those two are impossible to stop! they can control more than one element, and with the help of that pirate captain and lythian water guardian, which made them  twice as strong as any other dragon and lythian!

Cynder: that is impossible...only one type of dragon and Lythian can master more than one element.

Ape Captain: But its true! I've never known just how strong they really were!

''He's not lying...''

(the Black Sorceress appeared from the shadows, holding her staff, as her hood concealed her face.)

Black Sorceress: he wouldn't have known about it unless he saw it for himself.

(the Ape Captain sighs with relief that the Black Sorceress showed him at least some mercy)

Black Sorceress: still, the Dark Master will not be pleased.

Ape Captain: Why not?

Cynder: why? because the fact that those two are alive means you failed our master in ways you can't even imagine! I almost pity you!

Ape Captain: >~<

Black Sorceress: there is another crystal being powered, by the dragon guardian of earth that's imprisoned  back on that volcanic island.

Cynder: yes. yes, of course. (to the Ape Captain) send reinforcements to Munition's Forge, and alert me when the purple dragon and the lythian child arrive. I will have a little surprise for them when they get there.

Ape Captain: What are you planning?

Cynder: Hmhmhmhmhmhm... you'll see. (spreads her wings and flies off to the sky)


Spyro stuff belongs to Sierra/Krome Studios
FW AU Belongs to Landsverk96

Sophie, Marinus, Caspian, Captain Edrea and her crew,
Riva, Cordelia, Black Sorceress, Vanora belong to Me
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