soursopoz — The Beauty Inside - A TG Story About MLMs

#hypnosis #mlm #mtf #tg #feminized #beauty #brainwashing #genderbender #mtftransformation #tgtftransformation
Published: 2023-03-29 23:22:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 28071; Favourites: 85; Downloads: 12
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Description A young married couple are visited by some beauty experts offering a life-changing opportunity! lmk if you want a sequel for this; it would be about the bachelor party.
PS - Please enjoy my expert photoshop skill lmao, I tried!

~~ The Beauty Inside ~~

I was lucky enough to be a part of the longest line in supermarket history, so I was all to ready to pull into the driveway. “A whole hour late. Incredible…” I grumbled go myself as I opened the hatch to grab the groceries. I noticed an unfamiliar car parked in front. I didn’t think much of it though and carried on.

I struggled to the front door and began to insert the key, when it opened on its own. I jumped backward, somehow not spilling a thing. On the other side of the door, two others also jumped. Once the shock settled, I realized who was leaving my house: Lydia and McKenzie - possibly the two women my wife Katie hates the most in the world. Hell, they were probably in my list too.

“Oops, excuse me sweetie!” Lydia chirps as they step by each other. “We’ll be right back, Katie, you girl boss!” The two giggle as they return to their cars.

Confused as to why they were in our house, I drop the groceries by the door and step into the living room.

“Hey why were they here? Trying to get you into one of their stupid MLM schemes again or something?” I laughed.

To my even greater shock, Katie was in there dolling herself up with makeup, surrounded by dozens of large boxes labeled “The Beauty Inside.” Katie worked away with a vapid look in her eye, as if mesmerized by the makeup.

“Katie, is everything ok?”

“Of course sweetie! I was just chatting with Liddy and Kenzie about a cool new business opportunity!”

I laugh again, “So I was right. Come on, let’s go to the kitchen. I might have a surprise dessert in here to make up for how late I am.” I smirked as I move to pick the bags back up. She doesn’t budge.


“Huh? Oh sorry, hun. Im really busy. I’m just getting myself gorgeous so I can make a new video announcing myself as a new beauty expert for The Beauty Inside!” She giggled excitedly.

“Is this a joke? Katie, we spend hours making fun of MLMs. Plus you hate those women!” I was getting worried.

“Oh I definitely did, but today they just came over. I was kinda annoyed still, but they wouldn’t take no for an answer because that’s what good beauty experts do! So they took me into the living room and gave me a pitch about their new wonderful business opportunity! Baby, I can own my own business and look cute doing it!”

“But you already have your own law firm!”

“Oh not anymore. I want to be a beauty expert now! It’s my calling. As Lydia and Kenzie kept explaining and letting me sample their products, I felt more and more like this is right. This is who I’m meant to be. I’m a Beauty Inside girl now!” She announced in pure joy as she touched up her lips.

I was horrified. What had they done to her?? This was not my wife. “Katie, you’re not well. We need to get you to a doctor. I don’t know what those women did to you, but-“

“Stop, Mark! I promise I’m ok. This is the happiest I’ve ever felt in my life! Maybe you just need to learn what The Beauty Inside is all about! You just have to hear their pitch! The girls were just getting my contract out of the car. They should be back any second!” She squealed with excitement.

“A contract? Katie, don’t do this! You’re smarter than that! We need to get you out of here.”

Suddenly I heard a voice behind me. “Well, do we have another future beautician in here?” Lydia and Kenzie giggled.

“Yes! I was just telling him how wonderful I feel now that I’m going to be a Beauty Within girl! Can you show him why this such a great opportunity, pretty please?!”

Lydia smirked, “I think we can do that.”

I’d had enough. “Listen here, Lydia. This ends now. You have two seconds to tell me what you did to my wife you bi-“

I am interrupted by a strong, flowery-scented mist slowly showering over me. I looked over to see Kenzie had sprayed me with some perfume.

“What the hell do you think you’re- …umm…” I started to fade out at the end. My thoughts were suddenly muddled. The smell was so strong, intoxicating, almost addictive.

“That’s better. Now that is just a tiny little tasty morsel of the magic we offer. Wouldn’t you love to hear more about our life changing products?”

I barely even heard her through the confusing, mixed up thoughts and anxiety running through my mind. That was NOT an ordinary perfume. It did something to me. I just stood there as Katie grabbed my hand and gently led me to the couch where I sat blankly.

“I thought so.” Lydia began her presentation by bringing the perfume bottle toward me. “Now you’re familiar with our perfume. What did you think? Did you love it?”

As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t deny it. As much as I was terrified, that stuff smelled amazing. I had no choice but to nod. Lydia smirked at that. “Well in that case, let’s spray it on you correctly.”

She approached and grabbed my arm. She sprayed on the inside of my wrist. “Now rub your arms together.” I didn’t move, unable. Katie sighed and did it for me, taking my useless arms and rubbing the perfume up and down until my arms smelled… perfect.

Lydia took one arm and held it up to my face. “Isn’t that just the loveliest perfume you’ve ever smelled?” I didn’t answer,
I just grew more and more intoxicated, suggestible, and in love with the smell of that perfume.
“But there’s one more place for the perfume to go.”

She grabbed my head and pulled it forward, then sprayed on the back of my neck. She rubbed it in completely. Not only was the smell now inescapable, but it started to change things. My arms and hands started to slim down, becoming rather dainty. My nails grew out and were now well maintained. My neck narrowed, slowly taking my Adam’s apple with it as it melted away. I cleared my throat and was surprised at the high voice I heard. It completely snapped me out of my daze.

“What the hell is going on?! What have you done to me??”

Katie hugged me, “They’re waking up the beauty inside of you! Right, Kenzie??”

Kenzie eyed her new student with pride. “That’s right, Katie! You’re learning so fast!” And Katie was over the moon hearing Kenzie’s praise. She loved doing well for her soon-to-be new trainer!

Lydia continued on with her product. “Now the price is only $50 for this bottle. But if you buy more and sell them to your girlfriends, you can actually make lots of money just like me!”

“M-my girlfriends?” I replied confused.

“Yeah! Your besties! Your girlies!” She answered as if it was obvious.

Kenzie noticed my confusion and made she not to let me process my thoughts,  “Let’s move on. there’s a lot more to be done before your true girl boss is unlocked. Like, did you notice how pretty your nails have become?”

I looked at my hands, terrified at what I saw. How the hell was this possible? Suddenly, Kenzie grabbed my hands. “They’d look even better with our gorgeous, long lasting nail polish, you know.” My eyes lit up in fear, but I still couldn’t move. My brain couldn’t remember how; it only knew the perfume.

“Katie can you please help position his hands?” Kenzie continued. She happily agreed and bounced over to me, grabbing a hand and placing it flat on the table.

“Katie, please don’t do this. You have to fight!” I pleaded.

“Shhhh, you’re going to love this nail polish. I’m wearing some too! The second the soft brush swept across my nail, I felt so warm and beautiful,” she replied dreamily.

Kenzie twisted open a bottle of sparkly pink nail polish. “I think we should give you the same color as Katie, so you can match your best friend.”

“She’s my wife…” I weakly grunted out. The girls just laughed.

Kenzie ignored me and began painting my left thumb. Immediately I was hit with the warmth Katie described. It felt at least as good as the perfume, and the combo was really starting to overwhelm my senses. I didn’t notice I’d begun to smile. The girls smiled back and looked at each other giggling.

“Ladies, I think he likes it,” Kenzie continued with my next finger, then the next. As she worked, Lydia described the product. “As you can see, we offer unique, bold, soft, any color you can imagine. They’re fairly expensive, but trust me it’s worth it for how beautiful it makes you look. And it was made for these hands.” Before I knew it, my fingernails had become completely pink. I had to admit, my nails looked really cute. That polish kind of was made for my hands… I couldn’t believe what I just admitted to myself.

“Wait,” Kenzie cut me off. “It needs something.” She turned and rifled through her bag. She returned. “Jewelry!” Katie gasped with glee. She adorned my wrists and fingers with some bracelets and a couple pretty rings.

My hands were the pinnacle of femininity, and I couldn’t stop smiling.

Kenzie smiled too and nodded to Lydia. Then she promptly knelt down, removing my shoes and socks.

“What’re you doing?” I squeaked out, still not used to this voice.

Undeterred, Kenzie placed toe separators on me. “I said I was painting your nails. Your toes have nails too.”

She started painting. The same blissful warmth spread into my feet and legs. They slimmed down and lightened all the hair until it faded away. By the time she finished painting, I had four extremely feminine limbs. So why the hell I couldn’t muster up the same fear as before?? I was even starting to feel …kind of glad at what I saw. I was starting to look so beautiful. And it was all thanks to these wonderful products.
What. The. Fuck did I just think!?

I’d gained enough strength back finally. It was time to escape and get help. I tensed my muscles, ready to go. But then I felt something tickle my ankle causing me to instinctively look down. She had given my feet the same jewelry treatment as my hands. A little, dangly anklet tickled the top of my foot. It was so shiny and cute, I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

My muscles relaxed again, and I slumped back into the chair. As I did, I closed my eyes and let out a feminine moan. It was that moment I really heard how sexy my voice actually had become. It was getting extremely hard not to give in. It was feeling dangerously good.

It seemed Kenzie had caught on to this development. “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?” She teased.

I had to fight so hard not to admit she was right.

Luckily I didn’t have to answer because once again, I was whisked away to the next product.

It was Lydia’s turn again. She placed a wide variety of hair care products in front of me. I picked one up and looked it over, trying to figure out what it was.

Lydia spoke, “Great choice. That’s my favorite.”

“Mine too!” Katie interjected. Lydia smiled at the enthusiasm of her newly blossomed beauty girl. She returned to the product.

“This is a very special shampoo. May I?” I handed her the shampoo. She opened it and began rubbing it into my hair. The warmth spread into my head, and more importantly, my brain. I closed my eyes and smiled, taken away by wonderful the head massage.

“Now this shampoo increases your hair’s volume, shine, length, and some inside the head stuff too but you don’t need to worry about that!” The effects took hold just as she said. My hair slowly grew down my neck. She kept rubbing it in firmly, but gently.

Meanwhile, in my head I had just about given up. The warmth was too strong. I could see what was happening. They were literally transforming me into their new saleswoman. But at this point, it felt so insanely good that I didn’t care anymore. What was the point of fighting anyway? I had never experienced bliss like this. These women have come into our home, not to harm us, but to bring us a great gift and an opportunity of a lifetime. I have never felt this good. This happy. This… right. It would be an honor to spread the same joy to others, but they would never let me join. I was so mean to them earlier.

As I finished my realization, Lydia finished on my hair. It was beautiful. Long and brown with little curls at the ends, but I bowed my head in shame.

“Well that’s not usually the reaction I get when I transform someone’s hair into perfection. What’s wrong, honey?” Lydia approached and forced me to look into her eyes.

“I-I just feel so bad I was mean to you earlier. I’m sorry.” I began bawling. The other three women awwwed and surrounded me in a group hug.

“That’s ok sweetie. Us girl bosses stick together. We love you and think you’re such a sweet girl.”

Being called a girl really hit the ear wrong, but I was too emotional to think about it. They said they loved me! I just grabbed the them tighter. Then, I slowly looked up at them (they were somehow a little taller than me now) and asked, “you really think I could be a sales person like you girls?”

The three beamed. “You mean girl boss? Of course you can!” Kenzie cheered triumphantly.

Katie clapped and hugged me. I was on a cloud.

Lydia spoke over the commotion, “I am so happy you want to join our family! You and Katie will be incredible girl bosses. But first, we need to unlock your full beauty inside. May we finish you?”

I didn’t need to think about it. Forget my financial manager job. I want to be a girl boss! I nodded enthusiastically, “Yes!”

We all giggled together as Kenzie got out her make up supplies. “Katie, would you like to help me on this part? Could be good training!” She giddily bounced over and grabbed a brush. They painted my face and I knew in that moment I had made the right decision.

My face tingled as it shifted around, becoming cuter and undeniably feminine. Kenzie described every product and I absorbed the info with ease. Soon enough, my face was complete. There was no way I was going back now. My face was perfect. They had given me the works. My face was fully made up, they even put in a pair of dangly earrings.

“My face looks amazing! Are all these products for sale?”

Lydia smiled, “Of course! Everything here is for sale!” I clapped (carefully because of my drying nails) before she continued, “Only one more line of products to show you! But this one is the biggest.” She unveiled a gorgeous white  dress. I was mesmerized. Then she pulled out a bra and panty set. Lastly was a pair of open toed heels. I was star struck.

Lydia turned to Katie, “Katie? Would you like to dress our newest sister?”

Katie suddenly became nervous, “You think I’m ready?”

“Of course,” Lydia replied, “You’re a natural.”

I looked at Katie with giddy eyes. “Please finish me, Katie.”

She took the white bra and panty set and approached. She started with the bra. She removed my shirt, placed the empty cups over my pecs, and clasped it around the back. It was a new sensation, but it felt nice. And the bra material was so soft.
Katie then removed my pants and underwear before sliding the panties up my legs. Lydia described the product as my Katie worked.

Once both were on, the warmth spread to my chest and groin. One inflated while the other shrank. My pecs slowly pushed out until they fit snugly into the bra cups. It was absolute euphoria, but not compared to my genitals inverting. I had never felt such an intense amount of pleasure. As my penis finished retracting and converting into its correct form, I was vibrating. Once the intensity died down, I knew I was complete. I could feel it. I let out a soprano voiced moan of happiness. “Omg I had no idea bras and panties felt this good! I NEED these!”

Lydia turned to Katie again, “Now the dress.” Katie nodded and slid the dress over my eagerly waiting body. Not much changed this time other my waist and thighs becoming more fitting for the dress. I was all woman. And that dress was screaming it to the world.

I twirled around and giggled as my new dress spun.

“Only one more item, dear,” stated Lydia. Katie knew what it was. She grabbed the heels. My feet slid into them perfectly. I stood up, struggling to balance. Luckily my best friend, Katie held me up. “Don’t worry, you’ll get it quick. I promise,” reassured Katie.

I turned to look in a mirror. I was gorgeous. Any woman (or man) would die to have these products after seeing what they did for me! I am so happy!

“Wonderful! Now all that’s left is to sign Katie’s contract. Now, did you want one too, Elizabeth?”

“Elizabeth?” I replied.

“Well sure! You’re a girl boss now! You need a girl boss name! If you want to, that is. This contract will make you a permanent member of our sisterhood.”

I had never been more sure in my life. I was ready to dedicate my life to beautifying the world. I practically raced Katie to the contracts, where we both quickly signed. As we stood back up, we both felt another surge of magical warmth spread through our entire bodies. We could only giggle and hug each other.

Lydia and Kenzie cheered. “Yes! It’s official, girlies! You have fully unlocked your beauty within. Congratulations!”

We all grabbed hands and jumped up and down.

“Now it’s time to share these wonderful products with your friends. So get out there ladies! We have a world to change.”

I sprayed more perfume and grinned to myself because I now knew exactly who to speak to first. I was invited to a bachelor party tonight. That would be the perfect place to change more lives. I couldn’t wait.
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Comments: 5

pudge27 [2023-06-29 18:13:10 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

soursopoz In reply to pudge27 [2023-06-29 19:23:07 +0000 UTC]

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FEM-Corp [2023-04-02 06:14:01 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 1

soursopoz In reply to FEM-Corp [2023-04-02 23:09:06 +0000 UTC]

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FEM-Corp In reply to soursopoz [2023-04-02 23:17:02 +0000 UTC]

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