SoulEvans — GL APP: Kiki

Published: 2013-02-21 17:03:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 1391; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 2
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     » Name: Ninon Kurokawa
    » ID: 99-F-42-303
    » Sex:  female
    » Age: 19
    » Birthday: January 18th { ♑ }
    » Heigh: 159cm

    » Username: ExE
    » Archetype: Machina
    » Avatar Gender:  female
    » Fraction: Freedom
    » Gang: Flügel [ Flugel ] eng: Wings
    » Rank: Leader
    » Weapon:
    The main weapon for Machina is a steam-powered Knuckle Gear.
    One is able to take it on and off the Arm when needed.
    The arm that operates the Knuckle is full mechanic - from shoulder till Finger.
    Machina's beastly feline movements exude ultimate power and speed that can overpower her enemies.

√ Because of its size it deals a great amount of damage when aimed right and is a perfect Weapon for Area of Effect attacks.
√ It deals a great amount of damage when hit directly

✘ Using the Knuckle Gear for too long will reduce her movement speed because of the big "Data usage" it needs.
✘ If not under full control, it will be hard to change the direction in the middle of the Attack.
✘ Unable to cancel most of the Attacks when missed the target, which give the Opponent a short time to react and attack the Knuckle user. 

    » Stats:
    •  Healt Point: 
    •  Intelligence: 
    •  Speed: 
    •  Attack: 
    •  Defence: 
    » Specialty ability: Her ability are her accurate and fast reflexes even while using a mechanic Knuckle.
    She wont have any troubles reaching higher places or running a long distance without getting tired out anytime soon.

    Example of her Fighting Style.

    » Expertise: ExE is doing the offensive Part and her strong Point lies mainly in Fighting.


    » Personality:

    { NINON }
    At first glance, the young Girl seems like a total Anti-Social Person. However, that is not completely true when, in fact, she really loves to be around People. Ninon is just too shy and awkward to walk towards other People and to start a conversation on her own and tends to listen quietly. As a result she keeps herself away from others and stays in her Room playing Games or watching Anime, reading Light Novels or drawing. Sometimes she is even daydreaming, creating her own scenarios of Situation in her Head that could have happened that Day if she would have gathered up her courage  to strike up a conversation. If she actually talks with others, she always tries to say things the other Party would like to hear and never really does make her own thoughts clear - just to avoid getting on the Bad Side of others. But it is acutally not that hard to understand her because that Girl is like an open Book that invites you to read its content.
    If one will get the chance to get to know her more, they will realize that she actually talks a lot and is really open-minded and positive.
To your surprise, she is an intelligent Person but too lazy to do shit. New content, Data and Information is no match for her and will be learned and memorized in a short amount of time. The more because she has a photographic memory which makes it easier to memorize and remember all kind of things. However, she is a reliable Person. Once asked a request of her - she will at least try to do it with all her might.
    Ninon will probably be the kind of Person that gets jealous easily. Because she does not have many Friends , she will try to cling onto every Person that gets close to her. Even though she doesn't mean any harm and does not do it intentionally. And its not like she is going to watch every step of you..but if she feels neglected, she can get all grumpy and sulky inside.

    { ExE }
    Ninon loves to operate ExE as a bubbly and hectic Troublemaker, as she has no social fears while handling her other illegal self and all of her communicating insecurities disappear. One could say ExE portrais Ninons true nature you will hardly see in Real Life. Ninon prefers to stay as ExE most of the time, doing her work and getting used to her illegal Avatar overall. Because it seems like she is still not fully able to control her "strenght" or the mechanics of the Skin. ExE jokingly calls everyone in her Fraction her precious little Family and loves to take care of her children. And, of course,  does her best to prepare them for the upcoming Battles against the Agency.
    However, she takes her Role as Freedoms Leader serious and will not tolerate it when People take the Fractions Operation lightly and can be kind of scary at some Point if she catches People idle around during the Training Sessions. What makes her a strict Leader and Teacher. But its because she knows how dangerous it can be if they slip up and make the tiniest mistake around the Agency or in their Missions - which could easily lead to their deaths. But even ExE has her own Flaws when it comes to Fighting. While trying to lecture her fellow Members about the importance of staying cool-headed and thoughtful in Battles, she is the one who loses her cool first if she ends up in a difficult Situation. At that moment she will react rashly and spontaneous that could lead to even more Problems.

    » Bio:

(Screw it..I'm just not made for thw writing part...)

    April XXXX - Marinette, a simple Shopkeeper and Caph, a Cook and Patissier, decided to marry after they meet at work and were dating for quiet a few years . Trying to escape their current monotone 'reality' with this happy Event and holding small hope to lead a simple life in the Future which was more or less impossible - at least when one was being watched around the clock in this so called man-made 'Utopia'. They both were just average workers and residents at Reshenie City, owning a a small Apartement and a Cafe. They weren't sharing the same thoughts as the higher ups , but there was no other choice as to follow and obey their Rules so they could continue their quiet life in this "Virtual World" - as they both called it. Those rare Offline Times were the most precious Times for the married Couple, and they spent every Single Minute together. Feeling more alive in this short amount of time than all the years they shared together in MIOS.
     It was January 18th XXXX when the Twins were born. One was a Boy named Kent, and the other was a Girl which they named Ninon. The Couple decided to take care of the Siblings themselfs. They couldn't trust the Agency at all - not knowing how their children would have been brought up without their Parents love. Especially in this kind of environment. But they believed it was the right thing to do even though both knew they couldn't promise to give the Twins a glamorous life. In the end, it wasn't as easy for them as they thought it would be. Living with constant fear that a small ocassion could lead to a drastic ending in this System turned them into overprotective and strict Parents. Giving their Kids not enough Freedom to unfold themself. Both, Ninon and Kent, grew up with a lot of restrictions in their Life - being watched and taken care of around the Hour. Marinette and Caph obviously didn't mean any harm but didn't notice that it wasn't the right way to handle the Situation and to bring up Kids. They eventually committed themselfs completely to MIOS Rules even though they were so against it. Until their 14th Birthday, the Siblings had to stay most of the Time at Home, given only a small amount of time they were allowed to use with their Friends they made at School. At Home, they had to take tutoring but for Ninon it was not a big deal because she was intelligent from the Beginning. And learning became one of her favourite things to do - well, it was probably the only thing she could enjoy at all at that Time. But her School live wasn't as sweet as one would think. Ninon had good grades and didn't make any Trouble at School . It  was easy for her to make new Friends, and she actually had a lot but  they always made some Jokes and talked about her behind her Back - The Reason for it being the fact that the Girl wasn't allowed to stay out for long and because she wasn't allowed to do the most trival things just to stay out of possible danger. Her Friends didn't mean it in a Bad way but at some Point it was too much for Ninon and so she slowly started to isolate herself fromt he rest of her Class. Although that didn't mean she wouldn't talk to others - but only if spoken to which didn't happen as much as before. Sadly, her self-confidence did take a big toll on her and she turned into an awkward and shy Person. Fearing that People would think badly about her. But after years she started to not care about it anymore and got accustomed of being alone.
     As soon as Ninon graduated she started to work at her Parents Cafe like they suggested or more like they gave her no other choice . Although she would have loved to study more. As she grew up and getting more aware about what was happening outside, Ninon felt more and more crushed thanks to her Parents overprotectivity. But she never said a thing because it was a livestyle she was used to and started to not mind it. Nevertheless, it was tiring being watched over by your Parents AND the Agency. Giving her the Feeling that a noose was slowly tightening up around her neck.
    It was soon after her 18th Birthday that the Girl finally moved out of her Parents House into a small one room Apartment int he middle of the Town. It was enough for her and she felt relieved - like a heavy burden was lifted upon her Shoulders. But honestly speaking - She was afraid of living alone and at first it was really hard for her because all the Time her Parents decided everything for her. What she had to do - what she had to learn - her work - her Freetime - Everything! But Ninon  got accustommed to her own life soon and the imaginary noose around her neck started to loosen up and give her some Freedom. She didn't hate her Parents as she knew they only did mean well. Still, she wasn't glad about their way of parenting at the same time but would still keep the contact to them and to Kent - who still was living at their Parents House.
Soon after she moved out, while browsing through the Internet, she stumbled upon a Forum that well, somewhat seemed like a really dangerous place because it was full of People and Topics that were against the Agency, its rules and way of thinking. People who tried to take down the whole System or called them bad words. Surprisingly the Froum lasted for a long time and Ninon started to regulary visit the Forum and to reply to some of the Topics as she agreed with most of them. It didn't take her long to get well known around the Internet Site and one Day a Prviate Mail suddenly popped up at the Window. It was from an user she sometimes saw at the Forum as well. But she didn't knew a lot about 'him'.
    He told her that he watched her for quite a while now and straight forwardly invited her to Join his small little Group as he liked how she thought about the whole Situation. For Ninon it was a small shock. Because well, even though she wrote all that Stuff and , in fact, did mean every last word of it. But writing via the INternet behind a Screen while no one knows you and acting in real life was a huge difference for the Girl. The more because what the Boy told her  did sound ridiculous. In the end he wanted to invite her into a Rebell Group called "Sanctum". And as he explained the whole Situation and th Plan behind all this, she felt more and more made Fun of. Of course, who would ever believe something like that right from the bat. Unexpectedly he didn't gave up and slowly started to convince her - and she eventually gathered up all her courage and decided to meet up with the Stranger. The End of the Story was, that Ninon decided to Join forces with them after meeting up and talking for about Hours with the Stranger. To be honest, there was nothing to lose for the Girl and her past livestyle gave her the needed push for the final decision as she wanted to 'free' her Parents and all the other People from the Agencies controll. After a few weeks Ninon got to meet the other few Members and started to work with them.

    ✔ Like

💛 Anime / Manga / MMORPG :
Ninon is one big Anime and Manga Fan.
Her Room is full of Figurines of her favourite Characters, hundreds of Manga and her wall is decorated with various Posters.
In her freetime she enjoys playing Otome Games on PSP - her current Games are Norn9 and OZMAFIA!!!

💛 Nail Polish:
You can't really say she is a trendy and fashionable Person - or at least does not really care for the newest fashion.
But she loves to pretty up herself to some degree and especially enjoys to paint her nails.
But when alone she only wears stuff like a hoody and pants.

💛 Dinosaurs:
Open the door, get on the floor and everybody do the dinosaur~♫
She does not know when it started, but she adores cute dinosaurs mascots or drawings and stuff.

Dark Chocolate | work | taking a nap | Quotes | salad | taking a long bath | Jorin

    ✖ Dislike

She usually eats everything..But if possible will avoid eating Broccoli.

unannounced Visitors:
It's not like she doesn't like to have company and visitors at Home but...
they should at least call beforehand.

She is pretty calm herself but if she encounters stressfull situations
her mind will just shut herself down.
She is a little more collected as ExE, tho.

Being called Nino | too much Skin-Ship with strangers | carbonated drinks | being out of food |

 » Voiceactor: Are you choosing with your "egoselfishness"?

    » Trivia:
    ● Ninon loves traditional Japanese Festivals. Such as Hanami or Matsuri.
    ● At some Point she started learning how to play Taiko and even joined a Club in her School Days, when she was around 16.
    It was a way for her to relieve some stress.
    ● If she feels uncomfortable in any way, she will put on her Headphones and will try to let it look like she is actually listening to music - so People will not talk to her.
    ● Ninons bangs are pretty long and its hard to see her eyes through it.
    But its not like she is trying to hide them..at least there is no special reason for her to do so.
    ● She usually wears big round glasses as an Accessoir
    ● Ninon is able to speak many different languages since she is able to memorize new content fast.
    ● ExE's Charakter Theme
    ● Her older Brother is a Member of another Fraction. His illegal Avatar is called Uninstall and wields a Scythe.
    It was a small joke they came up with. [ Uninstall.exe ]

    » Relationships:

» RP Method:

Skype | Google Doc | Comments | Notes

You can add me in Skype ->  hashiiyan 
But Please leave a Note with your DA Nick or else I wont accept ~

Better be patient with me..LOL...I'm really slow in typing...since my English is not really that good...
So I have to look up Stuff here and there |DD


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Comments: 2

FallenRichardBrook [2013-02-22 13:04:30 +0000 UTC]

Wow sie macht sich gut als captain ;D

nou jetzt muss ich meine crew umtaufen D:
Ich hab die app schon fast fertig ausgefüllt und wollte die crew scarlet doom nennen...xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ElWaifu [2013-02-21 19:48:25 +0000 UTC]

She looks awesome asklfdjgretr, dat cape

👍: 0 ⏩: 0